BCS: 162 | The Secret To Business Coaching Success + Business Coaching Core Beliefs

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 162: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– The Secret to Business Coaching Success
– How to bring back business coaching core beliefs?
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
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SFC 162
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing.
High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go,
[00:00:38] Christian: ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets with the Man, The Myth, the big man himself. Karl Bryan is in the house. I dropped the doctor for you this week.
Shoots. I dropped the doctor is not in the house, It’s just the, the legend himself Karl Bryan is in the house. There you go.
[00:01:00] Karl: Welcome road dog. How are you buddy? What’s happening? Give us the good word.
[00:01:05] Christian: Living my best life, my friend. Living my best life. How are how, how was the past week for you?
[00:01:12] Karl: It’s good.
Good buddy. I actually, you know, so I’m filming actually, why me tell I I, to film a video for the company, you know, like a welcome. Video for, you know, all the new clients moving forward. And I’m kind of doing it and I’m trying to do it with like a good backdrop and like, I burnt my face cause the sun is shining.
And then like a couple times, like I nailed it and I’m not, you know, video. It’s not like I’m uncomfortable, but I’m, you know, it’s not like I’m the one take guy necessarily and I’m trying to deliver a script that needs to make sense. It needs to coalesce, you know, like go from here to here to here. And I burnt my face and I’m like, Oh my God.
And then one of ’em, I nailed it and a dump truck goes racing by another one. My stupid calendar went off. And another one I got sweat pouring down my forehead and I’m wiping my forehead and I’m like, Yeah, probably need to wipe that before I start. So anyways, so that’s what I was doing. And so my face is pretty red at the moment.
But anyway.
[00:02:11] Christian: Well, you know, some might say you got a face made for radio, but the beauty is, You could actually set up on your because I know you’re an iPhone kind of a guy, they, they, they do have settings like a do not disturb type setting. That’ll, that’ll just stop all those calendars and beeps and whatever else is happening.
Cause I know you’re a very popular man and people people wanna speak with you all the time. I, and it’s, it’s interesting. If you’re gonna send Carla message, just make sure it’s in a huge font. That’s all I’m gonna say about that . So there you go.
[00:02:42] Karl: She, my wife actually gotta tell you this one too, a good one.
She’s there and she’s like watching and she’s like, she disappears. She comes back and she comes back with makeup and I’m like, What are you doing? She’s like, We have to, She goes, she goes, We have to cover your nose. What you mean cover my nose? And she didn’t. So you know, my nose has been broken a few times and it’s got.
Got some scarring on it from having big mouth and small fists over my As. But anyway, so there you go, Ro Doug. That’s the.
[00:03:13] Christian: Big mouth and small fists. I love it. I’m surprised you didn’t come out with the, the, you know, the glasses with the nose and the mustache on it for you to wear .
[00:03:22] Karl: I maybe, you know what, that might not be such a bad idea.
After you watch the video, let’s find out what the feedback is. But anyway, that
[00:03:29] Christian: was, you’re, you’re not gonna lose the best part. And that’s those those chics of yours. So there you go. All right, we’ll dive into that another time of whether or not those are actually real or if those were a replacement from your big mouth and small fists.
That’s for another episode. You see what I just did there, Carl? That’s called a teaser. You see what I did there? It’s nice, right? Nice teaser. Speaking of secrets we got a good question here. Pretty, pretty big. I’m not sure how, I’m curious, right, how like it’s, I always think when I read these questions, how is Carl gonna handle this one?
Because it almost seems like somebody’s looking for a shortcut or a hack. That’s the way that I interpret this. Cause the question is, is there a secret ingredient to business coaching success? So I’m just gonna leave that one with you. What, what do you think of that?
[00:04:16] Karl: What am I gonna say? You know what?
The video that I just did, you know, one of the questions was are you, you know, so the, you know, framed it and I had a few questions, you know, Are you gonna be successful? And the answer is that, you know, the ones that succeed. See it as like the ones that don’t succeed see it as like a 90 day experiment.
You know, it’s minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day, week to week, deciding if what we have works and if it’s gonna work for them. Right. And it’s like, you gotta go all in. You know, we’re a decade into having this, you know, a decade and a half into this. It’s, it’s undeniable that the system works. It’s just a matter of they’re gonna work the system.
Right. So I’m trying to make them feel comfortable. That shouldn’t be the process. What you gotta do is you gotta go all in. This isn’t an experiment, this is a career. Right. You know, you’re gonna be remembered for what you refuse to give up on. Anyway, so sounds obvious, but frankly it’s, it’s, it’s not you know, I had the the benefit of knowing that what I was.
You know, I was introduced to business coaching. I just, it’s what I wanted to do. You know, like I sold my interest to my other business and I just, I went all in times a thousand and I guess road dog is just psychology. It’s, it’s the Rocky story. It’s Nelson Mandela. It’s Jackie Robinson in baseball. It’s Oprah with the the talk Show.
