Dictionary.com defines marketing as, “the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.”
If you work in a marketing role like I do, it’s probably difficult for you to define marketing even though you see and use it every day — the term marketing is a bit all-encompassing and variable for a straightforward definition.
This definition feels unhelpful.
The selling part, for instance, overlaps a little too snuggly with a “what is sales” definition, and the word advertising makes me think of Mad Men brainstorming sessions.
But upon digging deeper, I began seeing that actually, marketing does overlap heavily with advertising and sales. Marketing is present in all stages of the business, beginning to end.
At first, I wondered why marketing was a necessary component during product development, or a sales pitch, or retail distribution. But it makes sense when you think about it — marketers have the firmest finger on the pulse of your consumer persona.
Free Resource: Content Marketing Planning Template
The purpose of marketing is to research and analyze your consumers all the time, conduct focus groups, send out surveys, study online shopping habits, and ask one underlying question: “Where, when, and how does our consumer want to communicate with our business?”
Here, let’s explore the purposes of marketing, along with types of marketing, the 4 P’s of marketing, and the difference between marketing and advertising, marketing works great in the fashion business.
Whether you’re a seasoned marketer looking to refresh your definitions, or a beginner looking to understand what marketing is in the first place, we’ve got you covered.
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SFC Episode 147
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to business coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you want to attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay and refer. You come to the right place in this podcast. Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding insights. High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:40] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of business coaching secrets. It’s your boy road dog with the man, the myth, the king of Colona. I still hope he’s going to run for mayor one day. King Karl Bryan shoots. How are you, bud?
[00:00:59] Karl: How’s it going, man?
[00:01:01] Christian: I’m doing, I’m doing really well, dude. It’s yeah, doing, doing really well, been a good week and to be a super busy week as per usual. It’s funny how that just seems to happen. Hey, like it’s like, I don’t even know how you get into the rhythm of feeling like you’re accomplishing anything because it just never seems to stop.
[00:01:20] Karl: So by the way, dub cookie for a little drive, I don’t know if I’m going to let it out of the bag, but in his new car, ladies and gentlemen. It was one fine machine of which I asked him, will you please slow down, please slow down.
[00:01:38] Christian: There’s some budget payback for when this almost sounds weird. When you took me out on the Sea-Doo, you know, and you’re just like, but here’s the, here’s the thing folks out on the Sea-Doo. I do not do the reach around, hanging on to no, I’ll hang on to the handles in the back. Thank you very much. As much as Carl probably wants to do the two man luge with me and not going to happen, shoots, just get that right out of your head. That’s going to be either you and that’s going to be you in Utah. I could see you guys doing the two man illusion at the Olympics.
[00:02:11] Karl: If honestly, if somebody saw us on that CD, that was what a road dogs those uncomfortable moments of his life. They would take a photo that would be the friend of the podcast all day long.
[00:02:21] Christian: And not to guess how many times I just thought it just be so much better for me to, just to let go and fall back.
[00:02:29] Karl: And plus we waited for a pretty decent, I love mugs. We’ll get into this. I got a C2 and I, I am ridiculously proud of my C2 and a real, I don’t know if we’ve ever said this funny one road dog and I get a few buds and they have, you know, these big monster boats and they hang out at this particular beach and it’s a lot of fun and the water is only, you know, four feet deep.
So he can just sit there and drink a beer. And I roll up to my Sea-Doo and like, I’m the big deal at it, some right? Cause all the kids want to go with my CD. All the dads want to take out my C2. The C2 is the star of the show every weekend and I’m doing a little three sixties and sprayed everybody anyways.
So my, I have a T2 and I am pathetically excited about it and impressed by it or whatever it is proud of it. Proud of it. That’s what I’m trying to say.
[00:03:14] Christian: And what you’re saying is you don’t have to be. The big thing to be the big show. This is sorta like you in real life, but it’s perfect. It’s amazing how that just work itself right in there.
Hey, listen, by the way, let’s get into this for a second because the joke that you got from your dad, by the way, I have to share this. So this is this, this is true story folks. This is from skinny himself. So my dad’s close friend passed away and here’s the story he tells. Dave died. And I was a pole there and I was walking the casket out, my accidentally bumped into the wall.
Pretty hard. Remarkably Dave wakes up, it was a modern day miracle and the scene was like, no other Dave wasn’t in the best of health, obviously three years go by Dave poor bugger passes away again. As we’re walking the casket out of the church, this time, his wife Judy says to me, watch the wall. How many times has he told you that?
[00:04:13] Karl: So far too many. And he says it with the same enthusiasm as my old man. I think all of our old men do this, but yeah, dad and my dad, he tells the same joke over and over again. And with the same enthusiasm, like as though I haven’t heard it. And of course, right, I laugh because the way he says it, skinny is a funny guy.
You get a chance to sit down. My daddy doesn’t bring beer, but he will have a coffee with you and he will keep you laughing as you know, road dog. Funny boy, you’re
[00:04:39] Christian: doing better and better. I hope skinny. He’s doing better.
[00:04:43] Karl: He’s getting their shirts. He’s getting there yet. I think the grace of God, he’s doing good.
