BCS: 155 | Get In Early On Trends + How To Come Up With A Name

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 155: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– Getting on trends early.
– How to come up with a name?
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
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SFC 155
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing high paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:43] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets with the big man himself, the king of the castle. The king on top of the hill, ma man. Dr. Karl Bryan welcome back to the show.
[00:01:00] Karl: I’m getting you realize I’m getting emails to Dr. Karl Bryan.
Right? You realize it, right? I’m not a doctor, folks. Anybody listening, I don’t want that out there.
[00:01:11] Christian: Well, as long as you don’t start calling me your dental hygienist, we’ll be just fine. That would be that would not be good. I don’t know why I’m planting that seed, but I’m not your doctor’s assistant.
I will not be handing you a scalpel anytime soon. . So there you go. Unlike Karl unlike your good buddy, dangerous Dave, dangerous Daves been making an appearance in Karl’s daily emails. If
[00:01:37] Karl: you’re not gonna love dangerous, Dave shits, don’t pretend like you don’t like dangerous.
[00:01:40] Christian: Dave, man, listen bud. What was the, hang on, hang on, hang on.
You, you, you send me these things and I, I write them down. So dangerous, Dave. Has a blind date over the weekend. Dangerous Dave. So what are you passionate about? Date? I love animals. Dangerous. Dave. I work with animals. Date. Are you a vet? Dangerous Dave? No, I’m a butcher. Listen, this guy is he’s next level, next level.
I love it when he’s having a conversation and a lady says to him, I’m very attracted to men of power and dangerous. Dave replies, I just paid my light bill. . . There you go. Shoot. These are not my gentle, these are the doctor, him, the there you go. .
[00:02:23] Karl: I got, I gotta tell you. Dangerous day. There’s Dave.
He’s, he’s pretty popular out there. There’s a very short period of time. He’s, he’s being requested. They, they’re, they’re, they’re calling for more. My drunk aunt. Mixed reviews. Dangerous. Daves got five stars. The early goings. Early goings, but. Gotta keep him entertained. Shoots, gotta keep him entertained.
[00:02:45] Christian: Listen, when I think of Dangerous, Dave, did you ever watch the Super Dave Osborne show?
[00:02:49] Karl: Oh, growing up. Are you kidding me? Oh, I love him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dangerous Day. So yes. What was the Super Dave? Super Dave, right? Yeah. Super. Dave Osborne. He died actually not too long ago.
[00:03:00] Christian: He, he did? Yeah. Well, his last name was Einstein, right?
So he was also recurring character on curb Your Enthusiasm. Very like, that show is the best show on television by a million. Like, it’s, it’s so crazy. So crazy. By a
[00:03:15] Karl: million. Shoots. By a million.
[00:03:19] Christian: Hang on, KA. Drop the mic, the end. How’s that?
[00:03:25] Karl: the best. There we go.
[00:03:27] Christian: All right. All right. You know what we are, no, Cisco and Ebert people aren’t here for our movie and television reviews, or aren’t here for our hilarious standup prowess, even though.
You did talk about wanting to do some standup comedy a while back there shoots. So thankfully that hasn’t happened. That’s happen.
[00:03:44] Karl: That’s good.
[00:03:45] Christian: That’s happening. It’s, you know what, it’s not. I’m just gonna throw it out there. I’m not doing it. There’s a lot of other things I’d rather do and that I didn’t
[00:03:56] Karl: outta you heard it here.
First road dog doing comedy. Stand up. There you go. All right,
[00:04:04] Christian: let’s get this train back on the tracks as they say. Listen, couple weeks ago you left me thinking about, like, you were talking about insights, right? And, and you gave a bunch, like the toothbrush test, right? Yeah. And the importance of just jumping on trends early.
It’s funny, you always talk about, was it like getting ahead of the, the parade? Something like that, right? Like that’s sort of a thing that you always talk about and how the richest people in the world. Networks and how that’s, it’s not an experiment if you know it’s gonna work, right? Like gold obviously.
Is there anything further that comes to mind for you in regards to that? Just cuz I thought that was pretty darn good and I’d like to sort of see your, you know, what else you have to say about
[00:04:44] Karl: that. Yeah. Yeah, look. Okay. So high five. That’s it. That’s good. When I get. The road dog thinking about this stuff in between shows.
Look, jumping on, you said you gotta get out in front of the parade. Bunch of different metaphors you could use for that. But like example I like to think about, just think of anybody who got in early on crypto, okay? How are they looking? They’re looking like geniuses about now ripping around and you know, Lamborghini and multimillion dollar houses and many of them are in their twenties, right?
That’s an example that, you know, again, you gotta be careful you know, multiple streams of income, letting focus you know, you jump on too many and how’s that gonna look out? But, but getting on trends early is absolutely where a lot of money is made. And so, Metaphor that I like to think of, like I’m a, I’m a bad surfer, but I have done some surfing in my day living in Australia for a long time.
And so with the really good wave, I can actually look like I know what I’m doing when I’m surfing. Right? And Kelly Slater, world champion, like probably the greatest surfer of all time, pretty comfortably, kinda like the Michael Jordan of surfing. That might be a slight exaggeration, but he is up there if there is no wave.
Kelly Slater and myself, very amateur surfer. We both look, we both look like seals, you know, you know, waving our arms and legs on a board, you know what I mean? But with a wave, Kelly Slater, number one surfer of all time, amazing ama, if I can make a decent wave you know, if I can ride a decent wave and look, I know look like I know what I’m doing, imagine what he would be able to do.
That’s the business. So, okay. What I mean by that, So when you’re looking for coaching clients, one of the things, what often, nobody’s got any money. Nobody’s got any money, nobody’s got any money. Crazy thing to say. That’s what you’re saying. You’re out to lunch in a lot of ways, as a business coach, your job is to make them some money.
By the way. Cough. Cough. But look at the industry. Okay? So again, like road dog, like do we have an aging population? The answer is yes. Okay. And that, that’s not my opinion. That’s not something road dog’s gonna like. He’s gonna agree with me on. So then we’re gonna jump on board, like these are road dog and I could go do some stats, look at the data, and we could tell you unequivocally without question that the population is aging.
So that that’s a wave. Okay? Then the question is, what’s a business that you could jump into? What’s an industry where you could attract some clients? You don’t necessarily need to go and create the market, but the market’s already there. So think anti-aging, right? So like, think Botox, right? This is an example, right?
10 years ago Botox probably hardly existed today. You gotta wait in line and the the businesses are popping up all over the place. So jumping on trends early. As a business coach, I’m looking for industries. I’m looking for a number of things. A high unit of sale probably should be said there. If I’m looking for a coaching client, I want a high unit of sale.
In other words, I want a $10,000 quote unquote thing versus a hundred dollars thing. Because if they have a hundred dollars thing and I’m two grand a month, they get, sell 20 of them to break even every month. Or sorry, they get a, yeah. You know what I mean? Like, they need to, it’s, you know, before they break even, they’re already tired, is what I’m getting at, right?
Well that’s a coaching client that I’m gonna lose, right? So like a massage therapist charging a hundred dollars a massage is a client that is going to cancel early. Because of the low union of sale without mar and then margin comes into it. But back to the point, which is important, not when I’m looking for coaching clients.
I’m not just looking for the client and ideally they’re hungry. If you give me a business owner’s at Hungry, I can make magic even in the worst industry, or at least that’s, you know, but my experience, and probably if you’re a good coach you could do that too. Road dog most certainly can. But we’re looking at the industry kinda dragging on here, road dog.
But like, so the tr I don’t want you just to think about jumping on trends early. I want you to be thinking about what could that mean to you as a business coach and where you’re gonna go. So anyways, so Road Dog, you’re asking me some other insights, maybe a frame. Okay. So again, let’s frame this up.
The importance, I’m guessing I would’ve said this a couple weeks ago, I can’t remember, but, okay, so you guys have heard me say that if you followed the podcast said this zillion times and I’ll continue to, everybody talks about 80 20. Which is really important, okay? If you’re following 80 20 with your coaching clients and your coaching clients is applying the 80 20 rule on a regular basis, like say a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual basis to their business and their activities you’re gonna have a great coaching client, you’re gonna have a great relationship.
But, but way more exciting than that. When you go now, you, you go 20, so 80 20. So you pull the 20% pie out of the pie and now you’ve got just 20%. That’s where you should concentrate your efforts and your time and kill brain cells there. Well, if you go 80 20 inside that small piece of pie, and then you go 80 20 inside that small piece of pie, and then you go 80 20 inside that small piece of pie, you end up at one 50.
