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BCS: 161 | Top Recommended Book For Business Coaches + How To Sell In A Recession?

how to sell in a recession

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan


BCS 161: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:

– Top recommended book for business coaches 

– How to sell in a recession?

And more…

Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.

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SFC 161

[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and SFC 161
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing. High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:39] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls, coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets with the Man, The Myth, The Four and a Half Foot Legend himself, Dr. Karl Bryan Dr. Douggie. Houser, as we determine in the pre-show, is in the house.
[00:00:56] Karl: Am Shoot. How goes it road dog? What’s happening buddy?
[00:01:00] Christian: Listen, the I cannot, The Douggie Hauser thing, I’ve gotta, that sort of just came off the top of my head, but like, I think there’s gonna be some Photoshopping in the future. That is gonna have to happen, but yeah. All good. No, man. How, how are you, How was how was the last week for.
[00:01:17] Karl: It was good. And we said in a pre-show, good show. Doogie. Houser, Right. Young doctor crushed it during school, whatever. I don’t know. I don’t know how old he was, but what’s his name? Neil Patrick Harris. Does that sound right? Yes.
[00:01:30] Christian: Yes, Yes. How old is that show? Geez. We’re, we’re aging
[00:01:36] Karl: ourselves slightly.
Anyways. Good week. Oh, go, go. Go.
[00:01:43] Christian: No, I was gonna say for, for a guy that’s over 65, I’m surprised that that show wasn’t kind of beyond you by the time you’re watching it ,
[00:01:52] Karl: you wish four and a half and 65 shoots we’re giving. I don’t know if that’s good for the, the demographic of the audience. . That’s a good point.
[00:02:01] Christian: I may not wanna piss off the entire demographic listening to us right now, so, hey, that’s all good. Anyway. Talk to me about your last week. What what’s the, you know, what, what did Dr. Evil get up to in the domination of the
[00:02:12] Karl: world? I don’t you know what, we hired a couple new staff members there recently, so there’s been a lot of training going on.
We’re re-imagining our entire onboarding process. Some teething problems that are coming with that, but we’re also supporting it with software that we maybe stupidly, maybe intelligently. Not sure yet. But we created, you know, we, we created our own software, like onboarding software. So, anyways, that, you know what, I don’t know, Road dog.
It’s been It’s been a crazy period here, but I gotta tell you, we are, we are creating some unbelievable stuff between profit acceleration software and the profit acceleration simulator and the group coaching software and some of the other stuff coming and the onboarding portal. And then what’s going to be the actually no, the coaching portal and then what is now to be built that I just defined or just described the onboarding.
Yeah, it’s all good, man. That’s what, that’s what we’ve been up to, but I don’t think that’s anything exciting for those listening. Well,
[00:03:09] Christian: it kinda is. When you say cause you used the word reimagining, like what, what inspired that? Like when, when you’re, And this, this could be a great, great first sort of question actually when you’re like, what was it, Is it a, a problem that started that or is it an improvement that, that got you.
[00:03:28] Karl: Okay, great question. So first principles, you know, first principle’s thinking is that you don’t wanna think improvement. So the example we’ve used in the past is you’ve got a chef and then you’ve got a cook. A cook will take a chef’s recipe and better it improve it. And that’s not what you wanna be able to do.
Like that’s not what you wanna be doing. The chef will go to the core ingredients and start there. So what I said to the guys is that I think we, and again, we may have talked about. A bit ago, but like I, I said, I don’t want it improved. I just imagine that we don’t have a process. Like I’m not looking for what we have to be improved.
What I’m looking for, what we have to be completely reimagined from first principles. So we started with exactly that. First principles we’ve tasked Holly with it. And, and then we went to, hang on a second. We gotta use software because we want people to be moving along and we wanna know who watched the video.
We want them to know when they watched the video, we wanna know when they downloaded the, you know, XYZ file. And they do watch the video. I wanna know if they watched 25.4, 48.6, 99.2, a hundred percent, you know, of the video. And I want them to know. So it’s literally gonna be staring. Right. And then, you know, next video, next video, that kind of thing.
So, so anyways, yeah. Ro Doug, the answer to your question, like, first principal’s thinking, and I just, again, I, I didn’t, I don’t want it improved. I didn’t want it improved. It’s not being improved. It’s being completely reimagined and we’re completely changing the order of the current. So
[00:05:00] Christian: my answer.
Interesting. Okay. Cool. Well actually, that’ll, that’ll kind of lead nicely into a question we. And, and just in regards to books, cuz I’m sure a lot of this stuff that, that you are, cause you’ve really, it’s funny, right? Like you go in these sort of down, these rabbit holes of like, well not just on the podcast, but I mean in general.
Like you, you went down the accounting rabbit hole. And it sounds to me almost like you’re going down the sas, right? The software is a service sort of rabbit hole, but you sort of get perpetuated with it. But, so we got a question in regards to what book business business book you would recommend for a business coach or just a book in general.
So what is a great book for a business coach you’d recommend? Let’s start
[00:05:41] Karl: there. Okay. A book I’d recommend we, we’ve, Okay. I don’t think this is. This isn’t the book that I’d recommend for somebody maybe just starting their coaching journey. But one of the best books I think you can read and something to do with what I feel like is the state of the world and some, you know, Some changes that are happening that I don’t think that are gonna happen, if that makes sense.
But anyways, Outwitting the Devil Napoleon Hill, you know, the, you know, the great Think and Grow Rich, right? Outwitting the Devil is a book that, a good one. I’ve actually written about it in in an email or a blog post some time ago. But in the book, he basically interviews the devil. And then ask them questions to get him to reveal, How can I beat you?
Right? Like, how do I beat the devil? And then the devil talks about fear and how he uses it to control and manipulate the people, right? So, and the six most effective fears, I think would be relevant. Like there’s Ill health criticism, poverty old age, loss of love, and Is that it, that I get those ill health criticism, property loss of love, old age and death, right?
So like the devil consists of negative, negative energy and lives in the minds of people who fear him, right? And then the devil plants these fears in your mind and my mind so deathly that we believed them to be our own. Right. So like, and by the way, as I say that, imagine devil with media replaced with media, right?
Like, you know what they say, if it bleeds, it leads, they’re, they’re not interested in informing you, the media is interested in startling you. Right? You know, and there is a shooting in a school, which again, there was recently, and I don’t wanna go there. You know, just hard to just even think about, to fathom you.
You just, Oh my God. Right. And it’s just everywhere. Right? And then is it, is it in a. In a place of solution or is in a place that, again, that, what’s the saying? If it bleeds, it leads, Right? Just, Oh my gosh. Right. So the media, I, I think that they use that to startle us. Right? And why do they wanna startle you?
So they get clicks. So they sell advertising so that they can, you know, they get your attention, they get your, ultimately they’re looking for eyeballs, right? So, you know, maybe differently stated. There’s two viruses, right? The external one and then the internal one. External. It’s same as to get into your body you know, wreck havoc with, you know, your, your organs, your blood, your oxygen.
Its goal is to slow you down and to, to lower your energy, right? The second one is internal and its aim is to get into your mind. And direct havoc with your thoughts, your fears, your anxieties. And again, slow you down. And slow down the level of energy that you operate. You know, the level of energy that you’re operating at, right?
And like. Roddo, you’re not gonna be defined by a crisis, right? You’re not gonna be defined by covid, you’re not gonna be defined by a business bankruptcy. You’re not gonna be defined by, but you’re gonna be defined by your reaction to the crisis, right? So you’re not gonna be defined by the crisis.
You’re gonna be defined by your reaction to the crisis. You know, again, like are you letting think internal external virus like Covid, right? Which was, you know, horrific. And anybody saying that Covid was not real is, in my opinion, a jackass. Like, look at the number of people that died the end and not, and some people are debilitated in a very real intangible way.
I mean, the covid was real, but I gotta tell you that when you got it, Part of the biggest challenge is like, you know, how did you react to it? Do you know what I mean? Were you going for a jog? Were you working on your lungs? Were you, Cuz when you’re totally panicked, that creeps. You know what I mean? Like, if you’ve got covid and then mentally you’re completely defeated, it’s gonna have a significantly worse effect on you than if you got it and you went, screw you.
Let’s rock and roll and combated it right? So that’s, you know, the internal and the external kind of comes to mind. And again, I do believe that we’re going through, you know, there’s some crazy times going. And I, I don’t think anybody’s gonna disagree with that. I think, you know, we’re probably leading into what’s gonna be some rough economic times for a, you know, a period of X amount of time.
And I just think that people should be ready for it. You’re gonna be defined by the recession. You’re gonna be defined by your reaction of the, to the recession. The, the biggest companies in the world were born during recessions, right? Microsoft, Disney, the apple, the list goes on and on. But anyway, so, but Ra rabbit, oldish, but outwitting the the devil I think is a beauty.
And it’s just again about, you know, beating the devil and that’s the devil in your mind, right? To a large degree. So other books, maybe Money Mass of the Game, which have recommended, you know, many a times other books. You know what I recommend? Row Dog. And again, we’ve done this many a times, but go to Jeff Bezos’s letter letters to shareholders.
I think 1997 was the first. And, you know, read those and it’s just literally like a masterclass in business. I’m gonna dare say that that’s gonna be a better you know, a, that’s gonna be a better use of time than, you know, punching off some. But that being said, there’s lots of good books like the University of Berkshire Hathaway.
That’s a Beauty zero to one. Peter Theo First Investor in Facebook, zero to one. Absolute Beauty. Blue Ocean strategy. Again, you, you know, a business model or a, a business that kind of eats itself with success is not gonna get anywhere. Blue Ocean Strategy. When my mentor, we had a, you know, big conversation about investment.
It was just a high level conversation. And just, I can tell. A good percentage of that high level conversation was talking Blue Ocean. And not about the book, but just, you know, the concept as a whole that if you read the book, you’d understand what I’m talking about. So, so Blue Ocean very important, maybe like network effects, you know, like as the business grows.
Does it eat itself or does it do the exact opposite and speed up? Right. So think of my example of a phone. The more people that have a phone, the more functional it is for the existing people to have a phone. The Facebook group, the more people you have in the Facebook group or. Similar. It isn’t a plug for Facebook, right?
Like, but think of a Facebook group. The more, when I had a hundred members, it was okay when I had 300 members, it was better When I had 500 members, it was better. I have a thousand people active. And then you’ve got 10,000 and you thousand you have a million. It get significantly better with the increased numbers, right?
So, So Blue ocean strategy. Kind of, And, and by the way, network effects and blue ocean strategy is not an apples to apples thing, but hopefully you pick that up. Outsiders talked about this one actually on the weekend. Just outsiders is about how the best CEOs are. Guys you’ve never heard of.