It’s Walmart. You ever read the book? Made in America. Fabulous. Right? And just overcame it. You know, he overcame it and built Walmart. But like all of those stories have got like this massive. You know, it’s like this massive challenge that they overcame. In fact, I, I wrote an email ridiculously recently may have been today to depend upon when you’re listening to this, but is a, a story about Mel Fisher, right?
Like, it, it took him 17 years to find a hundred million dollar treasure. And it might have, I read summer where it was much more than that. It was obscene amount of money. So let’s just call it a hundred million and it’s off the, the Florida Keys. The thing is it took him 17 years. Most people won’t spend 17 minutes fighting for something.
Right. And you know, business coaches, again, 90 days. And then what they’re doing is they’re deciding, here’s the worst bit ro Doug. Like they’re deciding the whole way if they’re gonna keep going. And that’s, it’s, again, it’s not an experiment, right? You gotta go all in. This is a career. And, and Mel Fisher, by the way, which is literally made into a movie, I don’t, I dunno the name of the movie, but, you know, he lost a son, he lost a daughter-in-law.
Think he lost two wives, lost his fortune, lost more friends than he could count family members. Like he lost everything, right? No doubt. His sanity as well at different times. You know, did he pack it in? Did he give up? Did Rocky pack it in? Did he give up? Did Oprah pack it in? Did she give up? And the answer is no.
And then why? And they had these three central beliefs. And I believe that these three central, if you wanna know, like, I dunno, secret, the secret ingredient this is just kind of top of mind. Like you gotta have, Well, the central beliefs for Mel Fisher that I dropped in the email, the blog post is, is it.
And then it’s can I find it? And then most importantly, it is it worth it, right? The third one, is it worth it? That’s the secret, That’s the, the ingredient. Like it’s are you gonna, like, are you gonna stay up? Like, oh, I, you know, you wanted to go to bed. Like, are you willing to stay up and not get enough sleep tonight in order to watch the videos to understand how you’re gonna you know, deploy the lead generation, the conversion or the fulfillment for the clients?
Like, are, are you gonna be willing to do that? Right. I remember when I used to get people into coaching, this was way back in 2005. I’d give him this report. It was about 40 pages and I’d literally tell him this road, Doug, I was like, This is either gonna put you to sleep or not allow you to sleep tonight.
You know what I mean? It’s either gonna keep you awake or put you to sleep and you’re gonna know, but put you to sleep. This is not right for you. But if you can’t, you know if you can’t get the sleep after reading this cuz you’re so fired up, so excited, all you can do is see the opportunities. Guess what, welcome to your new career as a business coach.
But that’s going back a few years. But that, that’s what I used to say. But road dog, is it there? Can I find it? Is it gonna be worth it? The third one is, is the biggie. You know, so, so that’s what I’d say. Road dog, I don’t know, top of mind, I guess, but a secret ingredient go all in and it’ll be worth it.
So that’s,
[00:08:32] Christian: Okay. So follow up on that. So like how, how can you bring those core beliefs back to a business coach?
[00:08:39] Karl: Good idea, by the way. Well, okay. Is it okay, so what, what is it, you know, there, find it worth it. Are the business owners out? Right. Are you gonna be able to find them and are you gonna be the one, Like, are, are you gonna work hard enough and build enough trust and do what’s required for them to whip out their credit cards, sign the paperwork, and effectively engage in a relationship with you for to be their coach, their consultant, their mentor?
Like as an example would you be willing to coach somebody for free for the first, you know, first month and then close ’em in week five? Would you be willing to do that again? There’s a lot. You know, I don’t know, training or methodology out there where you, you never coach for free. We say, you know, a guy named Tom Brady that threw a football for a while for free before he start getting paid.
You know, Wayne Gretsky was shooting a hockey puck around for a long time before he started getting paid. Joe Montana was the same. Jerry Rice was the same, you know. You know, Oprah, you know, again, she paid the price for a sign for a long time you know, in the journalism world, right? Without getting paid either, nothing or a very minimal amount before she cracked it.
So, so I just say that, you know, it’s you know, can you find them and will you en engage enough? So that they’ll, you know, basically write the, the paperwork and, and then is it worth it? Is it gonna be worth it? Is this a career that you want? Is this, you know, do you wanna be semi-retired for the rest of your life?
Would be a question I would put forth to somebody thinking about it. Well become a successful business coach or consultant and you’re, you can be semi-retired for the rest of your life, right? You take. Five clients at $2,000 a month, that would be $10,000 for the rest of your life. You never have to worry about dipping, never have to worry about social security.
Never have to worry about dipping into retirement. Never be worried about a 2008 happening when the value of your home came crashing down, Right? So, so will it be worth it? So number three is the biggie. It’s obvious, but it’s the foundation of it all. And you know, you, you gotta be willing to fight again.
Is it gonna put you to sleep or is it gonna keep you awake? You know, so back to a business coach, like if you’re sitting there wondering like, why don’t I get the clients? Why don’t I get asked to speak at the big event? Or maybe it’s at the, you know, the chamber event. Why don’t I get the referrals? You know, why does your phone ring and mine doesn’t.
