Mike Capuzzi
Mike Capuzzi is a consultant and coach for business owners and sharp entrepreneurs looking to get to the next level in their business.
He is also the inventor of the world-famous CopyDoodles®. Throughout his 23 years in marketing, he has helped thousands around the world increase their marketing results and profitability with his unique take on high-impact direct-response marketing and copywriting.
To get Mike’s tips, visit www.MikeCapuzzi.com.
Articles by Mike Capuzzi

How to Be a Remarkable Business Coach with Mike Capuzzi
Mike Capuzzi shows you 7 Ways to Be Remarkable Before Selling, During Selling and After Selling. Remarkable things are things worth talking about.

6 Simple Ways to Transform Your Coaching Business in 2018 with Mike Capuzzi
Business coaches and consultants should use the start of a new year as a time to reflect, review, reorganize and redirect (as necessary) their business-related efforts, especially when it comes to marketing.

Personal Marketing Pays Off! with Mike Capuzzi
First off, he took it upon himself to create this personal marketing campaign. He was the only salesperson in his store to take this “old school” approach to send a personal welcome message via direct mail.

Start Your Own Paid Mastermind Group with Mike Capuzzi
One of the most powerful opportunities a business coach has to scale his or her influence is starting a paid mastermind group. The one-to-many model of mastermind groups is a powerful way to leverage your time, experience and connections while being rewarded in different ways, including financially.

Welcome Mat Marketing with Mike Capuzzi
Discover the process of how to step-by-step systematically automate your welcome mat process from Mike Capuzzi…