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Lead Generation Case Study with Adrian Ulsh

by | Adrian Ulsh, Business Coaching Fundamentals | 0 comments

How would you like to have all the leads you and your business can handle?

This process will work if you’re a business coach, a neurosurgeon or a dog walker. Here are the basic steps to follow that will generate a massive number of free leads for any profession.

Top ten most frequently asked questions

First, as a business owner, you’re often asked by your prospects the same questions over and over about what you do, or about your product or service.

We want you to sit down and write out your list of the top ten most frequently asked questions you hear from your prospects and clients. This should only take you about 15-30 minutes.

As an example, let’s say I want to lose weight and you’re a personal trainer. A personal trainer frequently hears questions like “what’s the best exercise I can do to drop the pounds quickly?” Or “how often should I do cardio each week?” These are the common, everyday questions that every personal trainer hears, day in and day out.

Second, I want you to write out the top ten questions that your prospects and clients “should” be asking. These are the questions that they don’t know they don’t know. These are the things that they need to know about your product or service, but don’t.

These would be questions like “what’s the real truth about dieting?” Or “why do most people think that, in order for them to lose weight, they should eat less?”

These questions should take you an additional 15-30 minutes.

The reason for writing down these twenty questions simply comes down to the basics of effective marketing. Prospects will buy what they want, not what they need. They want an expert, someone who can help them accomplish their goals and objectives.

These twenty questions position you as “the expert.” The first ten questions answer all of the questions they have about what you do, and the next ten establish your credibility, begin to build rapport as they now have the opportunity through video to see and listen to you simultaneously.

And of course, these questions position you as the industry expert in their eyes.

When combined, this valuable content establishes you as a credible expert and authority. The content you’re providing educates, informs, entertains and builds rapport with your prospects. That gives them a sense of connection with you and creates an emotional relationship.

Now that you’ve written down your 10 frequently asked questions and your 10 should ask questions, the third thing I want you to do is to record 20 short videos responding to each of those questions.

Each video response should be 30 seconds to 3 minutes in length, so when you complete your videos, you will have around 30 to 60 minutes of expert content.

If you don’t have access to a camera, you can create 20 videos using PowerPoint and an inexpensive recording software program. Once you have your expert content created, the fourth thing I want you to do is to record 4 short “mini” videos that should average about one to five minutes each. Here are the different formats I want you to create for each mini video.

Mini video #1 is called your “To Get More, Go Here” video

Typically, your prospects will only be watching one of your original twenty videos at a time. When they see the expert content in each one, they will be compelled to want more information. So, don’t disappoint them.

At the end of each of those 20 videos you just recorded, you want to tell people where to go to get all of your remaining videos. Offer to take them from the video they’ve just finished watching directly to a Video Lead Capture Landing Page where they can download your remaining videos. We recommend that you record this video message once and then edit it to the end of all 20 videos. If you don’t know how to edit, or simply aren’t comfortable doing that, then you will need to record this additional video section at the end of every video as you film it. Not a big deal either way.

Mini video #2 is your Lead Capture Page video

This is the page you bring them to from each of your 20 videos. This is where you ask them to enter their name and email so they can receive all 20 videos. This video goes directly on your “video lead capture landing page.” It’s your chance to again connect with the prospect, explain your offer and the benefits they will receive from them, and compel them to sign up for the remaining videos.

Mini video #3 is your “Thank You for Signing Up” video

Once they enter their name and email address on your lead capture page, you want to immediately send them to your thank you video. Put mini video #3 on this thank you page.

This video thanks them for requesting the additional videos, again highlights the benefits they will receive from them, and tells them they’ll receive their first video as soon as they click a confirmation link that your autoresponder will email to them. This ensures that the person requesting your information is really who they say they are, and it verifies they have given you a valid email address.

Mini video #4 is the “Buy My Stuff” video

You can put this on your thank you page directly below the thank you video, or on a separate landing page. This is a very subtle offer to allow them to immediately purchase your product or engage your services. More on this in a moment.

