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BCS: 157 | Clever Ways To DM + Do You Need A Mission Statement

mission statement

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan


BCS 157: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:

– Clever ways to DM

– Do you need a mission statement?

And more…

Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.

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SFC 157
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing. High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:38] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets with None other than the man, the myth, the hockey picking legend Karl Bryan .
[00:00:49] Karl: Shoots road dog. We know that’s not true. If there’s anything, I am not. There’s a lot of things that I’m not, and one of them is really good at picking anything to do with sports.
Frankly. I have a friend, Chuck Brady, who is adamant that anything that I say in relation to sports betting, if you do the exact opposite, you’d be very rich man or woman, or the case may be. Should I tell ’em? Do you want me to give them the prediction here? We’re time stamping this, this way, but that’s all good.
What do you think? Should I tell ’em what’s happening? Well, if, if, if
[00:01:24] Christian: you’re, if you’re up for it. I don’t know if you wanna put the curse back on the leash this year, but , it’s funny, right? Like it’s, it’s, you could almost date it back to when they, they last won is when you started cheering for them. I think, you know what?
I don’t even wanna jinx our boy Dobe in Calgary, so don’t even touch.
[00:01:41] Karl: All right, but the Leafs in, we just said it on the pre-show, the Leafs in six, and then Mike chimed in and said Tampa in five. And I’ll have you know that the Tampa Bay Lightning have won the last two cups, so they don’t need anymore.
Staco is happy. Headman is happy. Lesky. The goalie is happy. Everybody’s happy. They should just actually, Braden anyway, so Leafs in six. You’re here to hear first. So that’s what I gotta say. That’s the only prediction I’m making. Only one I care. So that’s it. Okay.
[00:02:14] Christian: Right. I don’t even know if it’s gonna take to be honest, but we’ll see what happens.
See what happens. It’ll be it’ll be interesting, right? No one’s here for talk. That’s because you know, like, why would they listen to this for talk But I got a, I got a, an interesting question here which obviously I, I think must come from one of our younger coaches because it’s sliding into dms.
I’ve never into any sort of a dm, but I time stamping my age that just happened, . But the question is clever ways to slide into someone’s dm s so you can get a client or a joint
[00:02:49] Karl: venture. Yeah. Oh, there you. I’ll leave that. Yeah. Slide into someone’s dm if anybody
[00:02:57] Christian: is Captain Smooth. It’s definitely, no, it’s definitely not.
You. Shoot, you are, you are not Subtle is not your
[00:03:04] Karl: middle name. Let’s that No. Pretend like I’m not. Come on. We gotta, I am not smooth folks. But anyways. Slide into dms. There you go. There you go. Sounds a little hollywoodish to me. Sounds a little slide into dms, whatever. Start, don’t look. Let me just tell you this.
Don’t randomly message someone. When you magically need something very lame and painful for the other person. You know, so that’s the way not to do it. You’re just gonna do some harm as opposed to good to that relationship. So that would be, I suppose, when you had an established relationship, maybe. But I guess if you’re sliding into somebody’s dms, that would be different.
Look, here are some ways I gotta try. I wonder if that, do you guys hear that? Here are some ways that people have gotten, you know me onto the phone and maybe look, we just talked about it. Like, you know, my favorite hockey team, the Toronto Maple Leafs, right? Like, again, Talking about them, following them, you know, some last, you know, I’ll have multiple DM conversations going you know, with different folks who I’ll have no idea who they are about, you know, the playoffs and the leafs to do, do, do, do.
But if you’re gonna message me about the Montreal Canadians or the New York Rangers, you’re not gonna get nearly the engagement that you’re gonna get if it’s my favorite team. So if somebody’s and the Yankee. Talk to ’em about the Yankees, you know, the new up and comer, you know, what’s Judge doing this year?
So anyway, so that’s, you know, that’s how somebody’s got me. Or you know, again, something like con like hockey in general. If you talked about something maybe controversial, like a suspension that might get me on. I’ve had random, you know, Like, people randomly ask me, you know, they wanna buy like a present for my eight year old daughter who they, you know, they hear me talking about all the time and see her on you know, social media a little bit.
You know, or my wife, right? So, again, I don’t know if that’s the best approach, but that’s the kind of things that I have seen. And then it’s kind of like, you know, the rule of reciprocity kicks in. You’re, look, look, here’s what you’re looking for. The rule of reciprocity mistake. The way that I talk about this is like Santa versus the Grinch when I’m doing a joint venture.
One of the things that our clients have is they all have their own online business academy, and they can easily position it at $500 a month, six grand a year, right? Well, if you went to an accountant and you gave them 10 memberships to your online business academy, if they were worth six grand each, that would be $60,000 of value that you’re giving.
You see how your Santa Claus, as opposed to the Grinch and the Grinch approach would be like, Hey, I know you’re accountant. Do you, do you know anybody who’s needing X, Y, Z? Do you know what I mean? Like trying to again, slide into the, the accountant’s dms and like looking for him to do something for you early.
Gosh, the number of times, like somebody will try form a joint venture with an accountant and it’s always like, Hey, send me people, like send me your clients and what I’ll do is I’ll give you 20% of everything they spend with me, right? So again, let’s just say you’re a grand a month for easy, you know, 12 grand a year, a grand a month.
So every month that they pay, I’ll send you $200. But when they start paying me, I’ll start paying you. But when they stop paying me and cancel, I’m gonna stop paying. You know, I’m like, I, I get an eight year old daughter, right? Like, she could come up with that value proposition or a, a better one. You know, you’re approaching it like the Grinch as opposed to Santa Claus.
You wanna be giving things away so you’re sliding into somebody’s dms without being. You know what I mean? Kind of, you know, strange ish, you know what I mean? And two out of the blue, you wanna, you wanna be engaging. Look, marketing is about entering the conversation, going on inside somebody’s head. The same thing goes here.
You know, like I love to show billions when billions is that like, you know, a peak moment or that sort of thing in the season. You know, sending me a message about that might work and I’m, last thing I’m looking for is a DM here, by the way, folks. That. You know what I mean? So doing that with the person you’re looking to influence and take some time, look at their profile and you would never know that they love billions.