Okay? So think leverage, right? 1% of your activity gets a leverage of. Okay, so think of it. Metaphor said this before. Say it again. Take a magnifying glass and put it over the 20. And what you’re looking for is that 1%. And I would imagine there’s nobody listening that wouldn’t agree that that’s a good idea.
The problem, the difficulty is first, the level of focus that that’s gonna take is incredible. And it’s really, really, really, really, really, really, really hard to find that 1% activity. And there’s nothing sexy about it. There’s nothing exciting about it there. You know, it’s not funnel hacking and it’s not Facebook advertising and it’s not multiple streams of income and it’s not, you know what I mean?
Like it doesn’t have that sexy appeal to it. So it’s really, really boring. It’s kinda like, again, I always say success is the same movie three times a day, seven days a week for 10. And then I apologize and say, sorry, I know you want something really cool and to live this amazing lifestyle, but the truth is building a business’s heart anyway.
So if you agree with me on one 50, and this isn’t my opinion, this is a universal principle that I road dog and you cannot get away from and your coaching client can’t either. Here’s the magic, and I sure I said this, but I wanna say it again. So one 50 that should excite you. 1% gives a leverage of 50, but when you go, this is something straight from my mentor, 0.0 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 1 10 zeros, and then one, you get leverage of 13 billion.
Okay. 13 billion. But again, if it was hard to find the one, you’re gonna have a hell of a time finding that one. Right. So anyway, so that, that, that’s the frame of, that’s what an insight is. An insight is something that brings everything else together. Maybe what I said a minute ago is a high unit of sale, if you’ve never thought about that.
I’ve had people tell me that in coaching. When they heard me say that, cuz I wasn’t saying it for a decade, that changed everything cuz they were going to the b and i group and wondering why the gals selling aromatherapy and the gal selling, you know, crystals and the gals selling whatever, you know, it’s insurance or it’s, you know, everybody’s like, everybody’s broke.
Well, no, it’s not that everybody’s broke, it’s that they don’t have a high unit of sale. Okay. So solution. So that might be a, that could be an insight where you go, oh my gosh. Like, it’s not that nobody has any money, it’s that I am at. I am positioning myself in a, you know, accidentally attracting the absolute wrong client.
I’m go, I wanna go to moving companies with a $5,000 unit of sale. I wanna go to a roofing company with a $10,000 unit of sale and, and like, say 50% margin. It can’t be like a $10,000 unit of sale and then like a $1,500 profit margin. Right. That that’s not an ideal client. Right. So anyway, so that could be an example of an insight that brings everything together.
This is why Warren Buffet reads for literally 80% of the day. So I hope that that hit, I hope that that dropped, that insight brings everything together, right. The, the trend thing that I gave you earlier. Oh, wow. Like going to industries that are fast moving, like that’s a better idea than just trying to find a simple client.
And by the way, there’s a combination of all of this. But Rod Doug, to answer your question, other systems that I didn’t drop, I just tell you, a 25 million company is an HR company. They are in the business. I just interviewed two people today as I talked to you by the way, who I think are gonna be fabulous.
And you know, one is an accountant and she wasn’t applying for an accountant job, so I swapped it. So I actually, in fact, I was hiring one person and then an accountant fell on my lap and I’m like, oh my God. So we put her, so we literally created a position well we are about to in the next 72 hours.
So, so a 25 million company is actually an HR company, Facebook, any, any big company is in the business of recruiting talent. On that note, Look at Insight one A plus player is worth nine B players. Again, that’s not me speaking. This is the Warren Buffets to Charlie Mungers. You know, some of the smartest business dalios, the business minds in the world.
That’s what they’ll tell you with your clients. You know, be very careful to hire manager. Nobody. I don’t, this isn’t a black and white. Pretty close though. Don’t, hi. You should never hire a manager, right? So somebody to manage. What you do is you, you have a division, like by the way, this is Yeah. I’m channeling my inner Jeff Bezos, right?
You have a division. Let’s say you’ve got 10 people in this specific division. If two pizzas, if two pizzas can’t feed them in a meeting, the group’s too big, okay? And what happens is, one of them, organizational behavior, I took that in college. I went straight through college. As my dad will tell you, I went in the front door and out the back.
Okay. But basically, organizational behavior will tell you that a group of 10 people, there’s, there’s certain roles that people will, in every group of 10, it’ll pan out this way. And without going through all of the numbers, one person will rise to the top, right? Always well create a division of 10, and the person that rise to the top is the highest performing person in that division.
Make them the manager and have them continue to run the group. We’ve got that in our onboarding right now. We’ve got nine nine coaches, three levels, nine coaches, three at the low level, two at the intermediate level, and then three at the advanced level. And as they move through, well the number one operator of those nine manages the entire division.
So that, I think that that might versus I think what other people think is that what you do is you got this, you know, nine coaches, you need to go hire somebody. Who’s a manager. So the top performer becomes it. I think that that’s an insight. I think that that is the kind of big rock that knocks over other rocks that kinda brings things together.
Road dog right now, top of mind friction. Spent an hour on the phone with our IT guys talking about this. Friction. They’re our companies. Like there’s a specific company, I’m not gonna name it, but they do about a hundred million a year. And road dog. Do you know how many sales people they have? Do you how many people?
A hundred million of revenue of sale. These are new, are new accounts, right? So new business sales over a 12 month period, they have zero, zero staff members, or sorry, sales people. Everything’s done online. So what does that mean and how is that relevant? Friction? So, You ever tried to get a hold of Facebook, right?
You’re locked outta your account or something like that? How’s that, how’s that work out for you? You ever tried to get somebody at Google on the phone? How’s that working out? You tried to get anybody, you know, like, you know, your crm, whatever. So basically friction is the enemy of scale, no worded differently.
Humans are the enemy of scale, okay? So in other words, if you wanna scale a business, you want less humans. Okay? So you tell me if Facebook have done a good job of that, you tell me if Airbnb have done a good job of that. Tell me if Uber have done a good when you, when you hired an Uber, did you speak to anybody?
The answer is no. Okay, so that’s zero friction, right? So, so basically friction is building a business that operates. And we have, again, you know, we’re building, you know, we’ve got where we’re. Where we’re at, where we’re at and then the goal is to, you know, create less and less and less friction. And even though I know how to create less friction, it’s impossible for me and the team to do now and tomorrow and next week and next month, but I need to know what I want it to look like in three years, if that makes sense.
So you, if you know where you’re going, if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there. So you gotta really be able to define what that’s gonna look like, at least to the best of your ability. And one of the things we were talking about literally today, and it’s an ongoing discussion is to minimize friction.
And what is also Jeff Bezos says raving fans don’t send support tickets, right? So think about that, right? So every, actually, we talked about this recently, I don’t wanna duplicate stuff, but, so we have somebody who will go, was going through all of our past support tickets. Reverse engineering it and go, okay, how could I eliminate that question in the future and put that system, that process in place.
So Rod, dunno how I’m doing here. Look, one last one, maybe compound look compounding. Again, we’ve talked about this before, but I think that in the interest of you asking me to drop some insights, which we did on the last call, and I, I remember, we, we, I, I’ve heard a number of you know, heard a number of comments about, about that podcast that seemed to have gone over well.
So compound, just thinking about compounding the, what is it, Edison, you know, he called the eighth Wonder of the world. Maybe he’s Einstein. Einstein. The eighth wonder of the world is compound interest. So compounding doesn’t just happen with money, right? It happens with your growth. If you improve yourself, my entire, my, if you get my emails, Okay.
It’s, what is it called? You know, it’s now called one Profit Acceleration thing. It was originally called One Coaching Thing. Basically I was just like, every day I tried to learn something. I’ve done that for, it’s been years now. Every day I just wanna learn something and not just anything, but normally I try to do business marketing and wealth.
I tried to follow in those, that cat, those three categories, well, 365 days later I cannot recognize myself, you know, in terms, so when I learned some road dog, we hang up here, road dog says something to me, he teaches me something, right? And I’m like, oh my gosh, I never thought about that. Well, when I put that on top of all the other things I’ve learned over the last, you know, days and days and days over, you know, multiple years, I get like, I, I don’t get, let’s just say he, that that answer, that thing that he teaches me has like 1% value.
