BCS: 168 | Build A Profitable Business + Best Business To Start Now

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 168: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– How to build a profitable business?
– Best Business To Start Now
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
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SFC 168
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing. High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:38] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets. It’s Your Boy the Road Dog, with none other than the man, the myth, the business coaching legend himself. Karl Bryan shoots. Welcome to the show.
[00:00:56] Karl: Road dog. what’s going on, bud. That’s a way better introduction than you did on the pre-show. So I’m in for your, you’re going easy on me. Nice stuff.
[00:01:06] Christian: Well, you know what, Bud? The pre-show was all about the, the, you know, you must be at least this tall for to, to, you know, go on this ride.
And I realize that you constantly, no matter how tall your shoes are, you still come up short shoots. It’s it is a shame, but. One day you will be able to go onto the Ferris wheel and you are gonna love it.
[00:01:27] Karl: I may or may not be wearing elevator shoots shoes. There you go, bud. Is that what you call,
[00:01:33] Christian: you know, you wear strip pants to make yourself look taller? Is that how that works?
[00:01:37] Karl: I don’t know. Go. You let my secrets out. Stop it.
[00:01:42] Christian: Speaking of secrets, I’m gonna jump right in. You just had your business coaching mastery. Is that right? Virtual? Sorry? Virtual. Virtual. Virtual. It’s not mistaken with the, your annual trip down to Mexico to Cancun, I believe.
But how, how, how was that? How was the virtual business Coaching Mastery Flat, hal deco? It was,
[00:02:02] Karl: it was killer. Yeah. So the thing, yeah, look, so the theme was the coaches. So we had 12 speakers, and then they were all tasked with how they put a hundred thousand dollars. Into their new coaching clients genes within a hundred days.
And not surprisingly you know, all the coaches had a different approach, but at the same time, you know, consistent. I’ll tell you this road, Doug, one thing that blew me away was the amount of our speakers. That we’re talking, you know, numbers, small business, finance, for more information check out our blog, accounting, like that kind of a theme as opposed to, you know, sexy, go get ’em, you know, crush it revenue wise.
Everybody was like, a lot of the speakers were, were heavy on the margin in the numbers, which I thought was great. Cause again, we’ve been making a massive push over that over the last number of years. Obviously the software supports all of that, but and yes, that’s what we did and and actually we finished.
Demonstrating how a $250,000 business can make more than a a million dollar business. And then you basically, and the way that we demonstrated it was using our profit acceleration simulator. And then of course, it’s one thing to demonstrate how to find any business owner a hundred grand and 45 minutes without spending a dollar on marketing or advertis.
You say that, but then you need to be able to back it up. And then basically we finished it off with, basically we provided all the participants 3, 10, 30, 45, 90 minute, and 120 minute, I believe presentation on how, you know, using the simulator, how to back up the a hundred thousand dollars and 45 minutes without spending a dollar on marketing or advertising.
Promise. That hook, that is a. So anyway, so that’s it. So, and bottom line, again, just building, we, we talked about this a lot on the podcast road dog, so I don’t want to go down this one, but just building a profitable business on a solid foundation has to be a priority over a shaky business you know, growing revenues.
And that’s not to say in any way, shape or form that you shouldn’t strive. Your client shouldn’t strive for a million, you know, 10 million, $25 million business, whatever, you know, to double it. Triple. You know, et cetera. But they just have to do it with, you know, one eye on margin, one eye on cash flow.
And without question, I saw a massive theme in the presentations, and we didn’t push for that. That was just something that happened organically. And I thought, Wow, that was very different than in the past. So there you go. Shoot. So that’s, that’s my answer, bud. Thanks for asking that. It was, it was good.
It was good
[00:04:29] Christian: that, that, that answer was quite the promotional plug focused.
[00:04:38] Karl: Well,
[00:04:39] Christian: on that note , how, how do I follow that up? Okay. I, I’ve got, I’ve got a random one here for. Really good question, right? Given the wild state of the world, which man? Oh man, there is, you know, there are so many headlines out there. It’s crazy, including, by the way, the great headline up in Canada of how Justin Trudeau now looks like Jim Carey from Dumb and Dumber after his summer haircut.
If you haven’t seen it, go to Google. You’re welcome. Anywho, if I’m serious, dude, you’re gonna laugh your ass off. It’s so good. But given the chaos in the world, right? If you were to start a business, what kind of business would you start?
[00:05:19] Karl: I love Cool. So yeah, so just the crazy, the world’s in turmoil.
So what sort, what sort of business would I start at this time? Is that kind of, is that it?
[00:05:28] Christian: It’s, it’s as if you’re reading back what I just read to you. It’s unbelievable. .
[00:05:32] Karl: Is that what it is? Am I doing, I’m paying attention. Am I getting
[00:05:35] Christian: a goal? Wow. You know, I, I realize your attention span is not of a goldfish, so I appreciate you paying attention shoots.
