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BCS: 138 | Imposter Syndrome + Bigger Impact On Second Read

Imposter Syndrome

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan


BCS 138: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:

– How to deal with Imposter Syndrome?

– What book had a bigger impact the second time it was read?

And more…

Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.

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SFC Episode 138

[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to business coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay and refer. You’ve come to the right place in this podcast. Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing. High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.

[00:00:42] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of business coaching secrets. It’s your boy row dog here with none other than the man, the myth, the joke telling legend. Dad joke winner of 1988, Karl Bryan calling us live from his flip phone. 

[00:01:06] Karl: Are you there? How’d you know, I’m using a flip bag.

I’ve been told that a few times. It sounds like you’re using a flip phone, man. Get a proper mic. 

So you there, how you doing road, dog? 

[00:01:15] Christian: Well, you know what I’m doing better than your eyesight because every time I see you, the font gets bigger on your phone. So I know that you must be excited that apple is launching a larger screen phone for next year. So this is good news for KB. It’s you know what? 2022 buddy, it’s gonna be your year. So congratulations. 

[00:01:32] Karl: What’s going on. 

[00:01:34] Christian: Well, I’ll tell you what isn’t going on, hilarity, because I was reviewing your jokes from the past week. And I, I, I don’t even know where to go with this. Like dad, are we pyromaniac?

Yes, we are some. We are sun. Oh my God. Like, how did the pirate pay to get his Pierce pierced a of the year? Walked into a Dublin bar. I’ll never forget when bono and the edge walked in. What did you say? Not you two again, come on, man. are you kidding me with this stuff? Like, oh my God. And then this one, though, I’ve heard this before, by the way, when the, the, the big Christmas one and, you know, whatever holiday parties you’re going to, when you’re when you’re on your seventh beer.

And I swear it whispered softly in my ear now is the time to tell everyone exactly what think listen. That’s got me more trouble than I’d like to.

[00:02:30] Karl: I believe you, dog. 

[00:02:35] Christian: You know what? This was this well mannered upstanding professional young men. God, I wish all of that was true. I’m not young anymore. It’s it’s a scary world. Anyway. It’s a big shooter. What’s what else is going on? 

[00:02:47] Karl: Not too much, bud. Ready to rock and roll. Actually, you know what is going on? We actually high five, the, our listeners who we gotta say a big thank you to, we just surpassed 5 million minutes downloaded on the podcast.

So speaking of bingo, Bango bongo, there you go, bud. So that’s pretty cool. And we we got everybody listening to thank in fact Earl Flo Matta, who will be listening legend, but he actually, he sent me an image of Spotify where, where his number one podcast. And I can’t remember what it was, but it was like 2000. 400 and X amount of minutes downloaded, like where he, and I’m like, holy smokes, man. So, so there you go. So thank you to everybody who’s listening. We just passed 5 million minutes downloaded shoot. So there we high five. 

[00:03:33] Christian: I wanna thank my mom for downloading, at least a million of those. We talked about, this is really worth, we talked about this before, right? Like I just wish that when we started this podcast, I said, you know, what shoots, why don’t you just pay me 10 cents for every every minute downloaded? Wouldn’t that be nice. But instead I settle for I’m gonna settle for you buying me lunch today.

That’s what we’re gonna do. 

[00:03:55] Karl: Got it. So there you go. Done and done. 

[00:03:58] Christian: All right. Speaking of, you know what, it’s funny as I’m reading this first question and it’s about imposter syndrome. The question is, did, did you ever have to deal with feeling of having imposter syndrome? I kind of feel. A bit of an imposter. When you say we’ve had 5 million minutes downloaded that people actually care to listen to what you and I have to, but, and by you and I, of course, I mean 99.9, 8% you and , but you know, like that, that’s still something, right? Like it’s very much, do you ever deal with imposter syndrome? Have you dealt with that? Like, I can’t imagine that guy like you with, with pretty teeth, like yours has ever dealt with. 

[00:04:38] Karl: Yeah. so it, okay. I, I think that is a great question, to be honest with you. You know, if you thought about it differently, You like, if you don’t feel imposter syndrome and AB the answer is abso fricking, wait, wait, did I start with that?

Like, have I? Yes. Yes. And yes. But I get it, it, you know, it’s pretty consistent where if you don’t feel imposter syndrome, are you really pushing yourself? Right. So I really just think it’s stress and overwhelm and let people, you know what I mean? They wanna put a name on it and then they want to have, like, they kinda give it ownership.

It’s just in your head. Right? Like people are not thinking about you. It’s just, they are for a brief second. And because they’re, you know, mentally. You know, whatever they are. I don’t know if they’re unstable, unstable, that might be a little bit harsh, but like, they’re just not thinking about you that much, but when they do think about you that do something, you know, harsh or whatever.

And then they just move on with their day. Right. So just don’t worry about it. The truth is the look, the legit operators, what maybe we could call the professionals of the industry. They’re totally okay with being underestimated and doubted, right? Like the lightweights and the pretenders won’t allow.

Right. Their ego takes over and they kind of go into combat mode. They, what they’ll tell you is that they feel disrespected, right. But the legit ones, you know, like you’d like to be underestimated. This is a good thing. You gotta check your ego in business. It’s absolutely not your friend, but I remember road dog, a a smart guy told me a very strong position in business is being smart when other people think you’re.

Okay. And I, and I would say that in anything like a strong position is being smart when people think you’re dumb, right. Or, or maybe it’s being mentally tough, mentally strong when others think that you’re mentally weak, like it’s a great STR that’s, I’m gonna guess that’s gonna sound incredibly counterintuitive, but it’s absolutely, it’s a great strategic point.

It’s how Tom Brady ended up the quarterback of the new England Patriots. Overdrew Bledso. It’s it drew, didn’t see Tom as a threat. He was a lanky six foot five dweeb that couldn’t bench press half of what he was bench pressing. Right? Jake, Paul, another one, you know that, you know, Jake, Paul’s a YouTuber.