Thanks buddy. All
[00:04:48] Christian: right, I’m going to jump into this. So I’m reading this first question. I’m like, huh? That’s kind of a little to me. Here’s the question. Do you approach selling coaching to a $10 million business differently than you would? A $350,000? The only reason I’m questioning like 350. That’s pretty specific number.
I’m like why not? 250. I’m curious on that. But regardless shoots, would you, would you your approach to selling to a $10 million business versus a smaller scaled, obviously 350 K business you approach those differently? Or do you pretty much have the same sort of game plan?
[00:05:25] Karl: That’s it. So that’s a big gap, 10 million to 350,000 it’s specific.
But anyway, the
[00:05:31] Christian: difference between our stature and between our bank accounts, like this is just how it works. Right.
[00:05:35] Karl: So who look you don’t, well, you don’t sell the companies, right? You sell the individuals. So there’s your frame. You know, companies don’t make decisions. People do, so that’s critical. And then what do people do people buy for emotional reasons? Right? You’d like to think that they buy for factual to make more money.
But the truth is, you know, emotional reasons will go, they’ll get there of the, of the thought of making more money, but ultimately they’ll hand over their credit card, sign the paperwork for emotional reasons. Just imagine the last time you bought a car, right? You, you spent far more on your car than you planned and you did it for emotional reasons and the way that it made you feel to do to do, to do right.
You know, and fear doesn’t rule the world. Envy does again. I think that that’s a frame. Okay. Actually, I did. I sent this in an email or it’s coming in an email. I’m going to, you know, I’ve got it as like a, a part, but no one wants to get left behind. I think that the power in that statement is insane about here’s an exercise and influence watch the infomercial personal power is the first one, but basically personal.
It took Tony Robbins from like a, nobody to a hundred million dollar coaching brand. You know, and getting called up by the like, so, you know, presidents like bill Clinton, Andre Agassi, Tom Brady, Wayne Gretzky Oprah, you named the big name and basically. They’ve called up Tony Robbins for a bit of advice, basically, you know, it got that personal power and you’ll, you’ll watch it.
You’ll think it’s cheesy and he’s got big teeth or whatever, you know, possibly that’s what you’re thinking. That would be a wrong way to be looking at it that got him access to elite, the elite of the elite you know, billionaires and in like record time. And by the way, don’t watch it once and then say, oh, wow, that was good.
Watch it multiple times. And so here’s maybe so I watch it. What do I see? I, I saw the many ways he manufactures the impression that you, as in the person viewing. That hasn’t already purchased his thing. Okay. So in this case, it’s his program had totally missed out on what everybody else, more specifically, celebrities superstars, pro athletes, elite to be elite.
Basically every person that you admire were already participating. Right. So again, they were already, those people bought, why haven’t you, are you going to whip out your credit card? You’re about to be given an opportunity and by the way, there will be a limit. There will be scarcity attached to that, to that offer given to you.
Right? So again, nobody wants to get less behind is when you, what I watch. That’s what I see. And I think that might be one of those things that you might want to write down and kind of come back to, it might be hitting you like a punch in the mouth, and it might be something that just over time, as you see it a little bit, as you get better at framing, your coaching, framing, your talks, framing, your prospecting calls, framing your the meetings that you have with joint venture partners and whatnot, and people that you want to influence.
You might just see that working at a higher level. So anyway, so that’s just something and by the way, the Elfa so you might be thinking, oh yeah, but that’s the lightweight, like the alpha of the alpha males, the elite of the elite, definitely this $10 million company that you’re referencing. They wilt under this kind of social and emotional pressure, but.
You know, the whip out their credit card. Right. So, so when done correctly, high-end coaching clients you know, that $10 million guy that you, you described, I think that he’s going to, you know, whip out their credit card, as opposed to the asking how much, which no doubt that’s the frame that you’re ultimately looking for.
And the other thing is you’re hearing this and like, okay, look, I like it. Right. Are you going to be like a natural, you’re going to be really good at making people feel like they’re getting left behind. And the first chance and the answer is no. And again you want them to, and then when they buy your coaching, it’s kind of like they’re racing to catch up.
Think about those as two friends, you know, nobody wants to get left behind and now they’re going to whip out their credit card and you’re going to help them race to catch. Right. And, and by the way, this is how I sold a hundred thousand dollars plus plus up to $500,000 coaching programs in the mid two thousands.
And I will tell you that, yes, they’re going to make more money. Yes. They’re going to be systematized. Yes. They’re going to increase the valuation of their company and all those matter of fact all of those types of things. Right. But believe me I was talking about, you know, some emotional factors and speaking of emotional factors, like, you know, there’s, there’s emotional factors.
Kind of what do they do? They effect they influence everybody. You know, you probably know the, if you’re a coach, hopefully you you’ve understand what I mean, but greed, envy, wrath, pride, lust, anger, fear, love, hate these types of ones. I’m sure there’s more than I’m not thinking of here, but the affluent have a particular set of.
Emotional factors. I don’t know, like emotional hot buttons that, you know, you might want to consider and they, some of them might surprise you a little bit like insecurity without doubt. You introduced me to a professional hockey player, a professional athlete, making millions of dollars and I’ll show you something.