It’s, I realize it’s early, but here we are.
[00:05:45] Karl: Okay. So would I say state of the world? I don’t know. State of the world is semi relevant. If I was gonna start a business, I don’t care what the world was doing, I would look for a problem and then solve it. And then I would make sure that there were recurring revenues and I’d want to create super happy clients.
So, I mean, that’s just, that’s it, right? Ideally, I do it in something I enjoy. But remember, don’t do what you love. Love what you do. You know, like an. I think we talked about this maybe even last week, week before, but we talked about it a lot. Michael Jordan fell in love with training, right? So fall in love with training, not the crowd.
Like use that as your frame. You know, it’s billionaires there. Always at the end of a billionaire’s talk, they always say, you know, do what you love. You know, if you reverse engineer it, okay, you go have a look at their beginnings. It’s absolutely, that’s, you know, it’s misguided advice. It’s very convenient for the the billionaire to say, do what you love.
Right? It’s you, you make money doing what you’re good at. Like, do that. And then, by the way, if you love it, that’s obviously a bonus, but do what you’re good at and that’s where. You’re gonna make a great business if you, if you do what you love, you end up hating what you used to love. Right. I’ve, I’ve talked, I used to own a hockey rink and I love hockey, and I was, didn’t, I could have thrown those skates in the garbage anyways, but, and also look, Okay.
So I would want You know, a business that solve problems, but I also want a high unit of sale. Remember this, if you do, you want, let’s just use a mil. Everybody wants to know how to hit a million dollars with their company, right? Very common. Well, if you have a hundred thousand dollars unit of sale, you’ve only gotta make 10 sales to get to a million.
If you got a $10,000 unit of sale, you need what? I guess that’s a hundred, right? If you have a thousand dollars unit of sale, you gotta make a thousand to achieve your goal of a million. If you have a hundred dollars sale, you need to make 10,000. You get a $10 sale, you need to make a hundred thousand.
And if you got a $1 sale, you gotta sell a minute. A million units to hit a million dollars, right? Without knowing what that product is, that it’s only selling for a dollar or $10, and you gotta make a hundred thousand or a million sales. Think dispatch, think logistics, Think staff thinks of all, think of all the things that could go wrong, right?
So a higher unit of sale is gonna be a safer, easier. Business, Are you gonna start there? Not necessarily. But like a lot of our coaches that you know, and consultants that, that, you know, we had 12 of our high end folks presenting. And again, lots of them have six figure coaching prac, like six, sorry, six figure coaching programs, right?
Like one client spending six figures, and we got lots of examples of how it, how it played out. So anyways, thinking about you know, like I’d want a high unit of sale, generally speaking, generally speaking, there’s always nuances there. You know, repeat business equals profit. Think about that. Like again, recurring revenue.
I would, again, don’t care the state of the world. These are things that I would want. If you start something. That has like a, like, passion behind it. Like I think coaching, one of the business coaching is great cuz people get into it and they just can. They can’t let it go. Like they just love it.
They love it. So other people enjoy Tony Robbins, who thinks he’s a great guy? The guy’s got like a cult, right? Literally a cult following. You go to Facebook right now and say, Tony Robbins is a lying dog’s breakfast. Watch what happens. Okay? You will be attacked. Right. Literally attacked and you’ll be sharing it and Oh my gosh.
So, you know what I mean? He’s got that. So it’s in, you know what I mean? Like it’s a high level of passion. Or think golf. Like for me it’s hockey, you know, again, you know, hockey players, they make 10 million, you know, you know, whatever number of millions of dollars a year. There’s a, like, people will support their hockey team and spend more time thinking about their hockey team, their baseball team, their football team, than they will their own life and their own family.
Right. Not so good. You know, supplements also find that people that go into, you know, they, you get a personal trainer, you start working out, right? You take, you know, supplements, like crazy Road Dog, you know, you’re packing, I don’t even know, but looking at the supplements that you’re taking on a daily basis, right?
They’re huge. So it, it becomes like, it’s got a high level of passion. So thinking crypto, you know, has that as well. And little different maybe g Creas. Slope to go down, so it won’t go down there. But it, you know, the people that believe, like I’ve said this, like, I think that crypto could become like a poli.
Like, you know how the greens became a political party? Well, there will be a crypto political party in the future, I believe, and I think that it will be incredibly. Powerful and the people that will follow it. If you think that the greens are passionate, I think that the crypto folks are gonna be like, So I wanna start a business.
I, you know, I wanna be solving a problem, but I wanna pro solve a problem that people are very passionate about. So, and, and again. So as a frame, if you’re looking at problems, that means you’re not looking at ideas again, said that a thousand times, but I’ll continue to say it. That’s the mistake. Carl, is this a good idea?