You never know that they love the Toronto Maple Leafs. You never know that they have an eight year old daughter unless you spent a little bit of time doing a little bit of homework and road dog. That’s what I think people don’t take the time to do. You know, actually I had a guy. So I was in tur, you know, in Turks and CAOs, right?
And he sent me a a message and said, oh yeah, like, I’m, you know, I heard you’re down there and I’m coming down. Love to grab a beer. What? Turns out he was not, he was not on his way here at all, but he actually, you know, this was, you know, a plan. This was, the game plan was to, you know, sit down. So, Aggressive.
Probably far more than you guys would wanna do, but there you go. Look, bottom line again, as I said, enter the conversation going on inside their head and just remember every day a little bit better, a little bit better, like another contact, another conversation. And you’ll event, you’ll, you’ll get that compounding.
What I’m trying to say is that you’re gonna, if you send 10 dms, Expect to have, you know, multiple, you know, many of them, a good percentage of them completely ignored, but you’re either gonna worry about the eight that don’t reply or worry about the two that do reply. You know what I mean? You just gotta continue to compound the two over two, over two, and then they become prospects.
They become clients, they become attendees, they become members of your group coaching. They refer a few people. You’re not the right fit, but they end up, you know, referring some folks to you. So just every day. You know, a little bit better and, and road dog may be relevant here, but careful not to go, you know, to the, the influencer that you’re giddy over.
Right. That just looks like the superstars got the Lambo with the doors up. The do do, do the picture beside the, you know, the plane, whatever, you know, it is so common, like, don’t go after that guy. In fact, so I used to do a presentation a long time ago on the. I think it was the top 10 mistakes that coaches made when marketing online something very sim.
The premise was what are the mistakes that coaches are making and the number one, so I would go 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. And number one mistake was that coaches spend too much time hanging out with other coaches. Right. So again, that person you’re trying to slide into is that your ideal client? And by the way, if that’s somebody you can learn a tremendous amount about or from, this is a good idea as well.
But the number one mistake that I find coaches are making out there is they’re spending all their time hanging out with other coaches. And you should be spending all of your time talking and, you know, working with your your targeted audience, the people that you want to be attract. Might be landscapers.
There’s all kind of Facebook group for landscapers. There’s Facebook groups for cosmetic surgeons. There’s Facebook groups for, you know, butcher’s, baker’s candle, six makers E, every single one of ’em. And then when you just try to go straight in, you might have some challenges. You’re gonna have to get a little bit crafty to get into those groups in some cases.
And there’s also, they’re on LinkedIn, they’re everywhere. But that’s where you should be spending your time, not hanging out with other coaches and asking successful coaches, you know, what do you do? What do you do? What do you do? What do you do? And. You know that. Action, action, action. So Road dog, that’s my answer.
But I think you just gotta enter that conversation going on inside their head. Play Santa Claus as opposed to the Grinch. And you know, what could you give that person and be accepting of the fact that, you know, if you’re doing two or three outta 10, you’d be doing well. So just keep pounding every day.
What do you think? That’s what I got.
[00:10:21] Christian: Misery loves company, right? I love that. Coaches hang hanger on other coaches. It’s like there, there comes a point where it’s like, oh my God, what are you? And by the way, what do you think is going on in the heads of the group of the candlestick makers? Like what’s, what’s the conversation taking place there?
I wonder, is it, is it supply chain use a bees, like what’s, what’s going on there? I dunno. I’m curious.
[00:10:46] Karl: That be a good question for next week. Little homework. You get no idea.
[00:10:52] Christian: You, you come to the show, you’re, you’re gonna, you’re gonna get some very thought provoking questions. This is what happens folks. Alright, we got a bit of a follow on from last week.
You were talking about personal and company branding. Right? Kind of an interesting one because I’m curious what you think, kind of two different trains of thought here, right? Like, the question is what is your take on expanding product lines versus pulling it back to being, you know, a little bit tighter with less products or services?
I just thought that was a very interesting question. Sometimes we can talk about adding more and more and more, but then maybe you have the Apple approach of like, well, here’s your three options, sort of thing, right? Like, so what’s, what’s your take on expanding product lines versus pulling back and having sort of less products or services?
[00:11:34] Karl: Good. I’d agree with you. Good question. Again, frame contract the brand rather than expand it is what? First without, you know, in different cases we’ll call for different scenarios. But a brand will be stronger if it narrows its focus. The end. You know, often hear me say, you motivate an idiot, may do stupid things quicker.
Very common for a business owner. I think it’s a good idea to add more products, more services like Road. Doug just said, you know, apple, you know, Billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars of sales walk into an Apple store and see how few products they have, they blow you away, right? So again, they’re absolutely in the game of contracting.
You know, and it hurts a brand, by the way, and it, it, it makes them lack power. Like I think that the templated, classic example of this is Chevrolet, right? Where they used to be like a super brand and now they like, represent nothing in the, the mind of the targeted audience. Like I’m no Chevrolet.
Guru, but there’s, you know, the Chevy Blazer and the, now they have the Chevrolet Bolt, I believe is like their, their hybrid or their electric deal. Remember, but the Camaro back in the day, the Chevrolet Camaro, they’ve come up with, you know, the. You know, a, a new one of those probably about five years ago looks pretty cool.
But again, Chevrolet Camaro, they, Corvette Chevrolet, Equinox Chevrolet and I’m sure there’s other ones. The list goes on, like, what is the Chevrolet? Right? The reality is you have no idea. Neither do I. You know, how could you, when they make every style of car imaginable, when I say Ferrari though, you know exactly what they represent and you know that they are not a family sedan.
You know, the in drop, the mic step away. You know, and again, just the Apple store, just I think of your thinking framework and what do you doing there? Just think of how, how few products they have. Right? So, so now go to your, your high end coaching clients. What do they. And my guess is you’re gonna find they’ve got too many, or certainly they’ll expand too quick.
So helping them contract versus expand or certainly open their mind to it and give them kind of that framework. Because believe me, they’re not thinking contraction. They’re thinking expansion. Cuz they just, they just don’t know. They’re, they’re not business coaches, they’re not seasoned entrepreneurs.
They’re not educating themselves. They’re running around doing whatever’s that they’re doing on a daily basis. Right? Remember it wasn’t that long ago that a coffee shops or breakfast, lunch, dinner, hotdogs, pancakes, ice cream and of course coffee, right? Howard Schultz thought contraction. He thought, why not focus on selling great.