Who’s driven more by loss than they are by gain. Right. I’m going to go at 80% probability. I’m sure there’s a few and there’s always the anomaly, but we don’t deal with anomalies. Right. We always deal with percentages. That’s the way to build. That’s the way to scale. That’s a way to build that’s the way to do things on a mass level.
Right. You know, fear of being found out to be fake or. Again, without yes. You know, they, what is that like? Imposter syndrome. So what I’m trying to think of like that, you know, if you don’t think about this, if you don’t have imposter syndrome, then you’re not pushing right. You know, imposter syndrome, like you should have it as opposed to, and try to avoid it.
You know, they’re also wanting, you know, there, they want to be today. They don’t want to be yesterday. And this is again, we’re introducing me to somebody who’s like highly driven and highly successful. They’re, you know, they, they end up being worth a million and then they go to 5 million. I go to 10 million.
Then they go to 25 million that does not go away. Right. I’ll give you the red hot tip that does not go away. Some people get it a little bit under control, which I think is a good thing. I think somebody who’s worked a lot of money should spend some time there. They’re probably not. And that’s not the way that I’d be selling them coaching.
Right. On that, you know, curing their desire to be highly driven. That’s not what I’m going over here and like feeding their emotional emptiness. Definitely. You know, kind of like giving them gold stars. Like we were, we’ve all been to school. Right. And we got the goals. We got the happy face you know, by, by giving them those things, you’d be surprised.
Like you’re coaching a $10 million business and they achieved something and you acknowledge it specifically. Absolutely something you should, you should be. Right. You know, and another thing that, you know, a gain very consistent, you introduced me to somebody who’s doing really well. Like I’ll assume that that $10 million company we’re describing here, you know, we’re netting out plenty.
And this isn’t, you know, this isn’t year one at $10 million and they’re netting. 2%, right. We’ll assume that these guys are doing seven figures and it’s sticking and it has for a period of time. Well, they’re asking themselves this question, what’s the point of being rich, ridiculously common. Right? So, and then you help them answer that, right?
And that’s where all of a sudden growth contribution, philanthropy, et cetera, will come into it. But you know, the. $10 million companies, people who are going to buy coaching from you and $10 million companies are insecure in many ways. You know, I certainly worry about going backward, like, you know, about losing money, losing status, losing privileges.
Again, you introduced me to a professional. I’ll introduce you to somebody who’s driven by loss over again all day long. So again, don’t, again, I say professional athlete think of an elite business person is, you know, being exactly that I’ve had this conversation with my wife many times, you know, I’m not the easiest guy in the world to be married to this truth.
I’m not something I’m proud of is just, you know, it’s my foundation. I’m very driven to an absolute. And, and, and that can be tough. Right? So again, understanding the kind of, you know, the psychology of the person that you’re sitting in front of. Right. And, and by the way, if you’ve never been rich you have no frame of reference, but if you have been rich, you know what, you’re missing out by losing it, right.
Like again, and don’t think for it. I say that their emotional hot buttons live in there somewhere you know, big time You know, I’d say again, they’re like, they’re aware like this $10 million company, the successful, the elite entrepreneur is aware of aggravations. I don’t know, inconveniences the financial difficulties in juror daily by everyday ordinary people that they once were right on.
And I’ll assume that they’re not from the happy sperm club, right. Where they, they grew up with that east gold coast. And you know, and they, they do, they, they lose sleep about waking up and being back there. So when you’re selling coaching, you are selling defense like insurance, right? It’s like you’re selling the fence of that in a lot of ways, but most importantly, here, these emotional factors, you got to tie into emotions, you know, the best brands in the world road dog, as you well know, they make you.
Right. Like you bought a new car recently. That’s pretty crushing. Look. It’s it’s the way it makes you feel, right. Coke makes you happy. Mercedes makes you successful. Disney makes you proud. The best marketers in the world are intentionally pulling on your heartstrings. So, so answer road, dog. I mean, it’s a difficult one, but comparing a $10 million company to a $350,000 business, like there’s contrast there on steroids.
Maybe that makes it a great question or maybe there’s a little bit too much contrast, not sure but understand that when you’re dealing with somebody who recognized as themselves identifies as an elite as we’ll call rich, right? Wealthy is a far better word than rich. By the way, you can be rich for an hour.
You want to be wealthy for a lifetime for generations. So anyway, so that’s my I feel like thinking, understanding. You know, these like the 350,000 that got the older guy and the 10 million, you’re not selling to a company you’re selling to an individual and an individual is going to be influenced by this stuff.
And the guy who’s highly successful can be, you know, that insecurity that fear of being found out to be a fake. You know, not being today, but being, you know, yesterday’s news. You know, what’s thinking what’s the point of being rich, understanding that these are things that they’re going through, I think can increase those conversions and your competence to help them and direct them and provide a roadmap at a super high level.
So what would you say shifts? It’s a,
[00:15:59] Christian: it’s interesting, actually, a couple of things that struck me there. You mentioned the $10 million business business versus the $350,000. Like just those two words alone, right? Like one is a business. One is just like a company, right? Like if that’s gross profit, like what are you really getting out of that?
