BCS: 152 | A Different Approach To Chiropractic Marketing + How To Move On

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 152: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– A different approach to chiropractic marketing
– How to move on?
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
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Episode 152
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to business coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you want to attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay and refer. You come to the right place in this podcast. Carl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing high paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams by getting TikTok likes.
Here we go.
[00:00:43] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of business coaching secrets. It’s your boy road Dog here with none other mat then. Wow. The man, the myth, the legend, the guy that doesn’t get tongue tied like I do. Mr. Karl Brian.
[00:01:00] Karl: Lately you, you, you haven’t been getting tugged tide lately.
[00:01:05] Christian: Grumpy ass mood from the pre-show, that’s carrying over.
[00:01:09] Karl: A hundred talking to ladies and gentlemen.
He said I was being significantly too serious that he said, loosen up, you get 30 seconds. So here I am as loose as I possibly can meet. So shoots. Thank
[00:01:23] Christian: you. All right, bud. If you’re going to be all captain serious, I’m going to go straight into the first question because it’s a curious, and then we’ll see if we can’t get this back on track.
All right. Do you have anything else to say, like what’s going on, but you feel okay? I just want to make sure you have
[00:01:39] Karl: I’m good. I’m good. But yeah. Well, you know, before, anyways, I was looking for something earlier and it just, yeah. You know what, like. Just, if he can go wrong, it will go wrong. Like one of those moments, right.
Where like I literally printed something off, it was like 240 pages. Thank you very much. And there’s one specific page that I was looking for. And lo and behold, I think I, what I did is I pulled it out and then I was outside and I think so whatever, it’s all good, but Doug little, little frustration there. Maybe that’s what’s coming through, but I’m good. I’m great.
[00:02:16] Christian: I’m just trying to figure out besides real estate agent, but did you have to fax it as well? Like why you printing out 240 pages of anything like this is like dealing with a real penny fax that over to my office. We’ll use a fax machine. Yeah.
[00:02:32] Karl: That’s a good, you know, this is important and I, that, okay. That’s a good point, but sometimes I need a visual, you know, I, again, I thought that through. And there’s some things that I need to you know, I I’m a visual person. So sometimes I just find that I need to hold something in my hand that I was like, you know what?
This is important stuff. And I wonder if I print it and then I kind of scoot through and can touch it and highlight it and put stars on it and muck around with that. I wonder if it will, if it will go deeper, but yeah. So
[00:03:04] Christian: just a little tip for you. I know that technology is not your strong suit. You can always go back and reprint.
So just like when it comes off into the printer, it’s still on your computer. It doesn’t actually leave it and goes onto the page.
[00:03:19] Karl: I didn’t realize
[00:03:20] Christian: that I’m just here to help. I’m just here to help pay. But before we get started on any of this, by the way, this is a perfect question. How do you park a bad mood before?
Like, let’s say you’re about to go into a sales call and this is, this is going to be good folks. This is completely off site. This is going to be beautiful. Tongue tie, city, or rabbit hole. Hard to tell you something like, let’s just say you get cut off or you get pissed off before you head into a sales meeting or whatever.
How do you park it and how do you move on? What do you do?
[00:03:55] Karl: Yeah, that, okay. I can tell you the rabbit hole city possibly, but you gotta have like before, before the call, you know what I mean? Cause you’re not there for you. It’s not about your bad mood and your family and your dynamic and your, this, that, and the other you’re there to deliver results.
So if you are, you know, remaining true to, you know, your values and what you represent and we’ll assume that one of those values is that like one of the things I do, I see. A lot of time on a phone, right. And if I get on the phone with somebody with a hundred percent certainty, my goal is always to serve what, at the end of that conversation, I want them to be able to take something away that they otherwise wouldn’t have had.
So if it’s a five minute conversation, a 15 minute conversation, a one hour conversation about somebody buying something, somebody, I don’t know, somebody selling something to me, but, but you know, but that dynamic as well, I guess. That’s kind of not my, my day-to-day, the hesitation is not, that’s not my day-to-day world where I’m on the phone and somebody selling me something, not that that doesn’t happen, but at the end of the day road, dog, that’s it that’s my value.
So you know, I just got to I’ve got my wife, I’ve got my deliverable, I’ve got a certain standard that I look to live up to. And it’s the same even wrote up before this podcast. So you’ve heard it right. I mean, before this podcast, I do my absolute utmost and I am far, far from perfect. But you know, I’m listening, you don’t thunder.
I got ACDC plant. You know what I mean? Like I’m, I’m elevating my level of state because my belief is that I’m here, freestyling and road dogs hit me with questions. If I can, you know, if I’m in a, you know, higher levels, I’m going to be able to deliver a higher level answer. I’m going to be able to go further into my subconscious mind, further into my experiences, further, you know, better examples, better metaphors you know, deeper answers that I feel like will provide a lot of value.
You know, so I, by being an elevated state that the music helps me. So, so how do you do that? So I think that what you’ve got to do is you gotta have rituals, right? So before that call, what are you doing there? You know, sitting there crying in your Cheerios or do you have your ritual that you follow and it looked, do you want an example of this?
Tony Robbins love him. Hate him personally. I love them. I’m okay. With whatever your opinion is of him. I think he’s got the best content in the personal development world. Before he goes on stage, he’s got this, you know, this spiel and you can have it look at it on the the internet that he talks about God coming through him and he is going to deliver and whatever it takes to deliver you know, the result and the action and the elevation of life, of those that are in his seminar, that’s what he’s going to do, you know?
And again, and he talks about, you know, laughter and brevity, you know what I mean? Like he’s got all this. Yeah. He’s got that ritual. So that’s what he does. And he does a little spin and then he walks on stage and he does it to this day. And if you want, you’ll see it in what’s his documentary. I’m not your guru.
And if you watch it, you’ll see it right there for you. You can see it before he goes on stage. He does it. He does a little spin, walks out and go, bingo. Bango goes. So, so you got to it’s, it’s not about you shoots it’s about them and it’s about. The rituals and that state, the rituals will save you, man, the rituals.
I think
[00:07:03] Christian: that’s, I love how you make it sound like you forgot the name of that movie. Like we both, haven’t seen that like a hundred frequent times. Hey, listen, by the way on that note, when you say that, right, that, that caught me there for a second, because if you’re going into a meeting, do you go in with one sort of pride?
Like, do you go in with one primary thought of when I leave, if I just get this one point across, I will have achieved what I wanted to like, is that how almost you frame.
[00:07:33] Karl: Out of a hundred percent outcome, but it’s not a thing. It’s an outcome. I, my goal is that, so the outcome is another call and introduction to say a sales person you know, an enrollment in a training you know, a watch, you know, my goal is to get you to watch a video.
That’s the outcome that I’m looking for, but it’s LA New York and I’m totally flexible with how we get there, but I am dogmatic with what the outcome is. And then actually importantly, this might provide some value. I will, if I have a really important call, which ironically I had on Friday last week, looking to hire a new guy I had a very defined outcome, but I wanted PR assuming that the conversation was going well, if the conversation is not going well, this isn’t our guy look a one hour time slot.
Would go well, we had already had a prelim meeting to that. So there was no chance that it was going to be over in nine minutes. But if this is not my guy, I’m not looking to fill time. The conversation went over very quickly. But that being said, so for things that maybe somebody could take away, one is a defined outcome of every call.
And then I’ve got three things like a politician. I try not to do more than three. If you understand, you know, numerology, you know that there’s there’s power in three. So three is your best chance. I’m gonna have three things that I want to bring across. And they are normally not raw rock kumbaya. They are things that this person probably haven’t, you know, hasn’t heard before.
And they will normally be of the, and I’ve talked about this a thousand times, but it will normally be of the, of the, it’ll be me standing against telling them why something is wrong and a mistake, as opposed to gee, if you do this, the world’s going to be a wonderful place. So that is what I absolutely do before.
[00:09:17] Christian: I always thought you just sat around and talk to yourself in your car. I don’t know. That’s sort of what I I’ve witnessed it folks. It’s so good. Okay. Hey, listen, I want to follow up from last week, we got a bunch of feedback. You were talking about the chiropractic client and, and sort of, I guess, changing their business model.
And we got a question here that asks last podcast you were talking about going from sore back Tyro client to 5k package. Can you expand slash explain? I thought that was probably really worthy because that’s such a huge shift especially for that business. And I just think a huge shift in the thinking of coaches from how they can really have a huge impact.
To changing somebody’s business. So I thought it was a really good question. So what do you think, but like how, how can you then you know, the sore back Cairo to 5k package, can you expand on that a little bit more?
[00:10:15] Karl: I can get an agreed good question where okay. So what would make me just, pre-frame going to be listened to previous podcast just, you know, how do you help a Cairo client?
One of the things I said is the business model has got all kinds of challenges before you even start with your client. It’s one is that they’re probably a pay as you go Cairo, as in you show up, you pay, you don’t show up, you don’t pay. And then what happens is you get short-term relief and you stop coming.
And the chiropractor strangely hasn’t been taught or nor, you know, gone to, you know, a place of timing, you know, time to think, to be able to solve that very. You know, regular problem, right? So the way you can combat that is by building a $5,000 package. Well, the average Cairo client, you’re probably thinking like, you don’t want to go to the Cairo and then whip out your credit card and spend five grand.
Right. So how do you make that happen? First of all, if you don’t have a $5,000 program, I guarantee you one thing, I can’t guarantee you much, but I guarantee you one thing, that’s it you’ll never sell one. Cause nobody’s going to say, Hey, why don’t you just charge me five grand instead of 110 bucks.
It’s not going to happen, obviously. So I need a $5,000 package, but. You bet, you’ll get a need to have a process on how to get there. Right. So, and, and by the way, it went. So when somebody calls it’s the same with the daycare and it’s the same with the car lot, and it’s the same with the realtor. Everybody starts on price and then they end up on value.
Right. And if that wasn’t the case, we’d all be driving 1000 to work cars. And that’s clearly not the case. Right. So you’ve got to have just because they ask price first doesn’t mean that they’re stuck there and that’s where you need to go. And the way you’ll get there is by telling a story. So as an example, I’ve got a okay, so here’s an example.
I’ve said this story many, a times in the past, I haven’t said a prolonged time, so I might make a meal of it a little bit, but hopefully you guys will get it. And I’ve said it on the podcast. So I apologize if you’re hearing this for the second time, but possibly that’ll provide you some value, hearing it a second time because you’ll be able to pull more out of it.
So here it is, they come into the chiropractor. And what you do is you sit them down. And it’s like, okay. So tell me, first thing you gotta do is data, data, data, a little red arrow. You are here, you got to get some information out to them to understand kind of where they’re at. Some of the challenges that they’ve had and you’re working on them.
One of the things I would get them in there, I mean, you know, you gotta do x-rays and you gotta be able to show them some visuals. And then I’d say, look, here’s a let me tell you a story. There’s a guy Jim McMahon that you might’ve heard of. Okay. So in 1985, when a Superbowl with the Chicago bears and what happened is his neck.
He has early onset dementia. But what happened is he was going to see all these folks and they just assumed that he had what he called C CTE, you know, that, that, that disease that a lot of football players have. Right. And that it creates all kinds of you know, cognitive challenges for them. So they just accepted that, you know, Jim McMahon played like he was quarterback that played like a linebacker and they just assumed that he had what all the others had.
Until one day he went to go see a chiropractor, the guy didn’t, you know, they basically, you know, did a little bit of a homework on them. And what they worked out is by, instead of looking at his brain, but looking at his neck and his back, what they found is that his neck was so messed up, but he wasn’t getting enough oxygen through his neck.
Okay. And that was depriving his brain of oxygen. And that was bringing on the early onset dementia. So we go to the chiropractor, the guy takes his hand like this. You can see a documentary on Jimmy man. He literally says this and he goes, it was like a toilet was flushing. So they did this little tweak in his back and all of a sudden, and all of a sudden he could breathe, you know, significantly better.
He was, you know, significantly clear headed. And by the way, the early onset dementia, whatever the damage that had been done, they couldn’t have corrected that. What they did do was stop it. So tell the story and then I would say, so I’m sitting across from an individual, say here’s a question for you. So have you ever you know, have you ever been, you know, hired when you thought that you shouldn’t be tired?
Like as an example, have a decent night’s sleep and then wake up in the morning and feel tired. Have you ever felt with our GSA at like lunch hour when you normally you feel like you’re not that much into the day that you might not know that you look, what I’m doing here is I’m asking a question that I already know the answer to because you’re, you’re never going to speak to somebody who doesn’t say, you know what, like let’s assume this individual is 40, 50 or above years old.