And you’re gonna find that they’re totally data driven. Again, gut, you know, they, the best CEOs in the world did not go with their gut. What does gut stand for? Gave up thinking, in my opinion. You know, you want to be collecting data in a very real and tangible way. You know, Jack Welsh just celebrated as one of the greatest CEOs of all time.
And in the book you’ll see that if you really look at the numbers. He actually wasn’t that great. You know, numbers of, you know, shareholder value and that sort of thing. It was his popularity and he, you know, again, he loved the microphone. He loved the camera, he loved writing books, and that’s why he celebrated this one of the best CEOs of all time.
But if you look at the actual numbers, You might, maybe you won’t be, but you’d probably be, you know, in comparison to the best, you’d be disappointed in terms of his numbers or maybe his numbers are disappointing in comparison of, you know, the best CEOs. And again, the best CEOs are guys and gals that you never heard of.
Like it’s not a popularity contest. Rhoda, I wanna think of a couple like principles by Ray Dalio. Absolute home run. Like once you’ve got Yeah, just like principles in, within your own company, within your coaching clients company. Establish the principles and then the methods, and then the tactical step by step almost.
It answers itself to a large degree. You gotta establish that, you know, the, the principles. Another one, Ro Doug is. Tim Ferris, you know that big monster book? Tim Ferris? He, he had, there was two of ’em. There was Tools of Titans, which is good. And I enjoyed, didn’t read, oh by the way, I kinda skipped through it.
But the one Prior to that I believe, which wasn’t nearly as popular, was I think it’s called Tribe of Mentors. It might be a slightly different name, but that book I found to be for a business coach I found to be very valuable. So tribe of Mentors maybe. So Roddo, as you know, there, there’s just, there’s a list, a mile long of of books.
Outwitting the Devil is the one that maybe I, I would bring attention to. I just think it’s super cool and I think that stoic. Kind of I don’t know. I, I just think that the, the message of the book and whatnot and just to, you know, to eat fear for breakfast as opposed to let it control you and scare you when you don’t do something.
Procrastination is just fear. Somebody, you know, that’s been thinking about starting a business, wanting to start a business that hasn’t. Just fear. Somebody who wants to do social media, wants to do an ad campaign, Somebody who wants to do direct mail, somebody wants to advertise on Facebook, Somebody who wants to, you know, build a million dollar business.
Somebody who wants to go public, somebody who wants to write the business plan. Somebody who wants to take on the staff member, somebody who wants to hire somebody to pick up the phone. If you’re like, Why aren’t they doing it? Why aren’t they doing it? Remember, reasons come first, answers come second. So you gotta hire the staff member and magically you’ll become significantly busier faster.
And if you don’t, you could always let them go. But what somebody will say when we say, you gotta hire somebody to generate leads to pick up the phone or somebody to do the back end work for you, what do they say? I will when I’m ready. And then the story goes, And we’ve talked about this previously and we’ll talk about it in the future.
You’ll never be ready. Your client will never be ready. That’s not the way the world works. It’s you gotta do the action, you gotta follow through. You gotta eat the fear for breakfast, and then magically you’ll get busier And And you know, you, you know, you’ll, you’ll get busier and all of a sudden that staff member will be insanely, insanely busy.
So, So there you go. Rod, Dog. That’s my answer. What about you, bud? You got a is there a book that stands
[00:16:03] Christian: out? Well, that I’m actually re-listening to cuz I, I’m more of an audible sort of a guy cuz I’m a very slow reader, . So that, that’s the only way I can stand the chance is can’t hurt me.
David Goggins, I’m just re-listing to that. Yeah, if you, if you haven’t read it or heard it in the audible version, in between the chapters, it’s actually the guy reading the book and then sort of sitting down with Goggins and then they’re chatting about that time or whatever in between the chapters, which you don’t get in the book.
So it’s really, really cool. But just, just the, the mental toughness and everything else that, that guy, holy smokes, like. He, he is, he is one impressive human being is all I’m gonna say. But yeah. Have you read that book?
[00:16:48] Karl: No. I think what I have read is the an eight page. I feel like I’ve. I think I’ve read the eight page summary.
I haven’t read the book, I think I’ve read the eight page summary, but what I have done is listen to, you know, like him on YouTube and be interviewed multiple times. So I feel like I’ve, you know what I mean? Well and truly got the the message. I mean, and that perfectly, that kind of segued Well, right from just eating fear.
Like he’s just all about mental, in fact. Well, well me to tell you, Funny Road, Doug, literally this weekend I even took a video of it. So my, my daughter and then like a good buddy of hers, they’re there and I took them to a cold, you know, like a cold tub. Cold pool. And part of the deal for what we did on the weekend, I made my daughter, she had the jump in the, because we, we go sea doing and then I, we go to the, the deal is we go sea doing, we gotta go to the middle of the lake and we gotta jump in the lake, right?
Which, you know, freezing bloody cold. So I talked to her about mental toughness. So the deal is we go to this place, you gotta jump. And I love getting in and outta, you know, the cold pool, hot pool, cold pool, hot pool. I just love it. Anyways, I made her jump in and then her buddy too, and everybody does it and I videoed it and sent it to her dad.
And like as they’re going, I’m like, Mental toughness, let’s go. You guys got this. And they did it and it was hilarious. So teach ’em young shoots, teach ’em young. Yeah. Goggins that. Look, I get a lot of respect for the guy. Great material. Yeah, he’s a tough son of a gun man. No doubt. Yeah, he’s,
[00:18:12] Christian: yeah, he’s, he’s, he’s something special.
Listen, youre, you, you mentioned briefly We’re heading for some tough times. Right. And I think everyone would agree that , I think, you know, 12 months from now, I don’t think it’s gonna be as rosy, the economy as, as perhaps we’re, we’ve been used to. We’ve been spoiled, if you will, over the past few years with just how well pre covid even right?
But how, how well things are on in the economy as a whole. So we got a question here, which I think is fantastic. Selling is one thing when things are easy, but when people start tightening the purse strings a bit. So how will you sell in a recession versus a boom like we’ve just had?
[00:18:56] Karl: Oh, good question.
Sell in a recession versus boom. Well, okay, so. If you’re thinking about a recession, right? It’s not like there’s less money in the pool. It’s not like all of a sudden money gets lit on fire. It’s not the way it works, right? So the velocity is slower, and then velocity is the speed. Money travels, and ultimately, you know, you define that as the economy, right?
Economy. If everybody just went out and spent all of their money tomorrow, the economy would absolutely be booming. But in a recession, people hold onto their pennies because. Unwitting the devil, right? Fear. So, you know, velocity is fast in good times and then slow in bad times, which you define as a recession.
So maybe like, okay, think of the last time you went to go buy something and you didn’t buy it. And then let’s say that was during, let’s call, like right now, the last six months is what we find as hard time. You wanted back to, you know, 2008, what was something you wanted to buy and then you didn’t. Might be the $10,000 TV or the expensive tv, right?
Maybe it’s, you know, whatever. Maybe it’s the really expensive car. Let’s define that as a hundred thousand dollars car. Or maybe it’s your dream house, right? Significant, You know, you got three bedrooms and it’s the five bedroom with the garage and maybe the, you know, the rental suite downstairs. Right.
So during you didn’t buy it though, right? So you wanted to buy it. You didn’t. So was your desire. And the answer is absolutely your, your desire in recessionary times is no, no less than during you know, good times when the economy is pumping, right? But it’s the justification needed that was higher, right?
So you needed more justification when you see an end in site versus, you know, two years ago when it felt like the good times would never end. You know, the desires the same, the same. It’s just the justification is harder. So again, you know, 2000. When everybody’s buying up real estate or this, you know, boom.
Recently where you know, the NFTs and the crypto craze and people were buying NFTs and they’re, you know, right in, you know, crypto, there wasn’t enough Bitcoin that you could buy. The only problem was that you had these governors so you could only buy so much per day kind of thing. Right. And no different in real estate.
The velocity of the market, people are buying quicker and with bigger numbers, right? So that’s, you know, it’s, it’s just the velocity is at a high. The, the speed at which the economy is turning is higher, right? So that slows down. It’s a recession. So, you know, you and your high-end coaching clients will need to work more on the justification piece in tougher times.
So think social proof. I think case studies I think testimonials, that kind of thing. You know, just, you know, during your sales process, putting more those things forward and maybe road dog, like as a frame, low end buyers will buy. I’ve been thinking a lot of supply and demand over the last little period of time and this kind of came out and it’s like, so as a frame, lower end buyers will buy.
Why? Okay. And then higher end buyers. Okay. And let’s assume that these are people that are what you’d refer to as rich or wealthier and thinking long term, right? They buy how so lower end buyers buy why higher end buyers buy how, Right? So, Like low end. They don’t wanna know how, if you kind of think about it, they just wanna know why, and then the conversions go up.
You know, like, why am I broke? Why is my business not working? Why is social media not working for me and working for somebody else? You know, why can’t I generate leads? Why, why doesn’t my phone ring. When, then, when somebody I bought from said it would, Right. Why, why do I, why, why do I have a profitable business?
But at the end of the month, I got no cash on hand. I’m always struggling to, you know, find cash, right? Why does a business coach, why does, why does nobody ever have money? Like, why does nobody have money? Right? Hear that? Why don’t you run an event? Why doesn’t anybody come to my event? Why, why don’t, why do people not come to events?
Right. So, you know, why don’t they hire me as a speaker, right? Like the goal is the same for any business is to maximize the value of a customer, right? So higher end pricing will work more on the front end, and then lower end pricing is gonna be more work on the back end. So you kind of gotta choose your battle road dog, right?
Like you got a, a low front end. In order to maximize the value of the customer, you’ll have to have a good solid, you know, analytical type backend, and then a higher end pricing. It’s gonna work on the front end, and then the lower end won’t need to be quite as exciting, right? So low end of entry is gonna have advantages like community branding.
Like you’re kind of everywhere, right? Like, so yeah. You know, you’re gonna get. What’s that? You know that vibe going of, Look, Jesus, everywhere I go, there he is. Right? It’s why Tony Robbins promotes Tony Robbins doesn’t advertise his hundred thousand dollars coaching program. He advertises $1,000 program and then when you’re there, he feeds you up.
Right? You know, a mentor of mine that I follow online what does he say he. Competes on complexity and it’s something like humans eat birds, right? Birds eat fish feed. Fish, eat worms. And then worms eat plankton, right? Like translation complex organisms eat more simple organisms. So like in the business world, what does that mean?
Apple buys a bunch of little companies, and often, by the way, those companies that they bought had already boughten littler companies. So again, think humans eat birds. Birds eat fish. Fish eat worms, and then worms eat plankton. Like, got that right, Right. But you, the food chain goes down, right? So complex companies like Am Apple, Amazon Salesforce are eating simpler companies.