Will this idea work? Will this idea make money wrong way to go at it? And maybe road dog throw back to you. But look, I’m just thinking whether or not this. Relevant here, but low. If I’m gonna start a business, I don’t want high end skill. I’m not gonna start an architectural firm, an engineering firm. I wouldn’t go into like chiropractic, I wouldn’t go into dental and start doing braces and, you know, cleaning teeth.
Why? Because the, it takes two, the, the staff have to be too talented. The follow through. Like a, a dentist has to go to school for eight years. A chiropractor, probably five years. An engineer, you know, it’s four plus an architect. I’d imagine it’s four plus. So, so low end skill is gonna be significantly more.
Scalable, you’ll be able to, you know, create your market just gonna be more scalable. You could grow quicker. So, you know, and again, business coaching, I can take a big fan of Tony Robbins or somebody who’s got, you know, advertising backgrounds, some sales skills, willing to really dive in. But in 90 days we can train ’em up to the point where they can very comfortably go speak to the business owner.
Move the needle and push them, right? Cause again, like goal setting, the business owner doesn’t have, When you understand our methodology around goal setting, our methodology methodologies around time management, our methodologies around the profit Jumpstart 12 and the 12 areas where you could grow, it’s just not, they don’t have the goals written.
They don’t have 80 20 rules. They don’t understand, like their time management is completely a dog’s breakfast. They don’t have an upsell. They don’t have a down sell. They don’t have a cross sell, They don’t have a proper upfront offer. So when you go. And you just do it from a level of like, I’m gonna make this work, as opposed to, I wonder if this will work.
It’s, it’s hard not to be successful. So I just, road dog is a frame. I can take somebody who’s passionate and in 90 days have them very comfortably coaching businesses, the same way that I could take somebody and turn them into a, something like a personal trainer. In 90 days as well, provided they have a little bit of passion and were willing to learn and follow a roadmap.
So, so low end, I wouldn’t like architect engineering you know, at doctor’s office. Those aren’t, aren’t the types of businesses that I would look. To start, even if I was an engineer, an architect, or a chiropractor, by the way, and Ro dug a little black and white of a statement for a gray scenario, but I’ll tell you that I’d be looking low end skill.
That’s important for scale there.
[00:13:04] Christian: I’m surprised you didn’t say anti-aging. Like that’s typically your, your go to answer for every, I realize you are now just putting the Botox indirectly yourself. But you know, like you know what? I was just thinking as you’re going, I’m like, man, we need to start playing Karl Bryan Bingo.
Like. You already mentioned Tom Brady in the pre-show, so there’s a checkbox. Yeah, Giselle,
[00:13:26] Karl: his wife. It should
[00:13:27] Christian: be there should be butcher baker, candlestick maker for sure is making a list. Anti-aging is making the list like that was you. I didn’t say
[00:13:36] Karl: anti-aging.
[00:13:37] Christian: That was you. I’m just saying, I’m just saying, I’m just thinking of what would make the list like This is an incredible bro.
Folks, stay tuned. We’re gonna have to launch a Business Coaching Secrets website with Carl Brian Bingo. It’s gonna be, it’s gonna take the world by storm.
[00:13:53] Karl: Good buddy. Bingo. People are passionate about, I would start a bingo hall all day long. All day. Is that right? Shoot. Shoots single. We might be onto something here.
How could we combine business coaching secrets in Bingo. Dang. Oh
[00:14:10] Christian: my God, Mel, it’s, it’s it’s such a simple game. Even Johnny Utah can play along. So there you go. There it’s, Hey. Getting back onto a serious note here, and now that I’ve got all of these, you know, your regular charisms, you know, in the back of your head, I know you’re gonna be watching your words but on a serious note coaching class, you talked about obviously coaching.
Fantastic, fantastic. You know, industry and everything. Again, if you’re passionate about wanting to help people. So my question to you is, are there coaching clients, right? Like if we’re you wanna become a business coach, are there, are there clients that are easier to help them scale than others? I’m not sure if that’s a kind of a stupid question or not, but I’m just, I’m just curious what Yeah, what
[00:14:55] Karl: your thoughts are on that.
Coaching clients that are easier. So, Okay. Well, I, So I, I guess what we’re asking here is, Businesses that are gonna be easier to help grow, right? First of all, you gotta scale versus growth. Be clear. Very different people. I don’t know if they can confuse the two, I just don’t understand it. Growth is when the company grows and expenses come up with it.
And then scale is when the company grows and the expenses stay reasonably. Right. Bear it like important again, spoke about it in the past, but if you wanna be helping people really grow, understanding that like when Facebook puts 10 members, a hundred members, a thousand members, 10,000 members, a hundred thousand members in, is there a, is there an increase in expenses?
And the answer is not really. Maybe when they put a hundred thousand people in, they gotta have, you know, we’ll assume there. You know, a coder and a support person. But generally speaking, it’s reasonably when you add a hundred thousand customers and you only need, you know, a couple of employees this is called scale, right?