He is out there kicking the crap out of everybody in these boxing matches. He recently just smoked. I don’t know who it was, but it was an M I don’t know, four or five time MMA champ. And Jake Paul put him on his ear. Right? That’s so basically they haven’t been taking Jake Paul seriously, and now he’s kicking every well when I say kicking everybody, but this is subjective.

Cuz you could say that he’s not really taking on legit contenders. A lot of these guys are past it, but that okay. If that’s anybody who says that is not is doing exactly what I just described. They’re not. Giving him the respect that he deserves, that guy is training like a fricking rockstar where he’s gone, like from zero to 60, from a YouTuber to now he’s, you know, smoking, you know, five, you know, four or five time NBA, MMA, champs.

It’s crazy. So look. Road Doug businesses like war, right? Like it hate it. That’s just is what it is. So the worst thing that you can do is be predictable. If you’re predictable in war it’s game over and you’re taking a bullet. Right. So I, I can comfortably tell you that I’m okay with people thinking I don’t have a clue.

There’s lots of them. And they’re, you know, there there’s still look. So look, there’s a lot of folks out there who are still trying to get coaching clients and I’m building, I, I built an eight figure software company in the business coaching space with fear of, you know, I’d like to say that with a little bit of humility but I I’m telling you that’s.

Fact I could, I could give you their phone numbers kind of thing. Right? So, so that is where, you know, kind of, you know, not being seen as, you know, the superstar, the rockstar, the smart one. I don’t know that that’s necessarily a bad thing. Right. And look, the trick road, dog, the solution you imposter syndrome, the trick is to educate yourself at the highest level.

Right? You do that by following the right people. Right. And the right people, the guys doing their own homework, right? Like, again, I’ve said this a million times. If you haven’t built an eight figure business, a nine figure business, maybe a 10 figure business. I, I don’t know that, like, if you haven’t built a successful company, I’m not interested in what you want to tell me about building a successful company.

But if you’re an unbelievable stage presenter and you’ve closed, you know, hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars from the stage, and then I wanna learn how to speak from the stage, I’m gonna come and see you. But the mistake people make is they go see that guy to build a company. They go see that guy to train their staff.

They go see that guy to build a, you know, like a rank recognition prizes and Rank recognition prizes. And money are the four things that motivate people. So if you’re looking to build, you know, a internal plan to motivate your staff, because incentives are everything we said last week or the week before Charlie Munger’s words, show me the incentives and I’ll show you the outcomes.

Okay. So you need to incentivize your staff times a million drop the mic. Well, that’s what Charlie Munger says, and that’s the guy that I’m gonna listen to, but I’m not, anyways. I hope that that you’re gonna be listening to the right people. Right? So road, dog, the gap is always education, but importantly, I’m gonna, I’m gonna say that again.

Actually the gap is always the right education and then. Is right. Really a thing. I don’t know. It, it, that I’m sure Charlie Munger’s given some horrible advice. Warren Buffet’s given some horrible advice. Jeff Bezos has given some, you know, horrible advice at different times, but that being said, these are the types of guys that I think you should be listening to.

So yeah, imposter syndrome. Absolutely. But get the right education is what I’d say. 

[00:10:23] Christian: So hang on a second. So aside from Googling, Charlie Munger dropped the mic. Because I don’t think he ever said drop the mic by 

[00:10:30] Karl: the way. That’s is that, what can 

[00:10:33] Christian: you, can you give us an example of like what a business coach needs to know, or I guess, you know, like educate, you know, you speak of education.

Can you give us some like, some better examples of that, of what, what they need to know or just, I guess when you speak of the educate, like what’s the education that you 

[00:10:49] Karl: speak of? Yeah. OK. Okay. Businesses math gimme a room of a hundred people. And I say, what’s the language of business. And 80 hands will go up for marketing.

The truth is, and this is Warren buffet. Speaking. The language of business is accounting, but most people will tell you that they’re scared of numbers. And the reality is it’s just, it’s just not, you don’t need to be, you know, I’m not great with numbers, right. Doesn’t mean that you can’t go and kind of work it out like, okay.

An example would be you got a landing page and your conversion is 2%. Then you take it to 3%. Most people see 1% and they’re not gonna get outta bed for 1%. It’s not exciting, but that’s a 50% increase from two to three, or let’s say that your client’s got 20% gross profit margins, and then you increase them to 30%.

It’s not a 10% gap. It’s a 50% gap, right? Cause 20 to 22 would be 10, 20 to 24 would be 20, 20 to 26 would be 30, 20, 20. So 2028 would be 40 and then 20 to 30 is 50. So it’s not a 10% jump. It’s a 50% jump, right? It’s like, like 80 to 90% of business owners or business coaches will start with a cross sell.

Like they’re working with their client cross sell. Do you want fries with that? Most people think that’s an upsell it’s cross sell, but. An upsell is 21 times as profitable as a cross sell. But when given the opportunity and just, you know, laid like, go for it, they’ll go with the wrong. I don’t know the wrong one, but they go with the more expensive one, not knowing that they’re going for the more expensive one.

Right? Like, know that if you buy something for a cent and sell it for a dollar and then you buy something else for 10 cents and sell it for a dollar. There’s a nine there’s a 9 cent gap there, but there’s not a 9% gap. The thing that you bought for a penny and sold for a dollar is 10 times as profitable, 10 times as profitable as the thing is you bought for 10 cents and sold for the same price, right?

Like, or. Another one road dog. If you do joint ventures, which is a good idea, everybody certainly coaches, but like your clients, there’s a really good chance. They should be looking at joint ventures and it could be a home run. But if you start with a joint venture before you do a compelling offer, you’d be costing yourself, costing your client.

Massive profits example. Okay. So I go to an accountant, I’m a business coach and I go to the accountant and I say, introduce me to your clients. And I’m gonna, I’m gonna pay you 10%, 20% of everything they pay me. Right? You don’t get a call back. You go to the accountant and say, look, introduce me to your clients.

