The Secret Formula For Building a 6-Figure Coaching Business with Adrian Ulsh
As a frequent contributor to this site, I’ll be publishing several articles over the next few weeks aimed at helping business coaches improve their abilities to help their clients out-think, out-market and out-sell their competition.
I will also reveal how business coaches that follow my training (over 400 coaches in 13 countries) can sign up as many $12,000 to $50,000 coaching clients as they can handle.
Let’s begin by discussing WHY it’s so hard to get and keep coaching clients. I work and train coaches every day, and based on my real world experience, I would estimate more than 70% of all coaches make less than $10,000 per year in coaching revenue. The biggest reason for this has to do with the coaches inability to generate immediate results for their clients.
Small business owners today are hurting big time. When they hire a coach for $1k or $2k per month, that’s a big blow if they don’t see an immediate return. Every time they stroke a check to pay that coach for their services, they ask themselves… “am I making back more than I’m spending on this coach?”
If that answer is no, (and it often is), they will promptly fire the coach. Most of the coaches I speak with admit their average coaching engagement is around 90 days. In fact, this has now become so prevalent that many coaches I train set 90 days as their standard coaching program prior to working with me.
So what’s the solution to this alarming problem? Business coaches today MUST have a systematic process when it comes to working with their clients. They must also have a systematic process when it comes to generating high dollar coaching clients for themselves as well. Unfortunately, the coaches I speak with daily have neither, hence their poor performance and lack of clients.
Over the next several weeks I’ll change all of this for those of you who read this column. I’m going to reveal to you the problems facing all small business owners today. I’ll explain why they aren’t getting results… why their marketing isn’t working like it used to… and how a few simple changes can enable them to dominate their market and start earning a hefty income.
I’ll teach you as a coach how to walk into any small business and generate immediate bottom-line revenue. I’ll reveal to you a systematic process for getting results as well as generating leads and new coaching clients for yourself.
And perhaps best of all, I’ll also reveal exactly how you can build a 7 figure coaching business. That’s right… 7 FIGURES! Believe me, it’s much easier than you think. I can show you how to make 7 figures and work less than 25% of the time you’re working now.
In my next article, I’m going to explain what it is that all small business owners want from a business coach. We’ll go over their perceptions and expectations so you know what to do when you sit down with them to offer them your coaching services.
In later articles, I’ll show you why small business marketing no longer works, and the steps you can take as a coach to change your client’s marketing in such a way that their prospects will quickly conclude that they would be an idiot to buy what your client sells from anyone else but your client.
Imagine having the ability to change your client’s marketing in such a way that they completely dominate their market. They begin to position themselves as unique, and that uniqueness instantly begins to separate their business from their competition.
Their marketing becomes so powerful and compelling that their prospects will say to themselves that they would be idiots to buy from anyone else but them, regardless of price. I’ll show you how to create marketing that conveys the value of your client’s product or service… and in the process, eliminate the need to ever again compete on price.
Imagine your client being the highest priced product or service in their market, and still out-market and out-sell their competition by a mile. Believe me when I tell you that all of this is possible once you understand the true fundamentals of marketing as it applies to the average consumer’s decision-making process.
Over the next several articles, I’ll provide you with cutting-edge insights that will position you in a league all your own as a coach. You will find yourself light years ahead of your peers, and the new insights you will gain will enable you to sign up higher dollar coaching clients with much greater frequency and certainty.
So until next time,
Adrian Ulsh

About Adrian Ulsh
Adrian Ulsh is the CEO for Leader Publishing Worldwide, the largest online provider of coaching services worldwide. Adrian currently works with more than 500 coaches in 24 countries advising them on building 6 and 7 figure coaching practices.