Kim D. Strohmeier

Kim D. Strohmeier


As a business coach and strategist, I have a deep understanding and empathy for what motivates and challenges small business owners – their frustrations and their satisfactions. My expertise comes from the “school of hard knocks” experience of owning both successful and less than successful businesses. I have 10+ years’ experience and international training in the business coaching process, and I have a whole career’s worth of training in working with business people in helping them realize their dreams. I focus on the reality, rather than the theory, of small business planning, management and marketing.

I help business owners set themselves up for long-term financial success through:
• Discovering their unique competitive edge that will cause clients to think of no-one else with which to do business
• Developing compelling offers that allows for market domination
• Creating competition-crushing marketing that causes revenues and profits to soar
• Setting a roadmap for long-term financial success and personal satisfaction

Articles by Kim D. Strohmeier

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