Very seldom. Are they going to say no? You know, I always feel an abundance of energy, right? So there’s a really good chance that you can get in. And now you say, look, what we probably should put you on is X, Y, Z program. And not only is it going to be good for, you know, your back and your flexibility and there’s an auntie, I would absolutely bring an anti-aging component to it.
Like people talk about anti aging. And again, I’ve talked about this in the past, but they think about their eyes and that sort of thing, but the way that. Is very important. Like you want to look old just walk down the street and you know, you’ll see somebody from behind and you can be wearing a hat or have dark hair.
But if they’re walking really slumped over, they, they absolutely look a little bit aged. So anyway, so that’s who you’re going to have to tell that story, do a significantly better job than what I have, but you don’t just launch into the price. You say, well, here’s one of the challenges you’re feeling this.
Look, let me walk you into one of our packages and what we can do. Cause one of the problems is that you’re probably going to come get short-term relief, stop coming. And then in three years time in two years, time in 12 months time, you’re going to be back. But the problem is you’re going to have a significantly bigger problem and I’m not going to be able to reverse it.
So let’s get on it. Now let’s get that flexibility. And we’ll have you looking like a 21 year old and touching your toes and doing handstands and cartwheels like you were when you were a teenager. So bad example, but that’s you got to have a story road dog. So that’s how you get there. So there you go.
That’s that’s what I’d be doing. And by the way, education, you won’t get there without educating your client. And that goes for the pest control company that goes for the used car sales guy. That goes for the business coach. Absolutely. That goes for the accountant. One of the things like think education will provide you.
I always talk about, you know, margins and the importance of margins, the return, the value that you can bring in the return that you can get on education is going to Trump. Pretty much anything else that you can do in your company. And then a lot of people are natural educators, but you say to them is that you will get better at it.
It will become more natural. You’ll become, you’ll come up with better stories. You’ll come up with better metaphor. You’ll come up with better examples, et cetera. So you should be moving your clients into. You know, a way to be able to educate folks. So you won’t get to the $5,000 package with that education is what I’m saying, road dog, but, but that’s the way you do it.
All right.
[00:17:00] Christian: Speaking of stories, you are the king of stories. There’s only probably two people on this planet that I know that can tell a better story than you. And, you know, the funny part is they’re both from Manitoba. So I guess that’s what happens when you can’t go outside for eight months of the year, but any who before we sort of get into this week’s question, I’m, I’m always curious, is that the right word?
Or am I just sort of like, I don’t know, like it’s sort of a, it’s it anyways, I am curious of what’s going on in that brain of yours. But I guess the polite way of saying it is what you’re thinking about and working on it’s, it’s a dangerous question. I realized this and I realized that I now have to book off the rest of my morning for you to answer this.
But what I’m curious, man, tell me shoots, like what’s going on in your, in your noggin these days. What are you, what are you thinking about and what do you, what are you working on right now?
[00:17:48] Karl: Okay, so rather than a question, you’re just saying like, what, what am I up to,
[00:17:52] Christian: right. Like, it’s just, you know, like you’re always a busy guy.
I’m always curious to see, like, what, what are you, what’s catching your attention? What are you working on? Because it’s always cool to, for me anyways, to catch a glimpse of that. I dunno, maybe to, for me to sorta go, huh? Why am I not focusing on that? That’s almost a bit of a course, correct for me, but so it’s a hundred percent selfish question, but I will take it because I’m the cohost and that’s just the way that that’s how we’re going
[00:18:22] Karl: to roll.
Mike Trump. I agree. Shoots. Okay. So what am I what am I working on? I’m thinking about so, well, this morning I was going through some notes. And like, I dunno, you know, ambition is like ambition is, can be like a vacuum that sucks up everything in its path. You know, your relationships, your health, your time.
So therefore you gotta make sure that you’re optimizing for the right things, right. You’re a little bit careful with that. And again, so ambitious on her ambition, I think I’m a pretty, you know, I am a pretty ambitious person over, you know, a body of work. I mean, I’ve just worked, you know, I have no, I have a challenge with getting out of my office, not getting into my office kind of thing.
So you gotta be careful with that. You know, it can, it can suck up relationships, health and time and gotta make sure you’re optimizing for what you want to optimize for this morning. I was looking at a quote again, I’ll make a meal, but it was something that, how was it possible? That action a is the best course of action, right?
There’s no very the individual coming up with action. It’s the best course of action. Why would they do anything else other than action? Then it was like, hit me like a ton of bricks that I was like, you know, I just sat there and kind of contemplate it quite frankly, in a, a bit of quiet time. And I was like, God, like, you know what I mean, trying to solve those types of problems, you know?
And speaking of solving problems, if you have a problem, clearly defining the problem, we’ll bring it to three quarters solved immediately. If, if not solve it entirely by the way. But most people, again, it’s it’s solution solution solution, which is important. And I always talk about that and you got to go problem solution.
You got to change your spidey senses from looking for ideas. But you know, you by defining the problem. Properly that solution could become significantly easier, like, cause you could, okay, so road dog may, and then somebody else could have one, a problem. And all three of us solve it. But road dogs solves it at what we’ll call a hundred percent.
I solve it say 80% and then somebody else still can say that they solved it, but they’re at like 60%. Do you know what I mean? So you build up solving it at a higher level is and often the problem that sits in front of you is often not the real problem, which means, again, you didn’t define it properly.
So I, I don’t know, these are things, here’s something I said to a buddy over the weekend. And I wrote this in an email not long ago and I think it has insane power, but doing less and wanting more is the foundation of business failure. So much so that I think everybody should write that one down and possibly put it on a post-it note and put it on your computer where you’re never far from, but like doing less and wanting more.
So common. Right. And it’s the foundation of business failure, especially when somebody has, you know, got the, the three-year mark, the five-year mark. They’re like, they should all be easier. I should be further ahead. You know what I mean? And they kinda, yeah, just doing less than wanting more that’s this is when things are about to go sideways.
You know, don’t, don’t focus on the behaviors focus on the patterns of your behaviors. My opinion is that this in a, in a private moment and a bit of a family kind of dynamic, this is what I’m, you know, again, that that’s next level when, rather than looking at your behaviors and then trying to course correct, which would be totally understandable and something that, you know, debatably should be doing.
Right. But, but if you look for the patterns of your behaviors, have you looked into the patterns in your business, coaching clients, behaviors in your prospects, behaviors and your joint ventures? Behaviors, there will be some serious magic there if you want to course correct. You wanted to talk about defining a problem properly and having it three quarters solved again.
If you can really get to the root of the problem, you can really identify the pattern at a high level. You’re going to see that this can be very big obvious what needs to happen in order to in order to get somewhere.
[00:22:21] Christian: Can I interrupt you there for a sec? Yeah, but please. But when you say so how what’s, how do you define a behavior and how do you define a pattern?
Because aren’t they the same thing?
[00:22:32] Karl: Yeah. Yeah. So, okay. Somebody you’re, you’re in your company and there’s a, what do we call it? Let’s talk about staff and they’re pissing you off. Right? What will happen? Is that a lot of what will happen with a lot of bosses is they will go. Right. And then what happens when you don’t deal with the situation?
Does it get worse or does it get better? It clearly gets worse. And then what they do is they run over the top of it and then end up making a little bit of a mess, right. Doing the will Smith one-on-one and coming up there and slapping somebody. You know what I mean? So that the pattern is that the silence and the avoidance and what we need to do is see that and say, whoa, whoa, right?
Like moving forward, the minute that we have a challenge, what we’ve got to do is we’ve got to, you know, either diarize it or write it down, or, but what you do need to do is you need to deal with it and deal with it immediately and do it with a clear head. Right. So as opposed to the dynamic of, yeah, we’re getting really pissed off it’s like road, dog, another one I’m negotiating.
Right? Like what happens is people are either a total in, in negotiation, which people don’t tend to study or think of. A lot, and that is a dramatic mistake because a lot of what you do in life is just everything’s in negotiation. Very few things are black and white. Yes or no. Most of them are gray.
And that that’s that you know, that the ciliary, that, that complimentary option so practicing, that would be a good idea. So that’s why I said that is that we, we let it go, let it go. And then by the time they deal with it, a small problem became a big problem. And now they got a bigger challenge to deal with.
So the pattern is the avoidance. So you got to go to the avoidance and solve that. Make sense? Got a good example.
[00:24:18] Christian: Yeah, it makes sense. I just, I just want to just further clarity on that because you know, for a lot of, I don’t know, I guess initially
[00:24:25] Karl: I was looking at bottles. Isn’t the same thing. You know what I mean?
In a family dynamic, it could be again at like eight o’clock, you know, look, 8:00 PM. Look, every diet works until 7:00 PM. At 7:00 PM. There’s a pattern, right? You’re about to go to bed. You hit the cookies, you hit the chips, you grab the Twinkie, the donut, right? It’s the, it’s the pattern. It’s what you got to do.
If you want to, I didn’t tell you the a hundred percent certainty. If you want to go on a diet, you need to make a plan to combat seven. You’ll be great until 7:00 PM and 7:00 PM onwards will, will be the death of your diet. So it’s pattern, right? It’s 7:00 PM. Something happens. Right. Anyway, so that that’s an example or other people have different, you know, at eight o’clock they get they’re a little bit tired.
They’re a little bit ornery. It’s dinner’s over. They got to get the kids to bed. There’s a bunch of things that compound really quickly before bed. And so they go read a little bit. If you look at the dynamic of a family family, you’ll see that there’s a lot of, you know, a lot of unnecessary conflict happens in and around that.
With the kids with bed time between, you know what I mean, between kids, between spouses, et cetera. So, so that’s like the pattern they’re everywhere, man. Not just the behaviors, but the patterns behind them. You really start looking for it. You’ll see some serious ABCs that could be easily defined and therefore fixed real quick.
The good.
[00:25:52] Christian: Yeah. No. So I guess another, another word we could use for behaviors, almost
[00:25:55] Karl: a trigger. Boom. Yes. Because the trigger then brings the pattern of what arguing yes. A hundred percent high-five yes. Triggers and yeah. Yeah. And, and then, and then you got to go to, you know, so strategically think about how you’re going to course correct that, you know you know, so.
Maybe one, you know, for me when I’m floating through Facebook and I see the influencer, you know, posing in front of his rented car you know, like why does the Lambo always have to have doors open? You know what I mean? So you just shake my head and just say, the language of business is not sales and marketing.
The language of business is accounting. And by the way, this week for my clients listening and anybody thinking about becoming a client, but on the fence fence of becoming a client we are doing a program virtual business coaching mastery. We’re going to teach our clients how to read a financial document at a very high level and a very 1, 2, 3 ABC systematic way.
So get in there for our clients, do it. And if you’re not our client and thinking about joining joins, you can get in on that training would be very valuable. Anyway, so yeah, I wrote some of the things I’m thinking about, gosh, you know what, you know, it doesn’t. You only need to be right. Once you know, is watching the Oscars and no doubt, you’re listening to this very recent event, where will Smith got up and smack somebody.
Right. And there’s a lot of guys in there that, you know, they had success late in life. You know, you only have to be, you’re not too late and you only have to be right. Once, you know, Ray crock was 52 and he started McDonald’s Colonel Sanders was linked 61 when he got his first KFC de Leo going. But Judy Dench was 60.
Martha Stewart was about 50. The guy who owns a red bull, I can’t pronounce his name. It’s a funky one, but I believe he was in his sixties when he got it going. So, you know, these are, you know, different. Yeah, I don’t know. You just got to you’re you’re not too late. You know, we talk to people all the time, a business coach, the average business coach is not 23 years old.
There’s a lot of business coaches. It’s you know, it’s like their Twilight career. It’s their semi retired and they want to consider. You know, to business that’s, that’s, that’s some far from all, but you know what I mean? Like that’s not uncommon. It’s like, you’re not too late. You’re absolutely not.
And the money, I don’t know, you’re not too late. You could really, really crack it and become the next, you know, greatest business coach and rival Tony Robbins. It’s going to take you some time and there’s going to be a steep, steep learning curve if you’re anything close to new to it. But you know, you’re not too late.
Absolutely. Wrote, I sent an email not long ago and we’ve talked about a lot in the podcast, but I think it’s mind numbing, powerful Warren Buffett’s advice, but he says he tries to, what does he say? Find something for a penny that I can and sell for a dollar and his habit forming again, find something for a penny that he can sell for a dollar and that’s habit forming.
It’s just showstopping Mike dropping. You know, next level, Elon Musk, you know, the alien, just trying to find his way home level thinking that just can change you. You look at his investments, you know, it’s things like chewing gum, you know what I mean? Like that would be a classic example. You know, just think YouTube, think Facebook think Instagram and you know, it’s habit, habit forming by the way.