And I’m gonna take them, you know, help them take their business to where they never thought they could be. Right. I’m gonna teach them Facebook ads versus so that that’s effectively, you don’t may or may not realize it, but that’s their offer. That’s what they’re going to the joint venture partner with the accountant.

Well, go to the accountant. And say, I’m gonna help you. I’m gonna, with any of your clients, introduce me to, I’ve got proprietary software with 497 million weighted algorithmic sequences where I’ll find any one of them, a hundred thousand dollars and 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.

Right. Which one do you think is gonna work better and no doubt, you know? Right. So getting my compelling offer done first is significant is, is really important before I go to the joint venture. And, and by the way, that’s why my profit acceleration software has got 497 million waited algorithmic sequences.

I said a second ago to help guide the business coach and guide the business owner because when they go and pump in the numbers, the algorithm does the work to say. This is gonna, you know, this is gonna rise above that this is gonna rise above here and that, you know, for that reason. So , if you really wanna feel good, you know, not be stress, avoid imposter syndrome.

I think you need to do two things grow and contribute beyond yourself, which is, I think probably why I find myself obsessed with what I said a minute ago, like learning you know, I just wanna, I, I, I spent hour, you know, just educating myself. I. I don’t know, thousands, tens of thousands, maybe at this stage, I have no idea.

Thousands of hours educating myself and no doubt. I’ve educated myself. And, you know, I’ve, I’ve learned some stupid things that I’ve gone on to implement and then went, Ooh, and that’s a big one too, is that I learned something and then I try go implement immediately. I that’s not always possible, but I think everybody understands.

That’s a little bit of an X factor. Right? So. You know, Roe Duggan, another one, like people will sell their businesses, get multiple seven figure checks and then what happens? They’re totally depressed. Like they didn’t realize they get their juice from their company. Right? Like you end most of the, the podcast with three words, progress equals happiness.

Right? It’s so true when you sell your business, there’s no more progress. Like the progress is well and truly halted. It was potentially a really fat check. And you’re gonna sit and, you know, drink margaritas for a while, but I promise you, you become very bored. There’s only so much golf you can play. So you gotta, you know, it’s that metaphor.

You gotta fall in love with the journey, not the destination, you know, and you learn and grow and you give to the world. Like coaching clients who achieve their goals and say, thank you and pay you with a smile. Like this is the ultimate formula for feeling, feeling alive, feeling fulfilled and avoiding the noise, right?

Like you’d never imposter syndrome comes from what other people are thinking. It’s, it’s totally ex you know what I mean? It’s absolutely you concentrating on what is outside, not what’s inside. So just fill up, what’s inside to the highest level. You know, it’s like a coach with no clients is a non fulfilled coach.

Right. It it’s an anxious, frustrated. That’s gonna tell me that they’re overwhelmed, right? That’s a word that’s just rampant in the business world. Overwhelmed that that’s somebody not doing well. That’s what overwhelmed is, right? Well, and again, sometimes it’s legitimate, but if you’re overwhelmed, cuz you’re doing so good.

You need to take a step back and you need to start thinking about, you know, you gotta elevate your education, you gotta start hiring people. You need to start, you know, implementing systems and then you implement systems. And then you’re gonna find out that systems stifle creativity. So if you wanna hire people that are smarter than you having too many systems is absolutely gonna bite you on the backside.

Right, because again, progress equals happiness. They don’t wanna have, they don’t wanna be the horse with the, you know, the reigns, pulling them back. They wanna be the stallion able to run out like freely and make a difference. That’s why Google allows their, their staff to work on a pet project on an ongoing basis.

Right. In fact, in fact, they insist they encourage it. Absolutely. Right. So. And also maybe road dog, just donating. I think we touched on this maybe last week, but you know, donating your time, giving away some money is a great way to gather some momentum. And it’s gonna change your, your psychology big time.

Like when we lived in Vancouver, my wife and I, we had a, the paper bag project. I don’t know. Did we talk about this last week? But bottom line is we fed, we fed thousands and thousands of homeless people. We did it on our anniversary. One of the last ones we did. Carol Todd came down. If you don’t know who that is, that’s Amanda Todd’s mum who?

Amanda Todd, the year that she died, she was the third, most Googled person in the world. In fact, no, the third most, no, it was actually the most third, most Google thing because it was the iPhone and it was Miley Cyrus when whatever they get on stage. Something happened. I dunno what happened, but anyways, so she was the third, most Googled person.

Have you ever seen a photo of Amanda? Todd? I would dare say, you know exactly who it is. She’s actually a friend of my stepdaughters and I’d draw, you know, I’ve driven Amanda Todd to cheer know her mom drove her mama and her to, to cheer different times. But anyway, so it was, you know, what am I getting at?

We brought them down, Amanda committed suicide, and then a, a big part. Like my brother committed suicide. My wife’s sister committed suicide. So it’s kind of. It was something near and dear to our hearts. I won’t go on about that. I can tell you that imposter syndrome type thing, like the amount of growth and the amount of, I don’t know, contribution is the right word, but the, you know, the way that it made us feel and the way that it filled us up and to this day, we still, again, every, you know, it’s Christmas time now is we’re, we’re doing this.

You know, we’ve got families that we’re helping out to do to do, to do. We wouldn’t have it any other way. I would just say that. Forget us. What about you and road dog? You talked about it last, last week. You know how basically, you know, you’re doing that for you know, at Christmas you’re giving and whatnot, it felt really good.

For anybody listening, I think that act of giving I think is gonna, you know, allow you to beam with pride and stop the silly noise of, you know, the, you know, the noise outside the haters, the doubters those disrespecting you, you know, even that feeling of overwhelm it’ll go. Yeah. You know, the, your opinion is what matters.