Growth. That’s not happening. It’s as you grow expenses, growth. So that’s growth, which by the way is also high five and great. But understanding the two scale is very hard to achieve. It’s, you gotta have the right business model, right? And then think size, like the size of the opportunity, right? Like, so you’re gonna go help business owners Answer this two ways.
One is that I’ve always said like, I want a high, I won’t go hel, I don’t wanna help the massage therapist, generally speaking, because they charge a hundred dollars for a massage by two grand a month. They gotta do 20 massages before they break even on. Coaching fees right? Per month. So they’re gonna cancel.
When I go help a company, let’s say a roofing company and they charge 10 grand for a roof and there’s roughly $5,000 a jam there, $5,000 of profit. I just gotta help ’em get. You know, even, you know, a, like a very small, if I help ’em get five, if I’m two grand a month, 24 grand a year, I gotta help ’em get five clients in 12 months at five grand each for them to cover my fees.
That would be 25 grand. They’d be in the block. You know, over an entire 12 months. So that’s important, right? Like understanding that a high unit of sale is important and if I go do help a massage therapist or a, or a client with a low unit of sale, the first thing that I would do, or one of the first things that I would do is help them create a $5,000 unit of sale.
Try help them, you know, build something bigger, right? With that said, in a different direction. What’s the size of the opportunity, right? Like, you know, Google is like, Lord, like it’s trillion dollar company. It’s not because they’re really smart guys that run it. Although that’s important, it’s the size of the opportunity.
Right. Think of like the crypto exchange, which by the way, there’s a run on crypto if you didn’t know. And these exchanges are magically falling over. Surprise, not right. Like, but the, but if you were to build a crypto exchange you know, Coinbase, these types of opportunities, a ma like the size of the opportunities, they, they went from zero to billion dollar.
Companies real quick, right? It wasn’t because they’re smart. It’s cuz the size of the opportunity. Facebook again, Zuckerberg, very smart guy. Love him, hate him, irrelevant. Smart, smart, smart, smart guy. I mean, went to Harvard, right? He was smart for, you know, he started Facebook. It’s the size of the opportunity of social networking.
And again, they have millions and millions and million. Billion, billions of, of people on the, the site. Right? So the size of the opportunity, Amazon, when Amazon started, you were scared to put your credit card into the inter, you know, into the, you know, on a website and now it’s, you’re, now you won’t give it to the person over the phone, Right?
Like, you see how that literally, literally flipped in 10 short years, Right? Apple Home computers, Microsoft software. The oil and gas industry, like what’s the, you know, the opportunity, right? So I think that, that, like, when you just, you talk scale, like forget scale, like anti-aging road dog, you know, shout out.
But like, but that is, is anti-aging gonna die off tomorrow? Like, Is is forget whether you think that or not go to the data and are is, is the population aging? And the answer is just, it’s a dumb deal. Another one, we would be crazy not to mention blockchain. Here again, people are looking at the price of Bitcoin and then thinking whether or not crypto is gonna, you know what I mean?
Can like block Bitcoin exists for one reason, block. Blockchain. Blockchain. Blockchain. Blockchain. Wrote about that. Again, you, you can Google Carl Bryan blockchain or Carl Bryan Bitcoin and you’re gonna see an article that I wrote literally years ago, I’m gonna say five years ago, where I said, When you’re looking at Bitcoin, you really need to look at the foundation of it.
And that’s blockchain. And I’m pretty sure I just ended it with Blockchain. Blockchain, Blockchain, right. That’s the say opportunity like blockchain is up there in my opinion, and maybe I’m gonna be. Highly doubted. But like blockchain is up there with, you know, the opportunities of, you know, the internet.
Like it’s gonna change the way. Look, you want an example? Road dog QR codes. Remember when you thought QR code was ridiculous? And you know what? You’ve been to a restaurant lately, how did you. Your, How did you get your menu? QR code? I just, my daughter had to go for a covid test. She had to go in. How did we download the application QR code?
I, I went to go see my dad. Plane ticket. Guess what? My plane ticket was? QR code. Your back. I had to show my vaccine when I got on the plane. Guess what that is qr. Right. Like and I have to, and then I have to do this AR like to come back to Canada, you need to fill out this arrive can thing. I’d mentioned there’s the equivalent of that in all the other countries.
At the end of the day, how was it? You know, how was it whatever like provided to me so that I could show that I had filled this thing out. You guessed it. QR code. Right. And there was a time when we thought QR codes were stupid. So, So think of the compounding effect where they were like, Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, Nothing.
Boom. And now you, and as I said that, I bet you didn’t even realize that you’re using QR codes. Right. You’re like, Oh my gosh, I am, I didn’t even realize it. I’m, I’m using QR codes all the time. Like, it’s, it’s the, you know, the picturing the duck with the legs underneath the water, right? Like the, the legs are doing all the work and you got this beautiful duck up above, like what’s happening or the, you know, that picture of the iceberg, you know, and how big the iceberg is down below and you only see, you know, the top of it.