Right? Don’t know that you’re gonna be able to, those things don’t cost a penny, but you could certainly buy them for a penny, sell them for a dollar. I’ve looked at the valuations of those guys, another one, Charlie Munger to get, I wrote about this. And we talked about this in the not too distant past, but you talk to people what’s on my mind.
Some of the things that are zipping, you know, but show me the incentives and they’ll show you the outcomes ridiculously powerful. Anyway, so road, dog, that’s there’s a buddy. I could keep going, but you know, it’s just, you know, just pushing yourself mentally and using things like mental models upset, again, many, a times at an a road dog.
They’ve been very beneficial for you. Like learning, learning mental models are actually no better worded is applying screw learning. Cause that doesn’t get you where you need to go. It’s the application of mental models slowing down. That would be a family road dog to the you know, the patterns that we just talked about, right?
Like using a mental model will allow you to not be, you know, you still get triggered, but what will happen is your, the pattern will be recognized and you will no longer allow that small scenario with your wife, with your kids, with your clients, with your prospects, with your business partner, with your staff become really big.
You know what I mean? Again, delayed gratification, you know, like just understanding that the best things in life, very seldom urgent, right. And backed potentially never arrived. The best things are all. Around compounding, you know, I built software, profit, acceleration software, and a profit acceleration, similar completely, and a hundred percent built around the concept of compounding.
It’s just where we’re all good thinking about plants. You can’t plant you can’t water a plant 10 times a day and have it grow quicker. You just, you just kill it. You know, you can’t get pregnant nine times and have a kid in a month instead of nine months. That’s not the way it works. You know, delayed, accepting that things take time, but people are so impatient on a subconscious level, including in starting with me by the way.
But I’m a fancy myself as a guy who’s, you know, doing his best and, you know, learn all of these things. You know apply these totally life-changing. So RO dub and maybe just the richest people in the world build networks, you know, like think they build Ian. I have an email list of a hundred thousand, a hundred thousand people get my daily email, right?
Like it’s a, it’s a list. You know, a list of prospects, a list of clients that cable network, a franchise network. Maybe I’m not a big MLM guy, but like an MLM network. If you do hit it, you, you really hit it. The richest people in the world build networks, whereas, you know, I don’t know poor people, but people not succeeding at the level.
They would like are kind of going from opportunity to opportunity. And there you go. And speaking, going opportunity and opportunity, like, you know, that saying road, dog it’s not what, you know, it’s who, you know, see it’s categorically incorrect. It’s who knows you. That matters. You know, and, and what do they know you for?
You know, looking like a big deal is not the same as being a big deal. So again, careful there road dog. You’re a little bit of a, yeah, there you go. What do you think? Like there’s,
[00:32:16] Christian: there’s no denying, this is rabbit hole city, and by the way, I’m happy to know that the biggest deal of all big deals. On the planet.
Carl, Brian knows my name and knows who I am. So I feel pretty good about that right now. So there you go, shoes. What was I going to say about that? There was something in there, like really good lists, dude, like really, really, really good list. I did want to maybe circle back though real quick. You mentioned Ray crock, you mentioned Colonel Sanders, Judi Dench, Martha Stewart.
Can you just attempt
[00:32:46] Karl: the
[00:32:46] Christian: name of the red bull guy? Just, just for, for all of us. That’d be great. I’d love to hear your, if it’s one thing I know Carl, Brian is a very cultured man and he speaks many different dialects. So what’s the name of the rep again?
[00:33:02] Karl: How do you pronounce that? My first language is redneck, so I grew up in a very small town, 5,000 people.
Very proud of it, by the way, Cochrane, Alberta, ladies and gentlemen. I don’t have read, but what is it that you vigil? I think maybe, I don’t know. I don’t know. Yeah.
[00:33:24] Christian: Listen, dude, we, if we’re those that, that aren’t part of the pre-show like Carl typically does this name, envy thing, and he just butchers the hell out of everybody’s names.
Like it’s glorious, like it just is. But to your, to your last point there, you’re talking about building networks. Like it’s one of the most misunderstood things when it comes to marketing online, stop looking for the sale and start looking for the list. You know what I mean? It’s like, what if your platform were to disappear?
We talked to on the pre-show you talked about having. You know, foundations, right? That the chairs under, or sorry, the legs under the table. Like if, if you don’t, if you’re relying on, say with a Caitlin, the Facebook isn’t going anywhere, but let’s use that as the example, right? If all of your stuff is going on Facebook ads and perfect example.
So last week they got rid of a whole bunch of different categories for targeting. So now all of a sudden, not what, what if you, you’re relying on that and now you got to relearn it and figure out the new audiences and new targeting that you have to set. You’re you’re done. Like, it’s going to take you time to figure that out again.
Right. So I just thought that was pretty important. It’s just like, if you a you need to own your list, but yes, you need to have multiple streams. Building that list that you own. That’s exactly why you do the daily email. You have a big list that you can always market to and you own that list no matter what happens.
So I just wanted to point that out. Any thoughts on that?
[00:34:57] Karl: Yeah. I would agree. In fact, I want to expand, we just mentioned in the pre-show the net, like just somebody asked about, you know, doing a specific lead generation activity and we said is like, absolutely. But if you’ve got one activity you know, you’re an umbrella you want to think about being a table and then if you’ve got four legs under your table, it’s pretty sturdy.
If you’ve got three, it’s going to stand up, but you’re not overly sturdy. And if you had eight legs underneath your table, This is a big, you know, a windstorm can come through and you’ll still be standing. So a little bit to that point, but yeah, building your list folks absolutely got a high five road dog.
Agreed. All
[00:35:36] Christian: right. Speaking of that. So that’s a good list that you just had there. So now for those paying attention you know, like I know you’ve been diving deep into it, software, SAS, digital companies, all of that very exciting stuff that I would never want any part of. Has any of that, given you any further thoughts around, you know, just ideas specific to those types of companies,
[00:36:02] Karl: SAS, and yeah.
Like they wrote about this recently, but so your best customer, the best customer service department is that you don’t need a customer service. You know, your customer shouldn’t need to call or message you in a, you know, an online world, Facebook and Google and how difficult it is to get ahold of anyone but friction.
You know, they just, less humans, humans are the enemy of scale. So you want to have less of that, but we just, literally, we didn’t, we hired somebody, I guess we, we hired somebody to fill a position because we elevated somebody that’s been with us for nine years. So, and basically his job is to go through and reverse engineer, all of our support tickets.
And then the future ones that come through and then the goal is to basically create a process so that it would eliminate the need for somebody to send that support ticket. Again, so I just tell you, Jeff Bezos, one-on-one raving make a meal of this, but it’s something to the effect of Raven raving fans.
Don’t send support tickets, right? That’s our buddy Jeff Bezos. So that’s where that comes from. I think that that’s, you know, how that’s fresh like this weekend? You know, some, like I was talking to Mick we’re, we’re building this well, I should let this out of the bag. We’re building podcast software right now.
It’s got a little bit of a twist to it, but I think it’s going to be pretty darn cool and be very valuable for our clients. Hopefully the, so, so it’s, it’s not an experiment if you know, it’s going to be. I know what our guys are doing and our lead generation processes, and obviously know a lot about business coaching and getting clients like it’s not an experiment to be a no, it’s going to work.
That’s not to say that you shouldn’t collect data. Be very careful with that, but you know, there’s just some things you just know. So again, cause otherwise again, if we did all the testing and whatnot, I was like, guys, it’s already gonna take X amount of months to get this out. You know, do we want to add three months to that?
And by the way, other priorities, we’ll, we’ll jump the queue and go in front of it. So anyways, it’s, it’s not an experiment if you know what’s going to work I will tell you this here’s I am not, you know, like a branding. I’m not a, you know, I’m more of a direct response guy versus a branding guy. I’m not branding.
I dunno. Yeah, it’s great companies. Here’s what this is Steve jobs 1 0 1. If you research apple, but great companies are built on great products. The end. That’s how apple became apple and spent very little money on advertising over many, many, many years. And that would be Facebook and there’ll be Amazon as well.
But you know, great companies are built on great products. My question for the business coaches, what products do they have? What services do they have? What are they named? How do they work? And then when you’re looking at your client’s businesses, what products do they have and are they great? Are they legitimately, you know, Steve jobs insanely great.
You know, risk comes from not knowing what the hell you’re doing. You know, again, SAS world can be very expensive and, you know, pay a lot of people to do a lot of mindless activity. You gotta be careful with that, but risk comes from not knowing what the hell you’re doing, but that being said, how do you learn what to do you you’ve learned by doing, but you gotta be making sure you’re collecting data along the way and not allowing your, your gut gut stands for gave up thinking.
Be careful with that one. No, I just, I said something the, you know, great products and about like branding, like your purse. Here’s one that I think has a lot of power. I think you guys can decide, but your personal brand, like, what is it? Right. And what is your personal brand? Let me tell you when you’re not in the room and people are talking about you, that’s your personal brand, the end drop the mic.
Right? And then my question is a business coach. So are you the guy that comes across overly salesy or the gal that comes across overly salesy? Are you the person that puts value first? Anyways, I dunno. I, I, I think there’s, you know, I don’t know. Yeah. You’re going to build a kick-butt company. You’re going to want to have a, you know, represent you know, some core values.
We should be thinking about that. You know, it’s just consistent is again, software, you just consistency road, dog. You just, you know, it, consistency you’ll turn. And again, I wrote us an email my long ago, but consistency can turn ordinary into extraordinary nothing, but unfortunately it’s what I said earlier about the mental models.
I just delayed gratification and being willing to forego the result for a period of time, you know, let’s it. And you know, like Facebook, what do they say? That they break things? You know, if you’re not, if you’re not falling on your face, if things are not working, if you’re not failing, you’re just not innovating enough.
Okay. And again, most people are, you know, hyper they’re like, perfect. If you introduced me to a perfectionist, we introduce you to somebody who doesn’t get a lot done. Right. So, so, you know, Yeah, just in, you know, if you’re going to run a digital unit, running a business in that world, you’re going to have to be hyper excited about innovation.
And then look, if your goal is a billion dollars, paranoia is a worthy pursuit word straight out of the mouth, or very close to somebody, very close to me which I thought was, you know, had a lot of power. You know, again, paranoia, most people think that’s a bad thing. You know, a conversation I had with someone who’s worth a lot of money.
Apparently in his opinion, paranoia is a great thing to think of a professional athlete. You know, if you’re the left winger on the New York Rangers, there are about 16 kids making half as much as you significantly. Like you’re making less money than you significantly more energetic than you significantly more enthusiastic than you trying to take your job every single day.
Right. So think about it in that kind of a dynamic paranoia is probably a pretty good idea. So, you know, do you have it in the business world? You know, talked about a guy like Michael Jordan, doesn’t become Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, Tom Brady, Wayne Gretzky, Wayne Gretzky, without, you know don’t know, paranoia is the right word, but being significantly driven by fear of loss, as opposed to joy of gain.
You know what I interviewed a guy again last week on Friday. We’ve talked about this in the past road dog, but like, I, again, I start to call the conversation is not, if the conversations about how much money I’m going to pay him, the conversation is a very short one. Right. And then the most successful speech of all time was what started with three words or four words.
I had a dream, right? MLK Martin Luther king. You know, it didn’t start with I’ve, you know, I’ve, I’ve got a step-by-step plan, right? Like, and how do you start your meetings? How do you start your talks? How do you start your calls? How do you start your appointments? When you, you meet somebody on the plane and the boxer that, you know, wherever in a networking group, like, what are you talking about?
Right. Talking about how amazing things are and how exciting it is. And, you know, COVID has been brutal, but some of the opportunities that have come forward with what you’ve learned. You know, talking from a place of 30,000, you know, things are amazing, I think. Yeah, just, I, I had a dream just think about that when you’re speaking to people, are you, are you starting with that?
Good chance. No. You know, and it’s like advertising, we said earlier, like apple, you know, like again, like we don’t do you know, for a company doing what we’re doing 49 countries. We don’t do a lot of advertising. Very little. We have a referral network. We’ll make, you know, a lot of sales today. As a result of our referral network, what we’ve built over a body of, you know, over a decade plus plus plus.
But it’s like, you know, advertising is not the way to grow a SAS sprinkly growth loop is whether, if you look at growth loop is something that everybody should be Researching. And we talked about that in the past. I had, I made the mistake of having a little Facebook conversation about it every once in a while.
I make that mistake. And I made it a short one. I just said, look, go study this. Maybe I have no idea. I’m okay with that. But here’s where to go. This, this is what I’d be studying. And it basically had quotations around growth loops. You can see that, but you know, advertising is not the way to grow that kind of company.
That’s not to say that they shouldn’t advertise. I’ve been on record of saying, you know, again, advertising the profit is a superpower and I absolutely believe that, but in the SAS world growth loops and some of the opportunities in a digital company, very different. You know, so, and then at toothbrush test road, Doug and I had just.