And. Coffee, maybe flavored might have fallen into that, right? Like Starbucks narrowed its offerings and it’s now worked like tens of billions of dollars. Got no idea what their work, but it’s, it’s a mi full, right? Like lush. They make like natural cosmetics fun, right? When I say lush, you just, you know, you know the, you probably know the smell of the store, right?
You go walking by. It’s there. I love like Airstream. I was looking at one of those ironically just recently, but they sell like aluminum or aluminum depending upon where you are in the world. A grade craft trailers. You know, you and your family can camp in, and you can go from one side of the country to the other very inexpensively.
And, and by the way, they look in you, you know, they look cool and they all look fundamentally the same. Right? You know, whole Foods specialize in organic foods. Again, highly specialized Subway, just the name of it. They, they build sub, you know, they, they do sub sandwiches. You’re not, you want a hamburger, you’re not going to Subway.
Right? And by the way, if you wanna. You wanna sub, you’re not going to McDonald’s. You know, Dunkin Donuts, they specialize in donuts. Very popular. Tim Horton’s is a place, if you’re not Canadian, you probably don’t know it, but the equivalent of Starbucks in Canada. But again, they just do a ripping trade like ripping, ripping trade what’s that?
Sports clips or There’s Great clips. And then sports clips, I believe, you know, cheap haircut. You know, popular locations with lots of foot traffic. There’s Planet Fitness, they got $10 monthly gym memberships, right? So, so if you’re a coaching client to rule the category, so what we’re talking about here is effectively ruling the category, right?
So Starbucks went into coffee and went, wow, everybody loves to go to the nightclub and the bar in the pub on like Friday. Well, where are they going before work and where are they going after work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Right. And they, they kind of built that, that kind of hub you know, kinda loungey kind of feel, but for coffee, right?
So, so how would you do it? Look, one, you gotta hyper focus again. You gotta go absolutely contraction versus expansion. You don’t do. Nothing else is gonna, you know, nothing’s else gonna matter. You’re not gonna represent anything stock in depth, so they don’t need to go anywhere else, right? So, again, you gotta, you know, you’ve gotta be the place, you gotta handle it A to Z, right?
You know, buy cheap is gonna be critical cuz then you can sell cheap. But careful on this one. I’m not saying sell cheap in that, you know, you’re a low priced offering. What I am saying though is that you’re probably, if you’re gonna franchise, you’re gonna dominate a category. Generally speaking, you’re not like Walmart did it, but if Walmart were to have started today, I would challenge whether or not they could pull off what they pulled off.
Right? So again, normally if you Okay. Said differently. If you look at the most popular franchises in the world, you’ll always see, not always, but huge percentage of the time that they’ll always have a mid to low end offering. Okay. So it’s just clear. So, so again, a massively expensive. You know, niche, you just, all of a sudden you, you become like Ferrari.
But Ferrari doesn’t, like, they own the ca like, you know what I mean? They don’t own the ca the number of cars that they sell. They sell ’em for ridiculous profit margins that are ridiculously profitable, but it’s not like they own the category, you know what I mean? Anyways, and build the brand strategically is another thing to be thinking about.
So these aren’t. Well, I guess they semi hardened fast. You know, you got a hyper focus. You gotta be an AED solution. You wanna buy cheap again, you wanna, you need to know like when you go into Starbucks, they put there right on the wall that they buy from different farmers and whatnot. I wanna sure exactly what the wording is, but they, they buying is a, is a superpower of Howard Schultz, let’s put it that way.
And then again, sell in the. To lower end of the market. Generally speaking, if you want to own the category and maybe Uber is a good example here, road dog. Like if you compare Uber to the taxi, do you know what I mean? Again, it’s, it’s not like Uber didn’t get started and then have platinum, platinum, platinum level pricing or again, it wouldn’t have worked.
What I’m trying to say and then build the brand strategically, you know, you gotta. Gotta work hard to do that. Possibly related to this is like pricing. And so as you’re thinking about owning a category and then building a brand, which I just said a minute ago, think one brand and only three products, right?
So it’s a great rule of thumb for you in your high end coaching clients to stay on track and kind of avoid introducing, you know, too many products, too many services, which is kind of what I’m trying to frame up here. You wanna avoid. So they have, you know, one brand, three products underneath it. And then just think of a high priced, and when I say high priced, that doesn’t need to be luxury priced.
It’s with this specific brand, high priced, and then mid and then low. So one brand. Think Nike trainers and they’ve got one that’s super high and they’ve got the one slightly down and then they’ve got a third down. But remember, Nike doesn’t put out out anything that is not excellent, right? That’s what good brands do.
So anyways, but one brand, three products is a good frame. Most, again, are not thinking along those lines. And I think that can make it a whole lot easier for your coaching clients. You know, and then when they need to introduce new products or services, which could happen, they either replace as a framework, they either replace one of the three, the high, the mid, or the low, or they start a new brand and three new products underneath it, if that makes sense.
Right. So, so anyways, road dog. That’s my that’s my answer. I think it’s a great question. I think that, Contraction is gonna make branding a whole lot easier and that we talked about that in depth last week. And so that’s my answer. What do you think, so
[00:20:01] Christian: you talk about brand, can I, can I like back up a step here and can I get you just to talk to, like, just talk to us a little bit about creating, this is a doozy, but creating a category, right?
Like is that, is that, is that even feasible? You know what I mean? Like creating a cata, that’s Cause that’s hu Is that not just huge or is that just me? Yeah.
[00:20:25] Karl: Is that just like, like we, I’ll tell you, business coaching software, you know, it never existed and we, you know, created it. And by the way, we’re, you know, you’re going to see some, you follow us and whatnot.
You were gonna see our software. If, if our plans unfold, we’ve been very, very busy, you know, building the software, getting it right, making it work, you know, it’s been in, you know, semi beta just to make sure that everything’s ticking along. And we’ve added, you know, group coaching software, custom group coaching software, a profit acceleration simulator bottom line that, you know, that’s an example of.
So being first is a great. You know, it’s a great way for your high-end coaching clients to generate free publicity. You know, that’s, you know, being first and owning a category. Absolutely. See most businesses, road dog, you know this better than anybody, right? Me too. Me better. Right? Brutal. Those are two guaranteed ways to make a bad living while working like super duper hard often.