Why is my phone not ringing? Why do I not get the emails? Why do I not get the inquiries? Why do I not have, you know, the joint venture partner, the accountant responding? Now just say, you know, that it’s, it’s are you rock solid in those three central beliefs. And if you are those types of things over a period of time, again, you, you know, you, you can’t water a plant 10 times a day and then have it, you know, magically grow.
You gotta do it, you know, you gotta do it every day, every day, every day. It’s not a, it’s an apple a day. Keeps the doctor away, not seven apples on Sunday. Right? Rod, Doug, there’s a, What’s that saying? If, if you didn’t care who gets the credit, you could accomplish anything? That’s a famous quote. I don’t even know who it might be, Ronald Reagan or something along those lines.
But, you know, if you didn’t care who got the credit, you could accomplish anything. And truthfully, many people won’t do it without the credit. And I think Tony Robbins would probably refer to that as people that are driven by significance. Right. And that’s why they don’t get, and they won’t enjoy the, the success.
Right. So I suppose like back to the point, you know, no real secret ingredient like Ro Doug, what I would say is like, somebody’s a coach or a consultant looking for an, you know, the, the magic pill, the secret ingredient, whatever they call it, that little red arrow you are here is required, Right? So questions I need to understand, like, are you a sales type?
Okay, well that’s gonna be a different that’s gonna be a different roadmap. Are you highly analytical in that a type personality. Are you super organized? Are you really well connected and really networked over a period of time and have a lot of trust out there? Or are you the opposite? Right? So, you know, have you done an internal SWAT analysis?
I get to work out where you’re at, like swat, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and then threats. And I could definitely tell you rode Doug as you say, like the magic will be in somebody’s resourcefulness. You, you gotta be careful not to limit your goals and think. Via like your current resources that you have access to.
I think resources, that’s money, that’s experience. That’s people, that’s your network, That’s your staff that you may or may not have. That’s your time. You might have a full-time job, You might have a part-time job. You might have young kids at home, right? Your, they say your network. That’s gonna be really important, right?
It’s like, it’s like placing a governor on yourself. When you look to what you’ve got, your ultimate resource is gonna be your resourceful. So you gotta, you gotta plan your future and create goals with the mindset that you’ve absolutely got no limitations whatsoever. If you’re dedicated and you want it badly enough, the resources are just gonna show up.
You know, highly, highly successful people are future orientated. I’ve often talked about, you know, the absolute importance of thinking, you know, a year, three years, five years, 10 years, 25 years in advance. When, when people do that, you know, you, you create a big vision and then collect resources needed.
As you move along, like think about the four and a half foot tall, a hundred and penny, 120 pound, you know, Taiwanese guy, or Filipino or something along that lines, but just somebody from, you know, from another country and they show up. No ability to speak the language, don’t even really understand different money.
So to really understand, you know, nickels, quarters, and dimes and whatnot, they got no contacts, no resources whatsoever. They just got some hustle and exactly zero. And quite frankly, they have the zero quit because they can’t afford to have any you know, they don’t have that option of falling back on mom and dad and, you know, savings or the, you know, their network or their community, whatever it might be.
Right. Well, the result for that individual who comes from Taiwan, comes from the Philippines. They build themselves a multimillion dollar business with dozens, dozens of effective. And team members. You know, it happens all the time. You, I would dare say that you definitely know an example of this in your own world, right?
So it’s. If I go through like past conversations where people told me that like they’re not achieving success or what they set out to do for like a specific reason, the the reasons that I would see would lack of money, lack of education. I’m too young, I’m too old, right? I’m not a salesperson. I’m not convincing, I I don’t have the experience that you have or they have or road dog has.
And I’d go like, No money equals more hungry. Right. You know, education would equal, maybe you’re street smart too young. Well, you got a fresh perspective that the old guys don’t have. Or too old. You’ve got wisdom, you’ve got experience. You’re gonna bring balance to the relationship. You’re gonna bring balance to them cuz you’ve been around the block not a salesperson, you know, Well, you’re gonna be more value driven and you’re gonna be more prepared to be, you know, the tortoise as opposed to the.
And, and frankly, which one wins the race, Right? You know, no experience, you’re gonna make things happen because you’re a mover and a shaker, right? So, so, you know, you gotta go to what, you know, like, whatever the, like, what is it your, your greatest strength? Is gonna be derived from your greatest weakness, right?
Like I spoke to a guy recently, Dad’s Worth, you know, all kinds of money. Hundreds of millions, very, you know, some, but the kind of person that you would’ve heard of and highly successful. And like, he blames his dad for his lack of success, right? Because his dad gave him everything. He therefore didn’t have the hunger.
And he didn’t have to generate, create the skillset, right? Didn’t need to be creative in that area, right? The mind boggles when you, when you think about that, but again, your greatest strength. Is derived from your greatest weakness. You gotta stop hiding behind that computer, staring at your phone and experiencing pain because again, you feel like you’re too young, too old, not educated enough, don’t have enough money, not, not, you know, experience enough or you’re not the sales type, right?
It’s just, and, and by the way, look, your greatest ex, your greatest strength. What did I say? It’s gonna come from your greatest weakness, but here’s something else that’s a little bit ironic. Your greatest weakness is often your greatest strength turned up too loud. Right? Just think of the, the loud, boisterous guy that you just love.