The Google don’t work on thing that you won’t use twice a day. So think Chrome, think YouTube, Gmail, Google calendar, Google maps, Google drive, Google docs, and all the products that they have got. If they don’t think you’ll use it twice a day they’re not going to build it. So, you know, thinking about how you’re going to, yeah.
You’re thinking about things that you’re going to build. Your you’ve got a company that’s a tech play of some description, you know, are their clients going to be using this twice a day? And if they’re not, they might want to think twice about creating it. So lots of road, dog, lots of. Yeah, those are some of the things, you know, an opportunity lies road, dog, where the complaints are, where are the complaints?
Again, we go to behavioral patterns, right? That, you know, you’re going to avoidance and all that idiot and got our guys. They like, they can’t work a computer, they can’t send an email, they can’t do this. They can’t do that. Well, opportunity is where or sorry, the complaints are where opportunity lies on steroids might want to go head first and straight to that.
So there you go. Road, dog. That was a little bit so rabbit hole issue. You think
[00:45:31] Christian: you, you, you talk about the, I had a dream. I know what your, when you do a presentation, I know, I know exactly what everyone’s first words are in their brains. I thought he was taller for sure. You’ll I know you have I’m stealing your joke from you too.
So but I don’t think we’ve ever said in the podcast, so it’s mine. So there you go. Listen, real quick on that you, you made a point there and I just it just, it brought me to actually something I pulled out of my sermon yesterday that I was watching people always say they want something, right?
It’s like, and the, the craziest part, Carl is the fact that it’s like, I want whatever it is, name, whatever it is you want. And all you look at is the good you talk about what the paranoia. Right? So what I got out of my sermon yesterday was you say you want something, but if you knew what it came with, would you still want it like that with every good, with every growth, with every opportunity?
It’s not all sunshine and unicorns.
[00:46:37] Karl: So I thought some people, they think they want to be famous and then ask somebody who’s famous and then ask them how it’s working out. Right. Right. So would that fall into what you were saying? You agree with that
[00:46:49] Christian: a hundred percent. It would. It’s sort of like, I want to be a self-employed entrepreneur.
So I have more time with my family. Like we know how Tony starts business mastery. Right. It’s like, how’s that working out for you? Like you say, you want all these things, but have you actually thought about what comes along with it and then is that really what you want? And if you do awesome, go for it.
Yes, absolutely. But don’t just assume that because, well, I’m, I’m going to make a million dollars. Do you understand, you know what, perfect example, Carl, you always talk about that, right? It’s like, do you want a million dollar business with all the staff and employees and the headaches? Or do you just want like 150 $200,000 business?
That’s just easy, like, or do you want, what goes with it? I think that’s a perfect.
[00:47:35] Karl: Nice. Yeah, I agreed. Careful what you wish for shoots careful what you wish for there it is. But again, but people again, because they don’t operate with mental models and delayed gratification. And again, it’s just road, Doug, it’s this it’s little red arrow you were here.
What do you want? Coaching? And you know, the journey, the destination is between those two points. Call them a and B and bingo, Bango, bongo. That’s a solution, but you gotta make sure you define that. You know, the destination B is where you want to go. Do you really want to go that way? You really want to go to New York?
Is that where you want to go? And if you define it properly, it’s the journey is going to become pretty straightforward. But it’s a, I want to
[00:48:17] Christian: become a business coach, but I want to remain comfortable and not step out of my comfort zone. I don’t want to cold call. I don’t want to pitch people. I don’t want to do presentations.
I don’t want to learn accounting. I, you know what I mean? Like good luck with that. We’ll see how that works out for.
[00:48:35] Karl: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s road dug. And so many times I’ve, you know, obviously I’ve spoken to business coaches for better part of two decades, semi like pretty much full-time as a career. And so many times when I get somebody on the phone and they start telling me or face to face for that matter, but it would normally be on the phone and they tell me all the things they’re not going to do, like starting with cold calling look.
So that’s just, you know, that’s beyond me. See the, the problem with that road dog is it’s all about them, right. It’s like, oh, okay. So you, you don’t want to help people. That’s what you’re saying. You want to, if they’re clearly defining what it is that they’re not going to do, unfortunately doesn’t. It doesn’t work out very well on average for those individuals.
And that being said, being lazy can be a superpower. You just need to be efficiently lazy. And that you can’t be lazy. You have to double, you have to get good rather than thinking about it as being lazy, you got to get really good at delegation and again, very clearly defined roles and things that you want to accomplish, et cetera.
And you can be dangerously efficient. No Warren buffet. How did this Warren buffet. Like build own and run to this day, run to a large degree is still in charge of all capital allocation you know, decisions and where they invest. Warren puts his signature on it, right? Like the guy he reads 80, everybody’s seen that out there on imagined, like the guy reads 80% of his, you know, from nine let’s assume he works nine to six every day.
He reads 80% of the time somebody saw his calendar. Once I saw this I dunno where it was, but I believe it to be true. And like on his calendar for the week, he had one appointment that was to go get a haircut. How do you run a company where hundreds of billions of dollars and have nothing on your calendar?
And the answer is that you got to get really good at delegation, not pretend not kinder. And I guarantee back, you know, 20, 30, 40 years ago, it wasn’t that good. And actually road dog, a little bit rabbit hole, but I think super powerful like Warren Buffett when he was, I believe, 55 years old. He was not, I don’t know what he was worth, but it was like, I’m going to say 200.
I don’t know the number, but I’m going to say 250 million. Right. Which is a lot of money. But at 55, these were 250 million. I might be significantly more than that, but it was not, you know, but it was, it’s a lot of money, but not stupid amount of money. And then at the age of, you know, now he’s 90, whatever he is, he’s worth hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars.
Like most of that wealth, like 90 X percent, 90 plus plus plus percent of that money was made. I actually, I wish I can’t remember the stats wrote, but it was like after he was 75 years old. Right. So if he had an early untimely death, Warren buffet, we’re not here talking about him, the end Mike drop, you know, and I that’s delayed gratification.
One-on-one, you’d be important as very seldom the urgent credible power, that statement.
[00:51:32] Christian: Love it. And seeing as you didn’t ask me my thoughts, I’ll just give you what I’ve been thinking about. And that, that quite simply was over the weekend, I got a referral and from, from a client and it’s like, it got me thinking of, you know, like all of these people that are selling all these hardcore sales tactics and stuff.
It’s like, man, I got no interest in that. Like I just wanna get on a call and have a real conversation with somebody and be like, so where are you at? Like, and if I can’t help them, I’m not going to try and pretend like I can, and I’m not going to beat around and try and be in the race to zero for price.
Like it’s either gonna work or not, but I, I’m going to show up with my intention of adding some real value in that conversation and that’s it. And then where it lands it lands and that’s, that’s it. I just don’t understand. We put so much pressure on ourselves to close. Like, if that, if your whole object, like how about just lead with value?
Would that not be like a cool thing, Carl? Like if everybody is led with value out of the gate and it just make everybody’s lives a lot less stressful of going out and talking to people because you just be wanting to truly genuinely help them.
[00:52:47] Karl: Like, yeah. I used to spend this and almost like tons of might’ve actually been in the closing.
I remember email when I originally got my daily email going, but it’s, you don’t have something like this. Hopefully I’ll get it, but you’ll get the idea. But you don’t, I might’ve said this last week, I set it on a Q and a call for sure this week. But anyways, it’s you don’t have a client problem. You don’t have a money problem.
You have a refusal to help people before they pay you problem. That’s the problem and road dog. If we took that approach, I think we’d all be doing significantly better. Shoots.
[00:53:24] Christian: Beautiful. All right, big man. Close us out. What’s the one thing, or would that be it, would that, would that be your thing or are you going to pick something else?
What are you going to do? What’s the one thing
the people are like, let’s get on with our day and I mean, Carl’s going down another rabbit hole. Just pick the last thing, that road, dog, you clothes and let’s move on. But what is it true? It’s what are you going to pick?
[00:53:52] Karl: Just cause you said that I gotta go to something that’s you know, innovating, you know, I think maybe cause I, I went on that, you know, we were talking kind of SAS companies, but like stop advertising and start innovating. Just, I, I want people to just go deep, like with their clients, like you, you gotta be different, like Steve jobs, if you haven’t watched the Steve jobs movie in 70.
Watched it many, many, many times the one with Ashton Kutcher specifically, I think that one’s way better. But anyway, so it’s like I think that they’re talking about IBM and then he says, we don’t want to be better than IBM. We need to be different. You got to go different. You know, again, we built profit acceleration, software, digital acceleration software.
We’re building all kinds of different group coaching, software, profit, acceleration simulator. It’s just so different and you can’t get it anywhere else in the world. We’re going to continue to do that. I mentioned the podcast software earlier that we’re building, like, we’re just building things that nobody else is doing.
And by the way, providing value. And then the leading question, before we go and create a piece of software, is, is it, what is the problem? Does this solve it? What kind of piece of software can we build that solves problems? And if it doesn’t solve problems, we don’t work on it. But I just, so, and this isn’t, this is so for you, the business coach listening, you know, Innovation, you know, are you trying to be better?
That’s that’s, you know, then the other business coaches are going to the networking and, you know, like be different, really stand on your own way, you know, be, be different, be charismatic. And by the way that I say this confidence has no competition. Might’ve said that earlier may not have, but confidence has no competition.
So that by the way, and that’s not the innovation that I’m trying to talk about, but I can tell you what helps you stand you know, a part and a very real and tangible way, but are your clients innovating? Are you innovating? And innovation can be, and it doesn’t mean you have to go and spend a bunch of money on software, not even close innovation can be the words that you use, the pitch that you use, the hook that you use, the report that you create, the book that you wrote, and that’s not necessarily ideal.
I’m hoping you go a little bit deeper than that, but I’m trying to give you some surface level to get you started. Innovation innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation. I think that there’s some power in that because it, it just one little tweak, one little adjustment can make a monumental shift.
It’s like 80, 20, but like a million times deeper. So yeah, I don’t know why this summary innovation is going to be the, the, the, the closing, the thought of the day roadmap. You
[00:56:25] Christian: know, what the best way to be different is
[00:56:28] Karl: just to be, you I’ll be like that. Cause there’s only
[00:56:32] Christian: one of you. And just be that maybe is KB and no one can be him.
That’s a fact. Right. And it’s working out well for him. So, and that’s that’s, I don’t know. What do you think of that? But like, I just think if everybody just embraced on who they truly are and had their personality shine and just have that confidence to be themselves, I think they’d be so much.
[00:56:55] Karl: So, yeah, I do.
I think that, but I like road, dog, ear, you know, you’re a hundred percent correct. Right. You gotta be authentic in social media. We see it all the time. You know, people who, you know, and they’re, they’re not overly funny. And then they’re posting like really, really funny stuff. Or they’re like a really funny person.
And they’re, you know, I don’t know. You just got to just be yourself. That’s the best way to do well online. Just provide value for sure. But make sure it comes from an authentic place. Yeah. Look,
[00:57:24] Christian: we’re not just a business coat. We’re like a personal development branding product,
[00:57:29] Karl: dude.
[00:57:31] Christian: It’s amazing. All right, everybody.
Thanks for tuning in to another episode of business coaching secrets with the man on top of the hill, the king himself king Carl. And if you’re not on the inside and getting access to the. Or you aren’t getting Carlos dealer emails, or you want more information on how to grow your coaching business through using the group coaching software or any of the other amazing stuff that Carl’s got coming, go to focus.com and subscribe today.
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Anyways, that is it for another week. Remember folks progress equals happiness. Take care of.
[00:58:19] Karl: Carl Brian built profit acceleration software. 2.0 to train business coaches, how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes, without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
This becomes a business coaches, super power. So as a business coach, you’ll never again, have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high-end coaching fees. Check us out@focused.com.
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SFC 152
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. . If you wanna attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing high paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:41] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets. It’s your boy road dog here with none other man than wow. The man. The myth, the legend, the guy that doesn’t get tongue-tied like I do, Mr. Karl Bryan shoots. Oh dog lately,
[00:00:58] Karl: you, you, you haven’t been getting tug tied lately.
[00:01:02] Christian: it’s, you know what, it’s your grumpy ass mood from the pre-show that’s carrying over .
[00:01:07] Karl: So Hundred. Just talking to ladies and gentlemen, he said I was being significantly too serious and he said, loosen up. You got 30 seconds. So here I am, as loose as I possibly can be. So shoots. Thank
[00:01:21] Christian: you, . All right bud.