That’s the person whose opinions matter. Right? So like, like what do you think of you? Right? Like that’s the trick, you know, believing in yourself in this day and age with social media and everything going on, it’s almost like a rebellious act. So, so there you go shoots. I but yeah, so like, you know, educating yourself at the highest level.

I just think is, and, and again, importantly, when you’re thinking about educating yourself, I encourage you. You know, to make sure you’re learning from the right people. Don’t just go get a little bit from here a little bit. From there, sometimes reading the same book three times is significantly more valuable than reading, you know, three different books, really going deep with somebody I think can be good.

So, but again, don’t, don’t learn from an influencer. Who’s really good on stage how to build a company when they’ve never built a company. And if they did build a company, they no longer got it. And it’s not because they exited for mult, you know, For eight figures it’s because the business doesn’t exist anymore.

Right. So anyways, that’s my take, bud. What do you, 

[00:20:31] Christian: so I got side question for what’s a book that had a bigger impact on you the second time read the first time. 

[00:20:43] Karl: Oh, boom. I’m gonna, I look, this might get a bit bored in, in that I’ve said this book money master the game by Tony Robbins. I believe that’s a topic that near and dear to my heart, like, you know, like wealth.

In fact, I wrote on Facebook literally today where like, you know, entrepreneurs wanna make it, investors want to keep it. So it’s, and, and so if you’re trying to make it, you’re like, but yeah, I’m not in that situation. Well, a, you need to know where you’re going or any road will get you there. But at some you gotta know that you’re, you gotta at some stage make the, you know, You gotta take, go to the next level and it’ll happen in between your ears long before it happens in the real world.

Where you go into wealth, see a mistake that people make road dog is that they wanna retire with massive amounts of money. And of course that’s a good idea but a significantly weigh. What I would want for every, my friends, my family, my loved ones is I want them to retire with. Income. Okay. So example, you got three houses all worth.

Let’s just call it 333 grand per simple math. Three times that would be 1 million would be nowhere near enough money to retire on by the way. But follow me here, assume that that’s much greater than that. You got a million dollars of net worth and most people think that they’re like on their way, right?

No, but really you’d be way better to buy and hold rich people, wealthy people buy and hold. They Don. You know, flip, I’ll give you the red hot tip on that one. But anyway, so let’s just assume that you rented all three of those houses for two grand a month. Well, if you, if you held them, you’d have six grand of income for how long.

For the rest of your life. And it’s not like it’s realistic to thinking like 10 years, 15 years from now that 2000 is gonna become like 1500, by the way. It could, I dunno. I, I could tell you that that could happen. It hasn’t happened ever in the history. And I cannot with trillions of dollars being printed.

I guarantee it’s not gonna happen here, but like, so that income is gonna go up and up and up and up and up. You wanna retire with, with income. That’s a book. Another one I would say is principles, which I think is just lights out. Ray Dalio, absolute stud, one of the smartest people ever to grace planet earth.

So I’m gonna, I’m gonna say principles, but money master the game. I’ve said this often and say it again. That’s a mandatory read for me. What about you shoots? I’m interested what you’d say. 

[00:23:12] Christian: Yeah, it’s interesting. I don’t know, like, it’s just it’s it seems like to me, no matter what book I pick up again, and I probably don’t do it enough to be perfectly honest with you.

Like, but it, it is, it is, it is just interesting how, when you do pick up a book again, just how the person that you are today is, is far different than the person that you used to be. And then the insights and everything that you get, it’s sort of like. And I, this is not avoiding the question because I, I don’t know.

I probably say the book that I’ve read the most is the monk that sold as Ferrari. 

[00:23:42] Karl: Oh, really? I love that book. Oh my God. Actually, you know who one of my favorite books of all time, gosh, I totally forget about this. Is by what’s his name? Robin Sharma, right? Yeah. Is the Saint. The Saint, the surfer and the CEO, which is similar.

I think it might act, it’s got some similarities to the Mon that sold as Ferrari same guy, obviously. But I love that book, the Saint, the surfer and the CEO. Oh my gosh. It’s 

[00:24:07] Christian: so good. It’s so good. But yeah, that was probably the one, cuz I’ve read that a few times and every time I’m like, man, I could just get.

Just depends on what season you’re in, in life and everything else. Right. So there’s, there’s that, but date. Anyways, there’s just, yeah. That, and obviously, you know, like you can read many different interpretations outta the Bible too, but that’s, you know a whole different story there. But the, the thing I just wanted to say real quick is, you know, it’s funny, right?

Like let’s say the software, right? Your software that you have, your e-learning system, that you have to support coaches, all that stuff. A lot of people are like, yeah, well it’s a 12 month program, right? Repeat because you ask the same questions, 12 months later, they’re gonna have different answers.

Totally. Cause they’re gonna be a different level. They’re gonna have different level problems, but those it’s just, you know, that’s like it it’s you rinse repeat because when you’re repeating, you’re repeating from a different, just a different place. Yeah. That client is gonna be having different issues and different problems now.

But the, the same material is still applicable. So I just wanted to bring 

[00:25:12] Karl: that up because yeah. Well, okay. I wanna expand on that. What I would do so totally. Like I totally agree. High five. What I would do is I would always do a quarterly review with my high end coaching clients, some of these guys, again, you know, six figures and well above not trying to big note.

I mean this, just these, these. Little, you know, the little guide, you know, down the road, proper businesses. And what we would do is quarterly review. But what I do is I’d always go to what, what, what we, what mistake that I see very consistently is it’s next, next new, new, next, next, next is the ultimate addiction.

Right? So what we would do is two, two primary questions at those quarterly reviews, what is working. And I look to pour gasoline on that, right? And then what is on the to-do list, you know, on our priority list that has not got, you know, hasn’t we haven’t gotten to it yet. And then we gotta ask ourself the question.

Does it need to be here? Right. And the way that you get there is like, what one task? What can you do that? Like, what’s actually, this is from the book. I think one thing, but it’s like, what one decision can you make that makes other decisions unnecessary? So it’s a bit different the way that I would frame it back in the day, but it was like, like, you know, which one of these priorities, if we do something, can we knock some of these other priorities off?