He’s the life of the party, but then it just goes a little bit too much. Right? You know, the world’s a funny place that way. You know, it’s it’s a big balancing act, I guess. And the end of the day, it’s a game just shouldn’t take it too seriously. It’s like monopoly. At the end of the day, we’re going to fold up the, you know, the, the, what do you call it?
The, the board and, and go to bed. So anyways, Ro dog, that’s what I’d say. I think that they’ve gotta, you know, those three central beliefs, like is it there, are the business owners there? Can they find it? Will they hire them? Do they have the solution? Are they willing to guide, support and direct business owners towards success?
And don’t expect it to come easily. You know, often one thing with coaching and consulting is it’s harder than you anticipate, but it brings me to number three, and that’s, will it be worth it? And the answer is ab stink and loo. It’s worth it, but, and you just talk to a, again, a coach that’s, you know, doing six figures, multiple six figures, and, you know, living that lifestyle, you know, on an island or in the city of their choice, or able to, you know, travel and work from the beach, that sort of thing.
I mean, it’s amazing. You’re, you’re, you’re semi-retired for the rest of your life as a successful coach consultant. It’s unreal. So anyways, road dog, that’s what I would say. I’d say. They bring it back to coaching, they get a drill in on those, those three central beliefs, but for themselves. So what do you think?
I think that’s
[00:18:30] Christian: pretty Pretty cool man. The, your greatest weakness is your, what was it? Your greatest strength turned up to loud too. That’s, that’s kinda, kinda, in a way that’s, that’s messing with my mind a little bit here right now. Its not even
[00:18:44] Karl: that. I’m glad you picked that up. Cause I agree that’s, you, you, and again, that Yeah.
That’s kind of thing. You take it to a business owner, they’ll, they’ll find that, right? Like, You know, they’re, Yeah, it’s, they’re super good salesperson. Will they end up, you know, building this company and having all these sales. But unfortunately, what happens on the back end of sales, things need to be followed through on.
So you’re closing deals, making things happen, signing deals that are way bigger than you thought you would. But now the fulfillment side, the other end ends up getting into a little bit of, you know, reputation issues. Right. So, anyway, lots of different examples there, but I rode, it’s, I agree, that’s a home run.
[00:19:24] Christian: just the thing that I almost sort of get outta that is like, you know, take the permission to just be curious, right? It’s like, well, I, I, I’m not good in this. Well, you know, what you are good at is your sense of curiosity to wanna learn more. So, and that’s only gonna make you great, so dive into it, right?
Like, as a business coach, I think one of the best things that we could ever have is our sense of curiosity to wanna learn more and hone in on certain topics. I’ve been watching you do this for years now, like you’ll, you’ll go down a certain path for a certain amount of time and you commit all in on it, right?
Like you, when you went into the accounting thing, it’s like, you, you, like, you, you got obsessed with. Because, but not, not obsessed in like a lunatic, kinda a way like, you know, here, that’s, anyways, that’s a whole nother rabbit hole. But from a, a curiosity standpoint, right? It’s like, Huh, how can I solve this and how can I make it easier?
Understood. And how could somebody in, as you know, my existing clients apply. Anyways, but that all said, and pushing all that aside for one big moment here,
[00:20:32] Karl: actually Rodda could just jump in and I just wanna make sure that everybody’s getting that, like, okay, you mentioned, okay, the coach, who a really good coach tends to be curious, interested, but you could you see how that curiosity could that.
A little bit of paralysis analysis where you’re constantly in learning, learning, learning, learning, learning mode, and then you never take the next step to the application, right? Where again, your greatest, you know, the strength was that you’re super curious and you wanna learn all the time, but then it literally stops you from taking the foot, put it in front of one another, and, and making the call, sending the email, getting the client, and making the career elevate right?
[00:21:13] Christian: Yeah, and I, I, I would say this then out of, out of that, and actually that ties in really even much better than what I was gonna say, but from the, the biggest curiosity that I think actually goes quite unfulfilled by a lot of people, and this is one of the coaching questions I’ve been asked from multiple coaches, What do you want?
And I just think that you’d have to, no doubt you’d agree, a key ingredient would be to get clear on
[00:21:41] Karl: what they. Yeah. Extreme clarity on what you wanna accomplish is, you know, really defines like, if you have a problem, if you clearly define the problem, the answer almost pops out, right? Like, so, you know, to increase probability of achieving goals, get clear, get specific, right?
That could fall straight out of any textbook. Maybe ask this question. You know, what do you want to achieve at the expense of all other options available to you? Right? Is power. What do you wanna achieve at the expense of all other options available to you? Right? Come up with some questions that’ll help you and your coaching clients get to the right answer for you, or in the case of your client, and the right answer for them.
Like the question is where the, the, you know. The magic is in the question, right? You ask the right question and you will get there. You know, I won 10 million in a lottery. How would it change my life? You know, if I was gonna die in 12 months, what would I be doing day to day? Might be a little bit morbid, but you get the idea, right?