So just like complex organisms eat simple organisms monies like the, the plankton, right? So it, it feeds these big entities. Mondays money is not an entity unto itself. It’s not a store of value. It’s designed to move velocity and the quicker it moves, the better the economy. The, you know, Yeah. The better for the economy, which is, you know, the assumption would be that that’s, you know, good for, you know, the folks that live in what I’d refer to as the fat middle, right?
Like the fat middle of the economy. You know, so like bottom line road dog desire is there, but they’ll lead to, you know, more social. Because people are moving slower with their buying decisions as a general rule. So that’s gonna be my answer. And just think of it as a court case. You know, you gotta, you gotta build your course, your, sorry, build your case in such a way that it’s like borderline unusable, right?
Like, that’s what you gotta do. What’s that? If the glove don’t fit, you must have quit. Right? You know,
[00:25:47] Christian: You pulling Johnny Cochran? Did that just happen with Johnny
[00:25:50] Karl: Cochran? That just happened. Shit that just happened. You heard of here first. But anyway, so that’s, that’s it. Ro Dougie you know, yeah, just during tougher times you know, you just gotta, you gotta build your case a little bit stronger.
And, and the good news is, you know, this road dog, right? Like the, the competition is gonna be so much less because again, they’re sitting on their pennies. They’re not, That’s the first thing that, you know, a, a fearful business owner will cut out, will be marketing and sales teams and advertising. Right?
Which it’s crazy, right? It’s gonna be, it’s an opportunity for somebody who switched on. So, so that’s my answer. Shoots. What do you think? Yeah, it’s funny,
[00:26:27] Christian: right? Like, I, I just, I look at the whole thing. You almost need to may, maybe you don’t need a new offer, maybe you just need to restructure the current offer that you have.
And you need to have, like, it’s funny cuz I did a training week and a half ago and it was all about people buy your bonuses. They don’t buy your program. I was like, Holy smokes. And your bonuses, the bonuses that you sell or that you add on, quote unquote add on to your. Yep. Those handle your, your objections and the biggest bonus that you offer will handle your largest objection.
So I thought that was kind of clever, right? So it’s like, if I’m selling you something for marketing and I’m gonna, I’m gonna, you know, whatever, I’m gonna put this amazing offer together for you, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And you’re like, Yeah, that’s great, but I just don’t know how to run traffic. Oh, well, good news.
As a part of buying this, there’s a bonus and it’s a mini course on how to drive traffic from. Right. So maybe, maybe just get creative in and, and like, what is gonna be the biggest objection that you’re gonna have and how can you frame a bonus and or additional offer around that that you can supplement as part of your, your current offer?
This my 2 cents?
[00:27:35] Karl: Think of that. Yeah. Maybe this might be complimentary. So a really good idea. So, Okay. What you do, and you can also think about this making your bonuses or the things that they’re gonna get as a result of, you know, like it could become your offer stack. But again, bonuses the way we’re positioning it here, right?
Like, make the bonuses what they’ll need if they are successful with what you have. So, The example that I would give is, okay, so you sell to, you know, a company building houses, right? So a construction company. So what if they are super successful and they, you know, follow your coaching and you double revenues and yada, yada, yada.
You make ’em super profitable. What’s the. Challenge that they’re gonna have in the future is gonna be recruitment. So one of the bonuses that you throw in will be recruitment, and then part of, and you, you know, again, you can explain it in such a way that the expectation is that we’re gonna crush this and you’re gonna go from, you know, x million to x million plus, plus plus, you know, massive increase and, you know, 30, 30% over x amount of time.
You are gonna need some more staff. So we’re gonna include that. So that’s something else they could be thinking about is their bonuses or their add-ons. You know, part of their offer stack. But I like that, that that’s cool. Yeah. The, the biggest objection is solved with a, a bonus offering. Well done.
Love it.
[00:28:57] Christian: So, which is interesting, you’re, as you’re talking about this, I’m like, okay, so you’re almost using a, a mental model, a frame of, of preframing them for success, right? Yeah, absolutely. So now, so now let’s, let’s take a step back to an individual basis and I guess. This is gonna be a question on setting goals.
Okay, dude. But like, if, if I was to set a like it, I almost wanna take it a little deeper. Like can, can we have a deeper conversation about just beyond goal setting? But can you talk about the goal setting aspect in terms of how do I set a goal, but because now I’m down this mental rabbit hole myself of, is there a mental model associated with that as well?
Like, I’d be curious on. But like, first off, let’s just peel the onion one layer at a time. Yeah. You’re, cuz Now obviously if people are listening to this going, Holy smokes, maybe I need to reset my position, my offer, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I need to set some new targets, some new goals. How, how would you recommend setting a goal as a business coach?
We’ll start there.
[00:30:02] Karl: Okay, so old school would be make it smart. That stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and with time restraints, right? So spec, smart, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and with time restraints. Way more important though. And I think where you’re going road dog is like you need a, you need a plan in place to accomplish it.
Right? Like it, because the goal is one thing, right? But it’s a whole nother thing to build that step by step. Like the goal is the sexy thing. You know? Like again, I’ve said this before, but you, you line me up a hundred business owners and I’ll show you 80 people with a goal to get to a million dollars of gross revenues.
Like that’s their goal. Like it’s really creative. But then I’ll ask them, right? I say, So what, you know, I play them And I’m like, So what’s that per month in revenues? And again, they very seldom have an answer. And if I, if you haven’t taken a million dollars in reverse engineered to what revenues would need to look like on a monthly basis, I dare say that you’re just, you’re not gonna accomplish your goal, right?
So you’ve gotta create. That roadmap, by the way, it’s $83,333 per month. Right. So if they haven’t taken that time to do it, you know
[00:31:04] Karl: I mean? So you gotta go like back, right? So like let’s think like five, five step, I don’t know, steps, but like, like here’s A hack towards getting a goal done, right?
Like when I wanna get into shape, I book myself into a competition, right? So think of running a race tough utter hockey tournament, like this accelerates everything, right? Like so, because why? Because you know, if the the tough mutter, I’m not gonna just go and compete. Although I have done that by the way.
I competed. I went in tough, utter, and I, I went in tough mutter. The practice for a tough mutter. So I was in Vancouver and I did it in Vancouver To go to California to do it there didn’t work out very well when I had ended up with a back injury, but that’s another conversation for another day. But a hockey tournament, most certainly, you know, I’m gonna be running the stairs, I’m gonna be up and down on my skates on, you know, three to five times a week I’m gonna be playing hockey as much as I can.
Just accelerates everything, right? But if I wanna do a live business event again, you gotta set. You gotta book the venue. You need to whip out your credit card and pay, pay, pay. Bold it, italicize it, capitalize it, make it red. Right. You gotta pay. Cuz now all of a sudden you’re committed. Everybody goes and books a venue and they’re like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I don’t wanna hand over my credit card. Right. Well again, Gotta make it happen, right? You know, which, and then so you, you book it, you set the date, whatever. I said, you pay, you gotta pick up the phone, you gotta send the message, You gotta post on social media. You gotta start making it happen so that you fill the room, right?
Like that, you know, if you wanna lose weight, You know, book yourself into a, a low key running race 90 days from today. And you know, for you, maybe it’s five miles, maybe it’s 10 miles, maybe it’s a half triathlon, maybe it’s a triathlon. You know, if you wanna be a, a bodybuilder and you’re younger and body building’s your thing enter a body building competition, right?
But do it, you know, three months, six months, 12 months out. Right? But book. You wanna learn how to cook, you know, find and start and, you know, pay for some cooking lessons. Again, you book an event with a date road dog booked himself into, Mar, booked himself a marathon. It was a couple years ago now, but he transformed his body, his health, and he’ll tell you that was absolutely, I believe, right?
Like an infliction point for your road dog where everything changed when you did that, right? So, so I think that that’s kind of the, the roadmap or roadmap. But like one, you know, let’s just call it book. Another kind of motivational force. I don’t know. This isn’t really a step. But like, okay, I, I, I finished a a 10 day juice fast, right?
Done ’em before and, you know, did it, you know, again, rather than making elaborate plan what I did is the same thing that I did the previous time, and I wrote a list of reasons why I wanted to complete the fast, right? So when I got hungry, disenchanted, or considering eating the, the closest hot dog, I opened up my phone and I.
My reasons why, You know, things like mental toughness my energy level, my health being a good role model for my kids, for my family, you know, my long term health, dancing with my eight year old and my daughter’s, you know, at her wedding. Something that motivates me at a high level, painfully obvious why, right?
And basically when I did that and I read it, I, you know, again, I skipped the hotdog, skipped a chocolate bar, skipped drinking a coke, and I just continued on my merry way. And quite frankly, Significantly, You know, it, it wasn’t overly hard, right? Day three was a bit of a bitch. But, but anyhow you know, so, so if you wanna accomplish an impressive goal, create your list of reasons why you need to accomplish it.
And I just said phone, by the way. I believe that if you write it down pen and paper, it’s gonna be more more Impactful for you, but I’ll, I’ll, I’ll leave that in your hands. Right. You know, but again, when you get frustrated, just look at that list regularly and you’re gonna be good. You know, and, you know, so like, if I, if I needed to do some cold note, I was just getting going as business coach and I wanted to make it happen.
Wanted to fill my event, wanted to get some appointments, wanted to learn how to use the software, wanted to learn how to find somebody a hundred grand and 45 minutes without spending a dollar a marketing. List of reasons why to get me started, to help me continue. So when you got disenchanted, when you considered quitting, you’d, you’d go to that, right?
So a list of reasons why I think super impactful as a, you know, let’s call it a hack. Another thing that you could do, like, let’s call this another hack, is change your, the phone password as your goal. Like I said, if income is a driver for you, set a monthly income goal and change your phone password to that, right?
So if your, your monthly goal is 15 grand per month. Then you set your, your, you know, your password to 15 grand. And when you hit it, when you surpass it, you change your, your password to the next goal. Let’s assume that’s 25 grand, right? And if you’re crazy like me, or sad like me, maybe you unlock your phone 50 times a day.
You’re gonna be reinforcing your goal 50 times a day. No, it look, and by the way that works for me, That might not work for you, but I’ll tell. It’s not a bad little you know, it’s not a bad little roadmap. And I remember trying, like the process a long time ago now, but I was trying to find, you know, I was trying to build a process to find any business owner a hundred grand and 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
My password was a hundred thousand for, you know, fairly long time. Right. So, so that that could be something for you. Here’s another thing that I do, and this is maybe again, my personality that might not work for you and might work magically for you. I can tell you from my own experience, it’s nothing short of magic.