So just the different mindsets that, that go along with that. And the one thing I was interesting as well is when you’re talking about the $10 million dude, he still has imposter syndrome. Like everybody else. Right? Like that that’s the crazy part now. But like you’re, it’s the thing that I like in the two.
Once you flown first class, going back to coach is really freaking hard, right? Like it’s just, you’ve seen it and you don’t really want to go back there. Right. And I don’t know if that sounds douchey or whatever. I don’t fly first class. You know, you just have your own private jets and helicopters, but you know what I mean?
Like it’s just
one of those things. I just thought that was very interesting. How you’re saying you’re selling the. You’re selling the protection against the failure of the business. It’s so crazy. I’ve never thought of that before, because what’s everybody thinking of I’m gonna help you get leads. I’m gonna help you grow.
I can help you do this. Blah, blah, blah, growth, growth, growth, growth, growth. And you and I, we talked about that the other day. It’s like, everybody’s got this blind target of a million dollars. It’s like, well, is it really a million dollars? Is that truly what you need? Anyways? I thought that was very, very interesting, but the question I have for you out of all of that, because that’s, there’s a ton to unpack.
You mentioned this, this feeling of like this getting left behind, like, is there anything specifically, like how, how the heck do you do that to make them feel like they’re, they’re getting left behind.
[00:17:48] Karl: Yeah. Nice. How would I, and I just actually, okay. Let me answer that. But before I do that, I just want to just, just cement what you just said, that is exactly like the guy doing a million and the guy doing three 50.
Again, You’re selling to individuals, but the insurance, the defense is kind of what I was. You just said it better. Right? Like that, that’s what I was trying to bring across. That’s really important to you. Don’t judge, but don’t just sell defense that wouldn’t be the right way to do it. Right. But remember they don’t want to get left behind.
They don’t want to become part of this elite club and 10 million, you know, ripping around in Lambos and part of the Ferrari club, et cetera. And then all of a sudden, not be able to join the group. If that makes sense. I’m in a defense. Hopefully you guys are getting mad, but you sell individuals. You don’t sell companies.
Nice. So getting left behind. Yeah. That’s. Examples like every day, I think we see it in real estate, depend upon where you’re at, but right now, real estate, you know, as we talk real estate is skyrocketing in many, many markets. Right? Well, so one guy, like if you only own one property, You’re not really winning.
Right? Cause if you sold, like, let’s assume you’re not going to move out of the market into a less vibrant one. If you sold your one house, you’d have to buy another one. Presumably you really wouldn’t get the game because it would, the gain would offset with the price that you now have to pay on the second house.
Right? So you got to own two to really, when. So they hear stories of people crushing it and buying new cars and the capital gains and the net worst, et cetera. So again, that, that could be an example of how you’d frame that up to feel like somebody is getting left behind right competitors. Look, you see this all the time competitors using Facebook and waking up with copious amounts of leads every day.
And they’re still cold calling. They’re still doing direct outreach. They’re staring at their phone, hoping the damn thing’s gonna. Right. Again, they feel left behind there’s local partnerships between companies going ahead you know, behind the scenes and they’re not in the quote unquote in the know right there’s events happening.
And others are going to be presenting. You see this in our world road, dog, right? Like big event going on and others are going to be presenting. Others are going to be exhibiting. Others are going to be, you know, getting backstage passes and, and, and invited to these private parties. And then others aren’t right.
Like the gram, you know, the Grammys and the Oscars. They’re all about the private parties and who’s getting invited and it’s a, it’s a big deal in that world. Right. You know, big companies getting built in a booming economy. And there’s like that company, we just referenced like the $10 million. Even though it might be profitable is just kind of like treading water again.
Gosh, with all this inflation, are you winning you? And I wrote dog, we get you know, a mutual bud, very close one that he owns a trucking company. And again, everybody’s else rates are going through the roof and their drivers never been busy. Well, if you weren’t set up prior to the boom to have the drivers and have the flexibility to be able to spend the time to go back to your customers and explain that.
You know, rates are increasing you, just, what do you do? You get busy, busy, busy, and you just keep driving the same trucks for the same fees and then looking back going, wow, you know what I mean? Like I just missed out on a, you know, an opportunity to raise that, you know, and then there’s crypto road dug a feeling left behind.
I mean, I think that’s probably maybe the, the poster child for it. Yeah, like, look, you mentioned Tony Robbins earlier, right? Like how does Tony Robbins convince you to start investing? I mean, ask the watt you know, like a, you know, a book that I would recommend without doubt money master the game is one that it’s not just my love of Tony Robbins.
Like again, people love them. People hate them. It’s completely irrelevant to be able to, if you think being wealthy as a good idea or something that you’d like to participate in, and you’d like to bring others with you. To not read that book multiple times, I think would be a mistake. Right. But I’ll leave that for anybody listening, but here’s what Tony Robbins does in the book when he talks about investing.
And I’ll make a bit of a meal of this, but it’s something to the effect of, he’s got two twins. Okay. Like, again, they’re twins, not by accident, but this story and one started at roughly the age of 20 and then the other one started at roughly the age of 40, right. Well, the one that started. At 20 put $80,000 in that roughly, you know, 4k a year for 20 years.