And NFTs Road. Doug, if you, if you think if I just maybe. Changed your understanding of QR codes or kind of you went, Oh wow, okay. NFTs, NFTs. Oh my goodness. Like we, we talked about this a while ago, but you know, a month ago or whatever, like, Okay, nft. So NFT is like, like if you think trading cards are cool, right?
Like a gretsky rookie Babe Ruth, rookie, whatever, right? Like, and they’re gonna be NFTs. So imagine like Taylor Swift gets vaccinated, right? And then how does that get provided? Like imagine if that is sort of a QR code, which is kind of gonna fall off the earth if that was an nft. And then they can then control it like a trading card.
The company that like delivered the NFT on Taylor Swift’s vaccination, Imagine what that’s gonna be worth there. A better is like the you, you pay to get into Taylor Swifts. Concert. Okay. Which now, right now would be a QR code, I would imagine, right? You highly doubt she got a hard ticket, which you might have, but you’ve got a QR code that’s gonna become an, it’s not an QR code is not an nft.
It will become an NFD in the future. And then imagine what people are gonna pay. Like what would you pay to get ahold of an Elvis Presley concert ticket from? Way back when it was last concert. It’s worth the fricking fortune. Right? And you don’t go to eBay and have a look and it’s right there for you.
Right? Well, that, that’s gonna be happening in, in the future. So think QR code and then think of, wouldn’t that be so Nft with in a sentence. Okay. NFT with utility is gonna change the game in a very real and tangible way. So that this, I don’t know. And, and by the way, I’m not the NFT expert. Something that I, you know, in my spare time I’m reading about, thinking about trying to work out what nft like your, your golf membership in the future will be an NFT with utility.
Right. And the utility will be the membership and the ability to get in and get discounted drinks and discounted you know, food and go golfing, Right. And bring a buddy. That’s gonna be an NFT in the future for sure. You’re gonna be able to. And you’re gonna want it to increase in value so that if you buy the membership for 10 grand, if it becomes worth five grand, that’s gonna be good for you.
Right? So, Who that’s something look, the size of the opportunity when you’re going to coaching clients and choosing who you’re gonna work with again, rather than go to, you know, like the people who are desperate for a little bit of help thinking about the size of the opportunity, how much easier is it gonna be to help?
Like it mistake that a lot of coaches make road dog is they go find people that are broken and try patch ’em back together in a significantly better. But you gotta be a good coach to do this. But to go to somebody successful and then elevate their game, like Tony Robbins isn’t putting together broken people, right?
He’s taken people that are crushing it and then elevating and taking a piece of the upside. Right. So you’re starting out though. Is that where you’re at? No, but you know, if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there. These are things that I would be thinking about you know, so. You know, like you just get like solving problems.
If McDonald’s provides fast food, it solves a problem. And if you’ve ever had a 30 minute lunch break, right, and then had to wait in line, you’d know that McDonald’s like the magic of it, right? And then, and then they created the drive-through. That solved a problem for mom who had to get out of the car with three kids, and that’s the biggest pain in the butt ever.
When she could, You deserve a break today and they could just stay in the car. She goes to the drive through. Food, Hands it back, right? Subway was like fast, healthy food. Made a little mistake when they signed up the boy Jared, who’s now sitting in jail, hopefully for forever, maybe don’t know, but whatever.
You know, so, so that’s okay. Actually. Thinking, road dog opportunity, size of opportunity. Here are two words. I used to talk about this five years ago, constantly. I continue to talk about it a little bit, but maybe it’s something that’s fallen off a little bit. But two words. If you want 2 billion, they’re not million dollar words.
They’re billion dollar words. Convenience, delivery. I think that convenience delivery, think like since Covid, like these non real estate entities, think like a barbershop. Who comes to, you think a car detailer that comes to you? Think of a food truck over a restaurant. Think about how much less money you’d have to invest in a food truck versus brick and mortar restaurant.
And by the way, if I owned the restaurant, I would do both. I would do the food truck and the re. Or I would certainly think about it, but if I was only gonna do one, just imagine how much less. Remember our simulator will show you how you build a million dollar. You can make as much money with a $250,000 gross revenue business as you can, a million when you know what you’re doing and you’ve got, you know, like a roadmap and you’re concentrating on margins and you know, You know, thinking outside of just gross revenue, gross revenue, gross revenue, which the average business owner does, and frankly, a lot of business coaches, a lot of business consultants, certainly digital marketers, drive them in that area, that one direction.
You know, so convenience delivery, what level of convenience and delivery you know, a barbershop coming to you, a car detailing business coming to you. I think that there’s. A little bit of magic in there. The world doesn’t like solving problems. The world doesn’t need another restaurant. It doesn’t need another hair salon, It doesn’t need another gas station.