I’ll get a clean sheet of paper and I write down my goal and I write it over and over again. Pen and paper, not phone, pen and paper until you can look, literally have a piece of, you know, like a proper, you know, sheet of paper and you will not be able to see any white on the paper. I write it down that many times.
I picture a thousand times writing down your goal. You know, and again, what did I say earlier? You know, 15 grand a month, that was your goal. Write down $15,000 a month of recurring revenue for my coaching company. You know, boom. You know, write that and then, Maybe when that’s a perfect segue into so here, here’s another hack.
Row dog. I go for a walk and I say my goal out loud in a rather animated fashion, right? Ideally not in like a busy area for obvious reasons, right? Look like a weirdo, but here’s the exact script that I’ve used. I now commend my subconscious mind to direct me to do whatever it takes. And then enter your goal, earn $15,000 a month of recurring revenue with my business.
And then picture period, and then starting now. And the starting now is absolutely critical because if it was just 15 grand a month, that could be in a year, five years, three years, 10 years, you know, a decade from now, right? That’s, that’s no good, right? So you gotta go starting now. I now command my subconscious mind to direct me to do whatever it takes to earn $15,000 per month, my business coaching company, on a recurring basis.
Now, and I do it in animated way, and I just punch that out. And that’s similar, if you’ve heard Tony Robbins, what he says when he jumps on stage. It’s a very watered down version of that. But I, I have used that for years and years and years. It has worked incredibly well for me. And it might be for you, you know, But that again, but again, it’s not just one.
It’s not like I do one. I mean, these are the things you book your. Right. You write down the goal, you say the goal to yourself over and over again. You’re gonna get 25 people in the room, change your password to, and basically just, you know, put the, maybe they should probably have a better, so you gotta go to.
You know, the one step where you’re gonna put 25 people in the room and set up a tactical plan. But I think everybody listening to this knows that these are like, these are kinds of the hacks that I would go to to kind of motivate myself, right? Like again, walking in, paying the chamber, whipping up my credit card, picking the date, like nobody ever picks the date.
People, you know, you just gotta define it. You gotta lock it in. You gotta just go, you know? And you know that roadmap. Well, we went over this and again, a few times over the last period of time, but I think might have value here. You gotta create your 25 year plan, your 10 year plan, your five year plan, your three year plan, your one year plan, and then clearly game plans month, you know, the next month’s game plan over the next 30 days, the next week, and then that day.
And then the question is, You know, the plan that you created, and then of course, do that with your coaching clients as well. Once you do that, the individual plans coalesce, like as if they run into one another. Does your daily plan get you closer to the 25 year goal, the 25 year plan? Right. So, so ro dub, that’s what I would say.
Shoots, you know, it’s a, it’s psychological warfare and you gotta. You know, kind of declare war on yourself and your own fear and your own anxieties and your own procrastination and your own, you know, just the, you know what I mean? All those crazy things are gonna get in the way, which is just a story. Maybe in closing, road dog, three words.
State story strategy, if you want, if you get yourself into the right state of hunger where you decide that. You decide, it’s like, you know, Tony Robbs will get you to walk on fire. You know, you gotta put yourself in a state in order to walk over that fire. So it’s state, it’s the story that you tell yourself, I’m big bone, I’m overweight, Everybody I know is overweight.
I’ve always been overweight. I’m gonna be overweight in the future. You gotta skip that story. And then it’s the strategy. But the method, the message is that everybody starts with the strategy. And the story is way important, more important, and the state is ultimately most important. So much so that when I do this live in the event, I’ll go state is 95% of accomplishing your goal.
The story is 4% of accomplishing the goal, and then the, the strategy is 1% of accomplishing the goal of a seven figure business, of, you know, filling that room with a thousand people you know, hitting your, you know, hitting that, you know, magical goal, losing weight or quitting smoking, or whatever it is.
It’s a breakthrough you’re looking for. The strategy is 1%, but the 1% drives the other 90. But the, the bottom line is that state is 95, story is 4%, Strategy is 1%. And most people think of strategy as the most important and what we’ve gotta do and perfectly defined. And yes, it’s absolutely critical. But like a really good strategy is gonna get you further faster.
But what’s way more important is your attitude of, I’m gonna do this right? So when I wanted to do a 10 day fast, I wasn’t doing strategy and this that and the other. I like had a, the first thing I did is wrote my list of why I was gonna accomplish it, why I wasn’t gonna give up, why I was gonna follow through.
And that’s what got me over the hump, not my, you know, the kick butt strategy that I put together. So, So there you negotiates. That’s what I got. What do you, what do you think you like.
[00:42:10] Christian: I’ll put it this way. I don’t think we’re short on strategies. You know what I. Like you wanna lose. There there’s no shortage of different approaches and different strategies on how to get there.
Right. It’s crazy. So that’s just to hammer home your point there, like, it’s, it’s wild. Like go to Google, you’re, you’re, you’re good, right? There’s 1,000,001, there’s 1,000,001 strategies on, on everything. So like, just remember that folks. It’s, it’s, it is all that the, it’s funny when you were talking about goals writing down a hundred times.
I, it’s, I just think of Grant Cardone who writes his goals at the beginning and the end of every day. Nice. This whole thing is, well, guess what? Like I write my goals down probably, you know twice as much as you do. So that, that is interesting. Another hack, if you will, I got from a coach once was set an alarm on your for me it’s 9:00 AM every day and I write my goal and then I circle it again and again and again and again, and I just keep circling it and I just take my time and just imagine as I’m circling that goal.
[00:43:14] Karl: So, hang on. Sorry. I thought you, you set an alarm. Just say that again. So everybody hears.
[00:43:20] Christian: So, at, at 9:00 AM for me, every morning. My alarm goes off on my phone and it says it’s a reminder. Basically, it says, Circles nice. So that’s my trigger to go sit down with my notepad or a piece of paper, write down my goal, my target, and circle it.
Not just once, but just keep circling it. That’s it. It’s, it’s, it sounds so dumb. I, I, I get it. No, but you know, it’s crazy, right? It’s
[00:43:50] Karl: not, But I think it’s, But you write, but to be, you don’t, you’re not circling yesterday’s, You’re writing down the goal and then you’re circling it. How, how long are you circling a port?
Like a minute. Five
[00:44:00] Christian: minutes? It depends on the day, but typically at least a few minutes. Yeah. For sure. Right. Just let your mind go and wander and, and and then you’ll always pull something out from that. It’s just how it works, right?
[00:44:12] Karl: So could I add to that? Just in this road, Doug, you don’t need any help with this, but for them, I like, I would almost write, I would write down the goal and maybe three reasons why you’re not going to three things that would stop you from accomplishing it.
That would be underneath, and then you’d leave them dormant. Right? But then you’d circle your goal and then you’d see the things that are gonna stop. Right. I think that could be important cause that, that.
In 10 days from today that’s gonna be not picking up the phone, that’s gonna be not hiring the, you know, the boiler room that’s gonna be not sending out the direct mail, that’s gonna be not sending the private messages, That’s gonna be not posting it on social media. That’s gonna be not, you know, booking your event, but like, what are the things that would stop you, you know, like a stoic like bill be check.
Okay. He’s. Debatably, but I’d say he’s the greatest coach in NFL history. He doesn’t practice what might go right. His entire play is designed around what could go wrong, right? So if this goes wrong, if this guy misses his block, if this guy does this, you know what I mean? Like, if, if this guy gets past that guy, you know what I mean?
Like there, basically the entire thing is designed around everything going around wrong. It’s Mike Tyson, right? Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the face, right? And then the plan is out the window. So I. Stoic. I, I love stoicism. Just, you know, planning for what could go wrong. Tim Ferris has a great TED Talk where he doesn’t goal set, what does he call it?
Fear set. But the bottom line is that he, you know, he just talks about what could go, his entire planning is more around what could go wrong as opposed to what could go right. And it’s very powerful when it’s just fellow 1 0 1. So maybe that, that might help road dog. You know, it could go. Address it.
[00:45:56] Christian: All right. Shoot. It’s time to wrap this puppy up. What’s one thing in, in, in, Always in, in Harmony with your one thing, the daily email, what’s one thing that that can pull out of today’s and implement into business?
[00:46:11] Karl: One thing, one thing. I think when we started with you know, the outwitting the devil.
Yeah. I think, and we just kind of went, we just kinda circled back to it. Ironically with stoicism, I just, you know, it’s like, Here’s my question for you. You, you’re listening to this. I want you to think of your number one goal. What. Okay. Now I want you to think of what’s gonna stop you from achieving that goal.
Maybe that’s the, the theme of the day is to go and, you know, combat that rather than hide and hope that it’s not gonna happen and you’re not gonna have, you know, and one of the things that might be, you know, your wife’s blessing or your husband’s blessing or a business, I don’t know, you know, it’s, maybe it’s whatever it could be, you know, you’re not gonna.
Go make a list of things that could stop you from accomplishing what are those that you want to accomplish? And maybe that’s the live event at the Chamber of Commerce for 25 25 people. What’s gonna stop that from happening? Make that list and go and address it head on as opposed to go, go, go. You know, I always talk, you know, sing Kumbaya you know, you motivate an idiot.
They do stupid things quicker, right? Like you gotta let’s make sure that. You know, we’re, we’re combating that, which might make us procrastinate. What is your procrastination? The number one cause of procrastination is. It’s loneliness. It’s kinda very weird, right? Like, it’s just like, just being on your own, you know?
So go down to the chamber and speak to the gals of the girls that are selling the memberships and the chairman of the board and the other members and, you know, start making some stuff happen. So anyways, bro, dog, that’s what I’m gonna say. Make a list of things that are gonna stop you from accomplishing your goal and combat that.
Let’s see how it. There you go, bud. That’s all we got.
[00:47:56] Christian: Love it. Love it. Well, everybody, thanks for tuning into another episode of Business Coaching Secrets with the man himself. King Karl I’m gonna go with the king right now. We’re gonna go away from the doctor for a minute and we’re gonna go back and crown you once again as the king of the business coaching empire.
And if you’re not on the inside and you’re not getting access to the pre-show or the daily emails, which I just referenced, definitely go to and subscribe today. And again, if you enjoyed the podcast, please share it with, you know, somebody that might be a fellow business coach or anybody else that you know, say, listen to Tony Robbins and.
Geeks out on this stuff as much as Karl and I do. And of course, as always, we’d appreciate if you’d rate this episode as we know that iTunes, Spotify, all those streaming services give a huge amount of weight towards that. So we greatly appreciate that. And that is it for another week folks. Remember, progress equals happiness.
We’ll see in the next episode. Take care everybody.
[00:48:50] Karl: Karl Bryan built profit acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower.
So as a business coach, you’ll never again have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high end coaching fees. Check us out at, you’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing. High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.