You know, I’d refer to this as confusing, being busy with being successful. You know, Uber, Airbnb, Amazon. Hertz, espn kfc back in the day with chicken bandaid, some of the major brands that created categories and sub subsequently went first, like Kleenex again, that was a brand. And now when you grab a tissue you go Kleenex, but it was actually a brand, right?
So, so I mean, when you go first, you public relations That’s how you build the brand cuz people start talking about it. Right. And again, think Starbucks 1 0 1 Think or Yeah, Starbucks 1 0 1 and Uber for sure. Right. And Airbnb. Think of how much free publicity they got because they were first and they.
Absolutely created categories, right? And then, and then the advertising comes to maintain it, right? So you use, you know, your first in category public relations, build it, and then advertising kind of maintains it. It’s exactly Apple’s formula by the way. But first they need to create something that’s worth, you know, writing about.
Talking about like, so I was watching the so Will Smith recently, right? Nobody didn’t see that, but you know, he smacked Chris Rock on the Oscars and I think everybody, you know, at first it was like it was staged to get the Oscars back on and. Now he’s, you know, he’s poor, poor bugger man. I tell you, will Smith a little shout out to him or not that he gives a rats backside about me, but that guy over multiple, multiple decades, kept his nose clean, did not do anything.
You know, as far as I can see, a wonderful husband, an unbelievable father, you know, dedicated, unbelievable actor, goes without saying, right? And then in a moment, boom. Coulda come crashing down. We’ll see what will happen over the next few years. But there’s some damage control going on and OIE Oie, but.
So the Oscars are going on, right? It gets me thinking about like movies, TV shows, and it’s, it’s, we talk about it here, lots, RO Doug in different ways, but creation, right? Like again, we, with software, you know, like we built a simulator. I didn’t go and see what somebody else had. Like we went and created the simulator.
We created profit acceleration software. We created digital acceleration software. I wasn’t looking at somebody else’s thing and then like trying to improve. Right. First principles we were, we started with a blank slate, right? We started with some, some spreadsheets is how we started. But you know, so.
So when you’re thinking of creation, like at the age of 10, you can count as high as you want, right? Like there’s an answer for every number, right? Like an eight year old daughter and she could count as high as, you know, she could count, you know, she’d just keep going and go and she’d work it out. But colors are totally different, right?
So there’s 64, I believe you know, crayon colors. And nobody knows what the 65 the 65th is gonna look like, right? Like we know what 64 r they all have names and they have something we could represent with, you know, looking with our eyes, I guess is what I’m trying to say. You know what I mean? But like the 65th, you, you don’t know with your eyes.
You don’t know what that will look like. So the creating the color and coming up with a new name, it, it’s gonna take effort. So it’s, it’s it’s a form of art. It’s not a form of science, right? So you see how it’s totally different and, you know, expressing beauty and creativity where, I dunno, sound a bit cheesy, right?
But there isn’t an answer. Like it’s totally creation. And if you wanna become insanely successful, you want your clients to become insanely successful. You wanna learn to be able. Think like this naturally. And again, my poor daughter, eight years old, I mentioned all the time, but I, I lit this weekend, have a daddy daughter weekend, and I was talking to her about just imagination.
I go, Sage, like where is like, you know, she was gonna, she was going to a birthday party and then she was gonna make a you know, a card and it’s like, oh, let’s go to wherever and let’s get a card. I said, Sage, like, let’s make a. Right. And I said, so, you know, her name’s Li. I’m like, you know what, what does she like?
And she’s like, bunnies. And I said, okay, so let’s make a really cool you know, birthday card with Bunny. And then she, Sage has got this really cool way of making. What am I trying to say? Like, you know, she gets the paper, folds it up, and then it, it burn. Like when she opens up the card, the, the bunny came shooting out at her.
Right. And I was just like, let’s imagine this and let’s make it really cool. And then she’s got this cool song. And then I’m like, okay, well let’s take these words that are somebody else’s words and then let’s create. Your own song. So what I’m trying to do, and I hope this, so I’m trying to help her make creation become naturally that’s, that was what I was trying to go with there, right?
So for you guys, I would encourage as a business coach and then helping your clients, Learn to create naturally, you know, like as in come up with the 65th you know, color of a crayon, which may or may not be your style, but like, and you’re gonna suck at it until you don’t. Right? Like Freddie Mercury, he created the name Queen and then made many songs like Bohemian Rhapsody, we Will Rock You.
And Another One Bites the Dust, right? Total. Let, there’s not anybody listening to that, that doesn’t know all three of those songs. And probably one of ’em is playing in your head right now. Right? They made a movie about the guy, right? Like Steve Jobs, he created Apple and then more to the point, he created the iPhone and he created the iPad.
And then he, prior to that, he created the iPod, right? Which we didn’t know. We didn’t know that he was coming with the I. When he created the iPod. That was what was happening, right? Top secret. And guess what? They made a movie about him. Zuckerberg created Facebook. He may or may not got the idea from his, you know, from the Winklevoss twins or whatever it was.
But bottom line is he created Facebook you know, movie Ray Crock. I love the movie founder. Love, love, love, love, love it. Seen it many more times than I should probably admit here. Loved the movie you. Well, again, so Ray Crock movie, right? Creation. There’s nothing you can buy at McDonald’s that is not created by them.
The McChicken, the chicken nuggets, the Big Mac, the secret sauce. The Mc Flury, the mc this, mc that, you know, the, everything, like they, everything at McDonald’s is unique, right? So again, you know, there’s Ronald McDonald, then there’s the Ronald McDonald. Right. So I don’t know the creation. Creation. So these guys, that’s what they did, you know?
And then there’s Howard Hughes, and maybe it’s Jordan Belfort, right? Which I don’t know, maybe huge fan, maybe you’re not. Bottom line is made the movie about the guy, right? And what he did create was that book. He took the time he was in jail and he wrote a book which by the way is a pretty darn good one, apparently.
And Leonardo got a hold of it and said, look, you know, I’m gonna. Let’s go do this movie. Ended up winning an Oscar, I believe. Right? But it was all just creation, creation, creation. You know, not everyone that creates something cool you know, is gonna have a movie created about him, right? Like Ro, Doug and I sit over a beer and create all sorts of really cool stuff, right?