What do I. Enjoy doing the most. Like, is that too lame? You know what? What am I really good at? I asked my daughter literally this morning, I asked her this. I said, Baby, what is it that you’re totally passionate about? And she’s eight years old, right? So she didn’t, I had to clearly define it much better than that.
But, you know, basically I asked her what she was super passionate about, and then I also asked her, What are you really good at? You know? And I believe that if those two things intersect, you’ve got yourself away. You know, Like if I. If I’m wild about cars and I’m a mechanic and I was a business coach and I went to, you know, businesses and the automotive niche, and think of all the different automotive niches that could be there.
I’d be playing with, you know, folks that, you know, really I enjoy their company, they enjoy my company, I talk their language. We’re doing all the same stuff like that would, you’d probably be a really, really successful coach in those niches. And there’s, when you really look, you’ll see that there’s all kinds of different niches within, you know, in automotive.
And that doesn’t mean the car dealer necessarily just mean the car dealership. There’s so much more there, right? You know, like, who do I currently spend time? Who do you spend the most time with? Right? Who do you like spending time with, right? Like that might tell you something, you know? Who in your life pushes me to think bigger?
That’s why Road Dog and I love to get together for a beer. You know, like we’re sitting there across a table, toes to toes, belly to belly, having a beer, you know, we’re not talking about, you know what I mean? Like, and, and sometimes we do talk about just menial, nothing burgers, right? But we, you know, as a general rule, we’re talking.
You know, we’re, we’re helping one another think at a higher level, for sure. Right. What’s a dream accomplishment that you’ve been afraid to try? So if you were to ask that what? That I’ve been afraid to try, What, what would you, how would you answer that? What are your, you know, what are your three.
Primary financial goals, You know, what are your three primary career goals? What are your three primary health goals, maybe, right? You know, what are, what are your three biggest worries? You know, what keeps you awake at night? Here’s one, like, what would you like them to say? It’s your funeral that, you know, again, like, come, So ask these questions.
And then I think what it’s gonna do is it’s gonna help you clearly define. What it is that you want, You know, by answering the questions, do you think your goals are gonna become clear? And, and the answer is absolutely. But here, here’s the problem. Don’t just expect to ask those questions. Isn’t a 10 minute exercise, right?
Always talk about time to think. You gotta go into a room, close the door, pen and paper, and just start writing. Right. And don’t stop, don’t get up and go for a bathroom break. Don’t sit there and garble water. You know, like, like take the bath. It’s not to say you pee pants, right? But you do it beforehand.
Get prepared. Like this is a serious, you know, take that seriously. Right? Like clearly defining what it is that you want. Cause it, it probably not gonna just jump out at you, you know? And the more clarity you get and more clarity your coaching clients. You know, around the goals, the easier it’s gonna become for them to move forward, for you to move forward, and ultimately for you to accomplish that, you know, that monster goal, right?
Like that actually, we talked on the pre-show. Somebody said, you know, it’s like an elephant, you know, it’s one bite at a time. Right. A goal, just one step at a time. Just take one small step towards success. If you wanna start walking, you wanna start jogging, you wanna start running, just put your shoes on and walk around the block as opposed to, you know, try and pretend like you’re gonna go do a five 10 mile jot.
Again, that single step, you know, and amazon.com. Like this was an idea in Jeff Bezos’s head, you know, how many great ideas have you had? And then all of a sudden you saw it three, you know, a year, 3, 5, 10 years later went, oh my gosh, I had that idea. You know? You know, Apple and the home computer was kinda like a figment of Steve Jobs’s imagination.
You know, like when he saw it taking shape, I mean he just couldn’t stop. He became, you know, you talk about Obsessed Road dog, right? Like he was just like with Steve Jobs all in on the home computer. The understatement on steroids, right? And like, what are you all in on? You know? And go all in in the most importance.
Can’t be all in on, you can’t be all in on you and your bank account. It can’t be all in on, You know what I mean? This isn’t about you, It’s always about them. You always do more for others than you will for yourself. Right? Example. I love. It’s six o’clock in the morning and you gotta wake up. The kids need to be to gymnastics or park or hockey or baseball or football or whatever it is.
You need to take a cricket, whatever you need to take ’em to gymnastics. You are up right. You’re showered, shaved in the car, ready to rock and roll, and the kids are there with five minutes when it’s your turn to get up. Go for the jog, you know, read the book, do the program, what have you. What do you do?
You roll over and hit the snooze button, right? You make it about them. Make it about the separations, Make it about the divorces. Make it about the kids and those families to get affected. Entrepreneurial families. You know, do it about the business. You know, the, the businesses closing down unnecessarily with some small little tweaks that they could be helped and not only helped, but they could have this wildly profitable business in the gap is you showing up.
You know, gotta make it about them, you know, Cuz again, things like Apple, Google was a university project, took me five years to get my wife pregnant. You know, sometimes things take some time and some effort. You know, but just take your first. But towards, like, don’t just take your first step. I want you to take your first small steps towards your greatness.