[00:00:39] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls, coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets with the Man, The Myth, The Four and a Half Foot Legend himself, Dr. Karl Bryan Dr. Douggie. Houser, as we determine in the pre-show, is in the house.

[00:00:56] Karl: Am Shoot. How goes it road dog? What’s happening buddy? 

[00:01:00] Christian: Listen, the I cannot, The Douggie Hauser thing, I’ve gotta, that sort of just came off the top of my head, but like, I think there’s gonna be some Photoshopping in the future. That is gonna have to happen, but yeah. All good. No, man. How, how are you, How was how was the last week for.

[00:01:17] Karl: It was good. And we said in a pre-show, good show. Doogie. Houser, Right. Young doctor crushed it during school, whatever. I don’t know. I don’t know how old he was, but what’s his name? Neil Patrick Harris. Does that sound right? Yes. 

[00:01:30] Christian: Yes, Yes. How old is that show? Geez. We’re, we’re aging 

[00:01:36] Karl: ourselves slightly.

Anyways. Good week. Oh, go, go. Go. 

[00:01:43] Christian: No, I was gonna say for, for a guy that’s over 65, I’m surprised that that show wasn’t kind of beyond you by the time you’re watching it , 

[00:01:52] Karl: you wish four and a half and 65 shoots we’re giving. I don’t know if that’s good for the, the demographic of the audience. . That’s a good point.

[00:02:01] Christian: I may not wanna piss off the entire demographic listening to us right now, so, hey, that’s all good. Anyway. Talk to me about your last week. What what’s the, you know, what, what did Dr. Evil get up to in the domination of the 

[00:02:12] Karl: world? I don’t you know what, we hired a couple new staff members there recently, so there’s been a lot of training going on.

We’re re-imagining our entire onboarding process. Some teething problems that are coming with that, but we’re also supporting it with software that we maybe stupidly, maybe intelligently. Not sure yet. But we created, you know, we, we created our own software, like onboarding software. So, anyways, that, you know what, I don’t know, Road dog.

It’s been It’s been a crazy period here, but I gotta tell you, we are, we are creating some unbelievable stuff between profit acceleration software and the profit acceleration simulator and the group coaching software and some of the other stuff coming and the onboarding portal. And then what’s going to be the actually no, the coaching portal and then what is now to be built that I just defined or just described the onboarding.

Yeah, it’s all good, man. That’s what, that’s what we’ve been up to, but I don’t think that’s anything exciting for those listening. Well, 

[00:03:09] Christian: it kinda is. When you say cause you used the word reimagining, like what, what inspired that? Like when, when you’re, And this, this could be a great, great first sort of question actually when you’re like, what was it, Is it a, a problem that started that or is it an improvement that, that got you.

[00:03:28] Karl: Okay, great question. So first principles, you know, first principle’s thinking is that you don’t wanna think improvement. So the example we’ve used in the past is you’ve got a chef and then you’ve got a cook. A cook will take a chef’s recipe and better it improve it. And that’s not what you wanna be able to do.

Like that’s not what you wanna be doing. The chef will go to the core ingredients and start there. So what I said to the guys is that I think we, and again, we may have talked about. A bit ago, but like I, I said, I don’t want it improved. I just imagine that we don’t have a process. Like I’m not looking for what we have to be improved.

What I’m looking for, what we have to be completely reimagined from first principles. So we started with exactly that. First principles we’ve tasked Holly with it. And, and then we went to, hang on a second. We gotta use software because we want people to be moving along and we wanna know who watched the video.

We want them to know when they watched the video, we wanna know when they downloaded the, you know, XYZ file. And they do watch the video. I wanna know if they watched 25.4, 48.6, 99.2, a hundred percent, you know, of the video. And I want them to know. So it’s literally gonna be staring. Right. And then, you know, next video, next video, that kind of thing.

So, so anyways, yeah. Ro Doug, the answer to your question, like, first principal’s thinking, and I just, again, I, I didn’t, I don’t want it improved. I didn’t want it improved. It’s not being improved. It’s being completely reimagined and we’re completely changing the order of the current. So 


[00:05:00] Christian: my answer.

Interesting. Okay. Cool. Well actually, that’ll, that’ll kind of lead nicely into a question we. And, and just in regards to books, cuz I’m sure a lot of this stuff that, that you are, cause you’ve really, it’s funny, right? Like you go in these sort of down, these rabbit holes of like, well not just on the podcast, but I mean in general.

Like you, you went down the accounting rabbit hole. And it sounds to me almost like you’re going down the sas, right? The software is a service sort of rabbit hole, but you sort of get perpetuated with it. But, so we got a question in regards to what book business business book you would recommend for a business coach or just a book in general.

So what is a great book for a business coach you’d recommend? Let’s start 

[00:05:41] Karl: there. Okay. A book I’d recommend we, we’ve, Okay. I don’t think this is. This isn’t the book that I’d recommend for somebody maybe just starting their coaching journey. But one of the best books I think you can read and something to do with what I feel like is the state of the world and some, you know, Some changes that are happening that I don’t think that are gonna happen, if that makes sense.

But anyways, Outwitting the Devil Napoleon Hill, you know, the, you know, the great Think and Grow Rich, right? Outwitting the Devil is a book that, a good one. I’ve actually written about it in in an email or a blog post some time ago. But in the book, he basically interviews the devil. And then ask them questions to get him to reveal, How can I beat you?

Right? Like, how do I beat the devil? And then the devil talks about fear and how he uses it to control and manipulate the people, right? So, and the six most effective fears, I think would be relevant. Like there’s Ill health criticism, poverty old age, loss of love, and Is that it, that I get those ill health criticism, property loss of love, old age and death, right?

So like the devil consists of negative, negative energy and lives in the minds of people who fear him, right? And then the devil plants these fears in your mind and my mind so deathly that we believed them to be our own. Right. So like, and by the way, as I say that, imagine devil with media replaced with media, right?

Like, you know what they say, if it bleeds, it leads, they’re, they’re not interested in informing you, the media is interested in startling you. Right? You know, and there is a shooting in a school, which again, there was recently, and I don’t wanna go there. You know, just hard to just even think about, to fathom you.

You just, Oh my God. Right. And it’s just everywhere. Right? And then is it, is it in a. In a place of solution or is in a place that, again, that, what’s the saying? If it bleeds, it leads, Right? Just, Oh my gosh. Right. So the media, I, I think that they use that to startle us. Right? And why do they wanna startle you?

So they get clicks. So they sell advertising so that they can, you know, they get your attention, they get your, ultimately they’re looking for eyeballs, right? So, you know, maybe differently stated. There’s two viruses, right? The external one and then the internal one. External. It’s same as to get into your body you know, wreck havoc with, you know, your, your organs, your blood, your oxygen.

Its goal is to slow you down and to, to lower your energy, right? The second one is internal and its aim is to get into your mind. And direct havoc with your thoughts, your fears, your anxieties. And again, slow you down. And slow down the level of energy that you operate. You know, the level of energy that you’re operating at, right?

And like. Roddo, you’re not gonna be defined by a crisis, right? You’re not gonna be defined by covid, you’re not gonna be defined by a business bankruptcy. You’re not gonna be defined by, but you’re gonna be defined by your reaction to the crisis, right? So you’re not gonna be defined by the crisis.

You’re gonna be defined by your reaction to the crisis. You know, again, like are you letting think internal external virus like Covid, right? Which was, you know, horrific. And anybody saying that Covid was not real is, in my opinion, a jackass. Like, look at the number of people that died the end and not, and some people are debilitated in a very real intangible way.

I mean, the covid was real, but I gotta tell you that when you got it, Part of the biggest challenge is like, you know, how did you react to it? Do you know what I mean? Were you going for a jog? Were you working on your lungs? Were you, Cuz when you’re totally panicked, that creeps. You know what I mean? Like, if you’ve got covid and then mentally you’re completely defeated, it’s gonna have a significantly worse effect on you than if you got it and you went, screw you.

Let’s rock and roll and combated it right? So that’s, you know, the internal and the external kind of comes to mind. And again, I do believe that we’re going through, you know, there’s some crazy times going. And I, I don’t think anybody’s gonna disagree with that. I think, you know, we’re probably leading into what’s gonna be some rough economic times for a, you know, a period of X amount of time.

And I just think that people should be ready for it. You’re gonna be defined by the recession. You’re gonna be defined by your reaction of the, to the recession. The, the biggest companies in the world were born during recessions, right? Microsoft, Disney, the apple, the list goes on and on. But anyway, so, but Ra rabbit, oldish, but outwitting the the devil I think is a beauty.

And it’s just again about, you know, beating the devil and that’s the devil in your mind, right? To a large degree. So other books, maybe Money Mass of the Game, which have recommended, you know, many a times other books. You know what I recommend? Row Dog. And again, we’ve done this many a times, but go to Jeff Bezos’s letter letters to shareholders.

I think 1997 was the first. And, you know, read those and it’s just literally like a masterclass in business. I’m gonna dare say that that’s gonna be a better you know, a, that’s gonna be a better use of time than, you know, punching off some. But that being said, there’s lots of good books like the University of Berkshire Hathaway.

That’s a Beauty zero to one. Peter Theo First Investor in Facebook, zero to one. Absolute Beauty. Blue Ocean strategy. Again, you, you know, a business model or a, a business that kind of eats itself with success is not gonna get anywhere. Blue Ocean Strategy. When my mentor, we had a, you know, big conversation about investment.

It was just a high level conversation. And just, I can tell. A good percentage of that high level conversation was talking Blue Ocean. And not about the book, but just, you know, the concept as a whole that if you read the book, you’d understand what I’m talking about. So, so Blue Ocean very important, maybe like network effects, you know, like as the business grows.

Does it eat itself or does it do the exact opposite and speed up? Right. So think of my example of a phone. The more people that have a phone, the more functional it is for the existing people to have a phone. The Facebook group, the more people you have in the Facebook group or. Similar. It isn’t a plug for Facebook, right?

Like, but think of a Facebook group. The more, when I had a hundred members, it was okay when I had 300 members, it was better When I had 500 members, it was better. I have a thousand people active. And then you’ve got 10,000 and you thousand you have a million. It get significantly better with the increased numbers, right?

So, So Blue ocean strategy. Kind of, And, and by the way, network effects and blue ocean strategy is not an apples to apples thing, but hopefully you pick that up. Outsiders talked about this one actually on the weekend. Just outsiders is about how the best CEOs are. Guys you’ve never heard of.

