Michael Griffiths
As the founder of Referral Marketing Guru we provide the #1 Referral Marketing Training around the globe for coaches, consultants and professional service businesses. Having built 7 businesses and sold 6 of them all through referrals, networks and partnerships we now show people how they to can have their own Million Dollar Referral System.
I speak some 60+ times a year around the globe and are the referral expert for numerous communities and organizations to help their members get more referrals.
After becoming despondent with the school system I went out to create my first business in 2007 an education center, helping students one on one in their homes.
In 2010 I followed my passion of helping others into Marketing and quickly became known as the marketing guru through providing real life marketing solutions to businesses. My Small Business Marketing Guru was sold in August 2013.
That took me to my real love and passion, helping others connect and become better networker’s to grow their referrals into their business. Today I help businesses to generate more leads and gain more clients through implementing a referral marketing system into their business.
Would You Like To Create A ” Referral Growth Plan” ? Find out more here – www.michaelgriffiths.com.au/call
Articles by Michael Griffiths

5 Simple Ways To Generate High-End Business Coaching Referrals In The Next 30 Days with Michael Griffiths
How do you get high-quality leads – leads that are easy to convert and the prospect is ready to get started working with you. Simply put, employ the strategies I teach in my program: ‘High-Quality Referrals.’