But when I put it on top of everything else, I get like a massive compounded growth. A better example, and again, this is from a previous we talked about this, it was a while ago though. If I have a company, the bigger your company, the more predictable, the most sustainable it is, the higher the multiple.
Okay, so let’s assume you’ve got a company that’s valued at 50 million, right? And it’s got a 10 x multiple for the sake of the argument. And then, what did I say? 50 million. And then you’ve got another company that’s worth 1 million and it has a two multiple. When you, the hundred million dollar company buys that $1 million company, guess what?
They don’t get a two multiple, they get a 10. You follow that, you see the magic of that. So that’s, that’s, I don’t know if that’s a good example or a confusing example, but that would, in my world, in my opinion, that’s a good example of how to get your head around compounding. And compounding. If you think that compound interest sounds exciting and your bloody should, cuz it’s again, literally, you know, the wonder of a wonder of the world that might be some value to, you know, bring it into your relationships, bring it into your, you know, your, your time and consistency.
You know, it’s just, you know, it’s just, you know, 10 minutes a day invested in your own education in 300, in, in three days, you’ll be moving forward, but you won’t, but you, it’s like oxygen. You won’t feel it. That’s the problem, right? Roddo. Like, it’s not exciting. It’s not. Oh my gosh. Actually, and then look, Roddo wanna throw this back to you, but decentralize as something else.
Again, so an example I have given in the past, but I’ll give it here. You got a casino. And they used to have like one set of books for the whole thing. You, what they do now is they have a retail store’s own set of books. It’s own manager they have a clothing shop, it’s own set of books, it’s own manager.
They got a restaurant, it’s own set of books, it’s own manager. So that’s an example of decentralized when you go buy a car and they have a service department. The used, used car department, and then the new car department, those are three. That’s, those three units are decentralized. So anyways, I think that that’s yeah, I think that that’s, that’s what I got, bud.
That’s what I got, man. What do you think?
[00:21:24] Christian: So first off, if you look at yourself in the mirror, 12 months and you don’t even recognize yourself anymore, might be a sign that’s time to see your eye doctor. You know, it’s like, it’s like your, your vision is already horrible. I’m just saying it, you could have changed as possible, but maybe your eyes are just, just throwing that out there.
Couple things just to go a little bit granular, just to give people ideas. You talk about support tickets, it’s interesting. I, I was doing a training and for memberships, right? Like if you’re selling courses or programs or memberships, whatever in a way to reduce, I think what they say about 80% of all of the initial things.
And again, what’s the biggest thing, Carl, when you, when somebody buys your course or program, what’s the biggest thing that, that you want them to do? Log in. Right? You want them to actually get started. But so, but one of the biggest complaints is, oh, what’s my using password? So what they were teaching ’em this program is, You don’t just email it, you also capture their phone number and then you text it to them that drop their support tickets by
[00:22:27] Karl: 80%.
Nice, nice, nice. Yeah.
[00:22:31] Christian: Right? Cause now it’s, it’s makes,
[00:22:37] Karl: makes sense, doesn’t it? But yeah, like it,
[00:22:41] Christian: not only does it reduce the amount of time your team is now spending on resubmitting and re emailing credentials, but now you’re actually getting ’em to log in, which was kind of the, hopefully the point of your program is that people actually use it.
Right. Because that means they’re gonna actually, you know, get the value of what you’re trying to do. The other thing you talk about with friction, you know what drives me absolutely crazy is when why is it seen some places and, and, and some websites, they make it really hard to pay. Like, that should be the easiest.
You know what I mean? Like, I. Give me whatever credit cards you got, you know, like, I’m in cash, check, credit, debit, I’m in. But some people just can’t seem to get their head wrapped around that and it’s like, yeah, sorry, we don’t do that here. I’m like, I’m sorry, what? Like that, that’s just, that’s wild to me.
So anyways on your decentralization, I just wanna dive just for a second, hopefully just a second. A little de why would you wanna, aren’t you creating more work for yourself by having everything decentralized?
[00:23:48] Karl: I could see how, yeah. You, okay, great question by the way. But short term, yes, long term.
The extra value that you would bring to the company, to the organization. The statistics. Think of the dashboard. Just so much more data again. Yeah, I hear how you could say that, but you know what I mean. See that, no doubt. Others are too, but, Short term answers. Yes. Long term, no comparison. That’s would be my answer.
Got it.
[00:24:16] Christian: Got it. And it’s, it’s funny, as I was, I was looking at these questions before I was thinking about that whole getting ahead of the parade and everything else. Have you ever read the book crossing the Chasm?
[00:24:25] Karl: Have I, you know what, I have some, somebody recommended or spoke to me about that book recently.
I, I don’t think so. I don’t think, give us a real quick overview’s
[00:24:35] Christian: all about early adopters, right? It’s like you are, you’re, you’re getting the early adopters of a tech that are willing to try something new. Yeah. The new technology, whatever, right? Yeah. I’m actually running into this with, with one of my clients right now for a marketing campaign.
And it, it’s, they, they are targeting more of the early adopters. It’s, but it’s, yeah, it’s, it’s an interesting one, right? Because to be ahead of it, you have to be almost be willing to take more risks. Yeah. But again, knowing it’s gonna work,
[00:25:08] Karl: right? Yeah. Yeah. That’s it. It’s an, it’s not an experiment to be know it’s gonna work.
Yeah. I love it, man. I love it. I
[00:25:14] Christian: love that. That’s so good. Listen, now kind of going a little bit bigger picture here, sort of more of a broad question. I always find it interesting cuz I, I know you have a process and a framework for this, but somebody wrote it and says, Hey, I’m looking for a name for my new coaching program.
Do you have an effective process? Yes. You do. Can you sort of share that? Cause I know you’ve we’ve talked about this before, but I think it’s it’s a really good question.
[00:25:36] Karl: Yeah. Yeah. This is where you should spend some time, you know, come up with great names for your programs and events. Look the name of your company.
So here’s the mistake people make, is they spend all their time on their logo and the name of their company. So example that I would give you is think of the nfl, okay? So the National Football League, they don’t promote the nfl. They promote Tom Brady, they promote the New England Patriots bill Belichick, maybe to a lesser degree, but like, again, high profile guy.
They, they market the teams, they market the games, they market the playoffs, and they most certainly market the super Bowl. So think about events, right? So think programs and events over the name of your company actually think products, programs, and events. That’s where you’re, so I’m glad, again, so somebody asking for the name of the program and not the, you know, the name of their company, this is a good thing.
What did Tim Ferris do? Get very famous story out there. He was, I can’t remember what he was gonna call the four hour work week, but it was something different and he. You know, very simple, you know, split test you know, name, you know, which whatever, you know, like one to the four hour work, week one, two time productivity, and another one to something else.
Had a few different names, tested it, and the four hour work week was like, lights out winner. Lights out. Actually, another story like Steve, like very similar where Steve Madden, you know, he is very famous now because of the the show The Wolf of Wall Street, right? So he was kind of the, you know, Steve Madden shoes was a big thing in the in the movie.
So they used to do, they used to have like they would make a couple hundred pairs of shoes and then only in the, like, the popular sizes, right? So just a very, you know, small run. And then they had flagship stores in very popular locations in San Francisco and New York. And then what they do is they would test, like I said, they had a wall of a hundred shoes.
They would test which ones were getting picked up, tried on, and most definitely purchased. Right? Well, the ones that got picked they were the ones that they did the big, you know, the ones that were most popular are the ones that they did the big runs with. And often, I’ll tell you this, that the ones that they chose, the ones that they thought would win, were not the ones that won.
And then the ones, you know, often the one that they thought might be a little bit of a dud or a little bit too out there, a little bit too eccentric was, or, or boring for that matter, were the ones that were runaway winners. So that’s how they decided to do it. Right. So, you know, basically you know, think about.
What that could mean for your coaching client, what that could mean for you, right? But that, imagine how much that’s saved in production. What do most companies do? You know, they make five, they don’t make hundreds, they don’t make like couple hundred styles of products. They make three and then just like put it out there, right?
Like so pretty smart process, very commonly done. And, and those two stores in, again, popular locations, New York and la, they provided insights like everything coming together on steroids, right? And the rent doesn’t matter in those locations. The whatever money that they paid for rent in those locations, which would’ve been exorbitant wouldn’t have mattered cuz the profitability wasn’t necessarily, didn’t need to be in those stores.