And you’re gonna find that they’re totally data driven. Again, gut, you know, they, the best CEOs in the world did not go with their gut. What does gut stand for? Gave up thinking, in my opinion. You know, you want to be collecting data in a very real and tangible way. You know, Jack Welsh just celebrated as one of the greatest CEOs of all time.

And in the book you’ll see that if you really look at the numbers. He actually wasn’t that great. You know, numbers of, you know, shareholder value and that sort of thing. It was his popularity and he, you know, again, he loved the microphone. He loved the camera, he loved writing books, and that’s why he celebrated this one of the best CEOs of all time.

But if you look at the actual numbers, You might, maybe you won’t be, but you’d probably be, you know, in comparison to the best, you’d be disappointed in terms of his numbers or maybe his numbers are disappointing in comparison of, you know, the best CEOs. And again, the best CEOs are guys and gals that you never heard of.

Like it’s not a popularity contest. Rhoda, I wanna think of a couple like principles by Ray Dalio. Absolute home run. Like once you’ve got Yeah, just like principles in, within your own company, within your coaching clients company. Establish the principles and then the methods, and then the tactical step by step almost.

It answers itself to a large degree. You gotta establish that, you know, the, the principles. Another one, Ro Doug is. Tim Ferris, you know that big monster book? Tim Ferris? He, he had, there was two of ’em. There was Tools of Titans, which is good. And I enjoyed, didn’t read, oh by the way, I kinda skipped through it.

But the one Prior to that I believe, which wasn’t nearly as popular, was I think it’s called Tribe of Mentors. It might be a slightly different name, but that book I found to be for a business coach I found to be very valuable. So tribe of Mentors maybe. So Roddo, as you know, there, there’s just, there’s a list, a mile long of of books.

Outwitting the Devil is the one that maybe I, I would bring attention to. I just think it’s super cool and I think that stoic. Kind of I don’t know. I, I just think that the, the message of the book and whatnot and just to, you know, to eat fear for breakfast as opposed to let it control you and scare you when you don’t do something.

Procrastination is just fear. Somebody, you know, that’s been thinking about starting a business, wanting to start a business that hasn’t. Just fear. Somebody who wants to do social media, wants to do an ad campaign, Somebody who wants to do direct mail, somebody wants to advertise on Facebook, Somebody who wants to, you know, build a million dollar business.

Somebody who wants to go public, somebody who wants to write the business plan. Somebody who wants to take on the staff member, somebody who wants to hire somebody to pick up the phone. If you’re like, Why aren’t they doing it? Why aren’t they doing it? Remember, reasons come first, answers come second. So you gotta hire the staff member and magically you’ll become significantly busier faster.

And if you don’t, you could always let them go. But what somebody will say when we say, you gotta hire somebody to generate leads to pick up the phone or somebody to do the back end work for you, what do they say? I will when I’m ready. And then the story goes, And we’ve talked about this previously and we’ll talk about it in the future.

You’ll never be ready. Your client will never be ready. That’s not the way the world works. It’s you gotta do the action, you gotta follow through. You gotta eat the fear for breakfast, and then magically you’ll get busier And And you know, you, you know, you’ll, you’ll get busier and all of a sudden that staff member will be insanely, insanely busy.

So, So there you go. Rod, Dog. That’s my answer. What about you, bud? You got a is there a book that stands 

[00:16:03] Christian: out? Well, that I’m actually re-listening to cuz I, I’m more of an audible sort of a guy cuz I’m a very slow reader, . So that, that’s the only way I can stand the chance is can’t hurt me.

David Goggins, I’m just re-listing to that. Yeah, if you, if you haven’t read it or heard it in the audible version, in between the chapters, it’s actually the guy reading the book and then sort of sitting down with Goggins and then they’re chatting about that time or whatever in between the chapters, which you don’t get in the book.

So it’s really, really cool. But just, just the, the mental toughness and everything else that, that guy, holy smokes, like. He, he is, he is one impressive human being is all I’m gonna say. But yeah. Have you read that book? 

[00:16:48] Karl: No. I think what I have read is the an eight page. I feel like I’ve. I think I’ve read the eight page summary.

I haven’t read the book, I think I’ve read the eight page summary, but what I have done is listen to, you know, like him on YouTube and be interviewed multiple times. So I feel like I’ve, you know what I mean? Well and truly got the the message. I mean, and that perfectly, that kind of segued Well, right from just eating fear.

Like he’s just all about mental, in fact. Well, well me to tell you, Funny Road, Doug, literally this weekend I even took a video of it. So my, my daughter and then like a good buddy of hers, they’re there and I took them to a cold, you know, like a cold tub. Cold pool. And part of the deal for what we did on the weekend, I made my daughter, she had the jump in the, because we, we go sea doing and then I, we go to the, the deal is we go sea doing, we gotta go to the middle of the lake and we gotta jump in the lake, right?

Which, you know, freezing bloody cold. So I talked to her about mental toughness. So the deal is we go to this place, you gotta jump. And I love getting in and outta, you know, the cold pool, hot pool, cold pool, hot pool. I just love it. Anyways, I made her jump in and then her buddy too, and everybody does it and I videoed it and sent it to her dad.

And like as they’re going, I’m like, Mental toughness, let’s go. You guys got this. And they did it and it was hilarious. So teach ’em young shoots, teach ’em young. Yeah. Goggins that. Look, I get a lot of respect for the guy. Great material. Yeah, he’s a tough son of a gun man. No doubt. Yeah, he’s, 

[00:18:12] Christian: yeah, he’s, he’s, he’s something special.

Listen, youre, you, you mentioned briefly We’re heading for some tough times. Right. And I think everyone would agree that , I think, you know, 12 months from now, I don’t think it’s gonna be as rosy, the economy as, as perhaps we’re, we’ve been used to. We’ve been spoiled, if you will, over the past few years with just how well pre covid even right?

But how, how well things are on in the economy as a whole. So we got a question here, which I think is fantastic. Selling is one thing when things are easy, but when people start tightening the purse strings a bit. So how will you sell in a recession versus a boom like we’ve just had? 

[00:18:56] Karl: Oh, good question.

Sell in a recession versus boom. Well, okay, so. If you’re thinking about a recession, right? It’s not like there’s less money in the pool. It’s not like all of a sudden money gets lit on fire. It’s not the way it works, right? So the velocity is slower, and then velocity is the speed. Money travels, and ultimately, you know, you define that as the economy, right?

Economy. If everybody just went out and spent all of their money tomorrow, the economy would absolutely be booming. But in a recession, people hold onto their pennies because. Unwitting the devil, right? Fear. So, you know, velocity is fast in good times and then slow in bad times, which you define as a recession.

So maybe like, okay, think of the last time you went to go buy something and you didn’t buy it. And then let’s say that was during, let’s call, like right now, the last six months is what we find as hard time. You wanted back to, you know, 2008, what was something you wanted to buy and then you didn’t. Might be the $10,000 TV or the expensive tv, right?

Maybe it’s, you know, whatever. Maybe it’s the really expensive car. Let’s define that as a hundred thousand dollars car. Or maybe it’s your dream house, right? Significant, You know, you got three bedrooms and it’s the five bedroom with the garage and maybe the, you know, the rental suite downstairs. Right.

So during you didn’t buy it though, right? So you wanted to buy it. You didn’t. So was your desire. And the answer is absolutely your, your desire in recessionary times is no, no less than during you know, good times when the economy is pumping, right? But it’s the justification needed that was higher, right?

So you needed more justification when you see an end in site versus, you know, two years ago when it felt like the good times would never end. You know, the desires the same, the same. It’s just the justification is harder. So again, you know, 2000. When everybody’s buying up real estate or this, you know, boom.

Recently where you know, the NFTs and the crypto craze and people were buying NFTs and they’re, you know, right in, you know, crypto, there wasn’t enough Bitcoin that you could buy. The only problem was that you had these governors so you could only buy so much per day kind of thing. Right. And no different in real estate.

The velocity of the market, people are buying quicker and with bigger numbers, right? So that’s, you know, it’s, it’s just the velocity is at a high. The, the speed at which the economy is turning is higher, right? So that slows down. It’s a recession. So, you know, you and your high-end coaching clients will need to work more on the justification piece in tougher times.

So think social proof. I think case studies I think testimonials, that kind of thing. You know, just, you know, during your sales process, putting more those things forward and maybe road dog, like as a frame, low end buyers will buy. I’ve been thinking a lot of supply and demand over the last little period of time and this kind of came out and it’s like, so as a frame, lower end buyers will buy.

Why? Okay. And then higher end buyers. Okay. And let’s assume that these are people that are what you’d refer to as rich or wealthier and thinking long term, right? They buy how so lower end buyers buy why higher end buyers buy how, Right? So, Like low end. They don’t wanna know how, if you kind of think about it, they just wanna know why, and then the conversions go up.

You know, like, why am I broke? Why is my business not working? Why is social media not working for me and working for somebody else? You know, why can’t I generate leads? Why, why doesn’t my phone ring. When, then, when somebody I bought from said it would, Right. Why, why do I, why, why do I have a profitable business?

But at the end of the month, I got no cash on hand. I’m always struggling to, you know, find cash, right? Why does a business coach, why does, why does nobody ever have money? Like, why does nobody have money? Right? Hear that? Why don’t you run an event? Why doesn’t anybody come to my event? Why, why don’t, why do people not come to events?

Right. So, you know, why don’t they hire me as a speaker, right? Like the goal is the same for any business is to maximize the value of a customer, right? So higher end pricing will work more on the front end, and then lower end pricing is gonna be more work on the back end. So you kind of gotta choose your battle road dog, right?

Like you got a, a low front end. In order to maximize the value of the customer, you’ll have to have a good solid, you know, analytical type backend, and then a higher end pricing. It’s gonna work on the front end, and then the lower end won’t need to be quite as exciting, right? So low end of entry is gonna have advantages like community branding.

Like you’re kind of everywhere, right? Like, so yeah. You know, you’re gonna get. What’s that? You know that vibe going of, Look, Jesus, everywhere I go, there he is. Right? It’s why Tony Robbins promotes Tony Robbins doesn’t advertise his hundred thousand dollars coaching program. He advertises $1,000 program and then when you’re there, he feeds you up.

Right? You know, a mentor of mine that I follow online what does he say he. Competes on complexity and it’s something like humans eat birds, right? Birds eat fish feed. Fish, eat worms. And then worms eat plankton, right? Like translation complex organisms eat more simple organisms. So like in the business world, what does that mean?

Apple buys a bunch of little companies, and often, by the way, those companies that they bought had already boughten littler companies. So again, think humans eat birds. Birds eat fish. Fish eat worms, and then worms eat plankton. Like, got that right, Right. But you, the food chain goes down, right? So complex companies like Am Apple, Amazon Salesforce are eating simpler companies.