If you’re gonna be all captain serious, I’m gonna go straight into the first question because it’s a and then we’ll see fun. We can’t get this back on track. Alright do you have anything else to say? Like, what’s going on bud? You feeling okay? I just wanna
make sure You’re good.
[00:01:36] Karl: Bud. I’m good, I’m good.
But yeah, actually, well, you know, before anyway, I was looking for something earlier and it just, you know, you know what, like you. Just if it can go wrong, it will go wrong. Like one of those moments, right, where like I literally printed something off, it was like 240 pages. Thank you very much. And there’s one specific page that I was looking for and lo and behold, I think I, what I did is I pulled it out and then I was outside and I think it blew away , so, oh man, no, whatever.
It’s all good. But bro, Doug, little, little frustration there. Maybe that’s what’s coming through, but
I’m good. I’m great. But I’m just trying to figure out, besides real estate agent, did you have to fax it as well? Like why are you printing out 240 pages of anything like this is like dealing with a real penny fax dot over to my office.
Like who the hell this is a fax machine anymore.
00:02:31] Karl: Yeah, that’s a good, you know, that is important and I that okay, that’s a good point. But sometimes I need a visual, you know, again, I thought that through. And so there’s some things that I need to you know, I, I’m a visual person, so sometimes I just find that I need to hold something in my hand that I was like, you know what?
This is important stuff and I wonder if I print it and then I kind of scoot through and can touch it and highlight it and put stars on it and muck around with it. I wonder if it will, if it will go deeper, but yeah. Then one
[00:03:05] Christian: of the pages, here’s just a little tip for you. I know that technology’s not your strong suit.
You can always go back and reprint. So just it like when it comes off into printer, it’s still on your computer. It doesn’t actually leave it and goes onto the paper. You know, I didn’t realize that. I’m just here to help, bud. I’m just here to help. Hey, but before we get started on any of this, by the way, this is a perfect question.
How do you park a bad mood before, like, let’s say you’re about to go into a sales call and this is, this is gonna be good folks, this is completely off script. This is gonna be beautiful tongue tie, city or rabbit hole. Hard to tell. You’re, you something like, let’s just say you get cut off or you get pissed off before you head into a sales meeting or whatever.
How do you park it and how do you move on? What do you do?
[00:03:55] Karl: Yeah. That okay. I can tell you the rabbit hole city possibly, but you gotta have why, like before, before the call. You know what I mean? Cuz you’re not there for you. It’s not about your bad mood and your family and your dynamic and you’re this, that and the other.
You’re there to deliver results. So if you are, you know, remaining true to, you know, your values and what you represent and will assume that one of those values is that like one of the things I do, I. A lot of time on a phone. Right. And if I get on the phone with somebody with a hundred percent certainty, my goal is always to serve what, at the end of that conversation, I want them to be able to take something away that they otherwise wouldn’t have had.
So if it’s a five minute conversation, a 15 minute conversation, a one hour conversation, but somebody buying something, somebody I don’t know, somebody selling something to me, but, but, you know, but that dynamic is, well, I guess. That’s kind of not my, my day to the, the hesitation is not, that’s not my day-to-day world where I’m on the phone and somebody’s selling me something.
Not that that doesn’t happen, but at the end of the day, road dog, that’s it. That’s my value. So you know, I just gotta I’ve got my why. I’ve got my deliverable. I’ve got a certain standard that I look to live up to. And it’s the same even Rodda before this podcast. And you’ve heard it, right? Like, I mean, I’m, before this podcast, I do my absolute utmost and I’m far, far from perfect.
But, you know, I’m listening, you know, thunder, I got ACD C planned, you know what I mean? Like, I’m, I’m elevating my level of state, cuz my belief is that I’m here free styling and roadhog hitting me with questions if I can, you know, if I’m in a, you know, higher level. I’m gonna be able to deliver a higher level answer.
I’m gonna be able to go further into my subconscious mind, further into my experiences, further, you know, better examples, better metaphors you know, deeper answers that I feel like will provide a lot of value. You know, so I, by being an elevated state, that the music helps me. So, so how do you do that?
So I think that what you’ve gotta do is you gotta have rituals, right? So before that call, what are you doing there? You know, sitting there crying in your, your Cheerios or do you have your ritual that you follow? And look, Tony, you want an example of this? Tony Robbins. Love them. Hate ’em personally, I love them.
I’m okay with whatever your opinion is of him. I think he’s got the best content in, you know, the personal development world by a. Before he goes on stage, he’s got this, you know, this spiel and you can have a look at it on the the internet that he talks about God coming through him, and he is gonna deliver and whatever it takes to deliver you know, the result and the action and the elevation of life of those that are in his seminar, that’s what he’s gonna do.
You know, and again, and, and he talks about, you know, laughter and brevity, you know what I mean? Like he’s got all this. Yeah. He’s got that ritual. So that’s what he does. And he does a little spin, and then he walks on stage and he does it to this day. And if you want, you’ll see it in what’s his documentary?
I’m not sure, guru. And if you watch it, you’ll see it right there for you. You can see before he goes on stage, he does it, he does a little spin, walks out, bingo, bango, bongo go. So, so, yeah, you gotta, it’s, it’s not about you shoots, it’s about them and it’s about a. The rituals and that state, the rituals will save you, man, the rituals.
I think
[00:07:02] Christian: that’s the answer. I love how you, you make it sound like you forgot the name of that movie. Like we both haven’t seen that like a hundred freaking times each , Hey, listen, by the way, on that note, when you say that I, that, that caught me there for a second, because if you’re going into a meeting, do you go in with one sort of pri, like do you go in with one primary thought of when I leave, if I just get this one point across, I will have achieved what I wanted to?
Like, is that how almost you
[00:07:30] Karl: frame your meetings? Out of a hundred percent outcome, but it’s not a thing, it’s an outcome. I, my goal is that, so the outcome is another call, an introduction to say a salesperson you know, an enrollment in a training you know, a watch. You know, my goal is to get you to watch a video.
That’s the outcome that I’m looking for. But it’s la New York, and I’m totally flexible with how we get there. But I am dogmatic with what the outcome is. And then actually, importantly, this might provide some value. I will, if I have a really important call, which ironically I had on Friday last week, looking to hire a new guy I had a very defined outcome that I wanted, assuming that the conversation was going well, if the conversation’s not going well, this isn’t our guy.
Look, one hour time. Would go, well, we had already had a prelim meeting to that, so there was no chance that it was gonna be over nine minutes. But if this is not my guy, I’m not looking to fill time. The conversation would over very quickly. But that being said, so four things that maybe somebody could take away.
One is a defined outcome of every call. And then I’ve got three things like a politician. I try not to do more than three. If you understand, you know, numerology, you know that there’s, there’s power in three. So three is your best chance. I’m gonna have three things that I wanna bring across. And they are normally not rah, rah, kumbaya.
They are things that this person probably haven’t, you know, hasn’t heard before. And they will normally be of the, and I’ve talked about this a thousand times, but it’ll normally be of the, of the, it’ll be me standing against telling ’em why something is wrong and a mistake as opposed to, gee, if you do this, the world’s gonna be a wonderful place.
So that is what I absolutely do before a big call.
[00:09:15] Christian: Perfect. I always thought you just sat around and talked to yourself in your car. I dunno, that’s sort of what I, I’ve witnessed it folks. It’s I, yeah. Good bit of that. So good. Hey, listen, I wanna follow up from last week. We got a bunch of feedback.
You were talking about the chiropractic client and, and sort of I guess changing their business model. And we got a question here that, that asks. Last podcast you were talking about going from so back Cairo client to 5K package. Can you expand slash explain? I thought that was probably really worthy because that’s such a huge shift especially for that business.
And I just think a huge shift in the thinking of coaches from how they can really have a huge. To changing somebody’s business. So I thought it was a really good question. So what do you think by, like, how, how can you then you know, the SOAR back Cairo to 5K package? Can you expand on that a little bit more?
[00:10:13] Karl: I can. Good and agreed. Good question. Where okay, so what me just reframe and if you listen to previous podcast just, you know, how do you help a Cairo client? One of the things I said is the, the business model has got all kinds of challenges before you even start with your client. It’s one is that they’re probably a pay as you go.
Cairo, as in you show up, you pay, you don’t show up, you don’t pay. And then what happens is you get short-term relief and you stop coming. And the chiropractor strangely hasn’t been taught or nor, you know, gone to, you know, a place of timing, you know, time to think, to be able to solve that very. You know, regular problem, right?
So the way you can combat that is by building a $5,000 package. Well, the average Cairo client, you’re probably thinking like it’s you. You don’t wanna go to the Cairo and then whip out your credit card and spend five grand, right? So how do you make that happen? First of all, if you don’t have a $5,000 program, I guarantee you one thing, I can’t guarantee you much, but I guarantee you one thing.
That’s it. You’ll never sell one. Cuz nobody’s gonna say, Hey, why don’t you d charge me five grand instead of 110 bucks? It’s not gonna happen obviously. So I need a $5,000 package, but, You better, you’re gonna need to have a process on how to get there, right? So, and, and by the way, when, so when somebody calls, it’s the same with the daycare and it’s the same with the car lot, and it’s the same with the realtor.
Everybody starts on price and then they end up on value, right? And if that wasn’t the case, we’d all be driving $1,000 cars. And that’s clearly not the case, right? So you’ve gotta have, just because they ask price first doesn’t mean that they’re stuck there, and that’s where you need to go. And the way you’ll get there is by telling a story.
So as an example, I’ve got a okay, so here’s an example. I, I’ve said this story many a times in the past. I haven’t said it for a long time, so I might make a meal of it a little bit, but hopefully you guys will get it. And I’ve said it on the podcast, so I apologize if you’re hearing this for the second time, but possibly that’ll provide you value hearing it a second time because you’ll be able to pull more outta it.
So here, it’s, they come into the chiropractor and what you do is you sit them down And it’s like, okay, so tell me, first thing you gotta do is data, data, data, a little red arrow. You are here. You gotta get some information out of them to understand kind of where they’re at, some of the challenges that they’ve had and you’re working on them.
One of the things I would get them in there, you know, you gotta do x-rays and you gotta be able to show ’em some visuals. And then I’d say, look, here’s a let me tell you a story. There’s a guy, Jim McMahon, that you might have heard of. Okay. So in 1985, won a Super Bowl with the Chicago Bears, and what happened is his neck he, he has early onset dementia.
But what happened is he was going to see all these folks and they just assumed that he had, what do you call, C C T E, you know, that, that that disease that a lot of football players have, right. And it, it creates all kinds of you know, cognitive challenges for them. So they just accepted that, you know, Jim McMahon played like he was quarterback, but played like a linebacker and they just assumed that he had what all the others had.
Until one day he went to go see a chiropractor. The guy did, you know, they basically, you know, did a little bit of homework on him. And what they worked out is by, instead of looking at his brain, but looking at his neck and his back, what they found is that his neck was so messed up that he wasn’t getting enough oxygen through his neck.
Okay? And that was depriving his brain of oxygen. And that was bringing on the early onset dementia. So he goes to the chiropractor, the guy takes his hand like this, and. You can see a documentary on Jim McMahon. He literally says this and he goes, it was like a toilet was flushing. So they did this little tweak in his back, and all of a sudden, and all of a sudden he could breathe, you know, significantly better.
He was, you know, significantly clear headed. And by the way, the early onset dementia, whatever the damage that had been done, they couldn’t have corrected that. What they did do is stop it. So tell that story, and then I would say, so I’m sitting across from an individual, say, here’s a question for you.
So, have you ever you know, have you ever been, you know, tired when you thought that you shouldn’t be tired? Like, as an example, have a, you know, a decent night’s sleep and then wake up in the morning and feel tired. Are, have you ever felt lethargic? Say it like lunch hour when you, normally you feel like you’re not that much into the day that you might not, no doubt.
You Look, what I’m doing here is I’m asking a question that I already know the answer to because you’re, you’re never gonna speak to somebody who doesn’t say, you know what? Like, let’s assume this individual is 40, 50, or above years old. Very seldom gonna say no, you know, I always feel an abundance of energy, right?
So there’s a really good chance that you can get in and now you say, look, what we probably should put you on is x, y, Z program. And not only is it gonna be good for, you know, your back and your flexibility and there’s an anti, I would absolutely bring an anti-aging component to it. Like, people talk about anti-aging, and again, I’ve talked about this in the past when they think about their eyes and that sort of thing, but the way that you.
Is very important. Like you wanna look old just walk down the street and you know, you’ll see somebody from behind and you, they could be wearing a hat or have dark hair but if they’re walking really slumped over, they, they absolutely look a little bit aged. So, so anyway, so that’s who you’re gonna have to tell that story, do a significantly better job than what I have.