It certainly doesn’t need another realtor. Right. But those are the things that people are starting up right now. Right. And. Like, So sass, just, again, I’m just trying to think of like appli, like just things that people could pick up, like they’ve literally experienced on a day-to-day basis. Like I just Airbnb, I went to go see my old man, right?
You know, Airbnb, Uber, Uber Eats Salesforce, Cloud-based computing, Amazon, Tinder.
Like, just think of the size of the opportunity that those, like, the problems that those types of businesses solve. Right? Yeah. There’s just, and, and Covid also probably changed these things a little bit like the, the mobile component. Of you know, like delivery convenience. Like I used to always like the idea of a, like a, a daycare buying the piece of real estate and then ultimately selling the business and then owning the real estate, which by the way, I still, that, that is a home run, right?
And the auto body shop. But with c it has changed things a little bit where. There’s a little bit of risk there. Like if, if you believe that another covid is gonna be coming then that’s just something I, I wouldn’t knock me off the puck in terms of, would that be an opportunity that I take advantage of that I’d convince my client to take advantage of?
The answer is no, but it would muddy the waters in terms of the process in which I would direct them towards it. Right. So there you go. Road dog. That’s what I would. That’s what I would say. Just a big op, like, and if you have a business with low skill, then franchising it so it’s not just, you know, like a mobile barbershop.
But then it’s like, okay, well is that business? Is that opportunity franchisable? Right. And then so the big opportunity becomes the franchising nature. I don’t think that there’s a lot of money in ripping around the city and doing mobile haircuts. Right. But I think that there’s a big opportunity if you know how to, you know, grow that business and potentially scale that business depending upon, you know, your expertise and the business model they undertake.
So, yeah, Road Doug. Easier to scale than others. The bottom line is that understanding difference between scale and growth is important. The size of the opportunity is gonna be critical. You know, far bigger than the intelligence of the person that you’re coaching. And then the, the level of expertise required to do the business.
Again, architect engineering you know, dental, these things are not, you’re never gonna see a dentist franchise successfully, right? Somebody might franchise, they might have a few of ’em there. It’s never gonna be a subway McDonald’s type opportunity in a million years not gonna happen. So, So there you go.
Those are some things I’d be thinking about. What do you think?
[00:29:48] Christian: Agree. I, I, I still think Vandalay Industries has a huge upside to it, so There you go. Nice little Seinfeld reference for everybody there. Listen, by the way, speaking of drive-throughs, that you heard the big news, didn’t you? No. What’s that?
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez got married at a drive through wedding chapel in Las Vegas. Did. They did over the weekend. So there, there you go. Right. Nice. There’s a need. I didn’t think that anyone actually had a, But I guess when it’s your fourth wedding, a drive-through is probably sufficient.
[00:30:23] Karl: Right? I wasn’t about to say, Isn’t that like your seventh wedding?
But then you know what I thought to myself that’s judgemental. And you know what? She’s happy. Ben’s happy. God bless ’em. I hope they’re happy ever. And they go and crush it. So there you go. Actually. So Rod, I’m in oh God. I should tell you a funny story. Is this the time, is this
Hear a always. So I’m in. Oh Lord. Okay, so I’m in Porto Art. My dad lives in Porto, Bayard, right? Mexico. I’m there and then I gotta run Virtual Business Coaching Mastery from where he lives, right? Problem is across the street in Mexico. Like they do things a little differently, right? They’re the, you know, the rules and regulations are a little different.
So they’ve got this right beside where my dad lives. On the third story, they’re breaking down all this concrete, so they’re jackhammering, which is the most wonderful noise in the world, but that’s, They then take the rocks and they throw ’em down. I want you to picture these big barrels and there’s like 20 of ’em all patched together.
I send you a photo of it. You’re never saying leg it, and then they throw the bricks down into a truck. And then the problem is, so then they do that. And you never heard any, I’ve never heard noise like this before. It’s just like I’ve never, It’s just unbelievable. Right. For like hours, anywho. So it made a little difficult to work, is what I’m saying.
So I had to go get a hotel room down the road where I used that as my office and then I was hanging out with the old man. And then, you know, they did the banging, they, we did the banging and crashing for a few. So anywho and, and these barrels like you’d Yeah, if you can picture barrel like barrels connected together.
Right. But then like no bottom. So they go all the way down and then it lands in the truck. And if you happen to be making a mistake of walking by, They’d land in the truck and then often bounce, like once it got full, it would bounce out and you had to be careful. My dad, you know, he’s not, he’s not an Olympic runner anyway, so, you know, I’m like, Dad, be careful.