But bottom line is if we’re not getting into getting to it. Do we need, does it need to be on there? And is there something else that needs to be done? That’s gonna make it a moot point, like is it’s gonna, you know, supersed, you know, kind of fall off the, the list, but, but very importantly, road dog on a quarterly basis.

It’s what is working. And then I looked to pour gasoline on that versus where most coaches go is next, next new, new, which is very exciting. It’s way more dynamic. The coaching client will enjoy it more. But a way more profitable place to go is, is the gasoline trick. So, so there you go. That’s so let me, let me, let me ask 

[00:27:14] Christian: you something real quick, though.

Just a little bit going down this rabbit hole. So I know we like going next, next, next, but there’s a lot of times where we find that clients are just stuck. You know what I mean? It’s like, man, like, why aren’t you doing this? Or they’re just not getting the result. Like, is there, do you have some sort of framework to.

Almost take a step back because maybe it’s imposter syndrome that we just just discussed. Yep. But sometimes they’re just not doing what they know they need to be doing. You know what I mean? It’s like, I wanna go to the next thing and I get that, but at the same time, you’re not even getting the first thing done.

[00:27:49] Karl: yep. Again, yeah. Framework real. The, this is the coaching framework for all of coaching, right? It’s little red arrow. You are here. Gotta establish. Super duper, duper, very difficult to do, easy to say, what do you want? What are we trying to accomplish? What’s the goal, right? The legitimate one. And then the coaching is the gap in.

So the way that you do that, what you just said, the framework is establishing properly, where they’re at, where they want to go, and then it becomes easy. So the, the metaphor, the example that I always give, continue to give probably to the end of time, Kobe Bryant knew he wanted to be the greatest basketball player of all time from 15 years old, never deviated.

And he believed when he retired, there’s an interview out there where he thinks he was the best, better than Shaq. Most, definitely better than Jordan. Better than LeBron was ever gonna be. And that was his opinion and that’s it. And he walked away, you know, like that’s it. So, because his life was easy because he knew exactly what he wanted, broccoli or chocolate.

He wants the chocolate just like you. And I do, but guess what? He grabbed the, the broccoli sleep in on Saturday or get up at five, you know, get up at four, 5:00 AM and go to the gym, wake up and go to the gym. You got the sniffles. He goes to the. Right. Let’s stay late and watch game film when you’re really tired and you’re sore and you gotta game the next day, or you gotta get on a, you know, a bus or you gotta get on a plane watch game film, you know, just it’s easy.

So that’s the really getting clear on the end goal. And then, and by the way, the reasons for the end goal, because then it comes to another one where oh, their goal is to make, they’ll always tell you they wanna make a million bucks. Right. And it’s like, And that’s not gonna get it done. Right? Like you don’t accept that as the, you know what I mean?

Like we gotta go that that person hasn’t gone deeper enough. And the way you go deeper is by establishing. Why, why? Cause remember you could hit a million dollars. And lose money. So they got their goal. They achieved success. Everybody’s high fiving, and they’re looking in their bank account going, what the heck?

And of course that should be rare, but what’s not rare is getting to a million dollars and finding out that they, they were making less money than they were while they were at 550,000. Now that is not rare at all. And this is why they need a coach. Like I tiger woods. Can’t see himself swing. Right.

Michael Jordan, couldn’t see his own jump shot. He needed a coach to help him. And he was a much better basketball player than his coach, but, you know, he needed his coaches or he wouldn’t have got there. So anyway, so that’s which, by the way, 

[00:30:26] Christian: did you see, did you see Charlie woods this weekend? You see in the house?

Yeah. Oh, oh my gosh. Are you kidding me? This kid is insane. He, and he all the mannerisms of his. Like it’s and the way that, like, tiger was just like all business. Right. But that’s just his attitude. Like he wasn’t like, oh my God, I’m so proud. Like just all business. It was crazy. So you talk about, and by the way, Kobe that’s that’s next level.

Right. In terms of like, I wanna be the plumber. What about the average Joe plumber? That’s just like, I don’t think, you know, fricking Joe plumber down the streets, like, you know what, Carl , I’m gonna be the. My goal is to be the best plumber on the planet. 

[00:31:10] Karl: Right. So how do you mean, but that’s why buddy.

That’s why they’re the local plumber men. Sorry. That’s this is the problem. That’s it. The end drop the mic. Just go home. It’s his goal? His he’s not pushing himself. He doesn’t have imposter syndrome because he’s not push. You know what I mean? Absolutely. Again, I, I, I wrote this in an email recently, like road Doug we’re driving traffic.

Right. The best way to get opt-ins is to, to do a tactical offer, right? 90 days do a hundred thousand dollars as a business coach, but the problem is the lead suck, the strategic offer. You know, like differentiating yourself as a business coach, as an example will get lost less opt-ins, but a higher caliber prospect.

Right. But then you go one you know, based around principles. So I was trying to think of the book, Ray alio principles. Like you’re gonna get way less opt-ins, but you’re gonna get higher quality. And an example of that would be, become the best business coach. You can be. Right. So like that, you know, becoming the best business coach.

That’s why I been like this podcast road, dog, like, we’ve never been like lead generation, you know? Oh, go do this, go do that. You know, we’re what we’ve really, this entire podcast has been about being the best business coach you can be. And that’s why, frankly, it’s, you know, it’s, it’s gotten to where it, you know what I mean?

That’s why it’s so popular in, in our own little world. We’re, we’re nothing burgers on steroids when you’d compare us to, you know, Other folks, but in the business coaching world, I don’t know. You tell me another, you know, podcast with as much success and maybe there’s, I’m sure. Maybe there’s some out there.

I got no idea. I honestly don’t give a rats backside. I know what we’re doing, but it’s about becoming the best business coach. You can be. That’s the advice that we give, right. And I think that’s why it’s gone well. So people may, why am I saying that people may or may not realize. That that’s why they’re kind of drawn to it.

