Pete Winiarski
Peter (Pete) D. Winiarski is a speaker, transformational leader, business consultant, results coach, and author of the # 1 International Best Seller Act Now! A Daily Action Log for Achieving Your Goals in 90 Days.
He is the founder and CEO of Win Enterprises, LLC and the creator of the Win Holistic Transformation Model, a framework to help business leaders achieve transformational results. In the business world, Pete works with management teams to improve the processes that shape their results and to shape the leadership and culture of the whole organization.
To help individuals maximize their results, Pete coaches them to clarify their goals, align their beliefs, and develop strategies to achieve them, including daily practices to create powerful success habits. Pete describes this methodology in his book, Act Now! a Daily Action Log For Achieving Your Goals in 90 Days.
The clients Pete has supported range from individual entrepreneurs and small business owners to international corporations with $80 Billion in revenue.
Pete is also the co-founder of the Business Consultant Institute.
Pete has degrees in Engineering and Business. He is also a graduate of Jack Canfield’s elite Train the Trainer program, and is a practitioner of NLP (Neuro Lingustic Programming), RIM (Releasing Your Inner Magician), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), The Sedona Method, and other methods to help you and your team achieve your full potential.
Articles by Pete Winiarski

Coaching Hacks with Terri Levine and Pete Winiarski
In the March issue of the Six Figure Coach magazine, I spoke with Terri Levine and Pete Winiarski on the number one way to get coaching leads…