I don’t know, how does that sound? A little. You know, grandiose, but it, it shouldn’t because literally what? And by the way, what is greatness to you? Greatness to you. Greatness to me. Greatness to road dog. Completely different things. Like what is your greatness? And if you’re like, Well, I don’t even know those questions, you gotta ask those questions and then that’s gonna help you, right?
Like that, That’s gonna help you really clearly define it. And ro Doug, your question. Yes, the, the clear, the more clearly you can define it and the more you can decide, like, what do I want the further you’re gonna get all day long twice on Sunday. So, you know, And then, and then, so like greatness. Think Mike, I dunno.
Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, you know, certainly Wayne Gretsky and my little world. You know, like in that, that’s who I looked up to when I was young. I say that like, when Michael Jordan walked on a basketball court, right. Watch a video of him back in the day, he walked on it like he bloody owned the thing, right?
Well, you walk into your life, into your office, into their boardroom, into the chamber event, into your event into the yacht club for the, you know, whatever it is, the golf course to meet the business owners. Walk in there like you own the thing, you know, walk towards. You know, walk towards like, Yoon that, again, I’m thinking like Tony Robbins, what do he, what does he get you to do on day one?
And he gets you to walk on fire. But you train for like a solid three hours before he takes you out there to walk on it. And what he’s trying to do is just, you know, it’s, it’s mental toughness. It’s, you know, don’t think, just do like, just, you know, you gotta own the fact that you’re gonna walk across these coals long before if you did it in a timid way.
If you did it as an experiment. You burn the crap outta your feet, right? They’d have to, you’d be on fire. They’d have to get the hose out on you. So, you know, kinda, I don’t know, right? Road dog, like take your first small step towards your greatness. But again, you’d have to define what greatness is to you, and it’s gonna be unique to you.
And again, elephant, one bite at a time. I Can I add to that,
[00:30:26] Christian: Carl? I think it’s interesting, the first step, and you might feel. Maybe also look dumb doing it, but you might feel this, cuz when you mentioned Tony Robbins, I remember the last Business Mastery event I went to, I texted you and I’m like, Oh man, I don’t even like why, why, why this jumping up and down and you just replied back, You fire back right away.
Like, just jump up and down and start dancing because you know by tomorrow you’re gonna be doing it anyways. And it’s just like, yep. So true. But the, the thing that, that strikes me in what you’re saying here, it kind of twofold because I kind of think it’s different in terms of the individual versus the business side.
So I, I’m, maybe you can help me decipher that a bit because I don’t, like, Zuckerberg is an example, right? He didn’t start Facebook with meta and all of this AI and what, like he never started. I sometimes think people get into setting a target that is so huge, so overwhelming that they don’t even know where to start, rather than trying to become the master at solving one problem.
Yeah. Would you
[00:31:41] Karl: agree with that? A hundred percent, yes. By look, setting something. Look Kate, Well, Road dog. It comes in the process that we’ve defined recently in a few times, but twenty five, ten five, three, one year. And then quarterly goals, and then monthly goals, and then weekly goals up until your first month.
You know what I mean? And then the question is, do they all coalesce? Like what is that big, big picture? Right. So like you know was Microsoft wanted to have a home, a, a computer on every desk in every home, Right? Like massive, massive goal at that. And that at that time, you know, the computer was the size of a, you know, an entire.
It was totally unrealistic, but that was their goal and they felt like they could get there. So I, I agree with you though. If you’ve got that massive goal, you’re gonna have to take it and break it down and bite size, small, realistic chunks because, you know, progress equals happiness. And like, if you don’t make any progress, you’re not gonna feel any happiness.
Right. Like, you’re not gonna, you’re not gonna feel like you’re, you’re getting anywhere. And you know, what do I at the. The closer you are to the finish line, the faster you go. Right? Think about that. So, yeah, so you gotta careful to make this go way too big. You never get bringing
[00:32:57] Christian: your numbers down, right?
Don’t shoot for a hundred, shoot for 10. Shoot for shoot for
[00:33:01] Karl: one to start. This is it. But then keep readjusting, readjusting, readjusting and pushing. But again, think weekly, think monthly, think quarterly. Think one year, three year, five year, 10 year, and then 25 years. So I think that that’s where the, So that’s, you know, yeah, that’s, that’s where I think the solution lies right there.
And they all have to coalesce and every day. And you can, you can change, like think of you got a plane and you’re going from Los Angeles to New York. You gotta be dogmatic with the destination. That’s non-negotiable. You gotta get to New York, that’s where the meeting is, you’re going. But whilst in the plane there might be a detour, there might be some turbulence.
You might have to go up, you might have to go down, you might have to do a, you know, a detour. I don’t know why you do a detour there, but you know what I mean, Right? Like, you gotta adjust, you gotta fly around the storm. But at the end of the day, You’re going to New York. That’s it. That’s the 25 year plan, right?
So you wanna be dogmatic with that. That being said, if the weather is that bad and you’ve gotta land somewhere else and redefine your, your destination, once you’ve got more data you know, and you, you’ve got further along in your journey, that that can be fine, but don’t do it free. You know, be very careful cuz those are the people with shiny light syndrome and they end up multiple streams of income and owning three companies and wondering why they’re not getting anywhere.