Be careful. We gotta go. We gotta go. Anyways, Virtual Business Coaching Mastery starts. For two days, they’ve just been pumping concrete. In other words, they stop the craziness of what I just said. And and porta bi, there’s lots of, there’s lots of gay people in Porta bi. Right. That’s totally, you know, that’s, that’s cool.
And that’s their environment. And, you know, the guys cross their legs and the gals are, you know, it’s just, it’s just, it’s a, it’s an environment. Like, it’s just, it. There’s, there’s lots of people that are gay there, right? Which is cool. And they feel at home and it’s like, amazing. Anyways, so I start Virtual Business Coaching Mastery and the, and I think that I’m gonna be fine, and I’m doing it at my dad’s place, right?
And all of a sudden I’m literally about to hit the button, right? And by the way, I happen to be about like one minute late to start, and the banging and crashing starts and I go, Oh my gosh. Like, I didn’t even think, like, I didn’t even think about it. Well, I have to, and I’m like, Oh my gosh. And I’m a minute late.
I didn’t hit the button. I gotta take, I’m like, I look at my dad and I’m like, Oh my gosh, I gotta rip to that hotel, right? And I’m like, Oh. So I take my cell phone, I put it in one pocket, I take my computer charger, put it in the other pocket. And then I’ve got my laptop in my hand and I’m like, Dad, I gotta go And I just run out, right?
Cause I, I got like a five minute run to this hotel anyways, I go running out and here’s the problem. I’m wearing shorts that like with a draw and it’s not done up right? Cause I’m just sitting there doing my thing. I’m running down the street and my pants are falling off, and I’ve got my computer in one hand, and then I’m holding my shorts with the other and I’m running, and again, and this is, And then my dad’s like, Hey Carl, you forgot.
You forgot. So then I get run back, right? And my pants are following up and I’m ripping back and I gotta grab something else outta my dad’s hand. And then I’m running and all these people are, and people are, Right, right. And I’m
[00:34:20] Christian: like running by
[00:34:22] Karl: and my pants are falling off and I’ve got my computer in my hand open, right?
Cause I’m like, Cause I supposed to start the de anyways. And I run past this couple and they just look at me and I’m like, This isn’t what it looks like, right? Like, I’m like, Oh my goodness. So anyways, I had to run. And then of course I got my, you know, my, what I thought was a sciatic nerve issue or a sciatic nerve issue that became a hip issue.
So my running style is probably, The most impressive at the moment. So I’m running with a little bit of a limp too, and I just, it was, it was weird shoots. It was, I don’t know if that, Anyways, my old man was laughing his butt off. I was laughing my butt off, but I ran down the street, my pants literally, I mean my, my pants were, you know, like apart from the side that I was holding onto their phone off shoots.
[00:35:13] Christian: Oh my God. If people could only like, understand the chaos of the life, which is Carl Bryan, sometimes it’s, it is something else. the, the positions you put yourself in sometimes. Shoot, I just, I don’t know. I just, I don’t even know where to go with that story. I can, I can just about picture it. You running back and forth, holding up your pants like’s,
[00:35:37] Karl: ok.
So it’s uh, part of it road Doug too is that it’s not uncommon in Porto to. An older guy and then a younger guy that are having like a relationship, right? Little good am I like, is this, is that, that’s acceptable, right? But like, so my dad’s there enemy this thing, so I’m like, I dunno, it just look. And there’s this couple, they’re looking at me and they’re just like, what in the world is going, What are we watching right now?
And I’m like, ripping by. It’s not what it looks like. Trust me. And they kinda giggled and I
[00:36:06] Christian: just get it. So good. So good. There’s more stories to be had, I’m sure, but we’re gonna go ahead and read those ones for another day. Oh listen, we’re almost at the top of the hour here. Not the typical close folks for the podcast, but there, there you go.
Right there it is. Listen, aside from tie up your drawstring on your shorts what’s the one thing that you would take from today’s episode? That people can actually implement into their business and their lives today. .
[00:36:35] Karl: Oh Lord. Anyways, okay. What’s the one thing, what’s the one thing? I think convenience delivery.
Important. Just thinking about the opp, like just, Yeah, just looking at the size of the opportunity, you know what I mean? Again, a good business is not about, like, you’ve got somebody who’s super smart, starts a business look, it’s got a better chance than someone who’s, you know, super dumb or super lazy, right?
But that being said, that is not how you build a billion dollar company. You build a billion dollar company based on. The the size of the opportunity. And again, so with that said, being strategic about the coaching opportunities that you take on I think is a good idea. Like the taking on the roofer as opposed to the guy selling insurance might be a better idea because how hard does the insurance guy have to work in order to make the commissions, to make that, you know what I mean, to, to pay your fees.
Is that gonna be a short lived relat? So yeah. And then understanding that convenience and delivery, like if you have a restaurant, the reason that you would say, Hey, a food truck might not be a bad idea. Think about the convenience and the delivery applications of that. It can now pick up the restaurant.