It was kinda like a, a focus group on steroids, right? Like, think about the power of that. But here’s the thing. Is your client doing anything like that? Are you testing? And that’s. Something you should think about doing. Actually semi-related, but not really. I remember I used to own a like a retail shop, right?
Where I used to sell, you know, skate little minor skateboards, but more it was roller blades and wheels and bearings and hockey gear and that sort of thing, right? You know, skates and all that kind of thing. So what I do is I had this one pair of skates that I put, cuz my job is to try and sell a, say I had $250 roller blades and then I had a thousand dollars roller blades.
And the thousand dollars were, you know, obviously high end. And we had, you know, better, there were certain skates that we had better margins on, right? And I knew, and by the way, which ones were the best value for the end consumer had all of that established. And here’s what I did is I took one skate and I put it on the wall.
And truth be told, I actually hid the other skate. So that, you know, one of my staff never sold it when I was there, right? So what I would do is grab a skate that I wanted them to buy per say it was 750. And then I would show them the inexpensive one. And then I basically, if you understand skates the back, the more money you spend, the the stiffer the back will be.
Okay? And then the very expensive ones, it’s ridiculously stiff. That’s what you’re paying for. Cause that, think of the responsiveness, right? Like you want it to be, you can kind of picture skating. The stiffer is, the more responsive it is, the more it reacts to your, like a second skin. And if there’s a lot of folding, that’s not a good thing.
So I would show ’em the really bad one and then show ’em the expensive one and say, this is what you’re gonna get for 2, 3, 4, 500 bucks. But this is what you get for seven 50 and this is what your kid needs, or this is what you need. And, you know, we, I sold countless high end skates as a result of that demonstration.
Right? So, and, and the staff did as well, right? So. Like Rode Douglas, what are people looking for? You know, like name it that, don’t just call it the Sacramento, like, say you’re gonna do live, live events, right? The Sacramento Business Workshop, you know, it’s just, it’s lazy how to, how to successfully market your business online in Sacramento.
You know, the five instant incredible profitability hacks for your local Sacramento business. How to instantly find reliable staff in Sacramento, willing to work for minimum wage maybe or maximum wage, or for a hundred grand. How to, how to build a successful sales team in Sacramento. You know how we built a successful sales team in Sacramento, if you’re able to say that ethically, how to sell your Sacramento based business in less than 90 days.
You know, advertising your business successfully in Sacramento, advertising your business online, successfully in Sacramento. Five steps to, I dunno, go to a networking function. Like if I, what I used to do is I would go to a networking function and then the name of my presentation was Five Steps to Networking Your Business Successfully In, and then I would just name the city or the suburb, right?
It was so easy. And then I would do a presentation for like a newspaper or it was back in the day, a magazine where they sold advertising. And then it would be like you know, five steps to Advertising Your Business Successfully In, and then just name the city, name the suburb, right? So it’s like, what were they thinking?
I named it that you know, how to build a profitable seven figure business from standing, from a standing start in Sacramento. The five Prime, I don’t know, five. Is it primary, second? No, it would be pri the five primary reasons Sacramento businesses fail and how to overcome them all. I don’t know why I keep saying Sacramento, , I’ve never even been there.
But anyways, like, okay, here’s what you wanna do. You wanna be thinking about a hook. Okay? And again, a hook, look back in the days to I ran a program, it was a, a membership deal where I sent a D B D I covered that. You’d paid me for this free plus shipping with force continuity is what it was called, made famous by Mr.
Russell Brunson. Anyway, so I would send out a D V D, you’d pay me seven bucks for shipping, and then Youu would automatically go into my $97 a month recurring program, which was a membership site online. So again, it was how I earned $187,000 in my first nine months online as a coach, right? Like I, I, you know, canvased coaches, what are you trying to accomplish?
And they were trying to make. Selling online and selling their coaching online, and nobody was able to crack the code and show them. So kind of just name the program I attached a number, 187 grand. Truth be told, it was significantly higher than that, but most of the coaches were doing very low numbers. So I would’ve said, you know, how to do a million dollars in nine months, I would’ve broke rapport.
That’s a, a bit of a hack right there. And then I, I followed that one up with how I generated 250 hot new coaching leads in 90 days using Google Cause again, I say I built a list of, I can’t remember, but call it 10,000 coaches in very short order. You know, at that, whatever the number was. But you know, it wasn’t that it was hundreds, you know, bought.
But then I had like thousands that didn’t buy, and I was like, well, what are you guys looking for? They told me that a little survey, and then it was like they were looking for leads, right? And they wanted to use Google. That was the hot thing. This is way back, this is 15 years ago. And then it was like how I generated 250 hot new coaching leads in 90 days using Google, right?
So it was 187,000. How I earned $187,000 my first nine months online as a coach, followed by how I generated 250 hot new coaching leads in 90 days using Google, right? So it’s very similar. But kind of totally different. And then again, that was another free DVD that I created. And then I had the membership site and I did insanely well.
And people from that, by the way, would cancel their membership kind of bitch and moan a little bit about the $97 hitting their credit card. And I tell you, the number of people that I sold the $10,000 program to who were canceling, and yes, canceling a $97 payment would make your eyes water. My wife used to laugh and I would, you know, we, we’d get these calls, 2:00 AM and I would just stumble outta bed, answer the phone, and I had the ability to, you know, shake the cobwebs real quick.
They would’ve no idea that I was literally asleep very, you know, literally 90 seconds ago. And boom. But anyway, so, and then today again, our, you know, the software profit acceleration software can find any business owner a hundred grand and 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
So, rod Doug, you know, it’s, it’s a hook man. It’s a, you know, it’s a hook. So, so naming your program, it’s kind of like, what, what are, you know, I don’t know. It’s coming up with a hook. What are they looking for? You know, kind of name it, name it that. So,
[00:35:32] Christian: you know what I love about that is knowing your customer, right?
Like yes. When you said why 187 grand? Why not a million? Because it would break rapport. Yeah, a hundred percent.
[00:35:47] Karl: You
[00:35:47] Christian: knew your client so well that you knew exactly like the, the dollar amount that would make sense. Where they’d be like, well that’s interesting cuz A million bucks, everybody uses that, right?
Yeah. It just do your homework and then name it. The actual result that people want. Yeah. Like what? It seems crazy, but Speak, speak. I know, well let’s run through like name, like run through the names of, of some of the programs and, and stuff that, that you’ve got. Cause you’ve got, you’ve got a bunch obviously, but can you walk us through those and, and maybe if you, if you can like how did you get
[00:36:25] Karl: there?
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Don’t, okay, so, cause I kinda, I guess what I just did is I listed off some more like events, like programs. Well okay. We have a program called Live Event Mastery. Okay. I filled over 400 local live events. You and I rode dog. Right. I followed that process and at a hundred percent can last time Roddo and I did a local live event.
I got a hundred percent conversion from the room. But, and that’s not to an appointment, that’s to high end coaching client, thousands of. Not trying to pat ourselves on the back here, but that was just, but it’s called Live Event Masteries. That’s the program that we provide our clients. And again, so, and then Gar, look, I haven’t, look, let me name some and then maybe, we’ll, we’ll reverse engineer a little bit here.
So guaranteed profit system. And then I brought that back to a, like, live event mastery we call l e m. So it’s an acronym and three, every, every sport that you follow has got three. It’s, you know, p G A n, f l n H, L M, L B P G A. I said that like, they’ve all got three letters and there’s a reason, it’s a, you know, numerology and this, just believe that if you can, you’re naming your program, you’re naming your company.
There’s a superpower in making it three words a fourth, you’d lose a lot of power. So three, so guaranteed profit system. And then we called it gps. And I used to have a program, and again, when I, this is a long time ago, like almost two decades but achieving business excellence and I called that a e.
We also had the sales and marketing audit, which was like the sales consultation. So you’d come to the local live event. And then, by the way, here we go, road dog. This is going back 15 years ago. I haven’t said this a lot in the last decade and a half, but see if I can do it. And now here, here’s the, here’s the headline for if you were to be on my list.
And if you were, I’ll apologize cuz we hit you hard back in the day. But this is the headline announcing the hands on, roll up your sleeves. Here’s how you do it. Let’s start making more money by this time tomorrow, strategic sales and marketing workshop. So, That was the headline. And again, and I gotta tell you, that’s, you know, they, they, well, I can tell you we tested a lot of them.