So just like complex organisms eat simple organisms monies like the, the plankton, right? So it, it feeds these big entities. Mondays money is not an entity unto itself. It’s not a store of value. It’s designed to move velocity and the quicker it moves, the better the economy. The, you know, Yeah. The better for the economy, which is, you know, the assumption would be that that’s, you know, good for, you know, the folks that live in what I’d refer to as the fat middle, right?

Like the fat middle of the economy. You know, so like bottom line road dog desire is there, but they’ll lead to, you know, more social. Because people are moving slower with their buying decisions as a general rule. So that’s gonna be my answer. And just think of it as a court case. You know, you gotta, you gotta build your course, your, sorry, build your case in such a way that it’s like borderline unusable, right?

Like, that’s what you gotta do. What’s that? If the glove don’t fit, you must have quit. Right? You know, 

[00:25:47] Christian: You pulling Johnny Cochran? Did that just happen with Johnny 

[00:25:50] Karl: Cochran? That just happened. Shit that just happened. You heard of here first. But anyway, so that’s, that’s it. Ro Dougie you know, yeah, just during tougher times you know, you just gotta, you gotta build your case a little bit stronger.

And, and the good news is, you know, this road dog, right? Like the, the competition is gonna be so much less because again, they’re sitting on their pennies. They’re not, That’s the first thing that, you know, a, a fearful business owner will cut out, will be marketing and sales teams and advertising. Right?

Which it’s crazy, right? It’s gonna be, it’s an opportunity for somebody who switched on. So, so that’s my answer. Shoots. What do you think? Yeah, it’s funny, 

[00:26:27] Christian: right? Like, I, I just, I look at the whole thing. You almost need to may, maybe you don’t need a new offer, maybe you just need to restructure the current offer that you have.

And you need to have, like, it’s funny cuz I did a training week and a half ago and it was all about people buy your bonuses. They don’t buy your program. I was like, Holy smokes. And your bonuses, the bonuses that you sell or that you add on, quote unquote add on to your. Yep. Those handle your, your objections and the biggest bonus that you offer will handle your largest objection.

So I thought that was kind of clever, right? So it’s like, if I’m selling you something for marketing and I’m gonna, I’m gonna, you know, whatever, I’m gonna put this amazing offer together for you, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And you’re like, Yeah, that’s great, but I just don’t know how to run traffic. Oh, well, good news.

As a part of buying this, there’s a bonus and it’s a mini course on how to drive traffic from. Right. So maybe, maybe just get creative in and, and like, what is gonna be the biggest objection that you’re gonna have and how can you frame a bonus and or additional offer around that that you can supplement as part of your, your current offer?

This my 2 cents? 

[00:27:35] Karl: Think of that. Yeah. Maybe this might be complimentary. So a really good idea. So, Okay. What you do, and you can also think about this making your bonuses or the things that they’re gonna get as a result of, you know, like it could become your offer stack. But again, bonuses the way we’re positioning it here, right?

Like, make the bonuses what they’ll need if they are successful with what you have. So, The example that I would give is, okay, so you sell to, you know, a company building houses, right? So a construction company. So what if they are super successful and they, you know, follow your coaching and you double revenues and yada, yada, yada.

You make ’em super profitable. What’s the. Challenge that they’re gonna have in the future is gonna be recruitment. So one of the bonuses that you throw in will be recruitment, and then part of, and you, you know, again, you can explain it in such a way that the expectation is that we’re gonna crush this and you’re gonna go from, you know, x million to x million plus, plus plus, you know, massive increase and, you know, 30, 30% over x amount of time.

You are gonna need some more staff. So we’re gonna include that. So that’s something else they could be thinking about is their bonuses or their add-ons. You know, part of their offer stack. But I like that, that that’s cool. Yeah. The, the biggest objection is solved with a, a bonus offering. Well done.

Love it. 

[00:28:57] Christian: So, which is interesting, you’re, as you’re talking about this, I’m like, okay, so you’re almost using a, a mental model, a frame of, of preframing them for success, right? Yeah, absolutely. So now, so now let’s, let’s take a step back to an individual basis and I guess. This is gonna be a question on setting goals.

Okay, dude. But like, if, if I was to set a like it, I almost wanna take it a little deeper. Like can, can we have a deeper conversation about just beyond goal setting? But can you talk about the goal setting aspect in terms of how do I set a goal, but because now I’m down this mental rabbit hole myself of, is there a mental model associated with that as well?

Like, I’d be curious on. But like, first off, let’s just peel the onion one layer at a time. Yeah. You’re, cuz Now obviously if people are listening to this going, Holy smokes, maybe I need to reset my position, my offer, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I need to set some new targets, some new goals. How, how would you recommend setting a goal as a business coach?

We’ll start there. 

[00:30:02] Karl: Okay, so old school would be make it smart. That stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and with time restraints, right? So spec, smart, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and with time restraints. Way more important though. And I think where you’re going road dog is like you need a, you need a plan in place to accomplish it.

Right? Like it, because the goal is one thing, right? But it’s a whole nother thing to build that step by step. Like the goal is the sexy thing. You know? Like again, I’ve said this before, but you, you line me up a hundred business owners and I’ll show you 80 people with a goal to get to a million dollars of gross revenues.

Like that’s their goal. Like it’s really creative. But then I’ll ask them, right? I say, So what, you know, I play them And I’m like, So what’s that per month in revenues? And again, they very seldom have an answer. And if I, if you haven’t taken a million dollars in reverse engineered to what revenues would need to look like on a monthly basis, I dare say that you’re just, you’re not gonna accomplish your goal, right?

So you’ve gotta create. That roadmap, by the way, it’s $83,333 per month. Right. So if they haven’t taken that time to do it, you know 


[00:31:04] Karl: I mean? So you gotta go like back, right? So like let’s think like five, five step, I don’t know, steps, but like, like here’s A hack towards getting a goal done, right?

Like when I wanna get into shape, I book myself into a competition, right? So think of running a race tough utter hockey tournament, like this accelerates everything, right? Like so, because why? Because you know, if the the tough mutter, I’m not gonna just go and compete. Although I have done that by the way.

I competed. I went in tough, utter, and I, I went in tough mutter. The practice for a tough mutter. So I was in Vancouver and I did it in Vancouver To go to California to do it there didn’t work out very well when I had ended up with a back injury, but that’s another conversation for another day. But a hockey tournament, most certainly, you know, I’m gonna be running the stairs, I’m gonna be up and down on my skates on, you know, three to five times a week I’m gonna be playing hockey as much as I can.

Just accelerates everything, right? But if I wanna do a live business event again, you gotta set. You gotta book the venue. You need to whip out your credit card and pay, pay, pay. Bold it, italicize it, capitalize it, make it red. Right. You gotta pay. Cuz now all of a sudden you’re committed. Everybody goes and books a venue and they’re like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I don’t wanna hand over my credit card. Right. Well again, Gotta make it happen, right? You know, which, and then so you, you book it, you set the date, whatever. I said, you pay, you gotta pick up the phone, you gotta send the message, You gotta post on social media. You gotta start making it happen so that you fill the room, right?

Like that, you know, if you wanna lose weight, You know, book yourself into a, a low key running race 90 days from today. And you know, for you, maybe it’s five miles, maybe it’s 10 miles, maybe it’s a half triathlon, maybe it’s a triathlon. You know, if you wanna be a, a bodybuilder and you’re younger and body building’s your thing enter a body building competition, right?

But do it, you know, three months, six months, 12 months out. Right? But book. You wanna learn how to cook, you know, find and start and, you know, pay for some cooking lessons. Again, you book an event with a date road dog booked himself into, Mar, booked himself a marathon. It was a couple years ago now, but he transformed his body, his health, and he’ll tell you that was absolutely, I believe, right?

Like an infliction point for your road dog where everything changed when you did that, right? So, so I think that that’s kind of the, the roadmap or roadmap. But like one, you know, let’s just call it book. Another kind of motivational force. I don’t know. This isn’t really a step. But like, okay, I, I, I finished a a 10 day juice fast, right?

Done ’em before and, you know, did it, you know, again, rather than making elaborate plan what I did is the same thing that I did the previous time, and I wrote a list of reasons why I wanted to complete the fast, right? So when I got hungry, disenchanted, or considering eating the, the closest hot dog, I opened up my phone and I.

My reasons why, You know, things like mental toughness my energy level, my health being a good role model for my kids, for my family, you know, my long term health, dancing with my eight year old and my daughter’s, you know, at her wedding. Something that motivates me at a high level, painfully obvious why, right?

And basically when I did that and I read it, I, you know, again, I skipped the hotdog, skipped a chocolate bar, skipped drinking a coke, and I just continued on my merry way. And quite frankly, Significantly, You know, it, it wasn’t overly hard, right? Day three was a bit of a bitch. But, but anyhow you know, so, so if you wanna accomplish an impressive goal, create your list of reasons why you need to accomplish it.

And I just said phone, by the way. I believe that if you write it down pen and paper, it’s gonna be more more Impactful for you, but I’ll, I’ll, I’ll leave that in your hands. Right. You know, but again, when you get frustrated, just look at that list regularly and you’re gonna be good. You know, and, you know, so like, if I, if I needed to do some cold note, I was just getting going as business coach and I wanted to make it happen.

Wanted to fill my event, wanted to get some appointments, wanted to learn how to use the software, wanted to learn how to find somebody a hundred grand and 45 minutes without spending a dollar a marketing. List of reasons why to get me started, to help me continue. So when you got disenchanted, when you considered quitting, you’d, you’d go to that, right?

So a list of reasons why I think super impactful as a, you know, let’s call it a hack. Another thing that you could do, like, let’s call this another hack, is change your, the phone password as your goal. Like I said, if income is a driver for you, set a monthly income goal and change your phone password to that, right?

So if your, your monthly goal is 15 grand per month. Then you set your, your, you know, your password to 15 grand. And when you hit it, when you surpass it, you change your, your password to the next goal. Let’s assume that’s 25 grand, right? And if you’re crazy like me, or sad like me, maybe you unlock your phone 50 times a day.

You’re gonna be reinforcing your goal 50 times a day. No, it look, and by the way that works for me, That might not work for you, but I’ll tell. It’s not a bad little you know, it’s not a bad little roadmap. And I remember trying, like the process a long time ago now, but I was trying to find, you know, I was trying to build a process to find any business owner a hundred grand and 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.

My password was a hundred thousand for, you know, fairly long time. Right. So, so that that could be something for you. Here’s another thing that I do, and this is maybe again, my personality that might not work for you and might work magically for you. I can tell you from my own experience, it’s nothing short of magic.