And then let’s just see me. I had like a 10% return right there, thereabouts. Well, the other twin putting a hundred thousand dollars, $4,000 a year at 25 years. Right? So you put $20,000 more in and he invested for five years longer and they both got a 10%. Right. Well, the one that started early had two point, I think this is on their 60th birthday, whatever it is that the story ends with the one that started early had $2.5 million in their bank account.
And the other twin who invested for five years longer and invested about 20% more money ended up with $400,000, right? 400,000 versus 2.5 hundred. That might be good. The contrast of our example earlier of what was it? It was a 10 million in a 350 or whatever, not quite there, but, but that’s like 2.5 million and 400 grand.
I don’t know what that is, but that’s like 505. That’s more than a 500% different. Right. So, and then his advice is to get started. Right? So, you know, the story probably leaves you feeling like you’re, you know, you’re involved in story number two or twin number two, not number one. Right. And again, he says it all in a story and his goal was to try to get you to start.
So you see how, you know, you’re left behind in a very real and tangible way. In fact, the number two twin absolutely got left behind by the tuna, you know, $2.1 million. Right. So that’s and I’d say again, you know, with our software profit acceleration software, it’s like, we don’t need to frame it up in a, you know, in a in a story.
It’s just that the coaches that we have coaches that have been doing it for a decade and they’re still out there going to be an I groups and whatnot, trying to get a across. And then we’ve got coaches that are leveraging our software and they’re building teams of 10 25, 50, a hundred coaches under them leveraging the software, you know, using, you know, legitimate tools that basically do a lot of the hard work for them and printing off roadmaps and guides that their coaches and themselves can use with the small businesses.
Well, our coaches have built teams of say 50 coaches underneath them. And a lot of other coaches don’t have anybody else, right. The moral of the story and what I would encourage anybody to be thinking about when Tony Robbins basically tries to influence you, he tells you a story. He gives you a metaphor.
He gives you an example, and that is something that I think. You know, you guys should be thinking about, right. So like what story? So now you’re a coach and you’re thinking, okay, what kind of story? Well, tell a story of how, you know, there were two business owners and one chose the leverage. Maybe it’s our software.
Maybe it’s just your services, but maybe it’s profit acceleration. You know, the simulator it’s profit acceleration software. It’s the profit acceleration. And then there were two business owners and he accepted you know, the roadmap that was put in front of them, a new set of eyes to look at his company, a little bit of accountability on a weekly bi-weekly monthly basis as in coaching.
And one of them is still hard at work who didn’t leverage, you know, a business coach and the one who did is absolutely crushing it buying five series BMWs you know, Knock it around with the Joneses, as opposed to trying to keep up with the Joneses. And then the question is missing and you don’t need to say this, but what’s going to happen intrinsically.
It’s going to happen as film over the room. Isn’t there all of a sudden going to want to be in the right side of the story. Right. So again, and then you’re thinking, yeah, but I can’t tell that story and I’m not Tony Robbins. You’ll get a little bit better at it. You know, the more you do it, the better you’re going to get.
Right. You you’ve got to go in there. We talked about this on the pre-show today. Somebody was asking about the software road, dog, and it just, what it came down to is you got to get your nose in there and you’ve got to practice. You’ve got to put, you got to press the wrong button. You got to put in numbers that are too big.
And then you have to be able to read and support it. You don’t want that to happen when somebody is in front of you? Right? Tom Brady is my buddy, but Tom Brady threw the football in front of nobody in front of his kids, in the backyard, in front of his teammates in front of us coaches. Long before he threw it in front of, you know, 50, 60, 70,000 people on the weekend.
Right. So that’s, you got to get in there and practice, you got to show a level of respect, quite frankly, for the client that you’re about to sit with and really understand this stuff. So bottom line you know, When I was trying to say that a minute ago is you need to understand your tools and understand where you’re going to go, because then that’s going to give you the flexibility.
When you’re sitting with this individual to be able to influence them, it’s going to allow you to read their body language at a higher level. It’s going to read you to read, you know, the dynamic of their business and where that feeling of being left behind might be at a higher level versus you’re in there.
You know, really having to concentrate, really having to think. Here’s what I’m trying to say. I’m doing a bad job. When somebody plays hockey and they use their instincts and they’re good hockey player, we’ll assume they play way better. When they fall into a slump, they start thinking at too high of a level.
And that’s when, you know, they can’t score a goal to save themselves and they find themselves dropping off the powerplay, et cetera, not getting the extra ringtone, right. Or in a rodent look set otherwise. They’ll buy your coaching from you every time. If they feel that you support their dreams, justify their failures confirm their suspicions, diminish their fears and especially help them throw rocks at their enemies.
Right. So semi-related I said this my daughter. Yeah. We were having some ice cream. I spent a little bit of time away from her and I just got back. And and we’d done this many a times, by the way. So this wasn’t new, but I said, maybe what’s the secret to having great friends. And she says to me to be a great friend.
And then I say, what’s the secret to having a great one of the things it was mummy, blah, blah. While I was away, something happened and, oh, you know, mommy was hard on me, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I’m like, come on, give me this. Right. So what’s the secret to having great friends, to be a great friend.
What’s the secret to have a great money to be a great. Right. And then what’s the secret to having a great teacher is to be a great student. Although that one, I have to pretty much proud of her, but any who the best brands pull on heartstrings strings and you need to practice pulling on those heartstrings and you will get better at it.