Yada yada yada. You don’t, you don’t wanna be that guy goes into crypto, goes into real estate, goes into business coaching, and then next week they’re, they’re, you know, internet marketing affiliate guru. So, yeah, that, What do you think would you, reds would
[00:34:35] Christian: how it’s fair, fair to say that even sometimes.
That 20, let’s say 20, 25 year, whatever it is, like, you know, for you it’s what, what’s like, whatever the big one is, right? Yeah. But you don’t even clearly know what that looks like yet. But, But that’s okay because you know what the next thing looks like. Yes. It would almost be a joke. Cause for myself, a person of faith, it’s like, If I, if I try to pretend like I know what God’s plan for my life is, that, that’s kind of cute, right?
Like, that’s adorable. Cause he’s just sitting there laughing, going, You have no idea what I’ve got in store for you. But you know what I mean, Right? It’s sort of like that whole thing of like, this is the end target that I want to achieve. The general idea of it, how, how specifically I get there and what exactly to look like. Because odds are good. It’s gonna be probably 10 times, a hundred times bigger than you actually.
[00:35:25] Karl: And Oh, and, and you’d never get started. Right. So, yeah, so that’s a really good point, Rod dog. Like you don’t really that 25 year plan, I mean, it’s gotta be semi-abstract. Yeah, I’d be better if it was super, super defined.
Look, that would be great, but I, I just don’t, you know, certainly mine is not a, a, a computer on, you know, on every, you know, on. You know, in every a computer, on every desk, in every home. Look, they had no idea what is the computer gonna look like? How big, how small was it gonna be a laptop, Was it gonna be a desktop?
Was it gonna be bigger than that? Was it gonna look like a tv? Like, no idea. But they just knew that that was the plan. I was gonna What was I gonna say? Anyway, so that, Yeah, that, you know, being comfortable with that. Oh, I was gonna define like North Star again, we talked about that a lot. So part of it, again, on a personal, well it’s personal and business, but like having a North Star will also help.
Okay. So as an example, Gary Bayer, Chuck, his North Star was, does it get me a. So if it got him eyeballs, and let’s say that you had a room of 25 people and then I had a room of 10,000 people. Does it get me attention? Which room is he going to? We know, right? More, more. I, And he, he defined attention as eyeballs, by the way.
Right? So Zuckerberg, it was, does it help us grow? He’s come away from that, but does it help us grow? So for a business coach, you know, like the attention, the Gary Bayner check, like, Does it get me in front of a business owner as an example? That could be really tight, real simple, North Star for you, assuming that you’re not already hugely established, right?
You’re trying to make it all work. Look, the Chamber of Commerce has got 30 people, right? Doesn’t get me in front of business owners. You tell me if you should be. Right. And then b and. They got 30 people, should you go? And the answer becomes yes. And then by the way, I would tightly, as you had some success, I would tighten that up and say, Does it get me in front of a business owner that could afford $24,000 a year coaching, which is two grand a month.
So now you’ve taken, you know what I mean? You’ve taken your North star and then you’ve adjusted a little bit and adjusted as you got. And then you might become the $50,000 client. Does it get me in front of a prospective $50,000? Business owner. And then by the way, one of the best ways to get in front of a $50,000 business owner is to have network effects working in your favor.
Right. How does that relevant to what I just said? If there’s a room of a hundred people, and they might not be the best audience, but you could safely assume there’s a few people in there that have real businesses, and that would part with $50,000 for coaching. Well, the network effect is that by having a bigger audience, The one person in the audience will give you a higher level of credibility, a higher level of preeminence, there’s gonna be that network effect where there’s a better chance of them signing on with your higher end coaching.
I define this in the last, in a, in a podcast recently where when you do group coaching, one of the X factors of. Is that it brings up this, like the supply and the, the demand, not the supply, but the demand of your one to one coaching higher. So you’re, you’re gonna get it quicker. You can get it easier, and you can get it at a higher level as a result of your group coaching.
So that’s part of the magic that I don’t think coaches see with group coaching is the network effect. Yeah. You wanna have more people, less time. You know, there’s that time for quagmire, that group coaching will solve. Also solves is the fact that you wanna have people reaching out, buying your high end coaching and doing it without batting an eyelid.
By doing that group coaching, you can make that happen at a higher level for sure. So, so the network effect is, again, having the, the group, you know, in Hollywood when, when you walk through a when you walk through a room with Tom Cruise and you’re an actor, the value of your acting just went up big time, like big, big.
So there you go. Ro Doug. Anyways, I hope that that helps, but that, that, that that North Star, they might wanna be thinking about creating the North Star, but then also factor in a little bit of network effect. Where does it, does it make me more attractive? Does it make yeah, does it make me more attractive?
There you go. But
[00:39:39] Christian: it’s so, so by me being the co-host. I’m not sure if it makes me more attractive standing. Well, it does definitely me more attractive standing next to you. That’s a fact. Definitely. That
[00:39:52] Karl: fact
[00:39:53] Christian: also makes me look like a giant, but you know, that would be never you’re, you are a giant buddy.