But you don’t just launch into the price. You say, well here’s one of the challenges. You’re feeling this. Look, let me walk you into one of our packages and what we can do, cause one of the problems is that you’re probably gonna come get short-term relief, stop coming, and then in three years time and two years time and 12 months time, you’re gonna be back.
But the problem is you’re gonna have a significantly bigger problem and I’m not gonna be able to reverse it. So let’s get on it now. Let’s get that flexibility and we’ll have you looking like a, you know, a 21 year old and touching your toes and doing handstands and cartwheels like you were when you were a teenager.
So, bad example, but that’s, you gotta have a story road dog. So that’s how you get there. So there you go. That’s that’s what I’d be doing. And by the way, education, you won’t get there without educating your client. And that goes for the pest control company. That goes for the used car sales guy.
That goes for the business coach. Absolutely. That goes for the accountant. One of the things like think education will provide you, I always talk about, you know, margins and the importance of margins. The return, the value that you can bring and the return that you can get on education is going to trump pretty much anything else that you can do in your company.
And then a lot of people aren’t natural educators, but you say to them is that you will get better at it, it will become more natural. You’ll come become, you’ll come up with better stories, you’ll come up with better metaphors, you’ll come up with better examples, et cetera. So you should be moving your clients into.
You know, a way to be able to educate folks so you won’t get to the $5,000 package with, without education is what I’m saying. Road dog. But, but that’s the way you do it. All
[00:16:54] Christian: right. Speaking of stories, you’re the king of stories. There’s only probably two people on this planet that I know that can tell a better story than you.
And you know, the funny part is they’re both from Manitoba. So it, it, I guess that’s what happens when you can’t go outside for eight months of the year. But anywho before we sort of get into this week’s question, I’m, I’m always curious, is, is that the right word or am I just sort of like, I don’t know, like it’s sort of a, it’s it, anyways, I am curious of what’s going on in that brain of yours.
But I guess the polite way of saying it is what you are thinking about and working on. It’s, it’s a dangerous question. I realize this and I realize that I now have to book off the rest of my morning for you to answer this question. But what I’m curious, man, tell me shoots like, what’s going on in your, in your nodding these days, what are you, what are you thinking about and what are you, what are you working on
[00:17:41] Karl: right now?
Okay, so rather than a question, you’re just saying like, what, what am I up to? Is I
[00:17:45] Christian: was hoping, right? Like, it’s just, you know, like you’re always a busy guy. I’m always curious to see like, what, what are, what are, what’s catching your attention? What are you working on? Because it’s always cool to, for me anyways, to catch a glimpse of that.
I don’t know, maybe to, for me to sort of go, huh, why am I not focusing on that? That’s almost a bit of a course correct for me. But, so it’s a hundred percent selfish question, but I will take it because I’m the co-host and that’s just the way that, that’s how
[00:18:15] Karl: we’re gonna roll. Mic drop. I agree. Shoots.
Okay. So what am I, well what am I working on? I’m thinking about, so, well, this morning I was going through some notes. And like, I don’t know, you know, ambition is like, ambition is, can be like a vacuum that sucks up everything in its path. You know, your relationships, your healthier time. So therefore you gotta make sure that you’re optimizing for the right things, right?
Be a little bit careful with that. And again, so ambitious on her ambition. I think I’m a pretty, you know, I am a pretty ambitious person over, you know, a body of work. I mean, I just work, you know, I have no, I have a challenge with getting outta my office, not getting into my office kind of thing. So you gotta be careful with that, you know, I can and suck up relationships, health and time and gotta make sure you’re optimizing for what you want to optimize for.
This morning, I was looking at a quote, you know, make a meal, but it was something that, how is it possible that action a, is the best course of action, right? There’s no very, the individual coming up with action A, it’s the best course of action. Why would they do anything else other than action a , right?
And it was like, hit me like a ton of bricks and I was like, you know, I just sat there and kind of contemplated, quite frankly, in a bit of quiet time. And I was like, yeah, like, you know what I mean? Trying to solve those types of problems, you know? And speaking of solving problems, if you have a problem, clearly defining the problem will bring it to three quarter solved immediately.
If, if not, solve it entirely, by the way. But most people, again, it’s, it’s solution, solution solution, which is important. And I always talk about that. You gotta go problem solution. You gotta change your spidey senses from looking for ideas. But you know, you by defining the problem, Properly, that solution could become significantly easier.
Like cuz you could, okay, so road dog me and then somebody else could have one a problem and all three of us solve it, but road dog solves it at what we’ll call a hundred percent. I solve it say 80%. And then somebody else still can say that they solved it, but they’re at like 60%. Do you know what I mean?
So you be able to solving it at a higher level is and, and often the problem that sits in front of you is often not the real problem, which means, again, you didn’t define it properly. So I, I dunno, these are things, here’s something I said to a buddy over the weekend. And I wrote this in an email about long ago, and I think it has insane power, but doing less and wanting more is the foundation of business failure.
So much so that I think everybody should write that one down and possibly put it on a post-it note and put it on your computer where you’re never far from, but like doing less and wanting more. That’s so common. Right? And it’s the foundation of business failure. Especially when somebody has, you know, got the three yard mark, the five year mark, they’re like, this should all be easier.
I should be further ahead. You know what I mean? And they kinda, yeah, just doing less and wanting more. That’s, that’s, this is when things are about to go sideways. You know, don’t, don’t focuseded on the behaviors focuseded on the patterns of your behaviors. My opinion is that this, in a, in a private moment, a bit of a family kind of dynamic, this is what I’m, you know, again, that it’s, that’s next level when rather than looking at your behaviors and then trying to course correct, which would be totally understandable and something that you sh, you know, debatably should be doing, right?
But, but if you look for the patterns of your behaviors, if you look for the patterns in your business, coaching client’s, behaviors in your prospect’s, behaviors in your joint venture behaviors. There will be some serious magic there. If you wanna course correct, you wanted to talk about defining a problem properly and having it three quarter solved.
Again, if you can really get to the ru the problem, you can really identify the pattern at a high level, you’re gonna see that be very, very obvious what needs to happen in order to in order to get somewhere.
[00:22:11] Christian: Hang on. Can I interrupt you there for a sec? Yeah. What, please, what, when you say, so how, what’s, how do you define a behavior and how do you define a pattern?
Because aren’t they the same thing?
[00:22:21] Karl: Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, okay. Some, you’re, you’re in your company and there’s a, a, what do we call it? Let’s talk about staff and they’re pissing you off. Right. What will happen is that a lot of what will happen with a lot of bosses is they will go quiet. Right. And then what happens when you don’t deal with a situation?
Does it get worse or does it get better? It clearly gets worse. And then what they do is they run over to the top of it and then end up making a little bit of a mess, right? Doing the Will Smith 1 0 1 and coming up there and slapping somebody. You know what I mean? So the, the pattern is that the silence and the avoidance, and what we need to do is see that and say, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Right? Like, moving forward, the minute that we have a challenge, what we gotta do is we gotta, you know, either diarize it or write it down or, but what you do need to do is you need to deal with it and deal with it immediately and do it with a clear head, right? So as opposed to the dynamic of yeah, getting really pissed off, it’s like road dog, another one.
Negotiating, right? Like what happens is people are either a total in, in negotiation, which people don’t tend to study or think about. A lot. And that is a dramatic mistake because a lot of what you do in life is just, everything’s a negotiation. Very few things are black and white. Yes and no. Most of them are gray.
And that, that’s, that, you know, that ancillary, that, that complimentary option. So practicing that would be a good idea. So why I said that is that we, we let it go, let it go, and then by the time they deal with it, a small problem became a big problem and now they got a, a bigger challenge to deal with.
So the pattern is the avoidance. So you gotta go to the avoidance and solve that. Make sense? Good. Good example.
[00:24:08] Christian: Yeah, makes sense. I just, I just wanted just further clarity on that cuz you know, for a lot of, I don’t know, I guess initially I
[00:24:14] Karl: was looking at not the same thing, you know what I mean? In a family dynamic, it could be again at like eight o’clock, you know.
So look, 8:00 PM look, every diet works until 7:00 PM right? At 7:00 PM there’s a pattern, right? You’re about to go to bed, you hit the cookies, you hit the chips, you grab the Twinkie, the donut, right? It’s the, it’s the pattern. It’s what you gotta do. If you want it, I can tell you the a hundred percent certainty.
If you want to go on a diet, you need to make a plan to combat seven, you, you’ll be great until 7:00 PM and 7:00 PM onwards will, will be the death of your diet. So, cr and it’s pattern, right? It’s 7:00 PM something happens, right? Anyway, so that, that’s an example where other people have different, you know, at eight o’clock they get, they’re a little bit tired, they’re a little bit ornery, it’s dinner’s over, they get to get the kids to bed.
There’s a bunch of things that compound really quickly before bed, and so they go red a little bit. If you look at, you know, the dynamic of a family, you’ll see that there’s a lot of, you know, a lot of unnecessary conflict happens in and around that time. With the kids, with bedtime between, you know what I mean, between kids, between spouses, et cetera.
So, so that’s like the pattern. They’re everywhere, man. Not just the behaviors, but the patterns behind them. You really start looking for it. You, you’ll see some serious ABCs that could be easily defined and therefore fixed real quick. That good? Yeah. No, it’s,
[00:25:42] Christian: it. So I guess another, another word we could use for behavior is
[00:25:44] Karl: almost a trigger boom.
Yes. Because the trigger then brings the pattern of what Arguing at Yes. A hundred percent high five. Well, yes. Triggers and, yeah. Yeah. And then, and then you gotta go to, you know, so strategically think about how you’re gonna course correct that, you know you know, so yeah, even trigger. Maybe one. You know, for me, when I’m floating through Facebook and I see the influencer, you know, posing in front of his rented car you know, like, why does Lambo always have to have doors open?
You know what I mean? So you just shake my head just tell you the language of business is not sales and marketing. The language of business is accounting. And by the way, this week for my clients listening and anybody thinking about becoming a client and on the fence, fence of becoming a client we are doing a program virtual Business Coaching Mastery.
We’re gonna teach our clients how to read a financial document at a very high level in a very 1, 2, 3, ABC systematic way. So get in there. If you’re our client, do it. And if you’re not our client and thinking about joining join, so you could get in on that training, be very valuable. Anyway, so yeah, I wrote some of the things I’m thinking about.
Gosh, you know what, you know, it doesn’t look. You only need to be right once, you know, as watching the Oscars. And no doubt you’re listening to this very recent event where Will Smith got up and smacked somebody. Right. And there’s a lot of guys in there that, you know, they had success late in life. You know, you only have to be, you’re not too late and you only have to be right once, you know, Ray Crock was 52 when he started McDonald’s.
Colonel Sanders was I think 61 when he got his first KFC d Leo going. But Judy Dench was 60. Martha Stewart was about 50. The guy who owns a Red Bull, I can’t pronounce his name, it’s a funky one, but I believe he was in his sixties when he got it going. So, you know, these are, you know, different. Yeah, I don’t know.
You just gotta, you’re, you’re not too late. You know, we talk to people all the time. A business coach, the average business coach is not 23 years old. There’s a lot of business coaches. It’s a, you know, it’s like their Twilight career. It’s their semi-retired and they want to consult. You know, to business.
That’s, that’s, that’s some and far from all, but you know what I mean? Like, that’s not uncommon. And it’s like you’re not too late. You’re, you’re absolutely not. And the money, I don’t know. Yeah. You’re, you’re not too late. You could really, really crack it and become the next, you know, greatest business coach and rival Tony Robbins.
It’s gonna take you some time and there’s gonna be a, you know, steep, steep learning curve. If you’re anything close to new to it but you know, you’re not too late. Absolutely. Rod Doug, I sent an email not long ago and we talked about it on the podcast, but I, I think it’s mind numbing powerful. Warren Buffett’s advice, but he says he tries to, what does he say?
Find something for a penny that I can sell for a dollar. And is habit forming again? Find something for a penny that he can sell for a dollar. And that’s habit forming. It’s just show-stopping. Mike dropping. You know, next level, Elon Musk, you know, the alien. Just trying to find his way, home level thinking that just can change that you, you look at his investments, you know, it’s things like chewing gum, you know what I mean?
Like that would be a classic example. You know, just think YouTube, think Facebook, think Instagram and you know, it’s habit, habit forming, by the way. Right? Don’t know that you’re gonna be able to, those things don’t cost a penny, but you could certainly buy ’em for a penny. Sell ’em for a dollar. Have a look at the valuations of those guys.
Another one, Charlie Munger. Again, I wrote about this and we talked about this in the not too distant past, but you talked to me, what’s on my mind? Some of the things that are zipping, you know, but show me the incentives and I’ll show you the outcomes. Ridiculously powerful. Anyway, so Road dog, that’s there’s a buddy.