Right? Even my daily emails, it’s, it’s never about, you know, leads, leads short term. And of course there’s a little bit of that, but generally speaking, I’m always trying to give advice that will help your clients. Right or help you elevate your thinking. So, so I love that, but you’re right. The plumber is the local plumber because he’s, cuz he’s the local plumber and he’s accepted that.

Which by the way, maybe he’s got a, what do you want? Maybe the last thing in the world, he just wants to watch his three kids grow up. And his dad, he never got to see his dad. Like again, you gotta go to why and he never got to see his dad. And the reason is his dad was always on the road and he doesn’t want that for his kids.

He genuinely he’s driving the minivan and he could not be happier with his minivan. It actually is source of pride for him. Anyway, so you get it like. So the local plumber maybe wants to stay the local plumber, but that being said very rare to meet a, you know, a business owner that doesn’t wanna achieve more with less and.

The way that you do that is by framing up, you know, a better business, better incentive programs, you know, better deliverable, better service, et cetera. So I that’s my answer, but so I, 

[00:34:15] Christian: and I just gotta say, by the way of that, there’s two things we’re going rabbit hole city today. Couple things there first off.

Look, I, if you’re, if you’re doing lead gen and not that we talk about a lot, but I’m just gonna talk about it just for a quick second and especially running Facebook, right? Like lead ads. Yes. You’re gonna run those. You’re gonna run those, like you’re saying, you’re gonna get, you’re gonna run the campaign.

That’s gonna generate more leads, but they’re gonna be less quality to get your cash flow going. Once you have that secure, then you pivot, then you pivot to finding the right person. You know what I mean? Like you fir you gotta get paid right. First foremost. But the other thing I just wanna say is when you talked about the differentiating and like the, just the difference between those two strategies of.

More leads, but they’re horrible versus much lower lead count, but they’re higher quality. Yep. Like the thing that came to me was like, man, that’s almost like a filter, you know, like see, we almost be filtering prospects through that lens of look is if your ambition is you don’t even care to be the best local plumber, like they probably would be horrible coaching clients.

Wouldn’t you. 

[00:35:19] Karl: That’s yes. Yes. And yes, this is it. This is why coaches say, you know, like you gotta it’s, it’s the a, like the avatar, like, so it’s not just what your offer, but it’s like, who’s your offer for you gotta start with, you know, who are you going to? What are their wants desires? Where are they greedy?

Where are they, you know, philanthropy? Like, you know what I mean? Like understanding them at an intimate level is gonna make everything easier. And that’s what I was saying a minute ago. Right? Like the local plumber. Very rarely are you gonna meet a business owner? Otherwise they wouldn’t have stepped out who doesn’t want to grow and doesn’t wanna make more money in less time as a framework.

And that’s not always possible by the way. And we know that sometimes, you know, there’s a one year process that they need to really dig in and do some work in order to make, you know, the longer term easier. But, but yeah, there you go, bud. Yeah, love it. 

[00:36:13] Christian: Okay. So getting back the bigger picture. So, and you know what, I’m glad we just had this little pivot because a lot of people might be sitting there going, man, these guys only talk these big, big conceptual, almost type of conversations.

That’s why. Like, because you’re, you’re not just here. Look, there’s 1,000,001 people that can teach you how and, and show you exactly how to get leads. But if you wanna become the best, the best, you know, like we got a question here, it’s like, what’s your take on, on the metaverse and where it fits for business coaches.

Like, hello, that is a huge question. And by the way, I had this conversation the other day with somebody and it’s. Isn’t it funny how, when you and I grew up Carl, like, sorry, when I grew up, when you didn’t have TVs, when you grew up. But like, when I was growing up, my parents would always say things like, don’t sit so close to the TV and here we are now literally putting a VR machine on their freaking head.

You know, like how hilarious is 

[00:37:11] Karl: that? I know I don’t. So that’s the question. So what, what, 

[00:37:17] Christian: where is it fit for business coaches? Right? Like how does that, how do you see that fitting in. 

[00:37:24] Karl: Okay. Look, I think I, I like it. I think, you know, thinking big, I agree with you road, Doug. Look, it’s a business case study on steroids, Zuckerberg, like he’s changed.

He changed the name of the company from Facebook to meta for anybody not, you know, come up, you know what I mean? Like familiar. And if you’re not aware, And a lot of aren’t like, you’re, you’re crazy not to be wondering, like, don’t okay. He changed the name to meta. Right. But like my first inclination is to go, why would he do that?

And believe me, he didn’t do it because he liked the name, meta this sort of, you know what I mean? Like they’re, they’re very, very, very strategic reasoning behind it. Just think of technology. Like we went from voice. To text. Remember how excited you were when you sent your first text and got your first text, how cool that was.

And then we went to pictures, right? Again, think of how excited you used to be on your iPhone. When the, you know, the, the, the camera was so good and we went to video and where we’re going now. So that’s, you know, voice, text pictures, video, and now we’re going to virtual reality. And then, so we’re kind of, I don’t know, like virtual reality, like it’s kind of there, but meta is basically augmented reality.

Like think holograms, imagine like, you know, you and I kickboxing and then actually being able to feel the punch from the hologram. Right. And that, that is years away. But like, that’s the bigger, bigger vision. Right. And, and certainly, you know, like living in a different country, like I moved my dad to Mexico.

Right. Like being able to, you know, we, we chat almost every night. Right. But like being able to feel like I’m sitting in the same room as him and chatting with him, you know, that’s gonna be next level. And, and that’s not all that far away, probably happening in, in some way, shape, perform somewhere. But that’s the kind of thing that that’s, what’s coming.

Right. And I think that’s, it’s critically important. You know, to see. That’s what’s coming, but here’s the bigger picture, right? You’re gonna see Zuckerberg out there doing interviews. I wanna ask you the question. When have you ever seen Zuckerberg do an interview? And the answer is he doesn’t do interviews.