This is it, right? Like this is me just like, Hey man, I co-host a show with Dr. Karl Bryan like this is a big deal, not. Not a doctor. That’s gonna be one of your famous quotes that, you know what? Whoever’s, you know, there’s some people that you know, they do the quotes and I’ve seen it, and the people tag you.
They do a quote and it says, Karl Bryan that I’m gonna put, I’m gonna create that meme, not a doctor. Right. Should close us out. What’s one thing from today’s episode that somebody could take and implement into their, because we got a bunch here, I think, but if you have to choose just one,
[00:40:35] Karl: what would. Just one.
I, I think the obvious just, is it worth it? You know, that you wanna be successful in coaching, you want your clients to be successful with their businesses. You know, you just have to have that central belief that there’s gonna be a price. It’s gonna be, you know, possibly a greater one than you plan. And it’s gonna take more time than you plan.
You gotta go, you know? And what did Mel Fisher, it’s today, I think it’s, today’s the day today, if you look it up, you’ll see it. And again, it’s a. But today’s the day. Today’s the day. Today’s the day. Today’s the day. Whoa. Seven. Like, what would you say if he was your husband? Right? He was your partner.
He was a friend of yours. And he’s like, Today’s the day. Today’s the day today. In 17 years, I be like, Man, I don’t know if today’s ever gonna be the day. Right? Like, you lost your marbles, man. And, and he literally, again, he, you know, son, his daughter-in-law. Couple wives, I believe, lost his fortune. You know, it was a, it was a tough tough deal.
And 17 years later, he got it. And the good news is that as a business coach, you don’t need to wait 17 years. But importantly, rodda, a lot of people won’t spend 17 minutes. And this is where, don’t come at coaching as an experiment. You gotta go all in. It’s a career, not an experi. And it will be worth it if, if you’re right, if you’re, you’re doing it and it, you know, you’ll know, you know, in your soul.
It’s gotta, it’s gotta be one of those things that’s in your soul. Like, it’s, it’s, if it’s in you, it’s in you. And if it’s not, it’s not. I can tell you that. And if it’s in you, you gotta go all in and it’ll be worth it. So, That’s all I got. Shoots all we got.
[00:42:11] Christian: But it’s, it’s, I think we should talk about this a little bit on the next episode because we, you, you were saying, I think you’re being very generous, by the way, a 90 day experiment.
I don’t even think the average person’s coming in with 90. I I think if you said 30, I think that would be kind of more
[00:42:28] Karl: action. You’re being I’d agree. I know. I’d look road dog. You’d be right. And it’s just, Like this, like you’re, it’s not gonna work. It’s gonna have a poor ending, you know, and you’re gonna end up doing something different.
You know, had the conversation with a guy just like, when I say recently, like this morning a couple hours ago, and he was just, it was like, he just talking about this and that. I want go into it too much. But he just, it was just like, you know, the guy, and again, he’s like, You would’ve heard of him, I would imagine.
Right. And. Shiny light syndrome on steroids. And it’s just one thing to another thing. Although he is doing some things incredibly well and got himself a decent profile. But again, it’s also multiple companies, multiple streams of income, multiple this, multiple that. And I’m like, if you just went all in on that one I think you’d be significantly more successful.
So anyways, what am I trying to say? Just somebody. You know, look, Ro Doug, we in the pre-show, actually not the pre-show, but you and I chatting earlier, it’s like you think that all these companies, you know, I think it was GE you were talking about, right? Like think they have it all worked out. They, they don’t have it all worked out.
A buddy of mine is the president of a, about a $500 million company, Hundreds of millions, and he says like, just they to think we have it all worked out and it’s all seamless to set in. The other would be categorically incorrect. You know, so yeah. Anyway, so some, some heavy weights that you follow. They don’t have, It worked out.
You don’t have it worked out. I don’t have it worked out. I don’t think Road Dog has it worked out and that is ok. So, Yeah, that’s what I got to say.
[00:44:08] Christian: Yeah. But again, that, that, that’s a whole nother conversation we could get into as well. Maybe next time just maybe make a note of this, of do you have an initial contract length of 90 days even?
Cause I see it in marketing where people come up and be like, Look, I gotta make this work in 30 days. And it’s like if your runways 30 days to make it work, you’re not even committed to it. So I’m not even gonna waste my time with it. That’s gonna be a much deeper conversation and we’re ready over time.
So, on that note, thanks for tuning into another episode of Business Coaching Secrets with the main man, Dr. Carl, Brian the king himself. And if you’re not on the inside, getting access, getting access to the or Carl’s daily health advice and tips or primarily just business coaching tips, not a doctor.
Go to focus.com. This is getting off the rails quickly. If you enjoy the podcast, please share the fellow coach or someone that you think might make a great coach or some, you know, some in the sales world, Tony Robbins fans, people like that. And of course, as always, if you enjoyed the episode, please do us a favor and rate it as we know that all the streaming services give a huge amount of weight towards that.
And that is it for another week. We will see you in the next episode. And remember, folks, progress equals happiness. Take care, everybody Karl
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Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.