I don’t know that we, we didn’t do like some amazing split tests that you could do nowadays, you know, with Google and whatnot, but had multiple names and that one crushed it. But we would get you there with that, and then we would sell you a sales and marketing audit, and this might be relevant. Okay, so the marketing material that went out for the event, all of the testimonials talked about the event, right?
Which was, you know, the, you know, whatever, you know what I mean? The xyz workshop and then in that specific city, right? And then when you came to the workshop, all of my stories, at least, good percentage of them, and then all of the testimonials on the workbook all talked about the sales and marketing audit, which was the next step in the sales process.
And why I’m saying that is top of mind right now is that the mistake I’ve seen so many times is that somebody will market an event and I’ll go to the event and then they’ll try sell me into the equivalent of their sales and marketing audit. But all their stories and all the testimonials talk about a 12 month coaching program for tens of thousands of dollars, right?
You see, so mistakes. You gotta your step by step process of your sales process. Make sure your testimonials and your stories are going to each. So then when we did a sales and marketing audit, and I, you know, we had marketing material and of course I had stories that I would tell you as we would go through all of that, all of those stories were around a 12 month engagement, right?
So that’s an important bit. But, but anyways, we call the sales and marketing audit today. We’ve got, you know, the jumpstart 12, we’ve got the deep dive 40 we’ve got profit acceleration software, we’ve got digital acceleration software we’ve got group coaching. Software. We got a profit acceleration simulator.
We’re building podcast software for business coaches. So anyway, so those are the kinds of, so those are types of programs. Road dog, but, but again, like guaranteed profit system. I mean, I don’t know, you tell me if you’re a chiropractor, do you like the sound? A guaranteed profit system called the gps.
And by the way, my, my packaging was always world class like embossed, you know, as like leather packaging embossed, you know, like it was an eagle was always our symbol. And like the eagle was embossed in the leather cost 10 times as much as what it would’ve cost to do it inexpensively. But just the way we did it.
So they had a magnet. You know, like when you shut it, it would literally, you know, snapshot. So it was, you know, quality. So when we were pulling it out, it was quality. So question is, what do your programs look like, right? Are they, are you trying to save money with the printer? If you’re doing hard copy stuff are you trying to save money with a graphic designer?
If you’re doing it digitally and you. Probably look, there’s, there is an argument. So some people are now listening going, oh my gosh, like old school, you know, intellectual property dropped on a desk. And the answer is yes, yes. And yes, it would, it would set you apart. Everything people get, there’s certain people that just get frustrated with the digital experience.
So that’s not to say you wouldn’t have a digital experience, but combining the two would be a significantly higher level of value. So maybe not just about the name of the program, but I’d like to see the deployment of your program. How are you doing it? But again, are you hiring a graphic designer, like the money that we spent on profit acceleration software on the artwork and getting it designed, like if you see, if you saw what we came up with and then, you know, basically design that we got.
I’ve even gotta, I gotta like, literally as I talk, I’ve got impact on my computer. I could, I could go to my computer right now. I won’t do that. I can see, like I, I have you know, 99 designs amazing site. We, we’ve got a artwork competition going on like literally right now on 99 designs. So, okay, what am I saying?
The packaging of your program when they come to your live event, like, is it impressive? Like if you feed people, are you giving ’em like a continental breakfast? Are you giving them a smorgasboard? I gave everybody a smorgasboard, right? I wanted it to be a bloody show. You know, we, we talked about this in the past, ro da, but we go to the yacht club.
I’m not going to the local Denny’s, right? I’m not going to the local Holiday Inn. I’m going to the yacht club. We’re going to the most question when you get to the city that you’re gonna do it in, what’s the most expensive hotel in town? Do it. Then when they hear the, or the Chamber of Commerce, by the way, is always an excellent place to do it, but they don’t always have the ability to do so, so, so anyways, thinking, you know, it’s, it’s maybe again, it’s the delivery of the program Road dog, you know, not maybe, but absolutely.
That it’s, it’s not just about the name. The name’s gonna have more power when it’s digital, when it’s graphically portray as portrayed out there. You know, when I look at it and go, wow, this is really cool, you know, that’s something you should be, be thinking about. So, you know, and is it consistent and, and that sort of thing.
So, so anyways, road Live Event Mastery, guaranteed profit system, achieving Business excellence, a sales and marketing audit. We now gotta jumpstart 12 deep dive, 40 profit acceleration software, digital acceleration software group coaching software. We’re building mental acceleration software. We’re building podcasts, software, you know, we’ve got all kinds.
You know, cool names and you know, it’s lots going on and we got names for all of it. We’re not just, you know, putting some generic name on something without giving it a a little bit of thought, you know, jumpstart 12. I don’t know. Is that something sound like, something you wouldn’t mind having a bit of a look at?
Like what? 12 areas and the business owner a jumpstart. That’s what they’re looking, we’re gonna start you with a jump start. We’re really gonna get you started. Look, software’s got 497 million weighted algorithmic sequences that basically, you know, populate a roadmap that I’m gonna then put in front of you that calculates everything and puts your highest level opportunities at the top and your lowest level opportunities at the bottom.
So we’re gonna know exactly what order to go in. And then I’ve got intellectual property when we know when we wanna do something. Can create a compelling offer, create an upsell, create a down sell, create a cross sell create a market dominating position. We’re gonna know exactly how to deploy because I’ve got the intellectual property and the abc what I refer to as the answers at the back of the book right there in front of me every time, you know, we’re getting together.
So, I don’t know. That’s my answer. Rod, dog, what do you think?
[00:44:43] Christian: I love the three letters, right? Like the, the, the, the DKS system is gonna be. When you release that dude, like, I don’t think the world is ready for Dr. Carl’s Secrets . But that gets released, but it’s gonna be next. What you doing? Putting Eagle on?
You’re Canadian. She’ll be like a beaver or a goof. What’s the matter with you? You Unbelievable. Hey listen on that though, it’s so true. Like on you talk about old school stuff. Yep. There’s been two different things actually, both from marketers, ironically enough that I have subscribed to. One has now been canceled.
They quit doing it for whatever reason. But another one’s actually Dan Kennedy’s that I’m part of. It’s a monthly subscription. And guess what you get in the first month? What? You get a, you get a big binder and it’s empty with one thing that’s three hole punch that you put into it. And then every month you get a new one that you throw into it.
So they’re already doing that subconscious selling that you’re gonna fill this binder up. Nice. Right. I like that. All of them that you get every single month. And we all love getting stuff in the mail. Yep. Yep. But that’s what it’s now.
[00:45:54] Karl: So anyways, but it’s hard road dub, it’s hard, you know, you gotta, you know, dispatch, you gotta put it together, you gotta package it, you gotta send it out.
You gotta remember to send it out. You gotta be on time, you know, it’s, yeah, there you go. Love it.
[00:46:10] Christian: But again, it’s, it’s, it’s that whole differentiating yourself in the marketplace and that’s really, really what it is. All right. Listen, I am pumped about this next question because it’s mine and and I’ve been asking you this for realistically, I wanna say two months.
At least a month. No, it was, it’s been a month. And I’m gonna, I’m gonna bookmark this because right now we are not, depends on when you’re listening to this podcast. You may or may not be at the beginning or end of a quarter. I know I am a big planner. I love planning. I’ve bought way too many planning programs and softwares than I, more than I care to admit to anyone.
I, I would challenge the only person that has bought more is probably you. Because , you and I are pretty much like on, on stuff like this. Holy smokes. Anywho let’s dive in, dude, because this, this, I can’t wait. I’m gonna earmark this episode because I know I’ll be coming back to it. So, business coach, whatever, it doesn’t even matter.
Like, just planning. How do you create a plan for your days, weeks, and months? So, and I, I wanna like, again, that’s, that’s, that’s sort of how, I guess how we’ll frame it days, weeks, months. And then do you, do you do quarter by quarter as well? Like you do the one year, quarter and then month, week day sort of thing?
[00:47:30] Karl: Okay. Yes. So that’s, so. Creating a plan for days, weeks, months. Is this it? Let’s just start there. Yep, yep. Yeah. So, okay. I would start so road dog, what’s your 25 year plan? What’s your 10 year plan? And again, until you come up with your 25 year plan, we don’t get to keep moving. And then it’s your 10 year plan, and then it’s your five year plan.
And now I’m assessing these three plans and go, and that being said, when I say plan, actually, sorry, let me re Your goal, your, what’s the objective of in 25 years, what are you gonna have accomplished in 10 years? What are you have, are going to have accomplished in five years? What are you going to have accomplished?