You’ve already got the food, you’ve already got you know, the inventory, you’ve already got the cook and the extra cook, and. You know, the the staff. So you just put them in the truck and now they go to the local events. They go to the local trade show, they go to the, the local, you know, the really popular retail kind of, you know, strip over the you know, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, you know, you go park and then that becomes advertising for the.
Right. And then by the way, and then you’re also having a catering you know, company bolted onto that like one restaurant when they, and again, I’m going to the, the framework of, you know, building a $250,000 business that could be as profitable as a million dollar business with slight improvements in 12 different areas.
You could you could kill it. But so that, that’s, so the convenience and delivery, the, the mobile component of the restaurant as in the food truck, would come from those two words. You know, at the end of the day, Amazon is Amazon for two words, Convenience, delivery, Right. Uber, it’s convenience and delivery as well.
It’s delivery of you where you wanna go. I’ve often talked about like if I, if I was a business coach with a hundred percent certainty and I was. And I had to do appointment, appointment, appointment. I’d be doing Uber all day long and sitting in the back with my laptop working. While the guy was driving me around, Right.
I wouldn’t wanna be fighting traffic. I, I don’t, and again, there would be an, you know, I would need to day to day, depending upon the schedule and whatnot, it might make sense on different days to get behind the wheel for other reasons. But generally speaking, if I’m just going from appointment to appointment to appointment a hundred percent, I’m, I’m working on my computer in the back versus, you know, fighting traffic behind the, the whatin here behind the wheel.
So, That’s what I think Rooke size of the opportunity, again, you get, you get a low end business. The opportunity is to like op, like franchising is a massive opportunity. Right? But the, the local franchisee, maybe not so much so, so there you go. Shoots. I think that that is what I would say.
[00:39:50] Christian: There you go. Do you, do you think, just on a quick aside here, just for a second, do you think transparency, like the only reason I say transparency, when you say Uber, I think Wow.
Isn’t it cool that you can actually see on, like, you open the app Yep. And it’s like I can see where the car’s at, convenient and the con and the, the transparency of I know exactly what the fair is going to be. Right? Yep. Right. There’s that. Cause even, even us locally, like if you go onto your, your Domino’s app later today to order your lunch or dinner or whatever, they literally have now upgraded the app where as soon as the pizza’s out of the oven and it goes into the car, you now have gps and it’ll track where your pizza’s at.
Like that, that level of transparency, I think there’s still a lot of upside potential there much. Okay, let’s, let’s back this up. Business coaches, there’s a lot of unknowns, but using, here’s, here’s the ultimate plug for you shoots using the software. You’ve got a 12 month roadmap, right? So imagine now if like they could actually visually see, you are here on the roadmap and here’s what’s
[00:41:07] Karl: next.
I think. Love it can, and again, all follow. I like transparency. That, but again, I just put it all under the the convenience app. But, you know, I, by the way, road, Doug, I used to deliver pizzas once upon a time. And if they could track me, I’m thinking it’d be very disappointed cuz I used to stop and see my girlfriend
I like three pizzas. I’d go see my girlfriend, they’d be bitterly disappointed, like, what’s my pizza doing in this address, man, what’s this guy doing? Walking in to say hi to his girl?
[00:41:38] Christian: Well, the funny, the funny thing is there’s something that we didn’t know we had in common. When I lived in Whistler in the early nineties I delivered pizza. I worked at, I worked at the Sheraton and I actually quit to deliver pizzas because I made more money delivering pizzas in Whistler, of course, right? Because then it be the, the drunken tourists saying, Hey, can you get me a pack of darts or whatever? And then back when it was five bucks, they give you 20.
You keep the change. They, they, it was there, you. There you go. All right. Enough about our amazing paths of delivering pizza pies. But I do think there’s something there with, with the I still think there’s so much opportunity there, right? Like how, how can you, as a business coach, let’s bring it back to business coaching.
How can you provide a clear roadmap where the client doesn’t feel like you’re just pulling something out of your backside every. But there’s a clear path to their success that they can actually see. And I, I think there’s tremendous, tremendous amounts of value in that. Great plug here. So there you go.
But anyways, folks, thanks for tuning into another episode of Business Coaching Secrets, right? Obviously with the, the big man himself, your, your pizza delivery man who may be late because he’s too busy, necking with his girlfriend, Carl Brian, and if you’re not on the inside and getting access to the daily emails, or you wanna know more about the profit acceleration software, Or how to be a Better Business coast.
Visit focused.com and subscribe there today. And again, if you enjoyed the podcast, please leave us a review if you like what you heard. And that is it for another week. I can’t believe that was that was quick my friend. Great story time this week. I remember folks. Progress equals happiness. We’ll see you next episode.
Take care everybody.
[00:43:22] Karl: Karl Bryan built profit Acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches. How to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra. Dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never again have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high end coaching fees.
Check us out at focused.com.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.
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