I could keep going, but you know, it’s just, you know, just pushing yourself mentally and using things like mental models, upset again many a times, I don’t know, road dog. They’ve been very beneficial for you. Like learning, learning mental models or Actually no better worded is applying screw learning, cuz that doesn’t get you where you need to go.
It’s the application of mental models slowing down. That would be family road dog to the you know, the patterns that we just talked about, right? Like using a mental model will allow you to not be, you know, you still get triggered, but what will happen is you’re, the pattern will be recognized and you will no longer allow that small scenario with your wife, with your kids, with your clients, with your prospects, with your business partner, with your staff.
Become really big. You know what I mean? Like, Again, delayed gratification, you know, like just understanding that the best things in life, very seldom urgent, right? In fact, potentially never urge. Best things are all built. Around compounding. You know, I built software, profit acceleration software, and a profit acceleration similar, completely and a hundred percent built around the concept of compounding.
It’s just, we’re, we’re all good things. To have a plant you, you can’t plant, you can’t water a plant 10 times a day and have it grow quicker. You just, you just kill it. You know? You can’t get pregnant nine times and have a kid in a month instead of nine months. That’s not the way it works. You know, delayed accepting that things take time, but people are so impatient on a subconscious level, including, and starting with me by the way.
But I’m fancy myself as a guy who’s, you know, doing his best and, you know, learn all of these things and. You know, a apply these totally life-changing. So, RO, Doug and maybe just the richest people in the world build networks, you know, like, think they build e I know I have a email list of a hundred thou, a hundred thousand people get my daily email, right?
Like it’s a, it’s a list. A you know, a list of prospects, a list of clients, a cable network, a franchise network. Maybe I’m not a big M MLM guy, but like an M MLM network, if you do hit it, you, you really hit it. The richest people in the world build networks, whereas, you know, I dunno, poor people, but people not succeeding at the level they would like, are kind of going from opportunity to opportunity.
And there you go. And speaking, going opportunity to opportunity. Like, you know that saying road, Doug. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. See, it’s categorically incorrect. It’s who knows You. That matters. You know, and then what do they know you for? You know, like looking like a big deal is not the same as being a big deal.
So again, careful now there. Road dog. You’re a little bit of a, yeah, I, there you go. Shit. Oh, it’s, it’s it’s rabbit hole. What do you think? Like, there’s,
[00:32:04] Christian: there’s no denying this is Rabbit Hole City. And by the way, I’m happy to know that the biggest deal of all big deals. On the planet. Karl Bryan knows my name and knows who I am, so I feel pretty good about that right now.
So there you go. Shoot. What was I gonna say about that? There was something in there, the, the like, really good list, dude. Like really, really, really good list. Yeah. I did wanna maybe circle back though real quick. You mentioned Ray Crock, you mentioned Colonel Sanders, Judy Dench, Martha Stewart. Can you just attempt
[00:32:34] Karl: the name of the Red Bull guy?
[00:32:36] Christian: Just, just for, for all of us. That’d be great. I’d love to hear your, if it’s one thing I know it’s Karl Bryan is a very cultured man and he speaks many different dialects. So, yeah. What’s the name of the Red Bull owner again? What’s,
[00:32:51] Karl: how do you pronounce that? I speak redneck Red Dog. My, my first language is redneck, so I grew up in a very small town, 5,000 people.
Very proud of it, by the way. And Alberta ladies and gentlemen. I don’t know, red. What is it that Veja, I think maybe, I don’t know. I don’t know. Karl’s Yu
[00:33:10] Christian: Listen dude, we, for those that, that aren’t part of the pre-show, like Karl typically does this name envy thing, and he just butchers the hell out of everybody’s names.
Like it’s glorious. Like it just is. But to your, to your last point there, you’re talking about building networks, like it’s one of the most misunderstood things when it comes to marketing online. Stop looking for the sale and start looking for the list. You know what I mean? It’s like what if your platform were to disappear?
We talked about the pre-show. You talked about having. You know, foundations, right? The, the chairs under, or sorry, the legs under the table. Like, yeah, if, if you don’t, if you are relying on say, okay, the Facebook isn’t going anywhere, but let’s use that as the example, right? If all of your stuff is going on Facebook ads and perfect example.
So last week they got rid of a whole bunch of different categories for targeting. So now all of a sudden, now what, what if you, you’re relying on that and now you gotta relearn it and figure out the new audiences and new targeting that you have to set. You’re, you’re done. Like you, it’s gonna take you time to figure that out again, right?
So I just thought that was pretty important. It’s just like if you, a, you need to own your list, but yes, you need to have multiple streams. Building that list that you own. That’s exactly why you do the daily email. You have a big list that you can always market to, and you own that list no matter what happens.
So I just wanted to point that out. Any thoughts on
[00:34:42] Karl: that? Yeah I would agree. In fact, I wanna expand. We just mentioned in the pre-show, the, the ne like just somebody asked about, you know, doing a specific lead generation activity. We said it’s like absolutely. But if you’ve got one activity you know, you’re an umbrella, you wanna think about being a table, and then if you’ve got four legs under your table, it’s pretty sturdy.
If you’ve got three, it’s gonna stand up, but you’re not overly sturdy. And if you had eight legs underneath your table, This is a big, you know, a, a windstorm can come through and you’ll still be standing. So a little bit to that point. But yeah, building your list folks. Absolutely. Got a high five road dog.
[00:35:23] Christian: Build your list. All right. Speaking of that, so that’s a good list that you just had there. So now for those paying attention you know, like I know you’ve been diving deep into it, software, SaaS, digital companies, all of that very exciting stuff that I would never want any part of. Has any of that given you any further thoughts around, you know, just ideas specific to those types of companies?
[00:35:48] Karl: SaaS and yeah. In fact, I wrote about this recently, but so your best customer look the best customer service department is that you don’t need a customer service department. You know, your customer shouldn’t need to call or message you in a, you know, an online world. Think, think Facebook and Google, and how difficult it’s to get ahold of anyone but friction.
You know, they just, less humans, humans are the enemy of scale. So you wanna have less of that, but we just literally, we didn’t, well we hired somebody, I guess we, we hired somebody to fill a position because we elevated somebody that’s been with us for nine years. So, and basically his job is to go through and reverse engineer all of our support tickets.
And then the future ones that come through. And then the goal is to basically create a, a process so that it would eliminate the need for somebody to send that support ticket. Again, so I’ll just tell you Jeff Bezos 1 0 1 raving make a meal of this, but it’s something to the effect of Raven raving fans don’t send support tickets.
Right. That’s our buddy Jeff Bezo. So that’s where that comes from. I think that that’s, you know how that’s, that’s, that’s fresh. Like this weekend you know, something like I was talking like, we’re, we’re building this, well, I should let this outta the bag. We’re building podcast software right now. It’s got a little bit of a, a twist to it, but I think it’s gonna be pretty darn cool and be very valuable for our clients.
Hopefully the, so, so it’s, it’s not an experiment if you know it’s going to. I know what our guys are doing. I know our lead generation processes. I obviously know a lot about business coaching and getting clients. Like it’s not an experiment to be a know it’s going to work. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t collect data be very careful with that, but, you know, there’s just some things you just know.
So again, cuz otherwise, again, if we did all the testing and whatnot, I was like, guys, it, it’s already gonna take x amount of months to get this out. You know, do we wanna add three months to that? And by the way, other priorities will, will jump the queue and go in front of it. So anyways, it’s, it’s not an experiment if you know it’s gonna work I will tell you this, here’s I am not, you know, like a branding.
I, I’m not a, you know, I’m more of a direct response guy versus a branding guy. I’m not branding. I don’t know. Yeah. Great companies. Here’s what this is. Steve Jobs 1 0 1 if you research Apple, but great companies are built on great products. The end. That’s how Apple became Apple and spent very little money on advertising over many, many, many years.
And that would be Facebook, and that would be Amazon as well. But, you know, great companies are built on great products. My question for the business coaches, what products do they have? What services do they have? What do they named? How do they work? And then as you’re looking at your client’s businesses, what products do they have and are they great?
Are they legitimately, you know, Steve Jobs insanely great. You know, risk comes from not knowing what the hell you’re doing. You know, again, SAS world can be very expensive and, you know, pay a lot of people to do a lot of mindless activity. You gotta be careful with that. But risk comes from not knowing what the hell you’re doing.
But that being said, how do you learn what to do? You, you learn by doing, but you gotta be making sure you’re collecting data along the way and not allowing your, your gut. Gut stands for gave up thinking. Be careful with that one. You know, I just, I said something the, you know, great products and what, like, branding, like your per, here’s one that I, I think has a lot of power.
I think you guys can decide, but your personal brand, like what is it, right? And what is your personal brand? Let me tell you, when you’re not in the room and people are talking about you, that’s your personal brand. The end drop the mic, right? And then my question is a business coach, so are you the guy that comes across overly salesy or the gal that comes across overly salesy?
Are you the person that puts value first? Anyways, I don’t know. I, I, I, I think there’s, you know, I don’t know. Yeah, you’re gonna build a kick butt company. You’re gonna wanna have a, you know, represent a, you know, some core values. We should be thinking about that. You know, it’s just consistency. Just again, with software, you just consistency road dog.
You just, you know, it, consistency will turn. And again, I wrote just an email not long ago, but consistency can turn ordinary into extraordinary, nothing. But unfortunately, it’s what I said earlier about the mental models. I just delayed gratification and being willing to forgo the result for a period of time.
You know, that’s it. And you know, like Facebook, what do they say? That they break things? You know, if you’re not, if you’re not falling on your face, if, if things are not working, if you’re not failing, you’re just not innovating enough. Okay? And again, most people are, you know, hyper. They’re like perfect. If you introduce me to a perfectionist, I’ll introduce you to somebody who doesn’t get a lot done.
Right? So, so, you know Yeah, just in, you know, if you’re gonna run a digital, you’re gonna run a, a business in that world. You’re gonna have to be hyper excited about innovation. And then look, if your goal is a billion dollars, paranoia is a worthy pursuit word straight out of the mouth, or very close to, if somebody very close to me which I thought was, you know, had a lot of power you know, again, paranoia.
Most people think that’s a bad thing. , you know, it’s conversation I had with someone who’s worth a lot of money. Apparently in his opinion, paranoia is a great thing. Think of a professional athlete. You know, if you’re the Leftwinger on the New York Rangers, there are about 16 kids making half as much as you significantly, you know, Like you making less money than you, significantly more energetic than you, significantly more enthusiastic than you trying to take your job every single day, right?
So think about it in that kind of a dynamic. Paranoia is probably a pretty good idea. So, you know, do you have it in a, the business world, you know, talked about guy like Michael Jordan doesn’t become Michael Jordan. Tom Brady. Tom Brady, Wayne Gretsky, Wayne Gretsky without, you know dunno, paranoia is the right word, but being significantly driven by fear of loss as opposed to joy of gain.
You know, and when I interviewed a guy again last week on Friday, We’ve talked about this in the past road, Doug, but like, again, I start the con the conversation is not, if the conversation’s about how much money I’m going to pay him, the conversation’s a very short one. Right? And then the most successful speech of all time was what?
Started with three words or four words. I had a dream, right? M l Martin Luther King. You know, it didn’t start with I’ve, you know, I’ve, I’ve got a step-by-step plan, right? Like, and how do you start your meetings? How do you start your talks? How do you start your calls? How do you start your appointments?
When you, you meet somebody on the, the plane, the boss or the, you know, wherever in a networking group, like what are you talking about, right? Talking about how amazing things are and how exciting it is, and, you know, covid has been brutal, but some of the opportunities that have come forth, what you’ve learned you know, talking from a place of 30,000, you know, things are amazing.
I think. Yeah, just, I, I had a dream. Just think about that. When you’re speaking to people, are you, are you starting with that it’s a good chance? No. You know, and it’s like advertising we said earlier, like Apple, you know, like, again, like we don’t do you know, for a company doing what we’re doing, 49 countries, we don’t do a lot of advertising.
Very little. We have a referral network. We’ll make, you know, a lot of sales today as a result of our referral network, what we’ve built over a body of, you know, over a decade plus, plus plus. But it’s like, you know, advertising is not the way to grow a SaaS. Sprinkly growth loop is what, if you look, a growth loop is something that everybody should be.
Researching again, we talked about that in the past. I had a, I made the mistake having a little Facebook conversation about it. Every once in a while, I make that mistake. And I made it a short one. I just said, look, go study this. Maybe I have no idea. I’m okay with that, but here’s where to go. This, this is what I’d be studying.
And it basically had quotations around growth loops. You can see that, but you know, advertising is not the way to grow that kind of company. And it’s not to say that they shouldn’t advertise. I’ve been on record of saying, you know, again, advertising to profit is a superpower and I absolutely believe that.