And then we gotta make sure that the five, the 10 and the 25 are kind of synergistic, right? That they’re gonna coalesce. That they come together. Okay. Now is it five years? And then we go three years. And again, we don’t, we don’t get to keep moving until you’ve established that. And then we go one year. And then we go three quarters and then we go two.
You know what I mean? Or then we go, yeah, so three quarters, two quarters this quarter, and then we go months, and then we go weeks, and then we go days. That’s the way to build one crushing. But that, and I know as I say that, right, few people are throwing up in their mouth. That’s a lot of work. That is incredibly boring.
That’s not like kite surfing, that’s not parachuting out of an airplane. It’s not funnel hacking. It’s not multiple streams of income. It’s fricking hard work is what it is. So, so that’s what you gotta do. And as in anything you know, you wanna achieve success, you, you need to have a framework, right?
So let me, so look, step one, have a plan, and then you gotta track your plan. By the way think chef versus cook, a chef will start. With like ingredients. And then the cook will take the recipe that the chef created and then add more salt, put paprika, you know, more this, more that, and they’ll improve it.
So the cook improves and then the chef creates. So it’s it’s first principle stuff. Again, we’ve covered this at different times, but probably pretty long ago. But you know what I mean? So you gotta, I want you to be thinking about becoming the chef. I want you to start with vegetables and meats and ingredients.
Not start with, you know, the you know, what do you call it? Not, not start with somebody else’s recipe, right? And then improve it. I wanna improve. So we’re, we’re going first principles here, road, Doug, right? And you gotta identify your big rocks, right? So you gotta create, it’s not about, again, you, you don’t need to work for eight hours a.
And maybe you need to work for 12. I don’t know what you’re looking to accomplish. I can tell you you’re not going to be effective for 12 hours, but for damn share, you’re not gonna gonna be effective for eight hours, generally speaking. But what will tell us, like, are you identifying your big rocks? If you’re identifying your big rocks, you could get more done.
What does Baso said he made three big decisions. Like he made three decisions a day. Instead, I’ve talked about decision fatigue a zillion times. Say you, what are the big rocks? What are you looking to accomplish? Is it what you’re going to do today, right now, gonna help you get to that 25 year goal?
And the answer’s, you know, sometimes yes, often know. But I tell you, grocery shopping definitely won’t fall into it. Hire somebody to go and do that kind of stuff. Free up. I’ve talked about that, but free up that kinda time. You know, we’re currently reimagining, did I say this earlier? Like we’re reimagining the entire onboarding process.
So the instructions that I gave. We’re guys, so we, we’ve got an onboarding process and you can imagine step one, step two, step three do to do, do change the order, do this. But I said, guys, I don’t want this improved. I don’t want this improved. I want it reimagined, right? I want it reimagine. And what’s the learning for each individual coach that comes in works with us?
What is the learning objective week one, week two, week three, week four. So as in month one, month two, month three, a 90 day mark. Where do we want ’em at the 12 month mark? Where do we want them? We have to reimagine the onboarding process to basically, you know, be synergistic and to kind of move towards that.
And will it be perfect? No, but is it perfect right now? No. So I, and I don’t want it. And the mistake we make is because it’s been this way forever. And staff, you know, I, a lot of staff with me for literally 10 years. You know, big Al we just had 10 year anniversary. Chris has been with us for nine years.
Craig’s been with me for 13 years. My bookkeeper’s been with me for. Nine, maybe nine years. A you know, my business partner, Adrian, we’ve been together for 12 years. Lot, lot of people have been with us for a long time. Right. That’s not a reason to keep it the way it is, right? Because everybody’s comfortable, everybody knows what to do.
That that’s a hundred percent even today in fact, I was, we were writing a guided tour for the software, and one of the things I, I sent it back and then the guy said, you know, we’ve already got this. We’re gonna save a whole bunch of time if we do it this way. And I said, guys, the last thing we need to be thinking about is how much time it’s gonna take.
The goal is that we want people to watch this guy to tour and be incredibly motivated to go and basically, you know, click on, you know, to go do this and watch, and then go do this and schedule, and then go do this. And. You know, hand over a credit card and end up working. Like that’s the end goal. That’s the, you know, so it, it, it, we weren’t, I was looking to improve it.
I wasn’t looking to, oh wow, okay, this is, this will be up straight away. Amazing. We can, we can have this up this afternoon, boss. Right? Like, that’s not the way to look at it. So I hope that’s, that’s landing, that’s important. And I’m not, I hope, I’m also not trying to pat myself on the back in any way, shape or form.
It’s just reimagining it, right? So then, and that’s, so the onboarding process we’re reimagining and then this is totally what I just described, this guided to her, totally separate from that. But that’s the kinda conversations, you know, we’re having internally and I understand why they said, look, this is gonna be way easier, but that’s not the game plan.
So, and that look, you know, again, it make, if you’re about to do something, road dog and anybody, you know, listening, you’re a coach or you’re trying to help your client doesn’t make everything easier, right? It’s like a domino you knock over and it creates a flow on effect. That’s the kind of thing you wanna be doing.
You know, it’s a, you know, not one by, not like in a, you know, tactical, strategic way. You know, but like in a bigger picture you know, this is the learn, this is the end goal, the 90 day mark. You know what I mean? Like really clearly identify that, do that and I think you’ll do good. And, and, and very few do it.
That what I’m just describing is hard. You know, it’s, we talked about the law of triviality. I feel like we’re over, we’re doing a lot of stuff we talked about in the past. I try to not talk about stuff that we’ve talked about in the past. It’s kind one of a missions of this podcast keep you guys entertained and why we’re doing so well, I think.
But law of triviality, if you got something that’s easy and you got something that’s trivial they will go to trivial with like 90% predictability. That’s why the school gets locked in and spends unbelievable amount of time and resources and people and money on the yearbook. And they don’t update the curriculum, which might just, might be a little bit more important.
Not sure. You guys decide, and then the city, you know, they’re, they’re, they’re doing the bike path, they’re doing the park. Right. But what about the log jam? Right? What about the lack of parking downtown? What about the, you know, the, you know, at eight o’clock when parents are knocking off the, like dropping off the kids.
What’s the trap? It look like this is what they need to be working on, right? Like that would be. You know, that’s like a big rock. But, but you know, again, law of triviality, they go to trivial. And nothing we’re gonna say on this is gonna stop the local school from not, you know, overdoing the yearbook, which the yearbook’s important by the way.
But, but just gimme a break, right? You know, without a plan, you’re just gonna wander. If you go to the gym and you just wander around it aimlessly you, like, you see road dog work out, you know, like he, he doesn’t, he got a pen, a piece of paper. He’s a big dude, you know, he doesn’t, he doesn’t need to be writing down his stuff, and that’s just the way he does it.
You know, there’s, but the average, there’s no regularity in the gym routine. You know, the daily schedule, you know, for day like this don’t have that and no routine for progress. You wouldn’t, you wouldn’t remember what weight you did and how many times you did it, right? Plus no, and then no balance in your workouts.
Like, that’s why Road Dog does it right? To create balance in his workout. How many weightlifters, skip leg day. But never skip. Arm and chest, right? Squats work your entire body. Most people don’t do ’em. A pro athlete will often do squats more than any other exercise, often more than all the other exercise combined by the way, right?
Amateur, skip leg day and pros are doing leg day like nothing else. So that’s why they stay amateurs, by the way, right? So it’s, so what will happen is you start doing squats, you become significantly stronger and you’ll get like a compounding effect with your curls and your other activities, right? So out mouth.
So you know your written plan that you’re committed to at work out three times per week at the same time. You know what I mean? At, I dunno, 5%, 10%, 2.5% say add 5% of weight and then increase your reps 5% each week, right? And then have pull exercises. Have push exercises. And legs split. You know what I mean?
So like, like do you, like before you go to the gym, do you know what you’re working on? Are you doing pull exercises today? Right? Are you doing push exercises today? Are you doing leg today? And by the way, three day, you know, a three day split, and then you take a day off and then you start again. Like you, do you have that plan?
The answer is probably no. Well, do you have the equivalent when somebody goes to the gym and they don’t have that plan in six months time? I don’t know. Are they still going to the gym? Pretty good chance there’s not. Right? And, and write it down and be specific as possible. Like, I’m gonna work out a lot, I’m gonna work really hard.