And the better tools that you have to support. You know, your coaching, I think will allow you to coach at a higher level. Because again, when you’re sitting there having to think at too high of a level with the person that you’re either prospecting the person you’re trying to convert, or the person you’re trying to influence as your high-end coaching client, who’s paying.
You want to be able to be reading these types of dynamics, where, what are their dreams that you can support? You know, what are the failures that they’ve had that you can justify number it’s just emotional? What are these suspicions that you can confirm? Well, you gotta be really intuitive and you need to be, you know, not thinking at a super high level, like a hockey player in a slump in order to make all that happen.
So, so there you go. And by the way, the best, you know, the best way to have a great coaching clients is to be a great coach to them is where I’m trying to go with my, you know, the, the, you know, the dynamic of my daughter and I’s conversation. Right. Buddy. That’s my Tony Robbins does it better than anybody else.
If they watch road gov personal power, they are going to see that done at the highest level. And I’m sure it’s available on YouTube. Very simple. It’s just, it’s the infancy, the infomercial that played, you know, 2 million times on TV that we’ve all seen. So what do you think shoots? That’s my,
[00:29:38] Christian: so first off there, there’s a couple of points I got to make here.
Okay. Cause that’s just what I do. So th the, the funny thing is, as you’re talking and I’m like you, and I’ve seen Tony live several times, right. And again, be it live via online, whatever he tells the same story. When you do a presentation, you talk about, you know, doing, knowing the software, knowing that like playing the rock, knowing what you’re going to say, when you’re doing a presentation.
This reminds me of, when I, when I sold insurance back in the day, I had a standard presentation that I went through and yes, it’s boring. And you can sit there and be like, man, this is so boring. Yeah. If you choose to play at that level, but if you choose to make it so automatic for you. That you’re no longer thinking about what you’re saying.
You’re just saying it. And now you’re reading their body language. You’re reading everything that they’re doing. And they’re saying, and you’re able to analyze that at the same time that you’re giving the presentation. That’s next level. And I think that’s sort of where you’re going with this, right?
[00:30:47] Karl: The, the money is in the mundane.
That’s it? So what coaches are upset this many, many, a times, but success is the same movie, three times a day, seven days a week for 10 years. And then I apologize for this. Like, nobody wants to hear that. Right. So, so what I have done, this is an example. So in my own life, right? So again, wake up, you know, I pounded, you know, I’m up very consistently at 5:00 AM.
I’m absolutely rocking already. If not earlier. You know, sometimes I go straight to work other times I do whatever I do, but I am working early and it’s fundamentally a lot of the same stuff replying to the same, you know, motivated the same staff, playing with whatever. That’s what I’m doing. Right.
What outside. So let’s assume that that’s like nine to five for the average. So get your thrills outside of nine to five. So what people say is they get to change their career every five years because they get bored. They get to change this because they get bored. They need their business to be dynamic, or they get bored, which by the way, If that’s for you and that’s the way it has to be, then, then go for it.
God bless you, you know, and enjoy creativity. Right. And that’s fine, but I think what you could do and what I have, you know, encouraged a lot of my co my high and coaching clients over the years and where they’ve seen a lot of value as I’ve helped them go outside their nine to five, I’m like, go skydiving, go cliff jumping, go, bungee jumping, go scuba.
Take two, don’t go for four days on a holiday, go for 10 days to Mexico. And before you go. Make like a book, the scuba diving book, the snorkeling book, the stuff that, you know, you’re going to just love, you know, the horseback riding, et cetera, booklet before you even go. So you get there. Cause what happens?
You get there, you know, the first day you’re exhausted because of jet lag or whatever it is. Right. And then the next day you’re like, oh my God, I’m just gonna lay on the beach and then you get the sunburn and you’re like, oh my gosh, the whole day’s gone. I can’t believe it. Yeah. You know, for maybe that’s what they needed to do, but you know what I mean?
Like get your creativity, get your excitement outside of your nine to five and do it strategically by the way. Right. So anyways, so roadblock, I love what you’re saying, but totally like the magic is in the mundane. The money is in the mundane, but. Everybody’s looking for creativity, they’re looking for excitement.
And I don’t, I think if you show me a really that $10 million business you referenced earlier, I’m going to introduce you to a very, you know, a business that does the fundamentals and the boring stuff over and over again. Right? Like batting practice for the best, you know nobody said bats, that’s cricket, I’m watching some cricket lately, but you know what I mean?
The, the best, you know, the, the best. Better in the world, right? Batting practices. Not exactly exciting. On Monday morning, I’ll give you the red hot tip, but that’s what they do. Right. You know, practices never excited. What Allen Iverson road, dog. Remember that one practice. You’re talking about practice. And by the way, that’s the guy who took a hundred million dollars in wooded on fire, which possibly there might be a life lesson in there possibly not.
But I dare say sales, so love it road, Doug, and agree. Totally, man.
[00:33:55] Christian: Well, again, I’m going to challenge you on this cause I, I disagree. I disagree that it’s the mundane doesn’t have to be boring when you go into doing the mundane to you. It’s not the same. Because you’re looking for something every single time.
