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Ask The Expert by Adrian Ulsh

by | Adrian Ulsh, Business Coaching Fundamentals

Q. Hi Adrian, one of my clients owns a learning center for kids. The marketing campaign we’re testing isn’t generating any leads at all. Can you help?

 Dave Carter


Hi Dave,

After speaking with you by phone, let me make sure I understand the situation in-depth.

Your client specializes in helping kids struggling with various school subjects such as English and math to immediately improve their understanding of these subjects along with their test scores.

You’re currently attempting to market their business by driving their leads to a website and then engaging them with a direct phone call.

But your finding this simple process isn’t producing any results for their business.

OK, let’s explore the reason why this is happening.

Most prospects need to be educated before they’re willing to meet one-on-one with any business representative, but especially when their kids are the ones needing help.

Tell me if you’ve noticed this common recurring pattern being used by your other clients?

Every business owner these days believes that “if they build it… prospects will come!”

Must be a “Field of Dreams” hallucination.

Listen, this mentality is the residual effect from pre-internet days.

Before everything on the planet was available online, the ONLY way you could find out anything about a product or service was to call the provider and inquire.

Think about that.

When you buy a car today, you do not go to the dealership until you have already thoroughly researched everything about that car online.

You already know the make, model, color, accessories and in most cases – the price!

Only then do you enter the showroom where you present your offer to the salesperson and say “take it or leave it.”

The big takeaway here is this

Thanks to the internet, the balance of power has shifted from the business owner to the customer.

Your client with the learning center for kids is running into this head first.

The results they produced asking their prospect to call them  Zero! Nada! Zippo!

I used to have a client with an almost identical business.

After some initial testing and tweaking, here is the process we created for them that ended up producing extraordinary results for their business.

First, we had them place an ad in various school newsletters and other parent-targeted publications.

Second, we had them send letters to the targeted families introducing the program.

Third, they sent a second letter to these prospective parents from the school board supervisor endorsing their program.

They followed this up with a brochure to all the families that inquired.

Next, they called all the prospects that inquired 7 days after they mailed out the brochure.

Then they sent another follow-up letter after 14 days and finished up with a direct phone call after 21 days.

For those that didn’t enroll after this 21-day sales process, the remaining prospects were entered into a drip campaign and received additional information regarding student learning at a rate of one email every 2 weeks (so it wasn’t intrusive).

The end result was a 300% increase in enrollments into their program.

Now, is this more work, time and effort???

Absolutely, and this is what’s required today to get dramatic results from your marketing and advertising.

Every business can expect results like this if they create and implement a successful sales process like the one above.

Stay diligent… don’t shortcut the process… and help your clients get the results they deserve.

 About Adrian Ulsh

Adrian Ulsh is the CEO for Leader Publishing Worldwide, the largest online provider of coaching services worldwide. Adrian currently works with more than 500 coaches in 24 countries advising them on building 6 and 7 figure coaching practices.

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