But like, creation is the foundation, like the Oscars, I don’t know the name of the guy. It’s George something, or. Maybe George Stanley, right? He, he stood up, he invented the Oscar, the Oscars didn’t exist, and then he created, the Oscar said, you know, we gotta create an award for all of these movies that they can all aspire to.
Right? And it’s like what was the guy that played queen Rammy, something or other? He won Best Actor for playing an unapologetic. Was he flamboyant, kinda gay man. And at time, by the way, when you weren’t supposed to be an unapologetic, flamboyant gay man, right? Freddie Mercury was like a 65th crayon, if ever there was one.
Right? And again, he clearly, you know, wrote all those songs, made all those songs, performed all those songs. Created the band. Or he created the band, but he came up with the name as I understand it, right? And You know what? So, okay. Forget all of these guys. What does this mean to you? Right? So what could you create?
Like what about your town? Small business awards, right? So let’s say you live in a town called Colo, the Colo Small Business Awards. Do they exist? No. Could you make ’em? Yes. Would the first one suck? Yeah, probably. But if you did 2, 3, 4, 5 years in a row, could you imagine what could happen? You know, pull out the red carpet, put everybody in limos, and these are gonna be the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker.
Imagine the candlestick maker getting out of a limo with rose petals throwing down in the red carpet. That’d be super cool, right? But. You know, these unappreciated business owners, why are you doing it? I don’t know if you agree with me. You follow anything that I do, you know, how I feel about entrepreneurship and business owners and how, you know, like divorce rates, separation rates, suicide rates higher always in entrepreneurs, right?
The, you know, rela business is hard on relationships. It’s the bottom. Right. So maybe that’s the reason you’re gonna go and do it. Maybe you’re gonna do something a little bit different, right? But like, you think you might get some small business coaching clients by ho hosting the small business awards.
Do you think some folks are gonna wanna win and then they might see that the leg up to win would be to hire you as their business coach and get, you know, get rocking and look, I can guarantee it, but remember it’s compounding. Year one would probably suck and maybe it won’t. Maybe you do a bang up job and it will be amazing.
I don’t know. You think about putting it on right? And you know, but it creation is kind of where I’m going here. Remember, you, you are gonna be measured in life by what you finish, not what you start. In fact, straight from my daily emails. And I think when we did the the training on how to read financial statements, somebody actually said that this brought everything together for them.
But it’s like you’re gonna be remembered for what you refuse. And then I want you to capitalize, refuse to give up on. Right. So what, what are you going to refuse to give up on? I know what I’m gonna refuse to give up on, and that’s building software for the business coaching industry that sets the standard.
But what? Who cares about me? Who cares about Road Dog? Who cares about Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs, the late great Steve Jobs and the others? What about you? You know, what are you gonna create? What are the locals? What are you gonna help your clients create? Right? And the worst Coaches Road. Doug, we talk about this.
I talk about it on the podcast also. The coach that gets started and he is gonna work it out, or she’s gonna work it out for 90 days to see if all of this is for them or it works, right? Just, I’ll give you the red hot tip. There’s no movie getting made about you, right? Like you gotta, you gotta go all in, right?
So, so are you in creation mode? You know, what are you creating for your coaching company right now? You know, does there, like, what’s the name and what’s the date for your upcoming webinar? And there’s a really good chance that you don’t even have one. Well, Think, take a step back and don’t just go and, you know, listen to somebody else’s webinar and then make you know yours better.
That’s, that’s not the recipe. I would encourage you first principles start with, you know, basically a, you know, a blank sheet of paper and say, okay, I’m, I’m gonna build something really special and this is the reason that I’m gonna do it. Right. And what, what’s the name? One, what about like, what’s the name of your new, your new program?
You got one? What’s the name of your, your book? You got a book? Everybody talks every time I talk. Like one of the things that we do, we turn somebody into an author in I turn, we turn somebody into an author in 30 days. Right? And it’s like, never almost ever do we have an experienced coach that doesn’t say, oh, I’m in the process of writing one.
Which by the way, God bless you. That’s great. And you should write your, you know, create your own book. That’s awesome. But, you know, it’s just, you know. You’re, what are you gonna, are you gonna refuse to give up on that book or is it something that’s never quite gonna get done? And by the way, the reason we write the book and we, we do the book and it’s, it’s, you know, it’s, the reason is nobody’s bloody reading it.
Your first book is probably not going to be a best seller. Maybe it is, and maybe you should get to work on that. But it’s a really, really, really, really poorly paid activity. To be doing that. So, but the bottom line is your book. Are you, you know, and are you creating it? Are you releasing it? I remember, and one of our, I’ll tell you, one of our coaches, she did a a national tour with the book we wrote it for.
Right. But, but she went in and again, tweaked it and adjusted it to do, do, do she national tour. Right. And, you know, sign and autographs at the bookstore to do, to do, to do you know, anyway, so hopefully you’re picking up what I’m putting down. You know, it’s. Pitter Patter. Had a conversation with Kevin Nations recently.
Shout out to Kevin Nations . But we were talking about doing like, just, you know, a bit of a tour. And ironically I had an idea and then he had a ridiculously similar idea and he is like, oh, wow. Like I just talked about this on, well, you know what I mean? Literally recently, and it’s like we were on the same page.
The bottom line is that we were both thinking about you know, it was all creation. It’s nothing that’s been done before. Something cool. On the same page. You just, creation, creation, creation. That’s the bottom line. So, so that’s all I got. Road dog. That’s what I would say. I think that’s a, you know, like I said, I think it’s a, a topic and a good one, but creating a category, and I don’t wanna pretend there’s people a lot smarter than I on the topic, so go find them.
But. You know, client, you just, you gotta be different. It’s, it’s Steve Jobs 1 0 1. You know, you, you’ve gotta, you make more money by being different than you will being better. And that’s not to say you shouldn’t be world class, cuz everybody should aspire to that. And you, and if you’re not there, you, you should be doing that just automatically is a day to day undertaking.
But that being said, you, you’re gonna, you’re gonna get more noticed, more traction, more success by being the. By being different as opposed to being better. So, so that’s what I got shoots. What do you think?
[00:34:46] Christian: It’s interesting cuz it’s like, you know, when it comes to copywriting they always talk about different, not necessarily new, just different.