Why? Because he’s building a trillion dollar company and doing your podcast ain’t happening. Right. But, so why is he doing it? Well, When you go to the public, right? Like with, we are his message as I saw it, we are, and I’m not the expert here by any stretch. Right. But what I like to think is that I, I like to go, you know, second, third, fourth order consequences, or, you know, kind of matrix the, the, the dynamic, the situation.

And he’s out there saying we are solving problems around augmented, augmented reality, right. What happens and will happen. It’s already happening. I guarantee it, I don’t work for Facebook, but I can tell you it’s that people are in, that are interested in those problems. Like, as in working with augmented reality are going to find their way to Facebook or meta as it’s now called.

Like you get it. So by him out there doing interviews, If you wanna F Zuckerberg has no chance of completing this on his own. He needs passionate, obsessed people to basically come and say, like, I see how this is a game changing undertaking. There is a problem that I wanna solve as in me having a conversation with my dad when he is in Mexico, feeling like we’re there road, dog.

And I doing kickboxing when we’re not in the same room, right? Like, and road, dog’s a pretty big guy. So him kicking me might not work out too well, but anyways so, so changing the name is a way of accelerating the marketing message in a way. You know that you didn’t know what the metaverse was a couple weeks ago and now you’ve probably heard it a hundred times.

If not more and soon it’ll be like second nature. Just the way social media at one time was something you didn’t know what the hell it was. And now it’s just like, you know, every day occurrence. It, the same thing organically is gonna feel semi-natural. So the metaverse. And, and by the way, it’s five years from being, you know, day to day, but five years goes quick.

So to, as a business coach and what we were talking about just a minute ago, road, dog, like I think you should be thinking about this stuff and adjusting your flight plan. Cause if you wanna be a successful business coach, The, why do business coaches fail? Cause they go 90 days to 90 days. I I’ll talk to, I hear from coaches all the time.

It’s like, oh, it’s just not working for me. Right. I’m like, what is ever like when you SW, when you learn to swim, did you learn to swim in 90 days? The answer’s no. Right. So. So, yeah, like this augmented reality, like, like road Doug, you, you drive down the road, right. And a guy will have like a flag of like a sports team hanging out the car, or, you know, during the playoffs.

And then you got like a funny bumper sticker or maybe it’s, you know, Harvard or MIT, cause your kid goes there. Or maybe you played on the football team in the nineties and you still got, you know, their, whatever, their bumper sticker, whatever you’re gonna have. Right. And it’s, it’s even the type of like a convertible that you drive.

Like a guy who drives a convertible, it says something about them, right. VMs, right. A guy who drives $120,000, $200,000, Mercedes, it says something to him, somebody that drives a Hummer. Absolutely. The minivan that says something too. Right? So like the, and the picks you put on social media, like they’re very representative of you, right?

The clothes that you wear But, you know, I was at road, I was at the Starbucks and this gal walked in and I I’ve got a souped up Jeep. Right. If you follow me on Facebook, you would’ve seen it at some stage, but I’m very proud of it. And I love it. Right. But she walks in, she walks right up to me, no joke.

And she says, Is that that must be your Jeep or is that your Jeep? Right? And I’m like, there’s like 30 people in Starbucks. Right. I’m like, what’s going on? And you know, and I’m like, yes. And we ended up chatting, but clearly, I don’t know. I, I guess I look like the guy, you know, with my hat and whatever else, the guy that was driving the, the Jeep.

Right. So like, that’s how I’m representing myself out there. So some people look like football players, some people look like hockey player. Some people look like dancers. You know, if you go to a seminar and then you say, if you work out three times a week, raise your hand or maybe stand up, you don’t need them to stand up because you can tell when they’re walking around the lobby, which ones are going to the gym three times a week and which ones aren’t right.

So. You know, in metaverse you’re gonna have like a similar, like, you know, your clothes and your Jeep, it’s gonna make sense to people, right? So you’re gonna be representing your people like that is absolutely happening. It’s already happening with the way that you represent yourself on social. Right. Is it all family photos, it all business stuff.

Is it, you know, whatever it is. And so look my point here and what I would say, like to take away by going public, this is my message. Zuckerberg is attracting the best engineers and the people that are interested in working on augmented reality, which is gonna be our new reality. And that, that’s what I see.

Right. And so question, if you’re listening to this as a business coach, what are you going public with? Are you going public looking for a lead generator? Are you going public looking for a kick butt coach to work underneath you? Are you going public with looking for a kick butt public speaker to work at your, you know, to work at your next event or, you know, what you’re working on?

You know, and by the way, and then are you talking about your mission? And, you know, the, you know, solving the business failure problem in your city, in your state, in your community, right? Like, like I’m out there talking about solving problems for business coaches, coaches, and we, you know, like we invented software for business coaches, right?

So profit acceleration software. I’ve just attracted those types of people into my world. And it’s accelerating big time. I had a guy just email me the other day with some really cool software. And this is. Totally abnormal nowadays. And it’s one that I’m looking at and I think really looks interesting, but these types of things are coming, right?

So like, my vision is out there. If you go to my Facebook page, you’re gonna see the software, you’re gonna see the images. You’re gonna see the things that I’m talking about. This is how I’m putting myself out there. And some of you, when you do that, you might want to think about the way that you’re putting yourself out there and you might want to adjust it a little bit.

Right. But, and just thinking about. Look, the utility, like ultimately is the soft is metaverse gonna work, right? Like again, if it’s put out there and it’s a big dog’s breakfast, it. It’s not gonna fly. Right? So again, you really gotta be thinking, the reason Facebook is so good is because the utility of the software, because it works right.

I talk to our it guys all the time. Like it’s not about, you know, flash and we just built this profit acceleration simulator. It’s at the end of the day. It’s not live as I, as I do this because it’s not bloody ready. Right. Because we, we can’t, we, we gotta make sure that the utility of the thing, when the business owners go to it and the chiropractor, the dentist, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker go plug their numbers into the, the simulator.