Now that you have created your videos, you need to create the physical pages themselves and post the videos on them. Begin by creating a lead capture landing page. This is where you’re going to send your prospects after they watch your individual video, and here is where they will decide if they want to sign up for the remaining videos.

There are now many various web development software products available that give you the capability to create your own landing pages without the need to become a programming expert. Most are simple point and click sites. You can also have a web design Liverpool professional create separate landing pages for you as well.

Once that physical page is in place, now you’re ready to distribute your videos to all the various social media sites you can find. Upload your videos to as many video sharing sites, social bookmarking sites, podcast directories, social networks and blogs as possible. It normally takes a couple of days to do this manually.

Once you submit your content, the search engines will gobble up your videos in a few hours and you’ll be indexed. Search engines love video, and within 24 – 48 hours, you’ll dominate the keyword phrases your videos are associated with in your local market. You’ll start seeing your organic rankings rise dramatically, and begin to see a huge influx of prospects coming to your site to request your remaining videos.


You’re sending those prospects to your lead capture landing page where you offer them information they want. This is where you capture their names and emails as you begin to build your list.

Always remember that the search engines love video content. When you upload your videos to the top video sites, they get instantly ranked and quickly show up in the search engines. Quite often, videos show up in local searches in just one to two hours after you submit them.

Keyword domination, where your videos receive multiple listings, frequently occurs within 24 to 48 hours.

And if you upload your videos onto dozens of sites, they all get ranked separately. It’s not uncommon for a single video to dominate four to eight local positions on a single page. And when a user sees your obvious domination in the organic listings, they’re compelled to click on that listing!

But here’s what’s really great about this. When a prospect watches any of your videos and then visits your site, they’re five to twenty times more likely to take action than they would from an ordinary link or a paid advertisement. That’s why I said earlier that “free sells.”

Remember our goal for today was to provide you with various ways to generate a multitude of leads online.

We discussed how to make your writings and your website more effective using both compelling, attention-grabbing headlines with in-depth information that your target market will find incredibly valuable.

We discussed how free offers for your information drive prospects to request that information, and how one of the best and more powerful ways to deliver that information is through the use of video so you begin to build a relationship with your prospects.

We also outlined our 20 Questions strategy for lead generation where you write out the top ten most frequently asked questions you hear from your prospects and clients, followed by the top ten questions that your prospects and clients “should” be asking.

These twenty questions position you as “the expert.” The first ten questions answer all of the questions they have about what you do, and the next ten establish your credibility, begin to build rapport and position you as the industry expert in their eyes.

The content you’re providing educates, informs, entertains and builds rapport with your prospects. That gives them a sense of connection with you and creates an emotional relationship.

You then record 20 short videos responding to each of those questions and post them everywhere you can online. Then record 4 short “mini” videos that should average about one to five minutes each.

Mini video #1 is called your “To Get More, Go Here” video

This goes at the end of each of your 20 short videos and it tells your prospects where they can go to download the remaining videos.

Mini video #2 is your Lead Capture Page video

This is the page you bring them to from each of your 20 videos where you ask them to enter their name and email so they can receive all 20 videos.

Mini video #3 is your “Thank You for Signing Up” video

Once they enter their name and email address on your lead capture page, you want to immediately send them to your thank you video.

This video thanks them for requesting the additional videos, again highlights the benefits they will receive from them, and tells them they’ll receive their first video as soon as they click a confirmation link that your autoresponder will email to them.

Mini video #4 is the “Buy My Stuff” video

You can put this on your thank you page directly below the thank you video, or on a separate landing page. This is a very subtle offer to allow them to immediately purchase your product or engage your services.

This is a simple yet extremely powerful strategy that ANY business can use to quickly and inexpensively generate a massive number of leads in a fairly short period of time.

 About Adrian Ulsh

Adrian Ulsh is the CEO for Leader Publishing Worldwide, the largest online provider of coaching services worldwide. Adrian currently works with more than 500 coaches in 24 countries advising them on building 6 and 7 figure coaching practices.

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