Cause people don’t want new sounds like work, I gotta learn this, this, that, the other thing, if it’s similar but different, not like, you’re, you’re in this sweet spot. You know what I mean? I don’t really need to learn, but it’s sorted like this, but it’s different. And then cuz I’ve learned this everywhere and Strategic Coach is one of the main places that always talks about this.
And you, you mentioned it here too, like, what’s the name of your, what’s the name of your process? What’s the name of your widget? What’s the name? Whatever it is. Like what, what is and is it unique? Right? Because whatever you name, they can only get through you. Right? So, I dunno, I think there’s, there’s something there.
I, it, I like
[00:35:36] Karl: it.
[00:35:37] Christian: You I, I was gonna ask this this week. I kind of feel like it sort of ties in a bit here because it’s like in the process of creation and, and all that sort of stuff I dunno, maybe some people wanna have that as part of their mission statement. I don’t, I don’t know, like, what’s your take?
Just real quick to wrap up here, what’s your take on a
[00:35:55] Karl: mission state? Hmm. Mission. Where are you trying to go? You know, do you have a look? Think North Star, right? So what is the, the objective, right? So again, think of a plane. You’re in California, you’re in la, you wanna go to New York, you got a clear objective.
There might be a storm, there might be turbulence. You might have to go left, right? You know, lower, higher, what, you know what I mean? It might have to adjust the flight plan a little bit, but at the end of the day, the destination is the destination. So. Most people have no destination, so therefore any road will get them there.
You in 19, right? Like there was computers were like the size of a, I dunno if it was 1980, it was like in the eighties, right? But like when Q computers were the size of a car and Microsoft had a A mission state, like I’m, I’m gonna make a me love it. Right? But a computer that’s on every desk and, and in every home, right?
Like, that was their mission statement. Like, just think about that. A computer on every desk. And in every home. That was their mission really. That’s their LA or what did I say? LA to New York. That’s their New York. That was the plan. And then I’ll let you guess as to whether or not it worked out pretty well for them.
Right. What’s Google. Gosh, I’m going, I gotta dig this. So organize, they wanted to organize information and make it universally useful and acceptable. Right? Like, and they wanted to organize, they wanted organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful, right? Like, Did they manage to do that, but that was their New York, you know, they knew exactly they, where they were going.
I know Kickstarter, Kickstarter, I think, you know, wicked Business model. Got a lot of like, I really like Kickstarter, but to help bring creative projects to life. I know, like that’s their, you know, quote unquote mission. We talked about it recently. You know, my goal, I wanna my North Star, our North Star as a company to set the standard for the entire business coaching.
Lots of guys running around. And again, they got the Lamborghini and the doors up and taking photos beside the, you know, the influencers, yada yada Yeti, right? Never built a real company. They’re influencers and they’re very popular. And they’re very active on Facebook. Again, true influencers. Jeff Bezos, I got no idea where he is on Facebook, but I assure you he’s not posting three times a day and you know, this sort of thing, right?
You know, bill Gates, same thing like, you know guys who build real legit c. You know, are not super duper active out there on you know, social media as a general rule. So it’s just, you know, wanna make sure that we look, we wanna build, you know, software that sets the standard for the entire business coaching profession.
Right. So that’s the. That’s the New York, so forget us. What about you? Mission statement. I by the way, your client, so when I ask you about your client, again, the chiropractor, the dentist, the Rooter, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker. Do they have their New York? And I can tell you with about 98.9% predictability, they don’t even, it’s not that they don’t have their New York, you know, their North Star lined up.
They don’t have anything close to that. So you don’t help them with what that’s gonna look. What was Tesla, Elon Musk, very popular guy nowadays. They wanted to accelerate the world. They wanted to tre transition the world to sustainable energy. I think it was, you know, but again, really, really clear and definitive, like in terms of what they were trying to accomplish.
So you’ll see these look just listening. The most popular. Brands in the world. You know, again, they, they had a really clear mission statement and they knew exactly what it is that they wanted to accomplish. And I might just say this when we’re talking about the number one, the top brands in the world, we’ve said this not too long ago, but it’s super important if you list, so I’ll get Road dog to make a list of the top 10 brands in the world.
I make a list of top 10 brands in the world, and Road Dog will give his opinion, I’ll give my opinion, and then you’ll give your. Our three lists will be really similar. Okay? You’re gonna have Rolex, you’re gonna have Ferrari gonna have Disney, gonna have Apple. Whatever’s gonna make the list, there’s gonna make your list.
Louis Batton and Burberry, who knows what’s gonna make it right? All it, there’ll be one’s doing watches, one’s making purses, one’s making high end fast cars, and one’s making movies. What they all have, they all have one thing in common. If they made your list, Okay. Three words, hopefully. You know what I’m gonna say if you’ve been following my stuff.
Gross profit margin. Okay. So they’ve got large, they got margins. So again, as a business coach, you don’t wanna help your client go from 600,000 to a million without one eye on profits, because what happens a lot of the time is they go from 600 grand to a million. And they’re making the same amount of profit at a million as they did at 600 grand and some, and sometimes and semi often it’s less, right?
But the only difference is at a million they got more headaches, more dramas, more staff, more dispatch, more phone calls, more clients, more things to do, a longer to-do list, and they’re making less money. Or negligible in terms of more, they’re certainly not making, you know, the 400, you know what I mean?
The, the equivalent of $400,000 in gross revenue. They’re not, you know, I mean, the margins got tighter and tighter and tighter as they grew. Very, very common. So I just, you know, as a mission statement, I would like for you to also build in, you know, related to the question. Yes, I want them to have a North Star.
I want ’em to have, you know, you know, Bigger goal and what are they trying to accomplish. But, and these are smaller companies, so again, you might wanna be a little bit realistic initially. And then you might remember, we talked about it a few weeks ago, if you want me to make a plan, a 25 year plan, 10 year plan, five year plan, three year plan, one year plan, and then my, you know, three quarter, half year, one quarter plan and it’s all gotta line up and I gotta start at 25 and then come back.
And the goal, you know, the three year plan, does that match the 25? Does the three month plan match the 25 year? Does the one year plan match the 25 year? And most people, I think, first of all, they’ve never taken the time to do that, but there’ll be all kinds of, you know, mismatch the goals and the activities and what they’re up to will be completely outta sync with what it is that they’re actually trying to accomplish in that 25 year call that the North Star make that the, the big vision.