I’m gonna make a lot of money. I’m gonna, you know, really, you know, step up my gym game. I, I said, no, I’m going to workout three times a week, 1:00 PM and I’m gonna increase my weight and my reps by 5%. Like that. I don’t know. You could certainly define that significantly better, but you get the idea. I don’t know.
That sounds like a bit of a plan, right? So, See, I don’t know, like, is that a framework? Writing it down. Cause I think fitness is something we can all get our hand around and very easy, but like create a framework like that. You know, to achieve success in any area of your life, you do that. Relationships with your kids, relationships with your wife, certainly your business, your marketing, your online game.
You know, see yourself as an engineer, right? You know, update and improve. You know, the thing, maybe the machine is that the right, you know, using, but use data, use results. The way that road dog, again, he knows that he did 11 reps last week and he’s only doing nine this week. He’s not gonna be happy about that.
And before he lays down to do a, you know, to push, he knows that he did 11, he knows the target and which leads him to do 12 or whatever the number is. You know, another semi related, but not related. Again, I go to the gym and I gotta tell you rule number one, and road dog knows this, but my job is to not get injured.
I, that is it. One injury will put me out for a month minimum, three months, six months, depending upon what it is I get right now at sciatic nerve issue. That has driving me crazy, getting much better. But it’s been an ongoing, you know, pain in the, you know what, but you work out as a frame, like don’t get injured, right?
So lifting big weights a small number of times. Look, that was great when you were 23 years old. You know, if you’re in your forties or you’re in your fifties or you’re in your sixties, maybe your seventies, that’s a really, really bad idea. And any doctor worth their salt or chiropractor or physio will be able to tell you that.
But, but the rule again is a frames I’m going, if I’m putting together my roadmap as I’m going to the gym, Number one, you know, the culture, the oxygen. You know, like in a business you’ve got culture as like the film. Well, the film over top of my workout regime is don’t get injured. You know, just, you know, I’m not looking to do heavy and so forget me, you guys with your day.
Am I doing a good job here? You really wanna make sure that you’re, you gotta build that step by step plan, right? Like you got the 25 year goal, you got the 10 year goal, you get the five year goal, you get the three year goal, you get the one year goal, you get the three quarter goal, you get the half year goal, you get the three month goal, and then you get the month, you know, month, you know, month one, month two, month three, and then week 1, 2, 3, 4 to get you to the first month.
Do they all coalesce? Do they all run into one another? Right. And if I go to the gym and I get injur, I am gonna fall back massively cuz I can’t go. So you don’t make your goals too ridiculously lofty. Don’t try to create multiple streams of income. Don’t try to create multiple products at once. Do one product, create one marketing channel and successful, you know, get one thing working successfully before you go and, you know, complicate everybody, everything.
So, anyways, and, you know, like, like an investment framework, you know, like, think of this, invest, okay, let me just go in a 1, 2, 3, like your circle of competence, okay? I, I always tell you, you guys, I think people follow me because they know that I follow the smartest of the smartest and then I dissect all that stuff and I deliver it to you guys, right?
So this is me learning to a large degree on this podcast in my daily emails, right? I, I’ve invested madly in my circle of competence. I don’t have a shower without YouTube playing and listening to something. Right? So your circle of competence invest in that. Use margin of safety, right? Like again, if you understand asset allocation, like you need a margin of safety, don’t go all in.
It’s stupid, stupid, stupid. You don’t talk to people. If, if you like a store or a business or an industry, the chances are you’re gonna love the stock. Okay? That a good thing. That a bad thing. What would you think about that? What would your, if you invest in your inner circle of competence and you manage to get Charlie Munger, right, very, you know, Warren Buffet’s business partner, what would he say about you investing in a skateboard shop because you loved the skateboard back in the day?
He immediately would go, there’s too much emotion involved here. Let’s take a step back. Give me the data, give me the num, you know what I mean? Like, look at it differently like that. That’s an example of how you gotta, but without, you know, investing in your circle of competence, you won’t have those people to go to to make those, you know, big rock type decisions.
You know? And again, margin of safety first thing. Okay, you wanna invest how much? And it’s like, okay, well how much do you have to invest? What percentage are we putting here? Some I get asked all the time, you know, crypto, crypto, crypto, like it for sure invest in crypto, but only a percentage of what you’re investing, right?
Cause again, it could all go to zero and it could go to the bloody moon. But you know what? Invest, you’ll never where you really should invest again, speaking, duplicating stuff here. You know, invest in staff now. That is where you will get a return. Invest in yourself and invest in staff and the return that you will.
Will be absolutely unbelievable. Example I love to give there is think about, I’ve got a buddy professional poker player, my dad’s a professional poker player for years. I grew up around it. I can’t play poker to save myself, but I can tell you that. So poker, I got a buddy, special poker player. Here’s what I said to him.
He’s talking to making money and bank rolls and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I said, man, look, you’re five feet from Greatest. Cuz he knows, you know, Daniel Niani. We can, you know, text the guy that’s like a top, top, top Phil Helmuth, you know, he’s got top, top guys. He can just like text them and have a conversation right now, right?
Own these guys up. And I’m like, you got the network at that circle of competence. Maybe a little different, but same idea. He’s got the network in poker. I said, man, if you go to the tournament and you again, let’s say, you know, $10,000 buy-in and you make a hundred thousand dollars, you’re really happy, right?
He’s like, yeah, it’s a 10 return and I’ll be happy. And I’m like, well, Here’s what I’d be doing. You’re five feet from greatness. What you gotta do is go from this side of the table to that side of the table. In other words, you gotta go to the dealer side. But don’t become, I’m not saying become a dealer, I’m saying become the guy who hires the dealer.
Because I guarantee if you’re paying $10,000 to enter this poker tournament, the guy who runs, it’s making a hundred thousand dollars or the tournament isn’t even started, he’ll just cancel it, by the way. Right? So you get what I’m trying to say? Like maybe that he loves playing poker and some people love playing poker.
Okay, so take that aside. That doesn’t count for this discussion. It’s that you gotta make sure. You know, you’re, you’re set up for success. It kind of comes in the margin of safety. But, but again, it’s a little bit different here. But if Road Dog came to me and he was a professional poker player, I would absolutely, with a million percent certainty.
And him and I, you know, again, we’re, you know, we’re gonna hang up here and we’re wicked buddies just in life. I’m gonna say to a man, screw you know, playing poker. Like go do that on Friday nights in Vegas or whatever. Have some fun, but create the poker tournament and you will be guaranteed to make a hundred thousand dollars every time.
And, you know, imagine how big and cool that could become, you know, so, and which by the way is the easiest thing in the world. So then I would say to you, that’s a good thing. Why is it not the easiest thing in the world? Cause there’s a million. Imagine the government regulations. Imagine the paperwork you’d have to fill out.
Imagine how careful look, that’s a good thing. You know why? Well, that’s gonna keep the idiots away. So I love software, right? Anybody can go and coach coaches, they all do. You wanna compete with me in software? If you don’t have, you know, forget a million bucks, you don’t have multiple millions of dollars and you don’t have three years to just do nothing but build out your software, you’re not competing with me.
And then three years I’m gonna have a compounding effect and I’m gonna be that much further ahead of you. And I hope that’s not, it’s, but you see how, because software is complicated, it’s difficult and it’s expensive and it’s got all kinds of challenges, that’s a good thing, right? So setting up the poker tournament is hard.
That’s why no one will do it, right? This is amazing. You know, build, you know, going, you, you’ve got some land and building a fourplex and you know, building an apartment building, right? With 32 300 doors. That’s. Well, is that a good thing or a bad thing? It’s also talk to me about your capitalization, because if you’re under capitalized, you’re gonna get in trouble again, think, you know, quarterly and what is the end goal?
Right. But, but that’s hard. So that’s a good thing. And so, so just you know, road dog is, I’m, I’m creating this plan, what I’m doing, you know, I’m guiding you, I’m guiding anybody. It’s 25 years. What’s the result? Where are we at 10 years? Where are we at? Five years, where are we at? We can’t move and we go backwards.
Right? And we can’t keep moving until you’ve clearly, and by the way, I’m gonna push back because what road Dog tells me first up, what he wants to do in 25. Probably not gonna be quite what he really wants and back and forth we’re gonna go and he is gonna go, wow, that’s a significantly tighter, better design of the way that things are gonna look.
You know, like in 25 years is, you know, his girls are same. I got an eight year old daughter, right? His, or you know, one’s younger, one’s a little bit older, 25 years, they’re, you know what I mean, they get their own families, right? So there’s so much different, so 25 years, 10 years, five years, three years, one year, and then quarter and then months, and then four weeks and does it all.