I’ll get a clean sheet of paper and I write down my goal and I write it over and over again. Pen and paper, not phone, pen and paper until you can look, literally have a piece of, you know, like a proper, you know, sheet of paper and you will not be able to see any white on the paper. I write it down that many times.

I picture a thousand times writing down your goal. You know, and again, what did I say earlier? You know, 15 grand a month, that was your goal. Write down $15,000 a month of recurring revenue for my coaching company. You know, boom. You know, write that and then, Maybe when that’s a perfect segue into so here, here’s another hack.

Row dog. I go for a walk and I say my goal out loud in a rather animated fashion, right? Ideally not in like a busy area for obvious reasons, right? Look like a weirdo, but here’s the exact script that I’ve used. I now commend my subconscious mind to direct me to do whatever it takes. And then enter your goal, earn $15,000 a month of recurring revenue with my business.

And then picture period, and then starting now. And the starting now is absolutely critical because if it was just 15 grand a month, that could be in a year, five years, three years, 10 years, you know, a decade from now, right? That’s, that’s no good, right? So you gotta go starting now. I now command my subconscious mind to direct me to do whatever it takes to earn $15,000 per month, my business coaching company, on a recurring basis.

Now, and I do it in animated way, and I just punch that out. And that’s similar, if you’ve heard Tony Robbins, what he says when he jumps on stage. It’s a very watered down version of that. But I, I have used that for years and years and years. It has worked incredibly well for me. And it might be for you, you know, But that again, but again, it’s not just one.

It’s not like I do one. I mean, these are the things you book your. Right. You write down the goal, you say the goal to yourself over and over again. You’re gonna get 25 people in the room, change your password to, and basically just, you know, put the, maybe they should probably have a better, so you gotta go to.

You know, the one step where you’re gonna put 25 people in the room and set up a tactical plan. But I think everybody listening to this knows that these are like, these are kinds of the hacks that I would go to to kind of motivate myself, right? Like again, walking in, paying the chamber, whipping up my credit card, picking the date, like nobody ever picks the date.

People, you know, you just gotta define it. You gotta lock it in. You gotta just go, you know? And you know that roadmap. Well, we went over this and again, a few times over the last period of time, but I think might have value here. You gotta create your 25 year plan, your 10 year plan, your five year plan, your three year plan, your one year plan, and then clearly game plans month, you know, the next month’s game plan over the next 30 days, the next week, and then that day.

And then the question is, You know, the plan that you created, and then of course, do that with your coaching clients as well. Once you do that, the individual plans coalesce, like as if they run into one another. Does your daily plan get you closer to the 25 year goal, the 25 year plan? Right. So, so ro dub, that’s what I would say.

Shoots, you know, it’s a, it’s psychological warfare and you gotta. You know, kind of declare war on yourself and your own fear and your own anxieties and your own procrastination and your own, you know, just the, you know what I mean? All those crazy things are gonna get in the way, which is just a story. Maybe in closing, road dog, three words.

State story strategy, if you want, if you get yourself into the right state of hunger where you decide that. You decide, it’s like, you know, Tony Robbs will get you to walk on fire. You know, you gotta put yourself in a state in order to walk over that fire. So it’s state, it’s the story that you tell yourself, I’m big bone, I’m overweight, Everybody I know is overweight.

I’ve always been overweight. I’m gonna be overweight in the future. You gotta skip that story. And then it’s the strategy. But the method, the message is that everybody starts with the strategy. And the story is way important, more important, and the state is ultimately most important. So much so that when I do this live in the event, I’ll go state is 95% of accomplishing your goal.

The story is 4% of accomplishing the goal, and then the, the strategy is 1% of accomplishing the goal of a seven figure business, of, you know, filling that room with a thousand people you know, hitting your, you know, hitting that, you know, magical goal, losing weight or quitting smoking, or whatever it is.

It’s a breakthrough you’re looking for. The strategy is 1%, but the 1% drives the other 90. But the, the bottom line is that state is 95, story is 4%, Strategy is 1%. And most people think of strategy as the most important and what we’ve gotta do and perfectly defined. And yes, it’s absolutely critical. But like a really good strategy is gonna get you further faster.

But what’s way more important is your attitude of, I’m gonna do this right? So when I wanted to do a 10 day fast, I wasn’t doing strategy and this that and the other. I like had a, the first thing I did is wrote my list of why I was gonna accomplish it, why I wasn’t gonna give up, why I was gonna follow through.

And that’s what got me over the hump, not my, you know, the kick butt strategy that I put together. So, So there you negotiates. That’s what I got. What do you, what do you think you like. 

[00:42:10] Christian: I’ll put it this way. I don’t think we’re short on strategies. You know what I. Like you wanna lose. There there’s no shortage of different approaches and different strategies on how to get there.

Right. It’s crazy. So that’s just to hammer home your point there, like, it’s, it’s wild. Like go to Google, you’re, you’re, you’re good, right? There’s 1,000,001, there’s 1,000,001 strategies on, on everything. So like, just remember that folks. It’s, it’s, it is all that the, it’s funny when you were talking about goals writing down a hundred times.

I, it’s, I just think of Grant Cardone who writes his goals at the beginning and the end of every day. Nice. This whole thing is, well, guess what? Like I write my goals down probably, you know twice as much as you do. So that, that is interesting. Another hack, if you will, I got from a coach once was set an alarm on your for me it’s 9:00 AM every day and I write my goal and then I circle it again and again and again and again, and I just keep circling it and I just take my time and just imagine as I’m circling that goal.

[00:43:14] Karl: So, hang on. Sorry. I thought you, you set an alarm. Just say that again. So everybody hears. 

[00:43:20] Christian: So, at, at 9:00 AM for me, every morning. My alarm goes off on my phone and it says it’s a reminder. Basically, it says, Circles nice. So that’s my trigger to go sit down with my notepad or a piece of paper, write down my goal, my target, and circle it.

Not just once, but just keep circling it. That’s it. It’s, it’s, it sounds so dumb. I, I, I get it. No, but you know, it’s crazy, right? It’s 

[00:43:50] Karl: not, But I think it’s, But you write, but to be, you don’t, you’re not circling yesterday’s, You’re writing down the goal and then you’re circling it. How, how long are you circling a port?

Like a minute. Five 

[00:44:00] Christian: minutes? It depends on the day, but typically at least a few minutes. Yeah. For sure. Right. Just let your mind go and wander and, and and then you’ll always pull something out from that. It’s just how it works, right? 

[00:44:12] Karl: So could I add to that? Just in this road, Doug, you don’t need any help with this, but for them, I like, I would almost write, I would write down the goal and maybe three reasons why you’re not going to three things that would stop you from accomplishing it.

That would be underneath, and then you’d leave them dormant. Right? But then you’d circle your goal and then you’d see the things that are gonna stop. Right. I think that could be important cause that, that.

In 10 days from today that’s gonna be not picking up the phone, that’s gonna be not hiring the, you know, the boiler room that’s gonna be not sending out the direct mail, that’s gonna be not sending the private messages, That’s gonna be not posting it on social media. That’s gonna be not, you know, booking your event, but like, what are the things that would stop you, you know, like a stoic like bill be check.

Okay. He’s. Debatably, but I’d say he’s the greatest coach in NFL history. He doesn’t practice what might go right. His entire play is designed around what could go wrong, right? So if this goes wrong, if this guy misses his block, if this guy does this, you know what I mean? Like, if, if this guy gets past that guy, you know what I mean?

Like there, basically the entire thing is designed around everything going around wrong. It’s Mike Tyson, right? Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the face, right? And then the plan is out the window. So I. Stoic. I, I love stoicism. Just, you know, planning for what could go wrong. Tim Ferris has a great TED Talk where he doesn’t goal set, what does he call it?

Fear set. But the bottom line is that he, you know, he just talks about what could go, his entire planning is more around what could go wrong as opposed to what could go right. And it’s very powerful when it’s just fellow 1 0 1. So maybe that, that might help road dog. You know, it could go. Address it.

[00:45:56] Christian: All right. Shoot. It’s time to wrap this puppy up. What’s one thing in, in, in, Always in, in Harmony with your one thing, the daily email, what’s one thing that that can pull out of today’s and implement into business? 

[00:46:11] Karl: One thing, one thing. I think when we started with you know, the outwitting the devil.

Yeah. I think, and we just kind of went, we just kinda circled back to it. Ironically with stoicism, I just, you know, it’s like, Here’s my question for you. You, you’re listening to this. I want you to think of your number one goal. What. Okay. Now I want you to think of what’s gonna stop you from achieving that goal.

Maybe that’s the, the theme of the day is to go and, you know, combat that rather than hide and hope that it’s not gonna happen and you’re not gonna have, you know, and one of the things that might be, you know, your wife’s blessing or your husband’s blessing or a business, I don’t know, you know, it’s, maybe it’s whatever it could be, you know, you’re not gonna.

Go make a list of things that could stop you from accomplishing what are those that you want to accomplish? And maybe that’s the live event at the Chamber of Commerce for 25 25 people. What’s gonna stop that from happening? Make that list and go and address it head on as opposed to go, go, go. You know, I always talk, you know, sing Kumbaya you know, you motivate an idiot.

They do stupid things quicker, right? Like you gotta let’s make sure that. You know, we’re, we’re combating that, which might make us procrastinate. What is your procrastination? The number one cause of procrastination is. It’s loneliness. It’s kinda very weird, right? Like, it’s just like, just being on your own, you know?

So go down to the chamber and speak to the gals of the girls that are selling the memberships and the chairman of the board and the other members and, you know, start making some stuff happen. So anyways, bro, dog, that’s what I’m gonna say. Make a list of things that are gonna stop you from accomplishing your goal and combat that.

Let’s see how it. There you go, bud. That’s all we got. 

[00:47:56] Christian: Love it. Love it. Well, everybody, thanks for tuning into another episode of Business Coaching Secrets with the man himself. King Karl I’m gonna go with the king right now. We’re gonna go away from the doctor for a minute and we’re gonna go back and crown you once again as the king of the business coaching empire.

And if you’re not on the inside and you’re not getting access to the pre-show or the daily emails, which I just referenced, definitely go to and subscribe today. And again, if you enjoyed the podcast, please share it with, you know, somebody that might be a fellow business coach or anybody else that you know, say, listen to Tony Robbins and.

Geeks out on this stuff as much as Karl and I do. And of course, as always, we’d appreciate if you’d rate this episode as we know that iTunes, Spotify, all those streaming services give a huge amount of weight towards that. So we greatly appreciate that. And that is it for another week folks. Remember, progress equals happiness.

We’ll see in the next episode. Take care everybody. 

[00:48:50] Karl: Karl Bryan built profit acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower.

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Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™

Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.

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