Randall Grizzle

Randall Grizzle


Randall Grizzle has dedicated his whole adult life to sales and perfecting the sales process. He has spent the past 15 years on the phone closing high ticket deals for some of the top marketers in the world, selling $5,000-$100,000 packages.

Over the course of his sales career, Randall has closed over $10 Million in sales. Having the ability to be behind the curtain with these high caliber masterminds, Randall was able to truly understand the demand that was out there.

It was in his role as a closer that he saw the bigger picture. Randall stepped back and realized the gaps that most entrepreneurs were missing. Here is where he found his superpower and he embraced it. Randall Grizzle created Closer Secrets to help bridge the gap between business owners and sales professionals.

Articles by Randall Grizzle

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