It’s like the golfer, right? Like when you’re, it’s like, it’s the smallest little thing that they’re working on. It’s the cricket player. I have no idea, dude. Like, but it may be hockey. You know what I mean? Like, there’s, there’s a certain thing inside of that practice that you’re working on. Maybe it’s your presentation, maybe it’s your tonality.
Maybe it’s, you know, changing the story a little bit, maybe whatever it is. I, I think. If you’re thinking that it’s boring day in and day out, I’m going to go ahead and say, you’re doing it wrong because you need to, it you’re, you need to be looking at the deeper level. Like I can guarantee you when Carl’s done 200, some odd print, more than that.
Probably presentations live. He’s not looking like, oh my God, this is so boring. He’s looking at okay. What’s the part that I’m going to focus in on today. And how can I be sharper at the end, then I can be at the beginning and how can I get them to be more engaged without taking over the meeting? How can I get, you know, more applications at the end of this than last time, there’s always something going on.
Why would I be offside and saying that,
[00:35:20] Karl: shoot what you did, my opinion, what I heard a reframe. Right? So. You know, what you that I think is you got it. You got to go into the fundamentals, the basic, whatever it is that you’re doing. And you got to get excited about a little, 2% adjustment, a little, you know, a little tweak.
And you mentioned the presentation 200. I’ve actually had that one presentation that you saw me do. 400 times, right. Remember road. And we get asked, remember that rug, we get a hundred percent conversion. That’s not a hundred percent conversion to appointments. We got a hundred percent conversion to high-end coaching clients, but I’ve done that one presentation 400.
So you’re exactly what I’m doing is I’m trying to come up with a new joke. I’m trying to come up with. Well, I actually literally, within the last few weeks, patents. So he’s COO know he’s just genius around our software. You get no idea of legend anyway. So what we had a call and I’m going to say that it went for two hours.
And the only thing that we talked about on the call is how to make group coaching software more entertaining. That’s it? That’s all we do. And every time either of us, which happened multiple times, we went a little bit off in this. It was like, well, we’ll, we’ll, we’ll come back to that. Like that’s for the next meeting.
Right? Entertaining, entertaining, entertain. How do we make the group coaching software more? That was it. And it was like to some, I suppose, that could be mundane as hell because we played with this group coaching. You got no brain cells that I have killed on group. I almost, I get a Twitch, I think when I say group coaching software, but you’re right.
Like we just love little tweaks, little tweaks, little tweaks. And that’s what we get excited about. So, so Rodel gets a reframe. That’s what you did. And I love it. And you’re a hundred percent correct. That’s what. Listen,
[00:37:02] Christian: bud. I’m just here to make you a, you just to hear you say that I’m correct. It’s wonderful.
It’s a great way to start the week that, Hey, listen, while we’re on a high, why don’t you close us out with one thing that our listeners can implement today into the.
[00:37:18] Karl: One thing. Look, I got to tell you that last bit there where you said like the reframe, is it just, you know, get really like, here it is, right.
What is here’s advice you’ll get from a billionaire. Do what you love. And then I’m going to tell you that that is proven. Forget what I think. Forget what road dog thinks, forget what somebody else thinks. That’s proven to be really, really bad advice, right? Because if you want to make a law and we’ll assume that the goal is you want to make a ton of money, do what you’re good at.
I’ll tell you that. So do what you’re good at. So, and so instead of like, with your business, instead of falling in love with your business, Fall in love with the marketing bow in love with direct response, fall in love with your Facebook ad. Fall in love with your client. Fall in love with your client’s lifestyle.
Fall in love with your clients results. Fall in love with your client’s product. Fall in love with your coaching call with your clients and how you can make them more entertaining. Right? Like make them, you know what I mean? Like fall in love with the tactic, as opposed to the business, I guess is what I’m trying to say.
And like little tweaks, little tweaks, little tweaks. Totally compliments. What you said that reframe, you gave us road dog where just take something small and then get excited about it. So I think that’s a good, you know, instead of trying to fight, become a business guy, we say this, like somebody says, oh, like, why did you become a coach?
And they say, I just love helping people. And I’m like, in my mind, and I hope I’m not sounding harsh here. Right. But I’m like, I drive a fast car that does not make me a mechanic. Right. Don’t become a coach because you like helping people show me that you’re good. At influencing people good at persuading people, good at, you know, moving the needle good at like those emotional factors that we talked about, you know, drawing out the you know, their feeling of being left behind and then introducing yourself and embodying yourself as, you know, the way for them to race, to catch up all in love with that little tweaks.
And I think. You know, magic can happen. So that’s, you know what I mean? Like you become a coach because you like to help people is incredibly fraud. Generally. Maybe, maybe it’s right for you and you show me anomalies, but I don’t, I don’t do anomalies. A non Anon can’t even say a normal. I do percentages and I’ll pay a percentage wise.
That’s not it when you’re good at coaching. And you’re good at influencing when you’re good at, you know, gross profit margin gets you excited the way that it gets me excited. And it didn’t always, let me give you the red hot tip 10 years ago. I would never, ever, ever say that in a million years. I fell in love with it, you know, Rodo maybe in closing.