But in the SaaS world, growth loops and some of the opportunities in a digital company, very different. You know, so, and then a toothbrush test wrote down and I just. Look, Google, don’t work on thing that you won’t use twice a day. So think Chrome, think YouTube, think Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Maps, Google Drive, Google Docs, and all the, the products that they have got, if they don’t think you’ll use it twice a day they’re not gonna build it.
So, you know, thinking about how you’re gonna, yeah, you’re thinking about things that you’re gonna build your, you’ve got a company that’s a tech play of some description. You know, are their clients gonna be using this twice a day? And if they’re not, they might wanna think twice about creating it. So, lots, rodg, lots of Yeah, those are some of the things, you know, and opportunity lies, rodg, where the complaints are.
Where are the complaints? Again, pat, we go to behavioral patterns, right? That, you know, you’re going into avoidance and oh, that idiot and God, our our guys, they, they, they can’t work a computer. They can’t send an email. They can’t do this, they can’t do that. Well, opportunity is where or sorry, the complaints are where opportunity lies on steroids.
Might want to go head first and straight to that. So there you go. Rod, Doug. That was a little bit so rabbit hole issue. You think, you,
[00:45:14] Christian: you, you talk about the, I had a dream. I know what your, when you do a presentation, I know, I know exactly what everyone’s first words are in their brains. I thought he was taller for sure.
I’ve heard, oh, I, I know you have I’m stealing your joke from you too, so but I don’t think we’ve ever said in the podcast, so it’s mine. So there you go. Listen, real quick on that. You, you made a point there and I just it just, it brought me to actually something I pulled out of my sermon yesterday that I was watching.
People always say they want something, right? It’s like, and, and the the craziest part, Karl, is the fact that it’s like, I want whatever it is, name whatever it is you want, and all you look at is the good. You talk about the paranoia, right? So what I got out of a, my sermon yesterday was you say you want something, but if you knew what it came with, would you still want it?
Yeah. Like with every good, with every growth, with every, the opportunity. It’s not all sunshine and unicorns, you know what I mean? So I
[00:46:22] Karl: thought that was road Dubb. Some people, they think they wanna be famous and then ask somebody who’s famous and then ask ’em how it’s working out . Right? Right. So would that fall into what you were saying?
You agree with that?
[00:46:34] Christian: Well, a hundred percent it would. It’s sort of like, I wanna be a self-employed entrepreneur, so I have more time with my family. Like, we know how Tony starts Business Mastery, right? It’s like, how’s that working out for you? Like it’s, you say you want all these things, but have you actually thought about what comes along with it?
And then is that really what you want? And if you do, awesome, go for it. Yes, absolutely. But don’t just assume that because, well, I’m, I’m gonna make a million dollars. Do you understand? You know what? Perfect example, Karl. You always talk about that, right? It’s like, do you want a million dollar business with all this staff and employees and the headaches and everything?
Or do you just want like 150, $200,000 business? That’s just easy. Like are do you want what goes with it? I think that’s a perfect
[00:47:19] Karl: example. Nice. Yeah, I agreed. Care for what you wish for shoots care for what you wish for. There it is. But again, but people again, because they don’t operate with mental models and delayed gratification, and again, it’s just road dog.
It’s this, it’s little red arrow. You are here, what do you want? Coaching? And you know, the journey, the destination is between those two points called the May and B and bingo bango bango. That’s the solution. But you gotta make sure you define that, you know, that destination B is where you want to go. Do you really want to go to la You really want to go to New York?
Is that where you want to go? And if you define it properly, it’s, the journey’s gonna become pretty straightforward. But it’s
[00:48:01] Christian: say, I wanna become a business coach, but I wanna remain comfortable and not step outta my comfort zone. I don’t want a cold call. Yeah. I don’t wanna pitch people, I don’t wanna do presentations.
I, I don’t wanna learn accounting. I, you know what I mean? Like, good luck with that. We’ll see how that works out for you.
[00:48:19] Karl: Yeah. Yeah. It’s road Duggan. So many times I’ve, you know, obviously I’ve spoken to business coaches for, you know, better part of two decades, semi, like, pretty much full-time as a career.
And so many times when I get somebody on the phone and they start telling me, or face-to-face for that matter, but it would normally be on the phone and they tell me all the things they’re not gonna do. Like starting with cold calling. Look. So that’s just, you know, that’s beyond me. See, the, the problem with that road dog is it’s all about them, right?
It’s like, oh, okay, so you, you don’t wanna help people. That’s what you’re saying, you know, if they’re clearly defining what it is that they’re not going to do, unfortunately doesn’t It doesn’t work out very well on average for those individuals. And that being said, being lazy can be a superpower. You just need to be efficiently lazy in that you can’t be lazy.
You have to de, you have to get good, rather than thinking about it as being lazy. You gotta get really good at delegation and again, very clearly defined roles and things that you want accomplished, et cetera. And you can be dangerously efficient. You know, Warren Buffet, how does Warren Buffet. B, like build, own and run to this day, run to a large degree, still in charge of all capital allocation you know, decisions and you know where they invest.
Warren puts his signature on it, right? Like the guy he reads 80, he just, everybody’s seen that out there. I’d imagine like the guy reads 80% of his, you know, from nine, let’s assume he works nine to six every day. He reads 80% of the time. Somebody saw his calendar once I saw this. I dunno where it was, but I believe it to be true.
And like on his calendar for the week, he had one appointment that was to go get a haircut. How do you run a company worth hundreds of billions of dollars and have nothing on your calendar? And the answer is that you gotta get really good at delegation. Not pretend, not kind of. And I guarantee back, you know, 20, 30, 40 years ago it wasn’t that good.
And actually road dog a little bit rapish, but I think super powerful like Warren Buffett when he was, I believe 55 years old. He was not, I don’t know what he was worth, but it was like, I’m gonna say 200. I don’t know the number, but I’m gonna say 250 million. Right? Which is a lot of money. But at 55 he worth 250 million.
I might be significantly more than that, but it was not, you know, but it was, it’s a lot of money, but not stupid amount of money. And then at the age of, you know, now he’s 90 or whatever he is, he’s worth hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. Like most of that wealth, like 90 x percent, 90 plus plus plus percent of that money was made.
I actually, I wish, I can’t remember the stats Rod, but it was like after he was 75 years old, right? So if he had an early untimely death, Warren Buffet, we’re not here talking about him, the end mic drop, you know, and I, that’s delayed gratification 1 0 1, you, the, the important is very seldom the urgent, incredible power that statement.
[00:51:15] Christian: Love it. There you go. And seeing as you didn’t ask me my thoughts, I’ll just give you what I’ve been thinking about . And, and that, that, that quite simply was over the weekend I got a referral and from, from a client and it’s like, it, it got me thinking of, you know, like all of these people that are selling all these hardcore sales tactics and stuff.
It’s like, man, I got no interest in that. Like, I just want to get on a call and have a real conversation with somebody and be like, so where are you at? Like, and if I can’t help them, I, I’m not gonna try and pretend like I can and I’m not gonna beat around and try and be in the race to zero for price.
Like, it’s either gonna it work or not. But I, I’m gonna show up with my intention of adding some real value in that conversation. And that’s it. And then where it lands, it lands and that’s, that’s it. I just don’t understand. We put so much pressure on ourselves to close. Like if that, if your whole obje like how about just lead with value?
Would that not be like a cool thing Karl? Like if everybody is led with value out of the gate and it’d just make everybody’s lives a lot less stressful of going out and talking to people because you’d just be wanting to truly, genuinely help them.
[00:52:30] Karl: Like, that’s it. again, I used to send this in almost like tons of, might have actually been in the closing of every email when I originally got my daily email going, but it’s, you don’t have a, it’s something like this.
Hopefully I’ll get it. But you’ll get the idea. But you don’t, I might have said this last week. I, I said it on a q and a call for sure this week. But anyways, it’s you don’t have a client problem. You don’t have a money problem. You have a refusal to help people before they pay you problem. That’s the problem.
And Roddo, if we took that approach, I think we’d all be doing significantly better shoots. Let’s beautiful.
[00:53:07] Christian: Beautiful. All right, big man. Just close us out. What’s the one thing, or would that be it? Would that, would that be your thing or are you gonna pick something else? What are you gonna do here? What what’s the one thing that’s Rob dog saying, let’s get the hell outta here.
Seriously. Like, the people are like, let’s get on with our day. You know, I mean, Karl’s going down another rabbit hole. Just pick the last thing. Let road dog do the clothes and let’s move on. But what is it? Shoots? What are you gonna pick?
[00:53:33] Karl: Hang, just cause you said that I gotta go to something that’s you know, innovating.
You know, I think maybe cuz I, I went on that, you know, we were talking kind of SaaS companies, but like, stop advertising and start innovating. Just, I, I want people to just go deep like with their clients. Like you, you gotta be different like Steve Jobs. If you haven’t watched a Steve Jobs movie and sad.
Watched it many, many, many times. The one with Ashton Kutcher specifically, I think that one’s way better. But anyway, so it’s like I think they’re, they’re talking about b m and then he says, we don’t wanna be better than i b m. We need to be different. You gotta go different. You know, again, we built profit acceleration software, digital acceleration software.
We’re building all kinds of different group coaching software, profit acceleration simulator, just, it’s all different. You can’t get it anywhere else in the world. We’re gonna continue to do that. I mentioned the podcast software earlier that we’re building, like we’re just building things that nobody else is doing.
And by the way, providing value. And then the, the leading question before we go and create a piece of software is, is it, what is the problem? Does this solve it? Right? And what kinda piece of software can we build that solves problems? And if it doesn’t solve problems, we don’t work on it. But I just, so, and, and this isn’t, this is, so for you, the business coach listening, you know, like.
Innovation, you know, are you trying to be better? That’s, that’s, you know, than the other business coaches are going to the networking and you know, like, be different. Really stand on your own way, you know, be, be different, be charismatic. And by the way, did I say this? Confidence has no competition. Might have said that earlier, may not have, but confidence has no competition.
So that, by the way, and that’s not the innovation that I’m trying to talk about, but I can tell you will help you stand you know, apart in a very real and tangible way. But are your clients innovating? Are you innovating? And innovation can be, and it doesn’t mean you have to go and spend a bunch of money on software, not even close.
Innovation can be the words that you use, the pitch that you use, the hook that you use, the report that you create, the book that you wrote. And that’s not necessarily ideal. I’m hoping you go a little bit deeper than that, but I’m trying to give you some surface level to get you started. But, Innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation.
I, I think that there’s some power in that. Cause it, it just one little tweak, one little adjustment can make a monumental shift. It’s like 80 20, but like a million times deeper. So yeah, I don’t know. I just, summary innovation’s gonna be the, the, the, the closing of the thought of the day road do. And the, you
[00:56:07] Christian: know what the best way to be different is, is to be you.
[00:56:13] Karl: I’ll be like that cause there’s
[00:56:14] Christian: only one of you. And just be that KB is KB and no one can be him. That’s a fact. Right? And it’s working out well for ’em. So, and, and that’s, that’s, I don’t know, what do you, what do you think of that? But like, I just think if everybody just embraced on who they truly are and had their personality shine and just have that confidence to be themselves, I think they’d be so much better
[00:56:37] Karl: off.
So, and I do, I think that little trite, but I, I re like road dog. You’re a hun. You know, you’re a hundred percent correct. Right? You gotta be authentic And social media, we see it all the time. You know, people who, you know, and they’re, they’re not overly funny and then they’re posting like really, really funny stuff.
Or they’re like really funny person. They’re, you know, I don’t know. You just gotta, just be yourself. That’s the best way to do well online. Just provide value for sure. But make sure it comes from an authentic place. Beautiful.
[00:57:04] Christian: Look at us. We’re, we’re not just a business co. We’re like a personal development branding product.
nice. We’re growing. It’s amazing. All right everybody. Thanks for tuning into the episode of Business Coaching Secrets with the man on top of the hill. The king himself. King Karl. And if you’re not on the inside, getting access to the pre. Or you aren’t getting Karl’s dealer emails, or you want more information on how to grow your coaching business through using the group coaching software or any of the other amazing stuff that Karl’s got coming, go to focuseded.com and subscribe today.
Again, if you enjoyed the podcast, please share it with a fellow friend, coach, or anyone that you think might get some value out of this. And if you liked what you heard, please leave us a review. Cause that will make a huge impact for moving us up the, the Ladder of success on the the world of podcasts.
Anyways, that is it for another week. Remember folks, progress e equals happiness. Take care everybody.
[00:58:01] Karl: Karl Bryan built profit acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
This becomes a business coaches superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never again have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high-end coaching fees. Check us out at focused.com.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.