So anyways, I hope that helps. But yeah, road dog mission statement. I, I think. You should help your company create it. I can almost guarantee that they don’t have it. And it’s really not that hard to, to create and the value it can, it just make it so much easier because the, the business owner wakes up every day and they know what they’re actually supposed to do.
And then by the way, when they’re communicating with their staff, they know what to do. Like ro Doug with our software. One of the things I say to the guys, you know, we multiple meetings every week where we’re, you know, there is a group and we’re banding back and forth and it’s guys we’re, think of it as a shopping mall.
Okay. And you, every shopping mall has got a food court. Okay. Why? Because people get hungry when they go shop. So everything is under those four walls. So the instructions and the game plan and part of the bigger picture of the software is that people are gonna be able to run their business coaching company and never leave the software.
Like everything will be there and anything that we don’t have will be integr. Right. So think calendars and, and that sort of stuff. So to be integrated. So, so anyway, so that’s the bigger vision, but it’s really easy. So when we talk about, Hey, you know, Carl, is this a good idea? I think we should do this, and guys, does it help them?
Is it something that they need on a regular basis? Think toothbrush test. Google doesn’t work on anything that you won’t use twice a day. That’s what toothbrush test comes from. So the question is, does a business coach use it on a daily basis? Do they use it on a weekly basis? Well, the answer is yes. Then we, we need to build it in our software or we need to integrate it.
The end. What am I getting at by having, that’s not obviously mission statement, but it’s mission statement esque in terms of New York and it’s like, here’s what we’re looking to accomplish. This is the end goal. This is the end game. So it’s really, really easy for me to communicate to the guys whether or not I think something is a good or bad idea.
Cause I’ll always come back to that the same way that I can tell you that. Zuckerberg does, here’s his North Star. Was, does it help us grow? He’s adjusted this. But as Facebook was growing you know, and it did what it did, which was bloody impre, love Zuckerberg or hate him. I mean, bloody impressive.
Does it help us grow? So if you came to Zuckerberg and you had an idea, His first question is to himself and possibly to you, does it help us grow? If the answer is yes, he’ll take the meeting. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll build it. He’ll finance it, that it’s gonna happen, but does it help us grow that takes it to the next step?
If the answer to that was no, where he was at and where the company was going and what he needed to do it, it got shelved. Right? And then Gary Bayer, Chuck, does it get me a. That was his North Star, let’s say. He knew exactly. Does it get him, does it get him eyeballs? Does it get him on stage? Does it get people watching him online?
Then he does it, and if it doesn’t, he doesn’t do it. And it’s worked out pretty well for Gary Vainer clearly. So I don’t know, I hope Rod, Doug, what do you think of that? You, you see where I’m going there and you see so a mission statement a little bit rabbit hole ish, but this is what I’d be thinking about and this is what I think we should be helping our coaching clients create.
What do you think? Well,
[00:45:14] Christian: What do I think? I, I, I kind of think it’s, it is a bit of a rabbit hole. I I think it’s it’s a bold statement that you’re proclaiming, right? Yeah. But what’s interesting to me is I almost feel like some people aren’t specific enough with their mission statement. Do you know what I mean?
Like I understand. I just feel like some of these are just so, like almost aloof. These sort of whatever sort of mission statements that are more. Than an actual
[00:45:43] Karl: heart like Ro Doug, would you agree that they make ’em to sound impressive as opposed to be real
[00:45:50] Christian: times in a Carl Brian word, times a million ,
[00:45:54] Karl: right?
I agree.
[00:45:57] Christian: That’s just it. Because? Because now when, when, hang on, let me, like I wrote it down here. What did you say yours was for the software? Hold on. What was it? What was it for the software? Standard, the entire business coaching profession, like that’s, you’re gonna be able to
[00:46:09] Karl: run your entire business coaching business off of, you’ll never leave our software, right?
So everything will be integrated, everything will be there. So anything you do on a regular basis like calendar emails and whatnot, will all be able to be housed behind the software. But when
[00:46:24] Christian: you say set the standard of the entire business coaching profession, like from an outside perspective, that’s sort of like, wow, that, that could be light and fluffy too, but in your mind you already know like, here’s point A, B, C, D, E, like inside of that, what that even looks likes
[00:46:38] Karl: example.
So I just wanna give an, you’re right. I just wanna make sure. So here’s an example. The biggest problem with business coaching is, Business coaches get going and they’re not sure what to do, what order, what should be done first, what should be done second. So the software’s got 497 million weighted algorithmic sequences.
And by the way, had a artificial intelligence is something that’s, you know, very much, we’re not there yet and we’re not pretending to be, but we’re already working on it because I know in, you know, soon it’s gonna have to be, it’s gonna have to be there. Right. But hear, hear me out. So if you create, say you’ve got Let’s say you got a joint venture and you wanna go form a joint venture with an accountant, and then you go there and say, okay, I’m gonna help.
I’m gonna help your clients go to the next level, which is kind of like, maybe you say that, maybe you say, hopefully you say something more impressive than that. But that’s not what’s referred to as a compelling offer. So a compelling offer is I can find any, Mr. Accountant, I can find any one of your clients a hundred grand and 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
Okay? So if you go to an accountant with that offer, the chances of your joint venture being successful are significantly higher. Hopefully, that’s a 1 0 1. Well, with the 497 million weighted algorithmic sequences, compelling offer ranks higher than joint venture For that reason. And if you wanna take it, you can easily, manually grab it, you know, with your mouse, and then pull it up and change the order.
But without manually doing that, it will put, it’ll, it’ll do that for you. Setting the standard for the entire business coaching profession. So if you’re working with a chiropractor, you’re working with a you know, the, you know, you’re working with a hair salon, you’re working with the wedding planner, you’re working with the Floris.
I wanted, I want you to know that, look, we gotta come up with a killer offer before we go to the florist. We gotta have a compelling offer before we go. We’re a personal trainer, we wanna go to the gym. Well, my first question is, what’s your offer? Santa Claus versus the Grinch, what are you gonna, why are they gonna accept you?