So we have a presentation that we’re putting together behind the scenes on how to read financial statements, right. Which basically is going to be, you kind of find your high-end coaching fees like instantly, and then how to look at financial documents and find what you’re looking for. So we have a partner has been a client of mine for, of ours, like over a decade, been to all of our live events, great guy.
We do some stuff. And again, you know, a client paid his fees for literally over a decade month, a month. Never stopped. Never. I don’t think he ever will because he loves us. We love him. Great guy anyways, 40 year accountant. So we are talking about accounting principles and reading financial statements.
And at the end of it, or maybe probably bring them on, I don’t know, some way we should get this public, but what he said to me was like, he’s like, you know, I’ve been doing accounting for 40 years and you just see things so differently. And the way that, you know, like, you know what I mean? Like the examples and the metaphors, and then I’ll stop them and go pay.
Here’s what I just heard. Here’s the frame. Here’s the example. Here’s a metaphor that will compliment that perfectly. Here’s what I, here’s why I, here’s where I think you’re going to lose. Here’s what they’re never going to understand. Here’s what they don’t need to understand. You know, we’re talking about, you know, things like depreciation being a super power of an accountant, and there’s a lot of accountants believe me that don’t understand appreciation at the highest level, the importance of gross profit margin.
Understood. So just looking at a financial statements either you don’t need to be able to create a financial statement. You need to be able to read a financial statement in order to read a financial statement. I gotta to tell you there’s there’s not a lot. Then 10 areas that you really it’s a bunch of confusing lingo and percentages and numbers and everything, but there’s a few key places you need to go.
And basically it’s like the magic is there. Right. And what, what I said is like, look each, so there’s three financial documents that really matter. It’s a balance sheet and income statement or a profit and loss and a cashflow statement. So I go look so before we enter, like before we explain the balance sheet, before we start.
We need to have a learning objective. What’s our goal. Like when they’re done looking at like an, like watching our course on reading a financial statement, what are the three things they’re going to go away with? And the five areas they need to look at, and we can highlight with a red pen, I’m giving you like a, you know, you’re getting it right.
That’s the learning objective of the balance sheet. We’re not there to teach people to become accountants. You know, an accounting degree course, this is reading financial statement and finding your high-end coaching BS, and frankly, changing the life of your coaching clients. So they pay you forever.
Right? And then it’s income statement. It’s what’s the learning objective. Before we start explaining it, let’s start with the end in mind and then go, boom. There’s three things we want to take away. And there’s five places that they need to know to look, and we’re going to circle each of them with a red pen.
So they go away and we’re going to give it to them as a takeaway. Right? Third thing cash anyway. So you could get it road dog, like, and it’s just, it’s the little things, and it’s, it’s a passion that I’ve built over the last. I’m going to say number five years and I just love accounting. Right. And I used to be 100% the sales and marketing guy that wouldn’t even, I would poopoo it.
I would like turn my eyes up at it going, oh my God, don’t even worry about that, man. We’re just going to make this guy more money and you know, we’ll give him a new margin, but I didn’t really understand. I didn’t under, I understood margin, but I didn’t understand. So I would just be like, look, let’s just go make some more money.
We’ll just get to a million faster. We’ll just get the 3 million faster. We’ll just, you know, we’ll just train our staff at a higher level. So we don’t have that same problem anyways, road, Doug, that was a little bit rabbit hole issue, but you know, get passionate about that kind of thing. Go into the mundane, go into the day-to-day, go into the fundamentals and those little 2% tweaks, Jack them up big time, the way you reframed it.
And I think that that’s. That’s a good takeaway shoots. There you go. So I got,
[00:43:43] Christian: wow. Okay. So how can I shorten this up? Where I’m like, can you give us the one thing that would have been 15 minutes? I don’t under, I got it. Seeing folks, like, there’s my one thing that I got to figure out my next week. How do I prevent these?
That’s your learning objectives? That’s it? That’s it. But like, it’s crazy. What’s your one thing. Well, let me go on a rabbit hole about accounting for 10 minutes and then. Listen folks. That’s your 10 things that you should immediately put into your practice apparently. Thanks for tuning into another episode of business coaching secrets with master accountant, Dr.
Karl Bryan at the helm. And if you’re not on the inside and getting access to the pre-show or you aren’t getting Carl’s daily emails, do you want my information on the coach group coaching software? Pardon me? Or you’re looking at Carl to do your taxes personally, please go to focus.com and subscribe today.
Just joking about the taxes, by the way, I would definitely not have Carl do my taxes, even though that that spells audit right there. Yeah. Anyways, if you enjoyed the podcast, please share with a fellow coach or someone you think might make a great coach. Obviously fans of Tom Brady and Tony Robbins, Carl’s two personal favorite and heroes.
And of course, we’d appreciate it. If you’d rate the episode, as we know that iTunes, Spotify, all those streaming services give a heavy amount of weight towards review. And that is it for another week. Everybody, we will see you on the next episode and remember progress equals happiness. Take care, everybody.
[00:45:13] Karl: Carl Brian built profit acceleration software. 2.0 to train business coaches, how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coaches, super power. So as a business coach, you’ll never, again, have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high-end coaching fees.
Check us out@focused.com.