And again, as now that you go forwards, cuz we just went backwards. Now when you go forwards with this, does it all coalesce? And is there any changes that you’d make? Road? And is there any, and are you happy with it? Does this seem right? And by the way, you could and be dogmatic that 25 year goal, like what do we say?
Like be flexible in your approach, but dogmatic. Dogmatic with what the end result is. So, so Ro dog, that’s what I’d say, man, that’s the framework. Twenty five, ten five three one quarter, weekly. And then and just make sure that we’re, we’re, we’re knocking stuff over and we’re, you know, investing and, you know, our business model works and you know, just look the, you know, invest in your circle of competence.
Road dog’s very good at that, right? Again, he surrounds himself with winners. And then margin of safety again, and these are kind of more like in like investing framework, but what is, when I hire, see the way I see business is when I hire somebody for again, you know, 50 grand, a hundred grand, three, you know, 300, you know, people making, you know, like we, you know, we’ve got some people making some good dough around us.
That, you know, as in staff, That’s an investment all day long and twice on Sunday when I hire somebody and they get paid a hundred thousand dollars, like I am getting a return all day. Or again, they’re not with us very long, but guess what? We train them. We hire. Look, Harvard, mit, Stanford, Harvard. I think we could agree that they produce unbelievable let’s say business programs.
They produce unbelievable business people generally, right? Okay. Is it Harvard and you’d think, yes. Is it i t And you’d think, yes. Is it Stanford? And then just put any other, you know, big school in there. That’s not it. It’s when they recruit, they bring in the best. So you could have the worst teachers, the worst props, the worst curriculum, the worst.
This. And because they’re elite, elite of elite, they were elite at everything as they were coming in. Guess what? They’re gonna be elite on the way out. And yes, the education is great, let’s agree with that. But that’s not why they’re great. They’re great because they’re great, right? Like, so again look for a one, A player is worth nine B players, and I’m telling you, and that depends upon how much staff you’ve taken on in your time.
I’m telling you. That’s absolute fact. So, so there you go, Rob, Doug. That’s kind a little bit of a plan. Maybe next week we could expand upon that, but that is hopefully a little bit of a guide.
[01:09:34] Christian: What. Love it. And this is the man who also has quarters to his day, right? Yeah. Like it’s, I, do you know what I mean?
Like that, that’s, that’s next level. Like, it’s like beep, beep, beep. Oh, next quarter. You know, that’s that’s how you roll. All right. Listen, what’s let’s, let’s close this up for this week, but what, what’s one thing that, that they can take, you know, and implement, start doing into their business today?
[01:10:00] Karl: Well look, I think what we just look, I would challenge everybody. I look, I don’t know if you could get a better game plan to leave everybody with than to say, what’s your 25 year objective? What’s the result? Where do you wanna be in multiple, you know, financially, family-wise, relationships your business, et cetera, right?
Although we’re all coaches, you get it. And then come back 10 years. And come back five. But I just tell you like, cause I, I probably say it, you’re like, oh my God, that’s a great idea. I challenge you, you won’t do it. You know why I, why? I don’t know. But you won’t do it. So I challenge you to do it. And by the way, your coaching client, definitely you’re a coach.
This is the choir. Your go, your coaching client definitely won’t. So I push you to actually bloody do it, you know? And, and by the way, and then so now once it’s, so let’s assume now they did it road, right? Laminate it, whatever. Are you going to revisit it on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual basis and laminate it and then go over the top of it and say, hang on, you know, I adjusted this right?
But that, that 25 year objective, you know, again, let’s assume that you can really nail that well. You could be flexible with the approach, but be, you know, yeah, flexible in the approach, but dogmatic with what it is that you’re gonna pull off. And the, you know, I said years, you know, years, I’ve said this for a long time.
I wanna set the standard for the entire business coaching profession. And the reason I know, it’s like this is all I do. You know, I’m not gonna like become the crypto guy tomorrow. I’m not gonna become the real estate guy. I’m not gonna become the whatever guy. I’m not gonna go into, you know, whatever.
That’s not happen. I don’t care, NFTs, this, that, the other, I’m not gonna, you know, decide I wanna be the next Tony Robbins start flying around the world doing live events and jumping up and down. I’m not gonna do that. It’s not what I do. Business coaching, that’s my thing. And the best way that I can find right now is software to basically, you know, leverage and help as many business coaches.
And then through those business coaches, I help the business owner ultimately, I gotta ask this, actually not long. Was going through our model a little bit with somebody, real high level guy, and and he was just trying to, and I said, look, stop, stop, stop, stop getting a little bit confused. I just go here.
It’s, everything I build is for the chiropractor, the dentist, the roof of the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, everything everyth. That is who we’re about, that’s the foundation. But all of our tools, we, we, we get to them through the business consultants that are in the middle. The business coaches, the consultants, lots of accountants work with us and business brokers and promotional, you know, anybody B2B kinda could find their way to us and, you know, benefit massively.
But, but ultimately when I did that, he went, oh, okay, I get it. You know, profit acceleration software is ultimately about the chiropractor. The consultant uses it, but that ultimately it’s designed to create a roadmap. The end user is the chiropractor, the dentist, the butcher, the bacon, the candles, stick maker, digital acceleration software, same thing.
It’s, it’s for the end user. For the end, like the small business owner. So, so anyways, that’s you know, but that’s why I know that we’re gonna, you know, we, in 10 years time, you know, hopefully Road Dog will still be here with me, right? We’ll continue to do this and laugh and giggle and do whatever the hell it is we do.
But that, you know what I mean? Like, that’s what I’m gonna be doing. And that’s, that’s impossible, quite frankly, to compete with. Cause I’m just never gonna give up. You can come, but I’m just gonna every day a little bit better, every day, a little bit better, every day a little bit better, just slowly, we’re not, not pretending to be Salesforce, right?
Love, which by the way, I don’t know. Who knows? Whatever. But that’s, you know, mark Benioff love the guy. And that’s you know, that’s a visionary on bloody steroids. But bottom line, the guy’s impacting a lot of lives and made a ton and ton and ton of money. Not there, not pretending to be there, but we’re just gonna keep going, keep going, keep going.
And so anyways, the 25 year plan is very clearly defined. Very simple. I got the 25 to 10. I mean, I’ve, I’ve done this. And I continue to revisit on a regular basis, could I do a better job? You bet I could do a significantly better job, but am I doing it? You know, am I, you know, kinda, you know, eating my own cooking?
And the answer is yes. So anyways, I think, so Ro Doug I challenge anybody here, and again, I’m gonna put money on the fact you won’t do it, so prove me wrong. Let’s go twenty five, ten five, three, one quarters weeks. There we go. Boom.
[01:14:29] Christian: Okay, so I’m gonna challenge your 25 year vision set
[01:14:33] Karl: standard. Yeah, set the business, set the standard for the entire business coaching profession.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. .
[01:14:42] Christian: What? So 25 year vision, you’re gonna be, you’re gonna be done, you’re gonna be retired, you’re gonna be gajillionaire sold of whatever. You and I we’re gonna have a candlestick making business downtown. Cologna, this is happening. You, you are the most experienced man that I know.
You know, you always talk about the butcher, the baker, but the candlestick maker that is just an underserved and we need to get there. All right folks, thanks for tuning into another episode of Business Coaching Secrets with the man himself, Dr. King, Karl Bryan, not a real doctor. If you’re not on the inside getting acts, the pre-show, or you aren’t getting Karl’s daily emails, or you want more, more jokes, right?
We gotta know what Dangerous Dave’s up to. Like, just go to focus.com, subscribe today. You’ll get the daily dose of Dangerous, Dave. Holy smokes. Did I just, did I just do that? That’s a alliteration my friend. And again, if you enjoyed the podcast, please share the fellow coach or someone you think might make a great coach, someone that’s a great salesperson, highly motivated, blah, blah, blah, all that you know, you know the people you know exactly who I’m talking about.
And of course, we’d appreciate as always, if you’d rate the episode as we know that iTune, Spotify, and all the other great streaming services given insane amount of weight towards review. So please leave us a review if you like what you heard, and that is it for another week. Remember folks, progress equals happiness.
Take care every.
[01:16:06] Karl: Karl Bryan built profit Acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coaches superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never again have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high end coaching fees.
Check us out at focused.com.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.