Why are they gonna want you? So, so that’s why compelling offer ranks higher. There’s like upsell and cross sell, right? So like an upsell, most people will go, they know, do you want fries with that? They think that’s an upsell. It’s actually a cross sell, right? And then a, an upsell is, do you want me to supersize it?
Well, it’s 21 times more profitable. It’s 21 times less expensive, easier. Let me just, Frame that right. It’s 21 times more profitable to do the super, you know, to do upselling than it is do cross-selling. But most business coaches will start with cross-selling. So therefore this is part of. You know, the algorithms and whatnot.
So setting the standard for the business coaching profession is that we’re gonna be able to create a laundry list. And like, if you understand artificial inte, it doesn’t without data. And we have tons and tons of data, right. And we are using it not in a pure artificial machine learning kind of way, but absolutely using it so we know which ones are, you know what I mean?
Like what’s getting used. So basical. As we like, artificial intelligence will never be dumber than it is on day one. Okay, so a little bit of data. A little bit of data. A little bit of data. A little bit of data. Think of the compounding effect that happens. So as more data comes in, The, the smarter the algorithm becomes, the better the roadmap that the, that the software spits out is, that’s kind of the, so I believe that the way that we’re gonna set the standard for the entire business coaching profession is nobody’s gonna want to go into the chiropractor, the dentist, to butcher the bake of the candle stick maker.
Without our profit acceleration roadmap, because it’s gonna be so cookie cutter and so easy to know that you do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, you know, first, second, third, fourth, and fifth. And then of course they’re gonna ask, but how do I implement a compelling offer? And we’ve built all the intellectual property in the ADK on exactly how you go about doing that, that lives behind the software now.
So, and this isn’t plugged for the software guys, it’s just, it’s it’s answer. You know, and Road Dog says, you know, setting the standard for the entire business coaching profession. It’s not something fluffy, you know like, I wanna sound cool. Which I don’t but you know what I mean? It’s just like, this is the way that I, I think we should be doing it.
And, and we’re learning. And I, believe me, I’m the reluctant, you know, I, I, you know, I’m, I don’t wanna be Tony Robbins. I am not Tony Robbins. I’m not pretending to be Tony Robbins. We’re just out there behind the scenes pounding away, and we’re gonna continue to. We wanna, you know, we’re gonna get this software out.
Far and wide. So, so that’s what I got, bud. What do you think, how did I do, do you agree with that?
[00:51:06] Christian: Well, first off, you are not Tony Robbins. You are like Danny DeVito to Arnold Schwartzenegger . This is, that’s the 1 0 1 right there. Like, let’s not kid ourselves. The, the only I want to sound mission statement there was I think a lot of people, and, and I, I like, we gotta wrap this here, but I, I think a lot of people.
Mistaking mission statement as like market positioning and, and I just think it’s like, it’s not your pitch. Your mission statement is your mission. It is there to inspire you. It is there for you. It is not there for really for anyone else and or am I completely often that? Because when you look at your mission statements, your mission, It’s like it’s supposed to fire you up, not, not anyone else.
[00:51:55] Karl: Am am I. And align your staff. Right. So that everybody knows. Again, it’s just so that they knows, cuz you need, ultimately you need other people in your comp. You’re making all the decisions in your company. You got a real small company and you’re not going anywhere. Right? So you need other people to be thinking like you as best they can.
So by giving these these sound, it’s a soundbite, but like, you know, does it get me a. It’s really simple. Does it get me? And, and he referred Gary Vaynerchuck to eyeballs his attention so his guys know, is this gonna get him in front of people? And if the answer is yes, The answer is yes. You know, that’s different.
Like, I haven’t done, I don’t do interviews, I don’t do joint ventures. I’ve said that, you know, in every one of my emails, I, you know, tongue in cheek refer to it as you know, the adult version of let’s be friends in high school. But I just, I’m building my company. You build yours. So I’ve got a very, you know, that’s not what I’m looking to do.
I. You know, I don’t, you know what I mean? So it’s just different folks have got different roadmaps, right, wrong and indifferent, but you gotta make your plan and then you gotta stick to it. So anyways, that’s Yeah. Good point though, bud. Good point. And I agree. All right,
[00:53:04] Christian: wrap this up. Close us out one thing.
What’s the one thing that, that they can take from today and implement into the business?
[00:53:12] Karl: The one thing. Just had something off the top of my head. Look, creation, I, the word creation, you get a, I should get a tattooed on my ass one day. I’m not supposed to swear. You know, I, but creation is a word. Everybody should be you know, thinking about like, what are you creating?
What are your clients creating? It’s very seldom. Much. I was gonna say that, you know, with your coaching company, just take some time and again, stop and think A mat member imagination, all the money is made in between your ears that are saying the crazy ones make all the money. Again, cuz they’re, they’re crazy enough to think that they could actually create something.
You know, so it’s so creation. It, it’s a product, it’s an event. It’s, you know, something for your client. It’s a new service. Creation. Creation. Creation. That’s how we’re gonna end this one, bud. I thought you were gonna say
[00:54:03] Christian: put a hundred bucks on the leafs in six, but you know, whatever. .
[00:54:08] Karl: Boom. Boom. You heard to hear Forest Dogs Road dog just said it.
Oh, no,
[00:54:14] Christian: no, no, no, no. You cannot. For one second. Tie me to the, that was you
[00:54:19] Karl: Shoots, that was you. Everybody just heard. That’s it folks. You heard it here. First road dogs got leafs and
[00:54:26] Christian: do I have to cheer for the maple laughs Now this is gonna be a problem. All right. Believe it at that because I don’t know if I can back my way out of that comment.
But thanks for tuning into another episode of Business Coaching Secrets. Man, the myth, the legend, Dr. Karl Bryan himself. And if you’re not on the inside getting a, the pre sure you aren’t getting Carl’s daily emails, or you want more information about all of the software that Carl keeps talking, well go to
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Gotta gotta weave that back in there. And of course we’d appreciate it if you’d rate this episode. As we know that iTune, Spotify, all the streaming services give a huge amount of weight towards reviews. So please leave us a review if you like what you heard, and that is it for another. We will see you on the next episode in one week time when the Maple Leafs may or may not be eliminated from the first round for yet another year.
Remember, folks, progress equals happiness. Take care, everybody.
[00:55:32] Karl: Carl Bryan built profit acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower.
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Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™

Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.

Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at


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