We need to know that it’s it’s gonna work and that it’s gonna convert to a high end coaching client. And it’s. Just not quite there, but forget utility, utility, utility, like doesn’t work the way that you make something work is you attract the right people who are obsessed and on and buy into your mission and are willing to work, you know, long and hard.

Right. And Facebook utility’s insane. That’s why, you know, the picks, the chat, the messenger, the private messaging, the phone calls that you can make, the video calls that you can make the tagging of photos. It’s just insane. The, the functionality, the utility of Facebook is just unbelievable. Right? So, so anyway, so I’m getting off on that, cuz that’s what he’s trying to do.

He’s trying to do the saying, he knows that augmented reality is not gonna work unless he can create an unbelievable user experience. That’s not gonna work if he doesn’t attract the right people. And like, again, you, you introduce me to a 10 million company and I’ll introduce you to a PR company, said that all the time.

You got a trillion dollar company, you got a billion dollar company, you got a hundred billion company. You’ve absolutely got a company as in your business is, is basically you recruiting people to fulfill vision, you know, solving the problem as you see it. Right. Anyways, so there we go. 

[00:47:20] Christian: Listen, listen, I wanna know, I wanna, I wanna, next week I wanna have a breakdown of exactly.

The meta reality for the candlestick maker. like, this is where we’re going. Cause that dude’s feeling kinda lost right now. Right? Like, come on. I’m so glad the candlestick maker made a, made a, you know, a last second appearance in the podcast. So that makes very happy listen folks. When Carl was talking about posting, please, for the love of all things, holy please.

Document. Don’t like don’t fabricate, like I’m so like, I think we’re all over the, the, the Lambo, the inside the jet, the like, unless your name is Ty Lopez. Just stop it. Like, just stop it. No one cares. And you only look like a big douche when you’re doing it. So nobody wants to look, you know, be a douche canoe, Canadian term, look it up.

Anyways, that’s it like. That’s it. That’s all I gotta say about that. Cuz it just, it, it really triggers me when I see all these people. It’s like, man, you’re so fake and people can see right through it. They just can’t. Right. So, and that’s why I loved it. Dude. When you made that comment of, you know, like show me your bank account and now show you what your values really are.

I don’t care what you say like that is the ultimate, right? If your bank. Doesn’t reflect very similar your habits and things. You’re posting online, your opposer and just stop doing that and start being authentic. And guess what people are gonna like, like it’s just how its, so there you people like Carl and he’s hard to like sometimes I’m about that.

So there you go. With his bad jokes, people still subscribe. Like they like it. It’s 

[00:49:09] Karl: they love, they love. 

[00:49:11] Christian: Oh dude. So besides upping your dad joke game, as part of your email sequence, can you give us one thing that people can you know, implement inside of their coaching business today? 

[00:49:24] Karl: One thing go that we kinda ended on Zuckerberg, which I think is a little bit big you know, You know, the what did I say earlier?

Like people thinking you’re stupid when you’re actually quite smart and strategic for that matter, you know, like plan kind of stupid. If that makes sense. I don’t it’s not a bad position to be. Right. And of course, when I say I’m, I’m using the wrong term there. Right. But not, you know, like going in and grandstanding about how amazing you are, what road dog just said, you know, like, you know, posting, you know, Airplanes and all that sort of stuff on your, your profile, generally speaking, you’re you’re not going to attract those ideal clients.

The guys, you know, the, the ones that are gonna spend big pickies on your coaching. So I just think that, you know, the imposter syndrome is kind of how we got there, right? Like really, you know, push yourself internally, not externally, push yourself internally. This is where the magic is again. The like the people that really like we’ll call ’em professionals.

They’re totally okay with being underestimated and doubted. And then, you know, it’s those that haven’t quite made it, quote, unquote, won’t allow it. Right. So like what’s the gap, what happens? It’s their ego takes over, right? So who’s the one that really surpasses everybody. It’s the guy that’s more than happy.

Be look underdog. That’s what I’m looking for. Be, be comfortable with a bit of an underdog. You know, Under underdog tag. I think it can be really, really valuable and allow you to be that kind of Tom Brady that takes over drew Bledso. So, so that’s what I’m gonna say. I just don’t let your ego make you feel like always disrespecting me.

She’s disrespecting me. I feel disrespected. I think that’s a really it’s. It’s not gonna work generally speaking. It’s not gonna allow you and help you to accomplish the goals you’re looking to accomplish. So there you go shoots. 

[00:51:09] Christian: The last thing I gonna say is Michael Hunt. If you’re listening to this, if you can get me an autograph, Tom Brady that I can give to I’m, you know, like.

The, the man love that you have is it’s inspiring. it’s it’s it’s electric beyond anything I’ve 

[00:51:27] Karl: seen before. It’s electric. There you go, 

[00:51:30] Christian: dude. Listen folks. Thanks for tuning into another episode of Carl loves Tom and business coaching secrets with the man on top of the hell cart king, Carl himself.

Someone said king Kong, that would’ve been awkward. Listen, if you’re not on the inside and getting asked to the pre-show or you aren’t getting Carl’s daily emails with those amazing dad jokes, be sure to go to and subscribe today, trust me, you will regret those jokes, but the other content is amazing.

And if you enjoyed this podcast, please share with a fellow coach or someone you think might make a great coach. And of course, as always, we’d appreciate it. If you leave a review, if you like what you heard as we know that all the streaming services. Obviously get a, give a ton of weight towards positive reviews and that is it for another week.

Big shooter. I can’t believe that is it. So we’ll see you the next episode folks remember. Progress equals happiness. Take care. Everybody. 

[00:52:23] Karl: Carl Bryan built profit acceleration software. 2.0 to train business coaches, how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes. Without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising This becomes a business coach’s superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never, again, have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high end coaching fees. Check us out at


Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™

Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.

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